#that sweater looks particularly comfortable as i’m freezing my ass off rn
hkfarewells · 3 years
hello! ive been looking for a certain daniel ash meme for a while. and im not the only one searching for this. the meme was dan in sweater with a caption like "even in grandma’s sweater i look more goth than you". i saw it around 2019 so i barely remember how it looked. honestly i dont even remember where have i saw it. probably on vk but it definitely was a repost from tumblr or reddit because vk is a russian site while the caption on the meme was in english. could you please send the meme to me if you have it? or maybe you saw it as well and do have any info about it.
i searched everywhere for this & i swear i recall seeing that exact same meme. perhaps mandela effect. anyway, to help you in this time of need, i’ve taken matters into my own hands & recreated it
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