#that's 20 thousand people with individual lives and families and expenses. lost their jobs in the last six months
newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Landlords look for an exit amid federal eviction moratorium (AP) When Ryan David bought three rental properties back in 2017, he expected the $1,000-a-month he was pocketing after expenses would be regular sources of income well into his retirement years. But then the pandemic hit and federal and state authorities imposed moratoriums on evictions. The unpaid rent began to mount. Then, just when he thought the worst was over, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a new moratorium, lasting until Oct. 3. David, the father of a 2 1/2-year-old who is expecting another child, fears the $2,000 he’s owed in back rent will quickly climb to thousands more. The latest moratorium “was the final gut punch,” said the 39-year-old, adding that he now plans to sell the apartments. Most evictions for unpaid rent have been halted since the early days of the pandemic and there are now more than 15 million people living in households that owe as much as $20 billion in back rent, according to the Aspen Institute. A majority of single-family rental home owners have been impacted, according to a survey from the National Rental Home Council, and 50% say they have tenants who have missed rent during the pandemic. Landlords, big and small, are most angry about the moratoriums, which they consider illegal. Many believe some tenants could have paid rent, if not for the moratorium. And the $47 billion in federal rental assistance that was supposed to make landlords whole has been slow to materialize. By July, only $3 billion of the first tranche of $25 billion had been distributed.
Student loans (WSJ) The Biden administration announced it will wipe out $5.8 billion in student loans held by 323,000 people who are permanently disabled. This means the Education Department will discharge loans for borrowers with total and permanent disabilities per Social Security Administration records. Currently there is $1.6 trillion held in student loan debt, much of which could be eliminated through executive action.
New England preps for 1st hurricane in 30 years with Henri (AP) New Englanders bracing for their first direct hit by a hurricane in 30 years began hauling boats out of the water and taking other precautions Friday as Tropical Storm Henri barreled toward the Northeast coast. Henri was expected to intensify into a hurricane by Saturday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Impacts could be felt in New England states by Sunday, including on Cape Cod, which is teeming with tens of thousands of summer tourists. “This storm is extremely worrisome,” said Michael Finkelstein, police chief and emergency management director in East Lyme, Connecticut. “We haven’t been down this road in quite a while and there’s no doubt that we and the rest of New England would have some real difficulties with a direct hit from a hurricane.”
Booming Colo. town asks, ‘Where will water come from?’ (AP) “Go West, young man,″ Horace Greeley famously urged. The problem for the northern Colorado town that bears the 19th-century newspaper editor’s name: Too many people have heeded his advice. By the tens of thousands newcomers have been streaming into Greeley—so much so that the city and surrounding Weld County grew by more than 30% from 2010 to 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, making it one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. And it’s not just Greeley. Figures released this month show that population growth continues unabated in the South and West, even as temperatures rise and droughts become more common. That in turn has set off a scramble of growing intensity in places like Greeley to find water for the current population, let alone those expected to arrive in coming years. “Everybody looks at the population growth and says, ‘Where is the water going to come from?’” [one local professor] said.
Everything’s Getting Bigger In Texas (AP, CNBC, Forbes) Texas has long been a popular destination for newcomers, thanks to cheaper land and housing, more job opportunities, lower taxes, and fewer regulations. There’s also the great weather, food, schools, and medical facilities, the abundant resources and year-round recreation and outdoor activities, artistic and cultural events, fairs, festivals, music venues, and the diverse and friendly people—you know, just to name a few. Texas has always been a business-friendly environment, which has certainly not been lost on tech and financial companies headquartered in strictly-regulated and high-priced states like California and New York. There are 237 corporate relocation and expansion projects in the works in Texas just since the pandemic hit. Tech giant Oracle moved its headquarters to Austin in late 2020; Tesla is building its new Gigafactory there, and Apple will have its second-largest campus there as well. Both Google and Facebook have satellite offices in Austin, and the file hosting services company Dropbox will be leaving San Francisco for Austin. Recently, the global real estate services firm CBRE and multinational financial services behemoth Charles Schwab moved their headquarters from California to the Dallas area. Hewlett Packard’s cofounders were two of the original grandfathers of Silicon Valley, who started their company in a Palo Alto garage in 1939. Now, the corporation is moving its headquarters from San Jose to Houston. And the number of mega-wealthy individuals who’ve moved to Texas are too numerous to mention. It’s not just big cities like Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio that are seeing an influx of people—bedroom communities are growing by leaps and bounds as well—places like New Braunfels, located in the Texas Hill Country, Conroe, 40 miles north of Houston, and McKinney, just 30 minutes up U.S. 75 from Dallas.
‘Bracing for the worst’ in Florida’s COVID-19 hot zone (AP) As quickly as one COVID patient is discharged, another waits for a bed in northeast Florida, the hot zone of the state’s latest surge. But the patients at Baptist Health’s five hospitals across Jacksonville are younger and getting sick from the virus faster than people did last summer. Baptist has over 500 COVID patients, more than twice the number they had at the peak of Florida’s July 2020 surge, and the onslaught isn’t letting up. Hospital officials are anxiously monitoring 10 forecast models, converting empty spaces, adding over 100 beds and “bracing for the worst,” said Dr. Timothy Groover, the hospitals’ interim chief medical officer.
Grace heads for a second hurricane hit on Mexican coast (AP) Hurricane Grace—temporarily knocked back to tropical storm force—headed Friday for a second landfall in Mexico, this time taking aim at the mainland’s Gulf coast after crashing through the country’s main tourist strip. The storm lost punch as it zipped across the Yucatan Peninsula, but it emerged late Thursday over the relatively warm Gulf of Mexico and was gaining energy. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Grace’s winds were back up to 70 mph (110 kph) early Friday and were expected to soon regain hurricane force. It was centered about 265 miles (425 kilometers) east of Tuxpan and was heading west at 16 mph (26 kph). The forecast track would take it toward a coastal region of small fishing towns and beach resorts between Tuxpan and Veracruz, likely Friday night or early Saturday, then over a mountain range toward the heart of the country and the greater Mexico City region. Forecasters said it could drop 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) of rain, with more in a few isolated areas—bringing the threat of flash floods, mudslide and urban flooding.
“Self-determination 1, Human Rights 0” (Foreign Policy) Most Latin American governments offered little official support to the U.S. War in Afghanistan when it began in 2001. At the time, Venezuela put forward a blistering critique of meeting “terror with more terror,” and then-Cuban leader Fidel Castro said U.S. opponents’ irregular warfare abilities could draw out the conflict for 20 years. Over the weekend, as the Afghan government collapsed and chaos engulfed Kabul’s airport, today’s leaders of Cuba and Venezuela echoed their critiques while foreign ministers of other Latin American countries diplomatically issued statements of concern about Afghanistan’s humanitarian needs. Chile and Mexico made plans to accept Afghan refugees, and several countries signed on to a joint international statement protecting Afghan women’s rights. To many in Latin America’s diplomatic and foreign-policy communities, the dark events in Afghanistan confirmed the importance of the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs. The extended U.S. presence in Afghanistan was “the same mistake as always: trying to build democratic states through the use of force,” Colombian political scientist Sandra Guzmán wrote in El Tiempo. Many Latin Americans stressed that methods other than military interventions should be used to work toward human rights, even as they acknowledged how challenging it can be to make progress. “Self-determination 1, human rights 0 #Afghanistan,” tweeted Uruguayan political scientist Andrés Malamud after Kabul fell.
Afghanistan war unpopular amid chaotic pullout (AP) A significant majority of Americans doubt that the war in Afghanistan was worthwhile, even as the United States is more divided over President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and national security, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows. Meanwhile, 47% approve of Biden’s management of international affairs, while 52% approve of Biden on national security. The poll was conducted Aug. 12-16 as the two-decade war in Afghanistan ended with the Taliban returning to power and capturing the capital of Kabul. Biden has faced bipartisan condemnation in Washington for sparking a humanitarian crisis by being ill-prepared for the speed of the Taliban’s advance.
The U.S. Blew Billions in Afghanistan (Bloomberg) The rapid collapse of Afghanistan’s government to the Taliban fueled fears of a humanitarian disaster, sparked a political crisis for President Joe Biden and caused scenes of desperation at Kabul’s airport. It’s also raised questions about what happened to more than $1 trillion the U.S. spent trying to bring peace and stability to a country wracked by decades of war. While most of that money went to the U.S. military, billions of dollars got wasted along the way, in some cases aggravating efforts to build ties with the Afghan people Americans meant to be helping. A special watchdog set up by Congress spent the past 13 years documenting the successes and failures of America’s efforts in Afghanistan. While wars are always wasteful, the misspent American funds stand out because the U.S. had 20 years to shift course.
Western groups desperate to save Afghan workers left behind (AP) The Italian charity Pangea helped tens of thousands of Afghan women become self-supporting in the last 20 years. Now, dozens of its staff in Afghanistan are in hiding with their families amid reports that Taliban are going door-to-door in search of citizens who worked with Westerners. Pangea founder Luca Lo Presti has asked that 30 Afghan charity workers and their families be included on Italian flights that have carried 500 people to safety this week, but the requests were flatly refused. On Thursday, the military coordinator told him: “Not today.” Dozens of flights already have brought hundreds of Western nationals and Afghan workers to safety in Europe since the Taliban captured the capital of Kabul. Those lucky enough to be rescued from feared reprisals have mostly been Afghans who worked directly with foreign missions, along with their families. European countries also have pledged to evacuate people at special risk from the Taliban—feminists, political activists and journalists—but it is unclear exactly where the line is being drawn and how many Afghan nationals Western nations will be able to evacuate.
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Go the Distance! CH. 2!
click here for chapter one!
A/N: Thank you so much for such a positive response to the first chapter! It made my day to see all the reviews. Please keep them up :) There were a few questions about what a grant is, and some confusion over the general plot of this story, so I will do my best to give y'all some context. The rest will be revealed later on in the story, I promise.
A grant is defined as "a sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose. ie: a research grant". The one mentioned in this story is being offered for the sole purpose of giving young people a chance to pursue their dreams and aspirations, without having to kill themselves working three jobs like the rest of us do in real life.
Some other things: the gang is about the same age, a year or two out of high school (in my mind, L is 19 - coincidentally the legal drinking age where I live - N is 20, and G and E are 21 ish). None of them are in college at the moment, because student loans mean interest and none of them really want to (or are able to) deal with the future repercussions of that. Their individual career paths and aspirations will be discussed further into the story.
I hope you like the second chapter! The next one is already done, so I'm going to finish the one after that before I publish it!
Go the Distance
Three days, four million dollars, and a cross-country road trip that will change their lives for good. OR: The Dreyar Grant for Brighter Futures is a prestigious scholarship granted to only the most deserving of candidates, but even miracles don't come without a price.
... And a thousand years would be worth the wait It might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it through...
"Thank you all for coming," Ms. Strauss begins cheerfully, seating herself at one end of the large conference table situated in the centre of the room. She gestures for the four trailing awkwardly behind her to take a seat on either side of her. Lucy finds it increasingly hard to concentrate as Ms. Strauss begins to brief them on the legalities of the grant. She hands her the envelope containing her high school transcript and photocopied version of her passport, and watches in a zombified stupor as the others do the same. "I'll send these to HQ in Crocus to double check your eligibility, but for now I'm going to assume you're all wonderful people and take your word for it," Mirajane continues in a humoured tone that does nothing to relieve the tension in the air.
"Now tell me, what do you four know about Mr. Dreyar?" Ms. Strauss asks. "I assume you all did your research," she continues, raising an amused eyebrow. Lucy can't help but think this is some kind of test. She exchanges a quick glance with the rest of her companions, each shifting uneasily in their seats. Erza seems to have disappeared into her hair again; even Natsu is looking a little bit less confident about 'having this'. Lucy waits for one of the other three to speak up, before looking nervously back at Ms. Strauss, who – Lucy notices with a jolt – is looking directly at her.
"Ms. Heartfilia? You seem like you might have something to say," Ms. Strauss says with an encouraging smile. Lucy bites her lip. She always was terrible at public speaking. You're a high school graduate with a theatre diploma and English honours, Lucy. Get it together.
"Mr. Dreyar is a so-called legendary business mogul worth approximately 64 billion dollars," Lucy begins slowly, glancing quickly at Ms. Strauss for confirmation. The woman gives her a small smile and Lucy continues, "He was an Ivy League student that originally wanted to be in law, but after a few years of schooling he had a change of heart. He dropped out to pursue a degree in business, and by the time he graduated he had sold two successful companies and had a net worth of 1.2 million dollars."
"Very good, Lucy," Ms. Strauss says, smiling. "Anyone else?" She looks over at Gray, who clears his throat reluctantly. "He never married but has taken in many apprentices over the years and treats them like they are his blood. He acts like a sponsor to ensure they become successful, and then takes a small percentage of their annual income once a year until he has been paid back."
"Not only that, but now that all of his so-called children have grown up and are able to stand on their own, rumour has it that he's looking for a new group of young people to mentor," Natsu jumps in enthusiastically, nudging Erza beside him, who rolls her eyes good-naturedly.
"Rumour has it, that's us," she finishes quietly in a voice that's tinged with equal parts exasperation and excitement.
