#that video is a staple of our world today so ur welcome actually
ssehuns · 6 years
mmkay first of all fuck you for making me hear the word babussy with my own two ears?? also if we're spilling tea about crushes mine's literally so out of my league ;; i was at a school dance when i realized i actually liked her bc she was dancing and looking super good + my brain decided it was convenient to realize hoLY FUCK IT'S A CRUSH :))) this was going somewhere but i kinda forgot because now i'm internally screaming about how cute she is?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dfghjnhgfghj so many people got mad at me for that post omg but it’s my favorite song I’m sorry. ur crush is ridiculously cute wow good luck with her!!!
it’s sleepover time! come spill about crushes or your day or anything at all!
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