#that whole scene kills me that one split second of pen smoothing down her dress looking despondent with no dances
nic-coughlan · 2 months
okay but LISTEN nearly every young female has done that 'wardrobe overhaul' were you change everything about yourself to fit 'society' and when penelope is standing in that dancing hall watching the other gentlemen and ladies dancing, and stealing kisses on the dancing floor, and she smooths down her dress and fidgets with this deeply dissatisfied and upset look on her face because despite the change of wardrobe and despite the shift to better herself nothing has changed. it's just so relatable!!!! because you can fully understand how she is feeling, that overwhelming stomach dropping moment that despite the prettiness of the dress, the change of colour, she's still in the background completely overlooked and i just cannot wait to see that shift and colin finally fucking realises what was in front of him all along and makes her feel...beautiful.
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