"Rumour has it, indeed," Ms. Strauss responds vaguely, eyes roving over the group in what almost seems like approval. "Now, on to business," she says abruptly, disturbing the air of quiet anticipation that has settled over the four young adults. "Mr. Dreyar, while a brilliant man, can be quite… eccentric. Rather than handing the grant over to you at this moment, he has insisted that the four of you join him in Crocus in three days' time so that he can assess your eligibility in person. This means the four of you will have to acquire your own methods of transportation and lodging, should you choose not to travel there via aeroplane. Hotel rooms will be provided for you once you arrive, of course. He has written you into his schedule this Thursday at noon. Any questions?"
When Ms. Strauss finishes speaking, the only sounds in the room are the quiet ticking of an analog clock by the door and the muffled din of traffic outside.
The group is silent as they file out of the room en route to the elevators. They stand awkwardly as they wait for the car, each lost in thought. Erza is tugging on her hair again while Gray and Natsu furrow their brows in the same tense expression, which Lucy might've found amusing if she didn't also find herself so unbelievably screwed. No one says a word until the elevator doors open with a soft ding and close behind them with another muffled thump.
"So, we're pretty much screwed," Natsu echoes Lucy's thoughts, ever the spokesperson. "Flying expensive, and I don't know about you guys, but the reason I applied for this scholarship is that I couldn't afford to splurge on a plane ticket if I wanted to."
"Yup," Gray lets out stiffly, exchanging a loaded glance with Erza that Lucy can't quite decipher.
"However," Natsu continues, "I've driven down to Crocus a few times for soccer games in the past, and I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind us borrowing his van since there's a chance we'd be coming back with a total of four million freaking dollars." He sends a silly look in Lucy's direction, reflected in the polished gold of the elevator still counting down from 14, and she lets out a tense laugh. She takes a deep breath, feeling the tension of the group lift for a brief moment. "If you guys are okay with chipping in for gas money and splitting the cost of a few nights in a hotel, we could spend the next few days driving down to Crocus in time for the meeting," Natsu suggests, raising his eyebrows at the other three expectantly. There's a pause, and then Gray breathes a sigh of relief.
"I mean, that's actually a pretty good idea. I've got my license too, so I could take turns driving if you'd like," Gray offers.
"Same here," Lucy chimes in, and Erza nods in agreement.
"Does that mean you're in?" Natsu asks eagerly, turning to Lucy, who turns to Erza. The two exchange a look, raising hesitant eyebrows as if to reassure each other that going on a spontaneous road trip with two strange guys won't end with getting themselves killed. Girls need to stick together, after all. Then again, Lucy's been through worse and while Erza may look demure, she also seems like the type of person to kill someone in their sleep. Lucy sets her jaw determinedly and gives Erza a little wink. The other girl smiles nervously in response. The world spins a little as the elevator settles, and when the doors finally open with another soft ding, Lucy turns back to Natsu with a grin.
"We're in."
"This one's a little more out of the way, but it's a lot cheaper," Gray suggests an hour later. The group of four have made their way over to a café down the block in order to iron out their plans for the weekend. Lucky for them, Natsu had his laptop in his dad's car that's parked across the street, and they've all crowded around the small table in the corner of the shop, each trying to get a better look at the screen.
"Is it going to be safe, though?" Lucy asks concernedly from behind him. "Family-owned inns usually have lower budget security systems, if you know what I mean."
"Nah, it looks fine," Natsu reassures her, reaching over Erza's plate of strawberry shortcake to pull the laptop closer to him. "It's got a ton of reviews, and all of them say it's clean and relatively safe, see?" he says, pulling it up on the screen for her to check.
"We'll go with that one in Acalypha, then," Erza says resolutely, jotting down the phone number and address in the little notebook Lucy had stashed in her purse at the meeting.
"I can call them later tonight when I call the place in Hargeon to book the rooms," Gray suggests, taking a picture of the page with his phone.
"We did it!" Lucy cheers, flipping back to add it to the PowerPoint Natsu and Gray insisted they create in honour of their 'Road Trip'. Boys. "Looks like we've got it all sorted out then! Where and when do you guys want to meet tomorrow?" she asks, leaning back and nudging the laptop closer to Natsu, who's straining to get a better look over Gray's head.
"I can pick everyone up in the morning," Natsu offers, grinning at her in thanks, and her heart stutters at the easy way he leans across her lap to save the document and shut down his laptop.
"Around 10, then?" Erza suggests, chewing savagely as she stuffs the rest of cake in her mouth. Lucy is kind of surprised at how passionate Erza is about dessert. Never mind how gentle she usually is, she nearly tore off Gray's arm when he came close to knocking it off the table while scuffling with Natsu over the PowerPoint font.
The group confirms the time, each pulling out their phones to add each other on social media. The boys create a group chat with a reminder for their plan tomorrow, aptly naming it 'The Four Million Dollar Road Trip'. Erza and Gray live in the same direction, so they quickly gather their things and head to the train together, casting apprehensive glances at the overcast sky. Apparently, Gray is a last-minute packer and Erza admits to being that chick that brings four suitcases in the name of being 'prepared'. They need all the time they can get.
Natsu and Lucy, on the other hand, take their time packing up. Lucy is organized to a fault and Natsu doesn't seem to be too concerned about getting home right away, so they fill the café with their chatter until they forget that the sunshine surrounding them isn't coming in through the window. When it starts to get dark outside, the conversation turns to their homes and families. They are surprised to discover that they live in the same neighbourhood; his building is just down the block from hers. She learns his sister Wendy takes dance classes and sings off-key in the shower, and in turn she tells him all about her golden retriever, Plue, who used to follow her to school every day in the third grade.
By the time they are ready to leave, the rain has started and the lightning makes the sky look like it may have cracked open in the downpour. And if Natsu is pleased to hear that Lucy has forgotten her umbrella and may need to join him for the car ride home, well, he doesn't say a thing.
I based Makarov's backstory on Mark Zuckerberg lmao. He's a controversial person, for sure, but useful when it comes to needing rich entrepreneur character backgrounds.
Comments? Questions? Reactions? Drop me a review!
See y'all soon!
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orbemnews · 3 years
To Solve 3 Cold Cases, This Small County Got a DNA Crash Course In October of 2016, the remains of three murder victims, dead for three decades, were laid to rest in Newton County, a rural corner of Indiana. Two were young men, likely teenagers, the victims of a serial killer in 1983. The third was a woman found dead in 1988 on the bank of a creek. She had been shot in the head, covered with car tires and lit on fire. Their bones, stored in tattered cardboard boxes and black trash bags, had been passed down from one county coroner to the next. When Scott McCord took the job in 2009, he gave the remains names: Adam, Brad and Charlene. He ordered anthropological and dental analyses, facial sketches and DNA tests in an effort to find their true identities. Nothing panned out. So Mr. McCord gave Newton County, a community of about 14,000, a chance to mourn their “kids,” as he called them. He paid for three small coffins, and a local florist donated flowers. Nineteen high school students volunteered to be pallbearers. After a ceremony at a county building, the teens piled into a yellow school bus and Mr. McCord, a part-time bus driver, followed three hearses, each donated from a different funeral home, to the cemetery. “I didn’t think we’d ever see resolution to any of the cases,” Mr. McCord said. As it turned out, he was wrong. In late 2019, Mr. McCord, his deputy and a county prosecutor decided to try a complicated forensic technique that had nabbed the infamous Golden State Killer a year earlier. The effort turned into a yearlong crash course in a niche area of science: using genetic markers to build multigenerational family trees. It would require a million-dollar DNA sequencing machine, a custom-built computer in Texas and the utmost patience of volunteer genealogy buffs. Mr. McCord and his team are among a growing number of investigators that have joined the scientific vanguard to revive cold cases. Hundreds of cases, of both victims and perpetrators, have likely been solved. Some have involved extracting DNA from decades-old bones, hair or minute traces of skin cells. Others have benefited from the most comprehensive and expensive type of DNA testing, known as whole-genome sequencing. In turn, a cottage industry has emerged to help. Critics worry that the widening use of this investigational method could lead to what is essentially a national DNA database for law enforcement, giving police access to highly personal information from a wide swath of the public without their explicit consent. The only significant limit is the cost — typically several thousand dollars per case — and that is dropping rapidly, as demand surges. “My county was more than happy to pay,” Mr. McCord said. Everyone and their grandmother Genetic genealogy debuted more than 20 years ago as a pastime for ancestry enthusiasts. The customer sent a saliva sample to a company like FamilyTreeDNA and could then log in to a website showing how closely their genetic markers matched with those of other people — long-lost relatives — in the company’s databases. Margaret Press, a software developer and mystery writer, had used the method for years to help adoptees find their biological parents. In 2017, while reading a novel based on an unsolved murder, she realized that her skills might be equally useful to law enforcement. “It just hit me,” she said. “The same technique that we were using for adoptee searches and finding unknown parents was adaptable to bones and unidentified remains.” She co-founded a nonprofit, called the DNA Doe Project, to try to match unidentified remains with genetic profiles that had been uploaded to an open-source genealogy database called GEDMatch. A set of unknown remains might match to a distant, known cousin, for example. An investigator could then build out a large family tree, first identifying the ancestors the two cousins have in common, such as great- or great-great-grandparents, and then investigating individual branches from those ancestors. Only some of those people would have lived in the right place and time as the unknown victim. More research, and the process of elimination, could ultimately reveal the Doe’s identity. On April 10, 2018, the DNA Doe Project announced that it had used this method to positively identify a 21-year-old woman, previously known only as the “Buckskin Girl,” who had been found strangled in Ohio in 1981; it was the first time the public learned about a cold case solved with genetic genealogy. Two weeks later, police officers in California arrested Joseph James DeAngelo, the so-called Golden State Killer who had murdered 13 people and raped dozens in the 1970s and 80s. The technique employed was again the same, except this time the genetic sample came from the unknown culprit — a trace of semen left at a crime scene — not from a victim’s remains. That case made headlines for weeks, and “the floodgates opened,” Dr. Press said. Investigators across the country were eager to try the technique on their own cold cases, and an industry sprang up to help. Parabon NanoLabs, a forensics company based in Reston, Va., was an early pioneer, and has since worked on more than 550 cases for law enforcement. The Golden State Killer and many other cases relied upon a DNA test called a microarray, which generates a subset of key markers from a person’s DNA code, like an abridged version of a book. But increasingly, investigators are turning to private companies for whole-genome sequencing, which reconstructs a person’s entire DNA code. This more sensitive test is often best for old and degraded DNA, such as from skeletal remains heavily contaminated with bacteria. HudsonAlpha Discovery, a lab in Alabama, has worked on about 1,100 forensic cases. Astrea Forensics, in California, began as part of an academic paleogenetics lab, and Othram, in Texas, has worked on hundreds of cases and raised more than $10 million in venture capital. “It really has exploded,” Dr. Press said. “Everyone and their grandmother is now setting up shop.” As a result, many cold cases have become quicker and cheaper to resolve. In the Golden State Killer case, six investigators worked full time for four months to narrow in on the culprit. Now cases are often solved in weeks or days. The DNA Doe Project, run by Dr. Press and dozens of volunteers, has taken on about 120 cases since 2017, and has fielded inquiries from another 200 or so. Many were from small sheriff’s or coroner’s offices with few resources, Dr. Press said. They are often just as skeptical of the technique, she said, as they are of the psychics who frequently call with tips on open cases: “For many of them it’s in the same category — do I call the psychic back or the genealogist back?” Testing Charlene Mr. McCord and his team in Newton County had not considered genetic genealogy until Rebecca Goddard, the county’s chief deputy prosecutor, heard about the DNA Doe Project on a podcast called “Crime Junkie.” “I understood very little,” Ms. Goddard said. “I just sort of understood the concept of using ancestry to create a family tree.” Mr. McCord reached out to the DNA Doe Project for help, and a collaboration began. Initially, his team divided up the three open cases. As a prosecutor, Ms. Goddard took the only one that was still an open homicide: Charlene Doe, whose charred remains were found by a fisherman in 1988. Mr. McCord took Adam Doe, and his deputy (and girlfriend), Heidi Cobleigh, took Brad Doe. A serial killer, Larry Eyler, had confessed to both boys’ murders years earlier but had not known their names. The plan was for all three investigators to take an online course in genetic genealogy, which would walk them through a mock case. But Mr. McCord and Ms. Cobleigh quickly realized that they were not cut out for the work. It involved hour upon hour of computer searches for obituaries, family trees and other public records in order to deduce the precise familial relationships of people with shared genetic markers. “We sat down and tried to do it and it was just overwhelming,” Mr. McCord said. “It made zero sense to me.” But Ms. Goddard immediately took to it, and dove into Charlene’s case. Back in 2010, Mr. McCord had commissioned a Texas lab to run a DNA test from one of Charlene’s teeth. That test resulted in just a couple dozen genetic markers — too sparse to be compatible with genealogy databases. Luckily the lab, which runs the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, had kept the remaining DNA sample in storage. So now, a decade later, the DNA could be retested with the far more sophisticated whole-genome technology. There was just one problem: The sample contained only 0.3 nanograms, or 300 trillionths of a gram, of genetic material. “When we heard how much it was, we were definitely like, well, not sure if this will work but we’ll give it a shot,” said Kevin Lord, a bioinformatician and private investigator in Belton, Tex., and the lab liaison for the DNA Doe Project. Charlene’s sample, in a tiny plastic tube, was wrapped in foam and cold packs, and shipped overnight to HudsonAlpha’s lab in Huntsville, Ala. There, the DNA went into a NovaSeq 6000, a million-dollar machine resembling a photocopier. Human DNA is made of three billion “base pairs,” a unique set of molecular letters that creates a book of instructions for our cells. At HudsonAlpha, Charlene’s DNA was split into tiny fragments, then placed in the sequencing machine to decode the precise sequence of letters in each. The machine then created a file containing all of these tiny sequences and uploaded it to a server. Mr. Lord downloaded that file — 71 gigabytes of raw data — onto a custom-built computer and began piecing all of those fragments back together in the right order, producing Charlene’s full genetic code. From there, he focused on a subset of roughly 1.5 million key markers, known as SNPs, that make up the genetic “profiles” used by genealogy companies. He then sent Charlene’s profile to the two genealogy databases, GEDMatch and FamilyTreeDNA, that make themselves available to law enforcement for such cases. Then came the hard part. Database hunting Ms. Goddard was determined to hone her new sleuthing skills on Charlene’s case. Last May, she began training with L. Elias Chan, a volunteer at the DNA Doe Project who runs a genealogy