#that was so long and rambly fjffjfj im so sorry
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someone sent this to my main fjfjfjf i'm assuming this is where it was meant to be sent
okay so buckle up kiddos this is gonna be a long one.
in short, The In-Between as we now know it is actually an AU of a spinoff of a crossover of two and a half of my WIPs.
the original idea came from my WIP UnSuper Squad, in which (slight spoilers for UnSuper Squad ahead, not that i really care anymore) there is a trio of siblings and the youngest one was thought dead for a few years, but it turned out he was actually stranded on another dimension.
now here is where it gets tricky.
i had another, completely independent idea called Guardians of Interdimensional Integrity or GIDI (which i haven't even come close to writing yet) involving interdimensional travel, and one of the characters was supposed to be someone stranded in a different dimension than their own. and then, bc i am crazy, i had the idea of making that character the lost sibling from UnSuper Squad. and then having a whole "crossover episode" at some point where the lost sibling returns home.
which spawned the idea of the spinoff that i like to call Paige and Eddie, Ghostseekers, (hence the two and a half) where said lost sibling (Eddie) and his older sister (Paige), now reunited, decide for some reason to start their own Buzzfeed Unsolved style web series bc Paige is into that sort of thing.
now this was in October, and i was scrambling to find a WIP to work on for NaNo. and then i thought, hey, if i change the names and tweak a few details, i could totally turn this into it's own WIP.
and thus The In-Between was born.
thanks for asking!💕
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