#that time she made that incest joke abt my literal brother
nnjidi-moved · 6 years
Don't R B
i'm too tired and lazy to make a coherent rant type post and i'm also on mobile but i've been having thoughts about that "trash fandom culture" post and the way kids get sucked into things where adults have that "omg we're such trash/x is garbage but we still stan" mindset. it de-sensitizes them to content that is actually trash bc it's harmful and, i can't articulate it well but there's a way that it ties in to: people that can't differentiate between thinking x is "cringey" or making fun of kids liking it, and actual criticisms of y and how kids don't realize that it's harmful
like for example people making fun of kids liking an anime vs. people pointing out that an anime is just gross and fetishistic/pedophilic/promotes racism/imperialism etc. Etc. like you can think of fandom for each of those categories where irresponsible adults just act like those things are okay 😬 and when u talk about how they're not then they get all defensive and shit and it's like. why are you defending these things but when x whether it be an anime or game or whatever is content that kids access without knowing the things wrong about it or about its creators (and knowing about the creators is important too, because a piece of work doesn't exist on it's own and is definitely influenced by the views of the creators--like I can think of aot and h*talia, where the creators obviously have fascist/imperialist views or pmmm with the loli trope or the *rc*na where the creators condone sexual abuse like incest and you can't divorce their works from that context!) like these things need to be talked about!
adults are responsible for checking how their fiction affects reality and especially in fandom you can't deny criticism if there's something harmful and you should share information about it widely without bitching like it's a personal attack and, if you continue to promote those things despite knowing better yes, you are a part of the problem!
because tbh kids who discover fandom really don't know better :/ this is bc i remember when I was 12/13 and had a friend with that self described "trash otaku" personality who'd make incest jokes around me and why that happens. and she was into a lot of bad stuff. in some fandoms it's like, normalized. it's your Sin Bin Trash am I right. Especially here on tumblr it's worse because you can't control what is shared to whom and who sees it so freaks thrive and that is a problem! If you see criticism about something take it seriously and understand why you shouldn't promote it!
and when i mention creators and their works and bring up h*talia and pmmm and the *rc*na is because those are just examples i'm familiar with (i never watched aot but I've seen ppl say similar things abt it to h*tlia so) and if you're like "well those things aren't as bad as the others!" Then you're proving my point lol. whatever aspect of that is normalized usually is something racist or sexual and it's just gross coming across something as a kid like "hey this looks like a cute magical girl anime!" and then discovering later that it's just exploitative. you feel gross! and I know a lot of anime creators are horrible especially the Men but still, pointing out the issues is vital especially when there are a lot of impressionable children on this site
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