research business in Seattle. Each database produced a list of people who were genetically related to Charlene, sorted by the percentage of their shared DNA. If a match shared 50 percent of her DNA, for example, it could be a parent, child or full sibling. At lower percentages, the familial possibilities grow; a three-percent match could be a second cousin, a first cousin twice removed, a half first cousin once removed or a befuddling array of other relationships. Ms. Goddard and Mx. Chan met via video chat, sometimes several times a week, to work through Charlene’s matches. Mx. Chan would assign Ms. Goddard an intriguing match, and then suggest ways to track it down. “If she got stuck, she’d send me a message, like, What do I do here?” Mx. Chan recalled. Success in such cases often depends on the size of the database: The larger it is, the more likely it will produce a match. The GEDMatch and FamilyTreeDNA databases are enormous, including millions of people who have voluntarily uploaded their own genetic information. (Ancestry.com and 23andMe also have huge databases but have opted not to make them accessible to law enforcement.) GEDMatch and FamilyTreeDNA have not always been transparent with users that the DNA profiles might be scrutinized by the police. In 2019, under public pressure, GEDMatch abruptly changed its access policy, requiring users to explicitly “opt in” to law enforcement searches. Overnight, investigators lost a raft of promising leads. That policy was in effect when Mr. Lord uploaded Charlene’s DNA profile to the site, in May of 2020. The only matches were to distant cousins, which Ms. Goddard and Mx. Chan dutifully worked through for more than seven months. (To protect the privacy of the victim’s family, investigators have not disclosed the precise familial relationships discovered during the search.) “We were all well in the throes of the Covid pandemic, and so I was spending a lot of time at home,” Ms. Goddard said. “And I remember feeling like I had spent countless hours, but wasn’t a whole lot closer, after all that time, than we had been after the first week or two.” She caught a break in January, when GEDMatch changed its terms of service again, allowing its entire database to be used for forensic searches related to unidentified remains. Mx. Chan called Ms. Goddard with some good news: Charlene now had multiple close matches at the top of her list. True names It didn’t take long to deduce Charlene’s real name: Jenifer Noreen Denton. In 1988, when Ms. Denton was 24, she suddenly went missing from her Illinois home, leaving behind her belongings and a 1-year-old daughter. In February, Ms. Goddard talked to Ms. Denton’s daughter, now grown, for the first time. “I just felt extremely emotional about it,” Ms. Goddard recalled. Over her months of research, she had often imagined what it must have been like for Charlene’s family. “There were people out there who surely loved her and were missing her and were probably desperate for answers.” (Ms. Denton’s family declined, through an intermediary, to be interviewed.) Ms. Denton’s daughter agreed to a DNA test for confirmation. It came back as a strong match with Charlene Doe. “That’s when I felt comfortable breathing again,” Mr. McCord said. He is now bullish about the technology’s potential to solve thousands of other cases, especially his own. In February, Brad Doe’s DNA was sequenced by HudsonAlpha, and on April 2, Mr. Lord uploaded it to GEDMatch. At the top of the list of matches were several close relatives. Three weeks later, and nearly 38 years after the boy’s murder, the team announced Brad’s real identity: John Ingram Brandenburg Jr., a 19-year-old from Chicago who went to a friend’s house one day and never returned. In 1983, after being tipped off by mushroom hunters, police found his remains with those of Adam Doe and two other boys near an abandoned barn off U.S. Route 41 in Newton County. All were victims of Mr. Eyler, also known as the Highway Killer, who murdered at least 21 young men and died in prison in 1994. Mr. McCord said that the teenager’s mother was distraught to learn how he had died. “She woke up every morning for the past 37 years wondering, ‘Is Johnny going to come home today?’” he said. “We hit her kind of hard.” (The family declined, through an intermediary, to be interviewed.) The Newton County team is now focused on solving their last case, of Adam Doe. His long-stored genetic sample was sequenced at HudsonAlpha and uploaded to GEDMatch, but was not robust enough to return any good matches. The team is planning to enlist a lab specializing in ancient organisms to extract a new sample of DNA from the bones. And although Charlene now has a real name, her 1988 murder case remains open. Her remains had been discovered with those of a man who was identified a year later by police. “There were some leads back in the day,” Mr. McCord said. “Now they can go back and hopefully confirm some of those leads, and we can get this resolved fairly quick.” The coroner, who organized Ms. Denton and Mr. Brandenburg’s first funerals, now plans to attend their final memorial services. Mr. Brandenburg’s will be held this month. “That was a specific request from his mother, that I be there, because she said I’ve known Johnny almost as long as she has,” Mr. McCord said. “When she said that, it literally brought me to tears.” Source link Orbem News #cases #cold #County #Crash #DNA #Small #solve
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decordwertge1976 · 4 years
can a parent be added to my health insurance
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can a parent be added to my health insurance
can a parent be added to my health insurance plan since I have high-risk for certain health conditions. My mom’s boyfriend’s health coverage is too low for the cost of my mom and family. Can you help me with that? I am looking for affordable health insurance for my brother living in a hospital stay. How much did it cost since he was discharged/released from hospital and he just recently registered to pay for his parents health insurance. What type of insurance should I get? This can be a great question if you need something affordable and cost effective. One of the things that a spouse on a parents or co pays for. There are more factors that go into determining how much you can contribute to your savings, but I recommend that people get at least enough health insurance to provide the family with their standard of living. The good news is that I recommend people who are on long-term medical care as well. Some of the things when thinking about which kind of insurance should you consider. can a parent be added to my health insurance in the future? If the parent cannot be added to my car insurance when my car is on the way out of state, I’d need to be added to their car insurance. Is the car too high of a risk for my insurer to issue me an admission ticket for driving without sufficient proof of insurance? It seems like a common occurrence, and a relatively common rule as well. In my experience, parents (ages 65 - 79) are not too concerned with their parent’s age, but are willing to take the opportunity to add a parent as the driver of their own car. I have a new car and am wondering if there is a way to add a family member to my car insurance? As for that’s a very common question, the answer is yes. The answer depends on the circumstances (i.e. parent’s age), the reason for adding the driver to my policy (i.e. coverage needs) and other factors. For example,. can a parent be added to my health insurance that my dad recently chose was sick and so they had me insurance company because i wanted to be able to keep my coverage and I think my dad decided to go for it because that it made good medical plan for me and he was in his mid 30s and that he has to pay his medical expenses for almost 15 months. My mom was very concerned about my mom being in my hospital for that illness because when my dad got hospital, there was no emergency care and it was hard going on in him. Since he had a heart transplant at the hospital, i was in charge of keeping bill straight as i was told that they wanted to save as much as possible so my daughter could be able to go back to school and to use the money to pay off her student loans. In our court system, health insurance is often tied to a medical debt and so we have to insure to stay in hospital a patient who has a large medical insurance policy. We can pay for the medical bills and the hospital bills.
Limitations of an Employers’ group health insurance
Limitations of an Employers’ group health insurance plan, under section 7, provide for the flexibility to choose among multiple types of medical benefits. In an Employers’ CIGNA plan, the maximum amounts paid out to the health plan and employees will be fully treated through any one insurer. If an employer, not having a health insurance plan, pays a premium tax, that penalty is reduced by the amount of the premium collected. In an Employers’ health insurance plan, the maximum amount that they pay for medical service for any employee is set by the employer (and is not paid for by the worker); any employee’s total medical benefits will end after the individual reaches age 50. Most employers have a set amount of money that they must pay toward the purchase of a plan. There should be only a set amount of money available to make up for health insurance payments, and the amount of an employee’s remaining medical costs must not be less than 20 percent of the total medical care he or she receives. However,.
Benefits of a group health insurance for your parents
Benefits of a group health insurance for your parents:If you have dependents, see about getting to make sure your spouse does not get lump sum or restricted cash benefits. To ensure, you should talk to your employer or your insurance provider about your options. In the past, if you went to the grocery store with a bunch of expired coupons to purchase, you may not have gotten any cash benefit. If your co-parent had a serious medical accident, it would often cost an insurer hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the person would become the insured of their co-parent. In such a case, the co-parent’s insurance company might raise their premium to more than double what an insured person’s co-pays were. And if the co-pays the co-pays, they might not be responsible to pay as much. In such scenarios, the co-pays would vary, and the co-insurance company would make the premium lower. A has a co-career,.
Characteristics of a Good Health Insurance for your Parents
Characteristics of a Good Health Insurance for your Parents - You, your Parents, and your Careful Parents - It’s often surprising how much less healthy you and your friends are when you are young. If your parents have health issues, your Parents may not think it is a major issue. When this happens, the parents may believe you have a higher risk than they realize, as you would be. We are a company dedicated to providing you great rates for all our families. We know you may be stressed about your weight and health insurance status, and we do it only during our busiest days (we work every day to give our clients the best health insurance rates). This means we can help our staff and clients look at the statistics related to our members that look to see the most common health insurance risk factors. Finding affordable car insurance in Georgia can be difficult. Rates can vary significantly from one company to the.
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Other Insurance. Compare loading Fetching your data... 18 - 49 years old $100,000 $5,000,000 No Licensed in .
#1. The premium of a family floater health insurance plan is subject to the age of the eldest member of your family.
#1. The premium of a family floater health insurance plan is subject to the age of the eldest member of your family. The minimum age is 50 in US. To qualify for a special policy, you must live in the same household. You may have health insurance company, but in most US, you cannot depend on them to get you treatment for health problems. If you want to obtain medical treatment for a health insurance policy, you don’t have to choose their policy. You can still work with the health insurance company to get the treatment you need. I’ll be the first person in line for your medical care. I’m so happy that I was able to save their money on my insurance. Thank you. I’ll do something crazy with a and have to have the insurance. Thanks for sharing. I was the first person to be hit by an uninsured vehicle in 2014. I was able to get the medical treatment and I was hurt the very next day. I lost my health insurance. She filed a lawsuit against my former owner at insurance company. They sued for.
Single parents: what should you understand about health insurance?
Single parents: what should you understand about health insurance? It can be confusing — what is life insurance and what is whole life? There’s a lot to learn about insurance and how it works. We started our guide with this question after reading this article, and with your help, we’ll walk you through how whole life insurance works and the various insurance products that are available to most families. Whether you’ve just picked your first new job, re thinking about starting a family for the first time, or want to protect your children with your best wishes, whole life insurance is a lifesaver for most families. Your family is unique — you want to make sure you have a policy that will always offer the right level of insurance for your child or your whole life policy. That’s because, yes, whole life insurance is a long-term policy that can be purchased for much, much more than you would with term life insurance. Whole life insurance is typically meant to last a.
Don’t Include Your Parents in Your Family Health Insurance Policy! Why?
Don’t Include Your Parents in Your Family Health Insurance Policy! Why? Most people who purchase health insurance are either enrolled members of a college or a nonprofit with an option for coverage from an employer, a college, or a nonprofit. There are very few reasons why people should not purchase health insurance from an employer. Many people will choose to purchase insurance through their employer rather than the healthcare they’ve worked so hard to attain. At the end of the day, the health insurance companies do not want or need qualified workers or members of the public who work for them to get covered for free and will give coverage to those workers. It will be expensive. There are an estimated 2.1 million uninsured consumers under the age of 18 across the United States. Nearly 2.1 million households are uninsured. You may not know it, but there are 4.3 million eligible Americans who are uninsured, and there are hundreds of thousands of uninsured Americans living without health care coverage every day. You should be able to purchase health insurance from an employer regardless of where you’re.
What is Actually an Employer’s Group Health Insurance?
What is Actually an Employer’s Group Health Insurance? An employer’s group health insurance policy covers you for medical services related to your health, such as doctor visits, emergency surgery, radiation therapy and, sometimes, treatment for cancer, neurological problems or stroke. You may have the option of covering yourself or your employer’s group health insurance, but there are many advantages and disadvantages to choosing your group health insurance plan. These disadvantages include some companies won’t let you buy your group health insurance plan directly to them, so if you choose to shop a group plan directly you’ll need to apply for the group plan through your employer’s group health insurance, then that’s when you will receive benefits at the employer’s facility, rather than a group insurance benefit. If you are planning on shopping for individual coverage for yourself or your plan‘s dependents after a job loss, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of individual health insurance plans before you consider buying one. Although group.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Andrew Yang’s Humanity Forward Foundation, In Partnership With The $1K Project, Funds $3 Million In Pandemic Relief To 1,000 Families
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/andrew-yangs-humanity-forward-foundation-in-partnership-with-the-1k-project-funds-3-million-in-pandemic-relief-to-1000-families/
Andrew Yang’s Humanity Forward Foundation, In Partnership With The $1K Project, Funds $3 Million In Pandemic Relief To 1,000 Families
Nearing 20 million cases in the United States, the coronavirus pandemic has impacted families across the country causing layoffs and unemployment as businesses are rapidly closing. This past April, the $1k Project was launched by a team of 30 volunteers. Their mission is to connect families in financial crisis from the pandemic with families that are willing to sponsor them by providing $1k for three months. In August, the $1k project partnered with Andrew Yang’s non-profit organization, Humanity Forward Foundation, as the extended federal Unemployment Income benefits expired for the millions of Americans that were relying on it to keep food on their tables. The foundation pledged to match contributions to the $1k Project for up to $1 million. Fast forward to today, four months after the launch of the partnership, the effort has provided $3 million to 1,000 families across the United States struggling through the coronavirus pandemic and will continue to grow through the end of the pandemic.
As of December 2020, 1,000 families have been funded by the $1k Project and Humanity Forward … [] Foundation.
The $1K Project’s platform allows families and former employers to nominate families financially impacted by the pandemic. From there, nominated families submit an application and share how the funds would make a difference for their family in the near term. Once accepted, The $1k Project team matches applicants with a sponsor that commits to funding 3 monthly payments of $1,000. “Every sponsored family is able to put food on the table and keep the roof over their head,” said The $1K Project co-founder, Alex Iskold. Through the $1k Project, families in need are able to immediately get financial relief and sponsors are able to see a direct impact of their contribution to each family. “Sponsors love the aspect of direct giving, especially when they think about families facing the holidays without hope or resources,” said The $1K Project co-founder, Minda Brusse. “The connection we make between individuals is powerful in both directions.” 
The $1k Project’s team welcomes all families in need to apply and they read each application. The majority of families that are matched with sponsors are either single mothers with multiple children, families where both parents have lost their jobs and have multiple children to support, or families with children where one of the parents is chronically ill or suffering from the coronavirus. 
$3 million committed through the $1k Project and Humanity Forward Foundation.
Heading into the holiday season, the partnership plans to continue to grow and support families seeking relief. “I’m humbled that together we’ve been able to get $3 million to one thousand families through this pandemic,” Yang said on Tuesday. “Americans need help now. Millions have gone months without any sort of relief from the government and people are suffering for it. Going into the holiday season, the work of the Humanity Forward Foundation $1K Project is as vital as ever.”
Here is what a few families sponsored through The $1k Project have said:
“I can not thank you all enough for doing this. You have helped my family pay our rent right as our rental company sent an eviction notice for violation of lease. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will be forever grateful!.”  — Lauren, FL
“Thank you all for what you are doing for us families in need. When I received the email we had a sponsor I dropped to my knees in tears. I will be forever grateful. You have given me so much hope and I’ve already been trying to find little ways to help others by volunteering support over the phone and on zoom calls. I can’t thank you enough for your generous donation.” — Erica, IL
“To my amazing sponsor, my family is eternally grateful for your kindness and generosity. When I was told I had the opportunity to be referred to this program I was happy yet skeptical. So much has gone wrong for us over the past few years I tend to not get my hopes up. When I got the message I was sponsored I was in complete shock, and disbelief! I broke out into tears as I was driving home from dropping masks off to a friend.” — Stephanie, NV
“We never imagined our entire industry would basically disintegrate in a matter of days on a national scale. Your generosity though, has truly helped keep us afloat. It has meant not having to miss our mortgage payment, and having the security of knowing we can pay for our youngest son’s rather expensive asthma medication. Those are no small concerns, and you have provided an incredible comfort in a terrifyingly uncertain time.I can only hope to be able to pay it forward one day and carry on the amazing example you have set.” — Colleen, GA
“I’m not sure who you are but I want to personally let you know that your act of giving this gift has sparked up hope, more faith, and just overall joy. This will help my family in so many ways such as being able to pay my light bill, car insurance, materials needed for my daughters art projects since were homeschooling , food and so much more that just before today I just needed to moment of stillness to take it all in, because of the waves of overwhelm.” — Simone, New York
If you think your family, or a family you know, could benefit from the $1k Project and the Humanity Forward Foundation this holiday season, please visit 1kproject.org to learn more.
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stephenmccull · 4 years
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions
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This story also ran on The Guardian. It can be republished for free.
David Joel Perea called from Maine, Vermont, Minnesota and, ultimately, Nevada, always with the same request: “Mom, can you send tamales?” Dominga Perea would ship them overnight.
That’s how she knew where her 35-year-old son was.
The traveling nurse had “a tremendous work ethic,” routinely putting in 80 hours a week, said his brother, Daniel.
But when Perea took a job at Lakeside Health & Wellness Suites — a Reno nursing home that has received dozens of safety citations since 2017 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services — Dominga was “scared silly.”
During Perea’s stint, nearly one-fifth of Lakeside’s residents were infected with COVID-19, according to state health records. Lakeside’s “top priority is the safety of those who live and work in our facility,” a spokesperson said.
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When her son didn’t respond to her text on April 6, Dominga knew something was wrong. Perea had COVID-19. He died days later.
As COVID-19 surges across the country, health care systems continue to suffer critical shortages, especially among non-physician staff such as nurses, X-ray technicians and respiratory therapists.
To replenish their ranks, facilities have relied on “travelers” like Perea. Staff agencies have deployed tens of thousands nationally since March outbreaks in the Northeast.
Now the virus is tearing through rural areas — particularly in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states — stressing the limited medical infrastructure.
Rural hospitals have relied largely on traveling nurses to fill staffing shortages that existed even before the pandemic, said Tim Blasl, president of the North Dakota Hospital Association. “They find staff for you, but it’s really expensive labor,” he said. “Our hospitals are willing to invest so the people of North Dakota get care.”
The arrangement presents risks for travelers and their patients. Personnel ping-ponging between overwhelmed cities and underserved towns could introduce infections. As contractors, travelers sometimes feel tensions their full-time colleagues do not. Frequently employed by staffing agencies based thousands of miles away, they can find themselves working in crisis without advocates or adequate safety equipment.
In 2020, the upsides of their jobs — freedom and flexibility — have been dwarfed by treacherous conditions. Now the ranks of travelers are thinning: The work is exhausting, bruising and dangerous. Thousands of front-line health workers have gotten the virus and hundreds have died, according to reporting by KHN and The Guardian.
On April 17, Lois Twum, a 23-year-old traveling nurse from New Orleans, was one of four passengers on a flight to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport.
When the self-described “adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie” arrived for her first shift at Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center, she said, she was assigned four patients on a COVID-19 unit. (Intensive care nurses typically care for two or three patients.) As these “constantly crashing” patients required resuscitations and intubations, “there was practically no one to help,” Twum said, because “everyone’s patient was critical.” The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on the workplace conditions and treatment of travelers.
Meanwhile, as hospital employees got sick, quit or were furloughed amid budget cuts, travelers picked up the slack. They were redeployed, Twum said, assigned more patients as well as the sickest ones.
“It was like we were airdropped into Iraq,” Twum said. “Travelers, we got the worst of it.”
On social media and in email groups, recruiters for travelers circulate photos of sun-splashed skylines or coastlines emblazoned with dollar signs, boasting salaries two or three times those of staff nurses. They promise signing bonuses, relocation bonuses and referral bonuses. They make small talk, ask about travelers’ families and suggest restaurants in new cities.
But when it comes to navigating workplace issues, “these people can just disappear on you,” said Anna Skinner, a respiratory therapist who has traveled for over a decade. “They are not your friends.”
Caught between the hospitals where they report for duty and remote staffing agencies, their worker protections are blurred.
For instance, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, providing protective equipment is the agency’s responsibility — but the travelers who spoke with KHN said agencies rarely distribute any.
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Perea’s family said they believe David did not have adequate PPE. His employer said it was the nursing home’s responsibility to provide it. “It is up to each of our clients to provide PPE to our staff while they are working assignments through MAS,” said Sara Moore, a spokesperson for Perea’s agency, MAS Medical Staffing.
Sometimes travelers are assigned to emergency rooms or intensive care units with which they have little experience. Skinner, a pediatric specialist, said she landed in adult ICUs when deployed to the University of Miami Health System in April. She received an hour of orientation, she said, but “nothing could have prepared me for what I had to deal with.”
Over five weeks, she said, she intubated one patient after another; suctioned the blood pouring into patients’ lungs and out of their noses and mouths; and dealt with families who were aghast, angry and afraid. Under the stress, Skinner said, she couldn’t sleep and lost weight. The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on workplace conditions for travelers.
Travelers often face “incredibly onerous” hurdles to the overtime, sick leave or workers’ compensation they are entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act, said Nathan Piller, a lawyer at Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky, an employment and business litigation firm.
Even the number of hours they can count on working is out of their control, Skinner said. Contracts reviewed by KHN authorize travelers to work a set number of hours, but only a fraction of those hours are guaranteed, and must be approved by on-site managers. The guaranteed hours may be compensated at rates hovering around minimum wage, and may require working holidays, which are not uniformly recognized.
The terms can be “modified from time to time during employment,” according to the contracts.
In 2018, AMN Healthcare, one of the country’s largest travel nursing agencies, agreed to a $20 million settlement for wage violations involving nearly 9,000 travelers. Violations “appear fairly commonplace across the industry,” said Piller, who worked on the settlement.
Travelers, Skinner said, are left to advocate for themselves to managers they might have just met — and “complaining just isn’t an option.”
KHN reviewed travel nursing contracts issued by Aya Healthcare, a large staffing agency, and found that any disputes — wrongful termination claims; claims of discrimination, harassment or retaliation; wage claims; and claims for violation of federal, state or other laws or regulations — must be settled out of court, in arbitration.
Officials at the Service Employees International Union, the American Nurses Association and National Nurses United said their constituents have been suspended or fired from traveling worker agencies for speaking to the news media, posting on social media or otherwise voicing concerns about unfair practices.
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Matthew Wall, a longtime traveling nurse, knows this all too well. In July, two days into his assignment at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia, Wall said, he reported to hospital administrators “undeniably unsafe” conditions for himself and patients, including inadequate PPE, long hours and high patient-to-staff ratios.
Instead of addressing his concerns, Wall said, the hospital — which is under investigation by the federal government for workplace safety issues after another traveling nurse died of COVID-19 in mid-March — canceled his contract. “Travelers are treated like dog chow,” Wall said. “The second you become a liability, they dispose of you.”
“We continue to closely follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines paired with our best practices in patient care and safety for all,” said John Manasso, a hospital spokesperson, who declined to comment on Wall’s case.
Some see an impossible choice. “We all know, if not for us, these patients would have no one,” Twum said, “but watching each other get sick left and right, it makes you wonder, is this worth my life?”
Skinner, for her part, took a job as a staff nurse in Aspen, Colorado. After his current contract in New Orleans ends, Wall is planning a break from nursing.
It was like we were airdropped into Iraq.
Lois Twum
Dominga Perea finally received a text back the night of April 6: “Don’t panic, Mama, I have the COVID.
“Pray for me.”
She saw David over FaceTime on Easter. “He struggled even eating mashed potatoes” she said, “because he couldn’t breathe.” The next morning he went on a ventilator and never woke up.
Months later, Lakeside hadn’t filled Perea’s position. “Ideal candidate must be a caring individual dedicated to providing high quality care,” the job listing read, and “able to react to emergency situations appropriately when required.”
KHN Mountain States editor Matt Volz contributed to this report.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions
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This story also ran on The Guardian. It can be republished for free.
David Joel Perea called from Maine, Vermont, Minnesota and, ultimately, Nevada, always with the same request: “Mom, can you send tamales?” Dominga Perea would ship them overnight.
That’s how she knew where her 35-year-old son was.
The traveling nurse had “a tremendous work ethic,” routinely putting in 80 hours a week, said his brother, Daniel.
But when Perea took a job at Lakeside Health & Wellness Suites — a Reno nursing home that has received dozens of safety citations since 2017 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services — Dominga was “scared silly.”
During Perea’s stint, nearly one-fifth of Lakeside’s residents were infected with COVID-19, according to state health records. Lakeside’s “top priority is the safety of those who live and work in our facility,” a spokesperson said.
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When her son didn’t respond to her text on April 6, Dominga knew something was wrong. Perea had COVID-19. He died days later.
As COVID-19 surges across the country, health care systems continue to suffer critical shortages, especially among non-physician staff such as nurses, X-ray technicians and respiratory therapists.
To replenish their ranks, facilities have relied on “travelers” like Perea. Staff agencies have deployed tens of thousands nationally since March outbreaks in the Northeast.
Now the virus is tearing through rural areas — particularly in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states — stressing the limited medical infrastructure.
Rural hospitals have relied largely on traveling nurses to fill staffing shortages that existed even before the pandemic, said Tim Blasl, president of the North Dakota Hospital Association. “They find staff for you, but it’s really expensive labor,” he said. “Our hospitals are willing to invest so the people of North Dakota get care.”
The arrangement presents risks for travelers and their patients. Personnel ping-ponging between overwhelmed cities and underserved towns could introduce infections. As contractors, travelers sometimes feel tensions their full-time colleagues do not. Frequently employed by staffing agencies based thousands of miles away, they can find themselves working in crisis without advocates or adequate safety equipment.
In 2020, the upsides of their jobs — freedom and flexibility — have been dwarfed by treacherous conditions. Now the ranks of travelers are thinning: The work is exhausting, bruising and dangerous. Thousands of front-line health workers have gotten the virus and hundreds have died, according to reporting by KHN and The Guardian.
On April 17, Lois Twum, a 23-year-old traveling nurse from New Orleans, was one of four passengers on a flight to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport.
When the self-described “adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie” arrived for her first shift at Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center, she said, she was assigned four patients on a COVID-19 unit. (Intensive care nurses typically care for two or three patients.) As these “constantly crashing” patients required resuscitations and intubations, “there was practically no one to help,” Twum said, because “everyone’s patient was critical.” The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on the workplace conditions and treatment of travelers.
Meanwhile, as hospital employees got sick, quit or were furloughed amid budget cuts, travelers picked up the slack. They were redeployed, Twum said, assigned more patients as well as the sickest ones.
“It was like we were airdropped into Iraq,” Twum said. “Travelers, we got the worst of it.”
On social media and in email groups, recruiters for travelers circulate photos of sun-splashed skylines or coastlines emblazoned with dollar signs, boasting salaries two or three times those of staff nurses. They promise signing bonuses, relocation bonuses and referral bonuses. They make small talk, ask about travelers’ families and suggest restaurants in new cities.
But when it comes to navigating workplace issues, “these people can just disappear on you,” said Anna Skinner, a respiratory therapist who has traveled for over a decade. “They are not your friends.”
Caught between the hospitals where they report for duty and remote staffing agencies, their worker protections are blurred.
For instance, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, providing protective equipment is the agency’s responsibility — but the travelers who spoke with KHN said agencies rarely distribute any.
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Perea’s family said they believe David did not have adequate PPE. His employer said it was the nursing home’s responsibility to provide it. “It is up to each of our clients to provide PPE to our staff while they are working assignments through MAS,” said Sara Moore, a spokesperson for Perea’s agency, MAS Medical Staffing.
Sometimes travelers are assigned to emergency rooms or intensive care units with which they have little experience. Skinner, a pediatric specialist, said she landed in adult ICUs when deployed to the University of Miami Health System in April. She received an hour of orientation, she said, but “nothing could have prepared me for what I had to deal with.”
Over five weeks, she said, she intubated one patient after another; suctioned the blood pouring into patients’ lungs and out of their noses and mouths; and dealt with families who were aghast, angry and afraid. Under the stress, Skinner said, she couldn’t sleep and lost weight. The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on workplace conditions for travelers.
Travelers often face “incredibly onerous” hurdles to the overtime, sick leave or workers’ compensation they are entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act, said Nathan Piller, a lawyer at Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky, an employment and business litigation firm.
Even the number of hours they can count on working is out of their control, Skinner said. Contracts reviewed by KHN authorize travelers to work a set number of hours, but only a fraction of those hours are guaranteed, and must be approved by on-site managers. The guaranteed hours may be compensated at rates hovering around minimum wage, and may require working holidays, which are not uniformly recognized.
The terms can be “modified from time to time during employment,” according to the contracts.
In 2018, AMN Healthcare, one of the country’s largest travel nursing agencies, agreed to a $20 million settlement for wage violations involving nearly 9,000 travelers. Violations “appear fairly commonplace across the industry,” said Piller, who worked on the settlement.
Travelers, Skinner said, are left to advocate for themselves to managers they might have just met — and “complaining just isn’t an option.”
KHN reviewed travel nursing contracts issued by Aya Healthcare, a large staffing agency, and found that any disputes — wrongful termination claims; claims of discrimination, harassment or retaliation; wage claims; and claims for violation of federal, state or other laws or regulations — must be settled out of court, in arbitration.
Officials at the Service Employees International Union, the American Nurses Association and National Nurses United said their constituents have been suspended or fired from traveling worker agencies for speaking to the news media, posting on social media or otherwise voicing concerns about unfair practices.
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Matthew Wall, a longtime traveling nurse, knows this all too well. In July, two days into his assignment at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia, Wall said, he reported to hospital administrators “undeniably unsafe” conditions for himself and patients, including inadequate PPE, long hours and high patient-to-staff ratios.
Instead of addressing his concerns, Wall said, the hospital — which is under investigation by the federal government for workplace safety issues after another traveling nurse died of COVID-19 in mid-March — canceled his contract. “Travelers are treated like dog chow,” Wall said. “The second you become a liability, they dispose of you.”
“We continue to closely follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines paired with our best practices in patient care and safety for all,” said John Manasso, a hospital spokesperson, who declined to comment on Wall’s case.
Some see an impossible choice. “We all know, if not for us, these patients would have no one,” Twum said, “but watching each other get sick left and right, it makes you wonder, is this worth my life?”
Skinner, for her part, took a job as a staff nurse in Aspen, Colorado. After his current contract in New Orleans ends, Wall is planning a break from nursing.
It was like we were airdropped into Iraq.
Lois Twum
Dominga Perea finally received a text back the night of April 6: “Don’t panic, Mama, I have the COVID.
“Pray for me.”
She saw David over FaceTime on Easter. “He struggled even eating mashed potatoes” she said, “because he couldn’t breathe.” The next morning he went on a ventilator and never woke up.
Months later, Lakeside hadn’t filled Perea’s position. “Ideal candidate must be a caring individual dedicated to providing high quality care,” the job listing read, and “able to react to emergency situations appropriately when required.”
KHN Mountain States editor Matt Volz contributed to this report.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions
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This story also ran on The Guardian. It can be republished for free.
David Joel Perea called from Maine, Vermont, Minnesota and, ultimately, Nevada, always with the same request: “Mom, can you send tamales?” Dominga Perea would ship them overnight.
That’s how she knew where her 35-year-old son was.
The traveling nurse had “a tremendous work ethic,” routinely putting in 80 hours a week, said his brother, Daniel.
But when Perea took a job at Lakeside Health & Wellness Suites — a Reno nursing home that has received dozens of safety citations since 2017 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services — Dominga was “scared silly.”
During Perea’s stint, nearly one-fifth of Lakeside’s residents were infected with COVID-19, according to state health records. Lakeside’s “top priority is the safety of those who live and work in our facility,” a spokesperson said.
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When her son didn’t respond to her text on April 6, Dominga knew something was wrong. Perea had COVID-19. He died days later.
As COVID-19 surges across the country, health care systems continue to suffer critical shortages, especially among non-physician staff such as nurses, X-ray technicians and respiratory therapists.
To replenish their ranks, facilities have relied on “travelers” like Perea. Staff agencies have deployed tens of thousands nationally since March outbreaks in the Northeast.
Now the virus is tearing through rural areas — particularly in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states — stressing the limited medical infrastructure.
Rural hospitals have relied largely on traveling nurses to fill staffing shortages that existed even before the pandemic, said Tim Blasl, president of the North Dakota Hospital Association. “They find staff for you, but it’s really expensive labor,” he said. “Our hospitals are willing to invest so the people of North Dakota get care.”
The arrangement presents risks for travelers and their patients. Personnel ping-ponging between overwhelmed cities and underserved towns could introduce infections. As contractors, travelers sometimes feel tensions their full-time colleagues do not. Frequently employed by staffing agencies based thousands of miles away, they can find themselves working in crisis without advocates or adequate safety equipment.
In 2020, the upsides of their jobs — freedom and flexibility — have been dwarfed by treacherous conditions. Now the ranks of travelers are thinning: The work is exhausting, bruising and dangerous. Thousands of front-line health workers have gotten the virus and hundreds have died, according to reporting by KHN and The Guardian.
On April 17, Lois Twum, a 23-year-old traveling nurse from New Orleans, was one of four passengers on a flight to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport.
When the self-described “adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie” arrived for her first shift at Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center, she said, she was assigned four patients on a COVID-19 unit. (Intensive care nurses typically care for two or three patients.) As these “constantly crashing” patients required resuscitations and intubations, “there was practically no one to help,” Twum said, because “everyone’s patient was critical.” The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on the workplace conditions and treatment of travelers.
Meanwhile, as hospital employees got sick, quit or were furloughed amid budget cuts, travelers picked up the slack. They were redeployed, Twum said, assigned more patients as well as the sickest ones.
“It was like we were airdropped into Iraq,” Twum said. “Travelers, we got the worst of it.”
On social media and in email groups, recruiters for travelers circulate photos of sun-splashed skylines or coastlines emblazoned with dollar signs, boasting salaries two or three times those of staff nurses. They promise signing bonuses, relocation bonuses and referral bonuses. They make small talk, ask about travelers’ families and suggest restaurants in new cities.
But when it comes to navigating workplace issues, “these people can just disappear on you,” said Anna Skinner, a respiratory therapist who has traveled for over a decade. “They are not your friends.”
Caught between the hospitals where they report for duty and remote staffing agencies, their worker protections are blurred.
For instance, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, providing protective equipment is the agency’s responsibility — but the travelers who spoke with KHN said agencies rarely distribute any.
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Perea’s family said they believe David did not have adequate PPE. His employer said it was the nursing home’s responsibility to provide it. “It is up to each of our clients to provide PPE to our staff while they are working assignments through MAS,” said Sara Moore, a spokesperson for Perea’s agency, MAS Medical Staffing.
Sometimes travelers are assigned to emergency rooms or intensive care units with which they have little experience. Skinner, a pediatric specialist, said she landed in adult ICUs when deployed to the University of Miami Health System in April. She received an hour of orientation, she said, but “nothing could have prepared me for what I had to deal with.”
Over five weeks, she said, she intubated one patient after another; suctioned the blood pouring into patients’ lungs and out of their noses and mouths; and dealt with families who were aghast, angry and afraid. Under the stress, Skinner said, she couldn’t sleep and lost weight. The hospital did not respond to requests for comment on workplace conditions for travelers.
Travelers often face “incredibly onerous” hurdles to the overtime, sick leave or workers’ compensation they are entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act, said Nathan Piller, a lawyer at Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky, an employment and business litigation firm.
Even the number of hours they can count on working is out of their control, Skinner said. Contracts reviewed by KHN authorize travelers to work a set number of hours, but only a fraction of those hours are guaranteed, and must be approved by on-site managers. The guaranteed hours may be compensated at rates hovering around minimum wage, and may require working holidays, which are not uniformly recognized.
The terms can be “modified from time to time during employment,” according to the contracts.
In 2018, AMN Healthcare, one of the country’s largest travel nursing agencies, agreed to a $20 million settlement for wage violations involving nearly 9,000 travelers. Violations “appear fairly commonplace across the industry,” said Piller, who worked on the settlement.
Travelers, Skinner said, are left to advocate for themselves to managers they might have just met — and “complaining just isn’t an option.”
KHN reviewed travel nursing contracts issued by Aya Healthcare, a large staffing agency, and found that any disputes — wrongful termination claims; claims of discrimination, harassment or retaliation; wage claims; and claims for violation of federal, state or other laws or regulations — must be settled out of court, in arbitration.
Officials at the Service Employees International Union, the American Nurses Association and National Nurses United said their constituents have been suspended or fired from traveling worker agencies for speaking to the news media, posting on social media or otherwise voicing concerns about unfair practices.
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Matthew Wall, a longtime traveling nurse, knows this all too well. In July, two days into his assignment at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia, Wall said, he reported to hospital administrators “undeniably unsafe” conditions for himself and patients, including inadequate PPE, long hours and high patient-to-staff ratios.
Instead of addressing his concerns, Wall said, the hospital — which is under investigation by the federal government for workplace safety issues after another traveling nurse died of COVID-19 in mid-March — canceled his contract. “Travelers are treated like dog chow,” Wall said. “The second you become a liability, they dispose of you.”
“We continue to closely follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines paired with our best practices in patient care and safety for all,” said John Manasso, a hospital spokesperson, who declined to comment on Wall’s case.
Some see an impossible choice. “We all know, if not for us, these patients would have no one,” Twum said, “but watching each other get sick left and right, it makes you wonder, is this worth my life?”
Skinner, for her part, took a job as a staff nurse in Aspen, Colorado. After his current contract in New Orleans ends, Wall is planning a break from nursing.
It was like we were airdropped into Iraq.
Lois Twum
Dominga Perea finally received a text back the night of April 6: “Don’t panic, Mama, I have the COVID.
“Pray for me.”
She saw David over FaceTime on Easter. “He struggled even eating mashed potatoes” she said, “because he couldn’t breathe.” The next morning he went on a ventilator and never woke up.
Months later, Lakeside hadn’t filled Perea’s position. “Ideal candidate must be a caring individual dedicated to providing high quality care,” the job listing read, and “able to react to emergency situations appropriately when required.”
KHN Mountain States editor Matt Volz contributed to this report.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/article/is-this-worth-my-life-traveling-health-workers-decry-covid-care-conditions/
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The Partisan Crisis
There are two major political parties in American Politics: Republican and Democrat. There are other, or third, parties in American Politics as well, however, these candidates seldom win elections.
I am Unaffiliated, better known as an "Independent". I don't believe in Partisan Politics as I believe it creates friction between people in the two major political parties. I have some ideas that may some day make the political process better here in the United States and re-unite us citizens. Even with our major differences we ALL have more in common than we realize. If we had a completely Independent political process, this country would be a better place for everyone. When a Democrat is elected, half of the country's needs aren't met. When a Republican is elected, the other half of the country's needs aren't met. This pattern continues like a never-ending, vicious cycle. At what point do we stand up as citizens and say enough is enough! At what point do we create a United Front and put a stop to this?
Let us first look at one major crisis here in The United States: Partisanship. Partisanship is dividing America. There are only two major political factions in our Nation, who's opinions and views drastically differ. These differences are so vast that they can't even come to an agreement at the dinner table. People are losing friendships. Even families are being torn apart because the Partisan Crisis has gotten so bad in recent years. This is completely unnecessary and it's been going on for three centuries! Luckily, there is a much better way to do things. Unfortunately, it won't be easy trying to incorporate these simple changes into our current political system.
With the election of President Donald Trump, these opposing factions have become much more distant. The farther the distance, the more dangerous the Partisan Crisis becomes. Partisanship is literally KILLING America and it will cause more serious damage and issues for our future if we don't do something about it right now. In my opinion, we are on the brink of a possible Civil War. This is a TERRIFYING prospect.
Life shouldn't be about black & white anymore. We have come way too far for all of that! It is 2019. We ALL should be able to get along by now and for the most part we have, but the age of the Trump Presidency has brought with it a DISGUSTING and alarming amount of racism, systemic racism, and hatred and both factions are participating. This is NOT good. The Trump Presidency is not entirely to blame, either. First of all, he didn't elect himself!! The Donald, (who I wonder may be the Nostradamus and Bible predicted "Third Anti-Christ" simply called "the trumpet"), has scared many people regardless of color, race, creed, religion or sexual orientation. Many are intimidated by his greedy, racist, sexist, philandering, lying and disrespectful nature and what it is doing and could do to our country and it's image. For a small percentage, it has given them the courage to come out of their racist closet. He spouts racism at his rallies in a way I have never witnessed in my life, other than seeing racist rallies from history in school or on TV. We are backsliding as a country. Make America Great Again? America IS great!
The GOP definitely has to do something. They either need to disconnect themselves from the Trumpets and say, we are Republican, but we do not believe in the Trump White Nationalist agenda OR rebuild itself an entirely new party. They no longer hold the "moral high ground". We have people voting Republican against their own benefit because they don't exactly understand what a Republican government means. (Money for the rich pretty much narrows it down.) They only understand that Trump has promised to, "get rid of illegal immigrants" and "put a stop to the refugee crisis coming to America". They literally voted against their OWN individual benefit on behalf of racism. (Not ALL of them, but 89% of them, based on the most recent Republican approval rating of Trump.) Many of them are on welfare, uneducated and the ones that work have lower than average paying jobs. With 89% of Republicans approving of his racist, White Nationalist agenda, the rest of us are looking at that. This is what Trump has done to the GOP. People who are good people, the other 11% of Republicans, are lumped into this category as well due to their remarkably high approval rating. Trump isn't to blame for being a jackass. They KNEW who they were voting for and they KNOW what they're supporting regardless of the plethora of evidence before them. Best thing that could happen for the GOP would be to vote him out in the 2020 Presidential Primary. It's not unheard of, it has happened before. Trump has lost between 8-10% of his base. His current Independent approval rating is down to 38% and his current Democratic approval rating is down to just 9%. (These numbers are as of May 20, 2018, just a few days before posting this.)
It's a year and a half later and the only thing Trump has "accomplished" was undo many things Obama did, piss off Kim Jong Un and fall for a summit meeting that everyone BUT him & his politically uneducated base KNEW was not going to happen, write a "break-up letter" to Kim Jong Un "cancelling" a meeting Kim had pretty much already cancelled because he finally figured out what everyone else knew. (That there would be no meeting and didn't want Kim to cancel it first. He's like a child). He has also managed to play more golf in his first year than Obama did in his entire Presidency, even after criticizing the man for playing golf. Let's also not forget the fact that he's spent much more money. He has snowed the American people into believing that he works for no salary. Check out his website!!! He's got all kinds of things for sale! "President Trump" memorabilia. One Christmas tree ornament for FORTY DOLLARS.... MADE IN CHINA. Why would anyone think he would bring jobs back to the States when his own workers are overseas? He has outsourced THOUSANDS of American jobs to Mexico and China. (Just ask the coal miners he lied to in order to secure their vote. They won't be voting for him again.) His designer imposter daughter's clothes are also made in China. The "Ivanka Trump" brand that sells cheap knock offs of very expensive French & Italian designers are made in sweat shops. She's had a series of lawsuits from said designers. There's no telling how many times The Trumpet, himself, has been sued. I know it's been several times. He's declared bankruptcy on several properties in Atlantic City and other areas so that he wouldn't have to pay back his investors. (One of them had ties to the Hard Rock Cafe who also sued him.) He's a crook who rips people off! We have a CROOK in the White House!!! This whole country is going down the toilet.....FAST! It doesn't get any worse than this. This is the worst Presidential behavior in American History. It's like a horror movie!
So, what do we do about this horror story called Partisanship?! Well, I have an idea! END Partisanship! Unite ALL Americans. The average politician doesn't care about what the average American NEEDS. So what exactly ARE the NEEDS of the average American?! According to those I have interviewed, we ALL have many similar needs, irregardless of political identity. Everyone I have interviewed is concerned about healthcare in some way, education, homelessness, veterans' needs, smaller government, unneeded child services being put in place regardless of there being any exigent circumstances, children needing services not getting any due to the backlog of unwarranted cases based on "revenge calls". Then we have local, state & federal income taxes, the cost of living in certain states, the heroin & crack epidemic, and overcrowded jails and prisons. The United States is a "free country", yet we have more people in jail than any other country on the planet and we're the only democratic country without free healthcare. Racial profiling was mentioned in my interviews and that's a huge problem in this country today. Police brutality is a concern for all races I have interviewed. Addiction and alcoholism, disability, social security, the rights of felons after a longer period of good behavior, felons not being able to get a job, illegal immigration, and concerns for the DACA citizens because children can't help that they were forced to cross the border by irresponsible parents. Everything down to ridiculous fees on hotel prices in NJ beyond the 12% sales tax is a concern for some. We have homeless citizens all over the place. No one should be homeless here. Some feel that business grants are being distributed unfairly. We need to feel that ALL of our needs are being met no matter WHO is in office and no matter our identity. We have so many similar basic needs that it's an embarrassment of riches! We don't need parties... we need TRUE freedom!
How do we ensure these needs get met? We either create a NO party system OR open up more factions. So, instead of having two major factions like we have now, we have more like eight because many Americans aren't having these needs met by either Political Party and identify in different areas of the scale. When I take a political identity quiz I come up Market Skeptic Republican even though I'm an Independent. This is all a result of having two political parties even though MOST Americans ALL have the same basic needs.
The other change would be to stop political campaign Super PACs. There should be a cap on how much money a person, business, corporation, etc., should be allowed to donate or gift to any politicians regardless of whether or not it is during a political campaign. It's safe to say that VP Pence, as an example, is pretty much owned by the Koch Bros. who have donated in excess of one million dollars to his political campaigns and interests. Politicians should no longer be capable of being bought. This would ensure that the extremely small upper .1% of the population won't be controlling the other 99.9% of us via paying off politicians.
I believe it best if we also got rid of ALL parties. No one has to feel like they need to be "loyal to their party" anymore. With an Independent, literally FREE, "No Party System", (not to be confused with a one party system), all candidates can bring their own ideas to the table without any outside influence. Everything would still work exactly the same. The only difference would be that every candidate is an Independent along with every voter and billionaires can't buy them off with their big bags of money. Without a "base", politicians can start listening to everyone's needs as opposed to one TYPE of person.
So, regarding those American needs I mentioned earlier? What would this new generation of politicians do for these needs of ours? They would get a general sense of everyone's needs and combine them to create something where everyone is happy. A political compromise, if you will. Will there be some sacrifices down the line? Of course their would, but political compromises will ensure that everyone gets their basic needs met and that one "side" isn't being ignored. There would be more than two candidates in every election for all levels from assemblyperson all the way up to the Presidential election. We would have all kinds of candidates running in one general election.
We will never agree with each other on every issue, but we can sure do a much better job of making compromises. With a couple new changes to the political process we can make a better future for ourselves and our children, our grandchildren and many generations to come. Let's work TOGETHER! We can start small by voting for Independent candidates and becoming Unaffiliated or Independent on our voter registration cards. After a period of time, others will follow suit and will do the same. The change starts with me writing this article. It starts with you sharing it with your friends. It starts with one person doing the right thing and passing the message along to the next person. Before we know it, we will have created that positive change that we so desperately need. Thank you for taking the time to read this article regarding this very important issue and may the best candidates win!!! 💘💘💘
*This article is a product of my personal long term investigative journalism, several interviews, reading & research. I'm just starting out as an investigative journalist and I hope you all enjoy my writings, even if you don't always agree with it.
Gallup Polls; The Pew Research Center; CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, ABC; The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Philadelphia Inquirer; Public Interviews of Anonymous Citizens; https://www.snopes.com; Axios; http://www.shop.donaldjtrump.com
I wrote this article over a year ago. Concerning my statement regarding the GOP doing something to help us is currently out of the question considering what's been going on with the Impeachment Inquiry.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
In the mid-1960s, Greta Arceneaux was a young mother of two in the midst of a divorce with a low-paying secretarial job and an old house in Los Angeles. Dreaming of a better life for her family, she took out a loan, tore down the aging home and used the land to build a five-unit rental complex that, she hoped, would serve both as a home for her and her children and a ticket to the middle-class.
“I was a clerk with very little means, but a whole lot of guts,” recalls Arceneaux, now 81. Her plan worked. Over the years, income from that modest rental complex enabled Arceneaux to help put her children and grandchildren through college, purchase a separate home for herself, and save for her retirement.
Then the coronavirus pandemic upended it all. When COVID-19 reached U.S. soil, killing tens of thousands of Americans and squeezing the economy, the federal government, states and municipalities issued a raft of rent protections, including months-long eviction moratoriums. While such policies were issued in good faith—they were designed to protect renters who have lost their incomes from losing the roofs over their heads, too—they have leveled a crushing blow to small, independent landlords, like Arceneaux, who rely on a handful of rental units for their livelihoods.
Though the protections are dictated by local officials and vary by area, many are long-term: In the city of Los Angeles, where Arceneaux’s property is, tenants who have been impacted by the virus will have up to 12 months from the end of the city’s emergency declaration to repay their back-rent without late fees. In New York state, eviction protections last until the end of August, and in Pennsylvania, renters are shielded from evictions until mid-July.
For Arceneaux the city’s order has resulted in $15,000 in unpaid rent and $0 in government assistance to help her pay for maintenance expenses and other bills, including her personal mortgage. New California building codes also require her to pay at least $60,000, she says, for earthquake prevention reinforcement in one of her units by the end of the year. “My retirement is going down the tubes because of this,” she says.
The complexity of the broader economic crisis and its impact on renters is not lost on Arceneaux. “I feel sorry for him,” she says, describing one of her tenants who lost his job and stopped paying rent. “He’s caught in a situation just like I am. But why are they throwing me under the bus? Why am I responsible for him?”
Problems with eviction moratorium policies are twofold. First, not all landlords are alike. Large, wealthy real estate firms and development conglomerates don’t control the entire market: In fact, just over half of the U.S. rental supply, about 25.8 million units, are owned by business entities, according to the 2015 American Housing Survey. The other 22.7 million rental units are owned by individuals, who are more likely to own single units, homes and duplexes, and are often called “mom-and-pop” landlords.
The second issue is that while wealthy hedge fund investors and real estate firms, who are represented by powerful Washington lobbyists, will benefit from over $100 billion in tax breaks buried in the $2 trillion CARES Act, mom-and-pop landlords, for the most part get nothing. (The CARES Act tax provisions remove caps on individuals’ and businesses’ ability to write off significant net operating losses, so the benefits go almost entirely to millionaires and billionaires who tend to have the largest balance sheets.)
“I don’t understand how they can come up with all of this financial aid for the homeless, for renters, for agriculture, for big business, for airplanes,” says Arceneaux, who is a black member of the Coalition of Small Rental Property Owners, a California-based advocacy group that mostly represents black and Latinx landlords. “And they’re forgetting about the small mom-and-pop people that have two units or four units and serve such a great need in the community.”
Terri Lacy, a 55-year-old former interior designer with an autoimmune deficiency, says she also feels abandoned. Local and federal government programs seem to be offering bailouts to every other group, while imposing rules that increase the burden on people like her.
When Lacy’s children moved out of the inexpensive condos she purchased to help them start their adult lives in California and Nevada, she converted them into rental units. One tenant paid three-fifths of his rent in April, nothing in May, then moved out mid-month. Lacy says the tenant broke his lease four months early, and left her with unpaid utility bills and holes in the wall. Now she has to rehabilitate the apartment and re-list it while taking care not to contract the very virus that created her rental woes. “Who wants to rent a unit in the middle of the pandemic?” she asks, rhetorically. “Nobody.”
Lacy says another of her tenants has paid partial rent since she was laid off from her Las Vegas waitressing job, but not enough to cover Lacy’s property taxes or homeowners association dues. Without full rent checks coming in, Lacy’s personal savings account has taken a hit. Even if she wanted to evict and re-list, she wouldn’t be able to until after June 30, when Nevada’s eviction moratorium expires.
“Here I am expected to absorb everybody else’s heartaches,” she says, “and nobody’s there to resolve my heartache.”
The mom-and-pop landlords who are able to draw on their own savings to make it through the eviction moratoriums imposed by their local governments may struggle to recoup their losses when it’s all over. It’s unlikely that renters who have struggled to pay rent over the last few months will have lump-sums of cash available when their rent is due, and the job market may continue to be sluggish for months or years. Eviction courts may also be backed up in major metropolitan areas once they finally re-open. And even court rulings that come down in landlords’ favor aren’t absolute: Evicted tenants sometimes get away with not paying their debts by changing bank accounts, ignoring collections agencies, working cash-only jobs, filing for bankruptcy, or fleeing the state.
Those who aren’t able to make ends meet without collecting rent checks are likely to sell, says Jenny Schuetz of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program. And that’s bad news for low-income renters. Individual property owners are likely to sell to families who will convert their rentals to personal housing, or to large investment groups—which, in turn, are much more likely to renovate, rebuild, and increase the rent. “I think we are going to see some smaller landlords who have to sell their buildings because they just can’t cover the costs,” Schuetz says. “We know from the Great Recession that the people who can afford to buy real estate in a down market are large-scale investors [who] aren’t necessarily likely to keep rents low in existing buildings.”
The large-scale real estate firms that are left tend to build luxury mega-compounds with amenities such as floor-to-ceiling windows, marble countertops and state-of-the-art fitness studios that cater mostly to upper-middle class and wealthy people: Of the 371,000 new rental units expected to hit the market this year, as much as 80% the supply be part of luxury developments, according to real-estate analytics firm RealPage.
But those luxury offerings were out of reach for millions of Americans even before the virus hit. In 2016, nearly half of all renter households were spending at least 30% of their incomes on rent, according to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Now, with more than 20 million people still out of work, the proportion of people struggling to pay each month is almost certainly higher—especially among lower-income earners, who have disproportionately been affected by recent layoffs. While only 13% of people in households who made over $100,000 experienced employment disruption in March, 39% of working individuals in households with annual incomes less than $40,000 were laid off or furloughed, according to the Federal Reserve.
As tens of thousands of protesters flood the streets demanding an end to police brutality and systemic racism in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by a Minneapolis police officer in late May, it’s important to note that punting the rent burden to small landlords during this recession could also have a disproportionate effect on people of color if individual landlords abandon their real estate investments in droves. Due in part to discriminatory federal housing policies legal through the 1960s that blocked many people of color from home ownership—and therefore from amassing wealth that could be passed down to the next generation—black and Hispanic households are about twice as likely as white households to rent rather than own their homes, according to Pew Research Center.
A swift and systematic loss of affordable rental units available on the market would especially hurt those with low incomes. Eviction moratoriums aren’t “going to affect people in middle class housing, particularly. They’re paying the rent, their rental units will still be there,” explains Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. “This is for people at the bottom end of the ladder who are going to find it harder to get affordable and habitable housing. They’re going to end up with expensive, lousy housing.”
Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies research associate Whitney Airgood-Obrycki argues the best solution to the nuanced problem would be the distribution of government-funded direct rental assistance payments that benefit impacted families. “That’s going to protect renter households, and that’s also going to protect small landlords from economic hardship,” she says.
The Democrat-led House of Representatives has already passed a version of this suggestion in its omnibus HEROES Act, which calls for $100 billion in rental assistance to families with incomes below average earnings in their areas. But the measure is moribund in the Republican-led Senate. A version sponsored by Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown has just 37 co-sponsors, none of whom are Republicans.
In the absence of a Congressional compromise, Arceneaux is weighing her options. She’d love to continue to offer affordable rental units to her community, but she has her own bills to pay. In the meantime, real estate firms have already attempted to take advantage of her predicament. Almost daily, she finds notices in her mailbox from prospective buyers expressing interest in the property she’s owned and maintained for over 50 years.
“It’s almost like the vultures are standing around waiting for something to happen,” she says, “so they can pounce.”
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artofpeacelove · 4 years
I knew raising kids was going to be expensive. The bottles, the crib, the diapers, the clothes, the care… those are known expenses that are going to add up. But when you add the caveats of “single household earner” and “woman with fertility issues,” suddenly your costs expand exponentially. The transvaginal ultrasounds, the hormone injections, the (seemingly endless) doctor’s visits, the egg retrievals, the embryo transfers, the purchases and shipments of donor sperm… well, that’s just more and more dollar signs.
For me, the whole process to become pregnant cost $36,839. I wish I could tell you that thanks to the magic of insurance most of these expenses were covered. They were not.
When you live in Indiana, one of the 33 states in the country that does not have fertility insurance coverage laws, everything tied to assisted reproduction is up to you to fund, somehow. Fertility assistance is seen as an elective procedure.  By the laws of my state, my inability to conceive naturally was as medically concerning as calf implants. (If your state does mandate employers to have some sort of fertility coverage, the coverage often has limitations based on number of cycle and procedures, depending on the state.)
I wish I could tell you I am the Scrooge McDuck of my generation with oceans and oceans of gold coins stockpiled in the vault located within my palatial estate. I am not.
At the time, I was a 38-year-old single woman, who lived in a moderate three-bedroom home on a busy street, with a career in the not-for-profit sector. I had a small savings account and a mediocre 401K. I did not have $36,839.
Not many people do. According to a report published by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, it is estimated that only 24 percent of infertile couples and individuals in the United States can access all of the care they would need to become pregnant. That means 74 percent of infertile couples and individuals are left with lackluster options—and in my case, sad options and a hefty bill.
My Indiana-based fertility clinic delivered the news of my new treatment plan which was now IVF. The detailed plan filled a huge stack of papers, included a quote for over $26,000 for one round of treatment, and a $210 bill for my recent 20-minute consultation. (The average expense for one round of IVF is $12,000, but that does not include necessary medications and other expenditures, which can add on thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars.)
The detailed plan filled a huge stack of papers, included a quote for over $26,000 for one round of treatment, and a $210 bill for my recent 20-minute consultation.
I was crushed. I took my binder of papers and my bill and went home to cry and consider. I was lost to why something that so many people medically need was so unfordable. According to Betsy Campbell, chief engagement officer for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, it’s a bigger conversation than just sticker shock. “I think the only reason we are talking about affordability is because most people lack insurance coverage and are forced to pay out of pocket for medical treatment that should be covered by insurance,” says Campbell.  “No one talks about the cost of hip replacement, hysterectomy, or other medically-necessary treatments because they are covered by insurance.”
As I cried and thought about my options, I also hunkered down and binged TV. During my binge I came across a local evening newscast, featuring a story about another woman from Indianapolis who was just like me. She was single, she was in her late thirties, she wanted a family, and she wasn’t wealthy.  She was a patient at a clinic in Syracuse, NY called CNY Fertility. At CNY they offer IVF for $3,900 per round. The motto at CNY: “Making priceless affordable.”
Just like that I had stumbled upon my answer.
I connected with the woman in the newscast and picked her brain for information on CNY. I googled and found another CNY Indiana-based patient and got her input as well.  Both of my sources were a wealth of knowledge, and now, the mothers of twins. With my newfound information and these glowing references, I too became a patient of CNY Fertility.
While a $3,900 price tag is an extremely better deal than the $26,000 invoice I was considering, I still didn’t have that kind of money laying around under the couch cushions. My paltry savings wasn’t really going to cut it.
Will Kiltz, communications director of CNY Fertility, and his team work to help those as they struggle between fiscal responsibility and their dream. “The average cost of IVF in the United States is over $20,000 and that’s just for one cycle,” says Kiltz. (Many need up to three cycles to conceive, if not more.) “There’s a major discontinuity between what people can afford and what they’re asked to pay.”
Campbell agrees: “We know of patients who go into credit card debt or bankruptcy. Patients have taken out home equity loans or been forced to sell their homes, raided their 401Ks and other savings, [and we’ve had patients whose] parents have delayed their retirement or sacrificed their retirement accounts to help their children. Some patients have also taken second jobs at Starbucks just to qualify for family-building benefits.” (Starbucks has actually very generous fertility coverage benefits, even for part-time employees. The more you know!)
While I didn’t want to declare bankruptcy, I was willing to dig a pretty big fiscal hole to have my family if that’s what it took.  What I lacked in riches I tried to make up for in determination, resourcefulness, and a reliable (read: rideshare-worthy) vehicle.
With my small arsenal of attributes and abilities I worked towards making a try for a baby affordable. I drove for Uber every chance I could.  I drove kindly 80-year-old men who needed lifts to see their 65-year-old girlfriends. I drove hungover 20-somethings who had to change their pants in my car as said pants wreaked of booze. I drove creepers who screamed at me. (Before I reported them.)
A fare here, a fare there, it all added up. I applied for fertility grants. I won one for $1,000. I took out a home equity loan. I took advantage of CNY’s in-house financing program which allowed me to break up my payments over the course of two years. When you put all those things together they added up to be enough to cover three rounds of IVF at CNY, the necessary medications, the travel and lodgings to and from New York, and four packages of size one diapers for my now 11-month-old son.
As you can see, it’s not an easy or guaranteed road, but there are resources available to at least try to make the fiscal burden a little less heavy. “In addition to the financing options, grants and scholarships listed on our website, I would also encourage employees to advocate for family-building benefits with their employers,” says Campbell. “RESOLVE has a ‘Coverage at Work’ program dedicated to helping employees ask for coverage and helping employers understand the benefits of providing such coverage.”
In the end, I placed a $36,839 bet on myself. I was a gambler. Not by nature, but by necessity.  Did people think I was crazy? Yes. Were the odds against me? For sure. Did I come up with a winner of a hand? You’re damn straight. Best bet I ever made.
Here’s how the fertility industry is providing more options than ever for parents-to-be. Plus, how to navigate all the fertility start-ups.
from Good Advice – Well+Good https://ift.tt/2xq4via via IFTTT
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gabriellakirtonblog · 4 years
The Fitness Industry Is Broken – A Story About Hope
Nobody could have predicted how it would happen.
Nobody saw the coronavirus pandemic shutting down the gyms and throwing tens of thousands of fitness professionals out of work.
But everybody knew something was wrong.
I saw it back in 2008, when I strained my hamstring playing hockey, and was forced off my feet for two weeks. I’d been a personal trainer for four years, working at a top gym with a full schedule. But in the fitness industry, if you can’t work, you don’t get paid.
If something as mundane as a hamstring injury could affect my income so drastically, how could personal training be a viable career? How can you bet on a business where success is contingent on nothing going wrong, when so many things can go wrong?
We’re good at building unbreakable bodies, but not unbreakable careers.
The strongest trainers in the gym are often powerless at work, subject to the whims of their clients and employers.
If anything keeps you or your clients out of the gym—from a family emergency to a global pandemic—you’re out of luck.
How could such a brittle business model survive?
The model was broken for trainers, clients, and gym owners
It’s not just the trainers who get hurt by this broken business model. It doesn’t work for clients or employers either.
Our job as trainers is to remove stress from our clients’ lives, not add to it.
And yet, we sell our services in strict blocks of 60 minutes, no matter the needs or goals of the individual. Doesn’t matter if the client is a detrained novice who would be best served with a 20- or 30-minute workout, or someone with more ambitious performance or physique goals who needs longer sessions.
We fill the beginner’s time with stretching or treadmill walking, or dumb stuff like triceps pushdowns. (Admit it. You’ve done this. I have too.)
“But I can really feel it working . . .”
And for that more advanced client, the one who wants to build muscle or train for a sport, we try to cram 75 minutes’ worth of training into that predetermined one-hour session.
We cut rest breaks too short, and turn strength or hypertrophy work into metabolic conditioning. Yes, they work hard, but it’s still a suboptimal workout for their goals.
And the client had better show up on time, because they’re paying the trainer no matter what fraction of the service they receive.
Consider one of my favorite clients back in the day. (I trained clients in person from 2006 to 2012.) He was a doctor, the head of the emergency department at a major hospital.
Was it fair to tell him he must show up precisely at 6 p.m.? Or if he has to cancel at the last minute (because, you know, things happen in the emergency room), he gets charged anyway?
Now consider gym owners. If the model serves anyone, you’d think they’d be the ones to benefit.
But most new gyms and studios go out of business within a year or two. A person who has the passion to open a gym rarely has the capital, business knowledge, or management skill to keep it open.
Gym goers expect a big, bright space filled with expensive cardio and weight machines, but they don’t want to pay high membership fees. If you open your gym in a relatively affluent area, where people can afford those fees, you’ll pay a lot more per square foot. But you’ll also have a lot of competition, which drives prices down.
Personal training used to be an expensive misuse of talent …
… and it’s time for this to end
Another problem, for both trainers and gym owners, is the need to turn a service like personal training into a lucrative revenue stream. The pressure to sell more sessions leads to high turnover and low morale.
The best trainers work the longest hours, from early morning to late evening, since that’s when clients want to be trained. They burn out and leave, while trainers who aren’t as good at sales get pushed out.
It’s an unfortunate and expensive misuse of talent.
But there’s a better way, one where everybody wins. It’s called online training. You’ve probably heard about it. Unfortunately, there’s a serious lack of understanding as to how it fits into the story.
When there’s an online component the clients get a better service, trainers make more money with better hours, and gym owners multiply their profit per square foot.
I’ve promoted online training since 2013, and I launched the Online Trainer Academy, the world’s first certification program for remote coaching, in 2016.
Online training isn’t about sipping Mai Tais on the beach with your feet up. It’s about resiliency. Online training is about building a fitness business where everybody wins because it allows fitness to dictate business.
I believed that before COVID-19 turned everything upside down. If it hadn’t been a virus, it would’ve been something else. Disruption was inevitable before, and will be again.
That’s why it’s imperative for fitness professionals to build a robust business model that can not only withstand tough times, but thrive in them.
Perhaps the most telling part is that everybody knew this to be true.
A tale of a broken gym owner who failed to act
Case in point: Several months ago, my company was contacted by a gym owner with more than a dozen locations. He wanted us to build an online training operation for his gyms.
It was a smart choice. The new revenue stream, with almost 100 percent profit, would’ve given him a significant advantage over his competitors.
But he turned down our proposal, deciding instead to open another very expensive gym in an extremely competitive market. The new location cost about six times the amount we proposed to set up and oversee his online training business.
COVID-19 forced him to temporarily shut down his gyms and lay off hundreds of employees. Last I saw, he was complaining on social media about how unfair the situation is, and how the government had better compensate him for the lost revenue.
I don’t say that with any malice. I really hope he comes out of this all right, and his employees can get back to work.
The crazy part about this story is how close he came to making the right call.
He understood how valuable online training could be for his business.
He knew a small investment could generate big returns.
But instead of acting on his vision for the future, he doubled down on his past by opening that new location. And it broke him.
I’ll never know why he made that choice. But I can guess.
One choice represented change. It didn’t matter that it was a cheaper option, with more upside and less downside. Change is hard. It goes against all our instincts to do something new and different when things are going well. Even if you know something isn’t quite right, it’s difficult to recognize your areas of vulnerability.
The other choice, the one with more cost, more risk, and less potential upside, represented continuity. No change.
And for a while, it seemed to work. Things were humming along until COVID-19 exposed his vulnerability.
When preparation meets opportunity – Rhonda’s story
Consider another example:
When her first granddaughter was born with physical challenges, Rhonda Dougherty James’ family was faced with a dilemma: Her daughter needed to return to work to keep her health insurance. But she couldn’t put her baby in daycare because of her health problems.
The solution was for James to fly back to St. Louis every week to take care of her granddaughter, and then fly home for the weekends.
If she’d opened that gym like she’d originally planned, or if all her income came from training clients in person, she wouldn’t have been able to keep working while she commuted.
But because she trained clients online, she was able to work with them from wherever she happened to be. She wrote programs in airports and shot Facebook Live videos in her daughter’s spare bedroom, sometimes with a stack of Pampers boxes visible in the corner.
She did that for a year, and then rented an apartment in St. Louis for another year. Now that her granddaughter is healthy and thriving, she’s back in Florida full time.
There was no way James could’ve prepared for that specific situation. But that’s not the point. The point is that online training gave her the flexibility to step up when her family needed her most.
You can hear Rhonda tell the story in her own words here.
A story about hope
The fitness industry was long overdue for a course correction.
If it hadn’t been a pandemic, it would’ve been something else—something random and unexpected. And, like COVID-19, it would’ve been a catalytic event that exposed the vulnerabilities of our business model, forcing all of us to evolve.
It’s going to hurt. Good people with bad businesses will suffer. Some will come out better on the other end, but some won’t. That sucks.
But let’s be honest. Much of the fitness industry had been on cruise control for a long time.
It was bad, but not quite bad enough to force change. And this is why things were so broken.
Fortunately, we’re an industry that attracts strong people.
Not just physically strong, which is what we’re known for. We’re also strong-willed.
We persevere. That’s why we keep lifting while others watch Netflix.
We don’t complain when things hurt. We call it DOMS and celebrate it.
We thrive when we push ourselves outside our comfort zone.
What’s normal for us is too intense for most people.
Our industry is going to come out of this stronger and healthier. And our best people are going to thrive as a result.
Yes, it’s going to be difficult. Some businesses will shut down for good. The sudden loss of income will strain relationships, sometimes to the breaking point.
But it’s going to force everyone to stop gliding. To evolve. To change.
In the words of the esteemed Rocky Balboa:
“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
This pandemic is a wake-up call
During a time of quarantine and social distancing, online training is our only option. But it won’t be for long. When the gyms reopen, many trainers and gym owners will heed the lesson of COVID-19, and see online coaching as an essential part of their business.
Others will see the pandemic not just as a wake-up call, but as a sign that the industry is broken beyond repair, and it’s time to get out.
You know what? Both are fine, because both result in certainty. No more gliding along in a broken industry, complaining about how things should be, but not doing anything about it because things weren’t quite bad enough to force action.
The choice is yours: Will you step up, or step out?
The pandemic’s effects will be with us for a long time. Even after the threat recedes, it will take months, if not years, for people to return to their gyms en masse.
This kind of fear and discomfort doesn’t just go away. It’s going to be a long time before people shake hands and feel comfortable in crowds again.
I can’t say what the fitness industry will look like when things once again feel stable. But I guarantee it will never go back to how it was. There will be a new normal. And that’s okay, because the old normal was a broken fitness industry.
A lot of people will look back at this crazy time as the moment it all changed. I hope you’ll see it as a time when you were challenged in a way you could never have anticipated, but nonetheless rose to the challenge, levelled up, and evolved.
This is your chance to build a resilient and robust business. You’ve been forced to do what you’ve known you should have been doing all along: Add another income stream, one that allows you to make money while not having to be physically present.
Online training is what allows you to keep training clients when you’re stuck on the couch with a torn hamstring. Or when you have a family emergency that forces you to work from multiple locations, including airports and spare bedrooms. Or when the next crisis, whatever it is, makes all of us change the way we do business.
I, for one, am hopeful for what’s to come. I think it’s going to be beautiful. Because, after all, pressure makes diamonds.
And if you decide it’s time to start online training and learn the best model for delivery and sales, I wanted to now invite you to enroll in the Online Trainer Academy Certification.
We’ve just released Essentials, a more cost-effective version of our world-renowned certification course.
Regardless of whether or not you decide to join us, I hope you heed this call and step up. Our industry needs you now more than ever, and I can’t wait to see what happens.
The post The Fitness Industry Is Broken – A Story About Hope appeared first on The PTDC.
The Fitness Industry Is Broken – A Story About Hope published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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topicprinter · 5 years
Fifteen years ago, I was a skinny, white girl in my late 20s living near the border of south Texas and Mexico. I was also in the final stages of shutting down my (failing) eBay franchise business. In an attempt to put food on my table, I evaluated resources natural to south Texas and Mexico. Saltillo tile was my Ah-Ha moment.I approached a local distributor of Saltillo tile with an attitude of ambition and a friendly smile. I proposed that he allow me to sell his tile on eBay. My sales blew up rapidly. I sold 2 truckloads of tile within my first two weeks. That local distributor collected his sales revenue and refused to pay any commission to me. Lesson learned. But even so, I still smiled. I knew I had a great idea.Next, I partnered with my (new) boyfriend, Ray. He owned a successful boat and ATV business. Being originally from Mexico, he suggested that we take a trip to Saltillo, Mexico in search of a manufacturing source. While there, we found our source and paid cash for a truckload of tile. I already had it sold through eBay.Paying cash upfront was a huge deal to these family producers of an artisan tile. At the time (2005), Americans purchased the tile from the Mexican artisans on credit. The terms included payment upon delivery of tile in the U.S. Sadly, Americans earned the reputation of either not paying or short paying for the supplied tile from Mexico. So, when we paid cash for a truckload of tile, it was a bold statement of “You want to do business with us. We will mutually benefit one another. ” Thus, Rustico Tile & Stone became a business.That leap of faith paid off in many ways. I married Ray months later and we still are business partners. Now we have 2 kids, pets, and we are pursuing becoming a foster family. I’m still a skinny, white girl who knows more about Mexican tile than nearly anyone. I don’t sell tile on eBay anymore.Also, fifteen years later, we are the largest producer for handmade Saltillo tile in Mexico. And, we are the largest distributor for Saltillo flooring and other artisans Mexican tile and stone. Today, our headquarters is near Austin, Texas. We ship tile worldwide.Interestingly, we are not a brick and mortar tile shop. Rustico Tile & Stone is an online business. Everything that we sell is shipped directly to the customer. 99% of our clients are only met via email and phone conversations.And what about that original man whom we paid cash for our first truckload of tile? In hindsight, it’s easy to see that it was a divinely appointed meeting. I am happy to say that he is our manufacturing manager in Mexico today. Throughout the years, we’ve worked alongside him as he built his business and took on the role of running manufacturing for us. We’ve watched each of our families develop, too.What makes Saltillo tile so sought after?Saltillo tile is handmade Mexican terracotta flooring in a variety of Saltillo tile colors. It’s an affordable type of custom flooring. People around the world seek out Saltillo tile for its rustic charm and durability. This flooring is seen in homes, businesses, hotels, and restaurants around the world.Selling Saltillo tile on eBay was a lightbulb moment. As my sales increased, we gradually grew the business beyond eBay. Once we developed a website and learned a little about SEO, our eBay days were over.How did you get your first three clients?eBay - Customers bought tile for just $1.25/square foot.I had none at all. Marketing was my background. I had an MBA knowledge in International Business. My husband had a track record of successful self-employment.Neither of us knew anything about Saltillo tile, floor installation, running an online business, building a website, SEO, PPC, or freight shipping. But, we both knew how to sell stuff and provide customer service. We combined our individual skill sets, learned some new ones, and proceeded to take baby steps to strategically become better than anyone else selling and shipping Saltillo tile.Have you raised any money? How much?We did not raise any money. Remember my failing eBay franchise business mentioned above? It bankrupted me. We made the decision to avoid debt financing our tile business. During the early months of our business, we reinvested revenue to buy more tile for distribution. We did not spend money on anything that wouldn’t generate revenue. We accounted for every penny and kept our expenses at a minimum. At 10 months of running our business, we took our first paycheck for $200 each. (Today, we take home a bit more than $200/month.)Who is your target demographic?Anyone who needs flooring. Primarily, that means adults ages 27-65. We sell directly to end-users (homeowners), trade professionals (builders, interior designers, architects, etc), and flooring distributors. We serve amazing customers worldwide.How do you attract clients?Once we built a website, I learned that no one would find us online until SEO did its magic. Being a hands-on learner, I dove deep into researching SEO and affiliated topics. Then, my shift focused on learning anything I could about PPC. Next came social media marketing and content marketing via an industry-related blog. Today, most of our clients find us throughA strong organic presence in the topics of Mexican tile and stonePPC advertisingSocial Media outlets (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn)Our BlogReferrals from previous customers or repeat customersWhat is the funniest/most strange request you have received from a client/prospective client?Years ago, we lost a sale of tile because we couldn’t meet a customer’s request to hand-carry 3 pallets of tile (7,500 pounds of tile) up three flights of stairs to his apartment. He said the cargo elevator in the building wasn’t reliable and would only buy tile from us if we’d empty and hand-carry it up the stairs. Can’t win ‘em all.How did you fund the idea initially?Cash. We paid cash to buy our first truckload of tile. Aside from a mortgage payment for our warehouse, we’ve never debt-financed our business or taken on investors. We’ve maintained profitability since inception.Where did you meet your cofounder?I met Ray in south Texas. He was one of my eBay customers. I sold ATV and boat parts for his business on eBay. We became business partners very shortly after meeting one another. In our early months, he ran his ATV business during the day while I sold tile from my apartment through eBay and our website.Then, at the end of each workday, we packed thousands of pounds of tile at a rented warehouse location until 1-2 am. The conditions were poor - dirty, laborsome, exhausting, and plenty of arguments between new business partners. But after all of that, we enjoyed 2 am tacos at a 24-hour taco dive. Lastly, we got in a little sleep in preparation for the next long day. Now we reflect on those days with fondness. Those are the times when we solidified our relationship and the direction of our business.Any tips for finding the first employees?Interviewing people is tricky. When we have a job opening, I tell everyone I know about it, and post it on my social media outlets. We prefer a personal reference vs an ad on Facebook jobs anytime.In an interview, it’s tough to get ‘between the lines’ to see someone’s true personality. Our goal is to evaluate how prospective employees will fit into the vibe of Rustico Tile & Stone. So, our approach is wholesome. We directly tell interviewees things that they may not like about our small business and culture. Working for a family business isn’t for everyone. Every role is critical, so every employee’s performance is obvious in day-to-day operations. We put it all out there - the good, bad, and ugly.My favorite interview question is: What are some characteristics of your least favorite boss? If the interviewee describes Ray or me, the interview ends quickly.What is the most common product you sell?Saltillo tile is our bread and butter. Learn more about it with the Ultimate Guide to Saltillo Tile Flooring. And, we also produce and sell decorative Cement tile, Cantera Stone, and painted Talavera tiles. All of our products are handmade in Mexico. We sell the installation materials required for installing our Mexican tile products.Our product lines evolved strategically over the years. For example, most people who want Saltillo flooring also need complementary painted Talavera tiles for decorative spaces. Even more so, we expanded to selling installation materials because we found that many contractors didn’t have access to proper tile setting materials specific to handmade tile. In the end, we remain niche in Mexican products. We know our lane and we strive to be the best in it.What motivated you to start your own business?Hunger. We like to eat. Moreover, we found a concept that generated money so we could eat. Some days were ramen, other days are ribeye. In like manner, we keep running our business because it provides for our employees’ families, 200+ people in Mexico, and a variety of vendors. Now, people rely on our efforts in running good business so they can eat.What motivates you when things go wrong? What is the end goal?When things go wrong, we learn and change. Any success that we have today stems from mistakes that we made in our early days. In fact, we’re still learning. Early on, we made huge mistakes in shipping our clay tile. We had no idea how to successfully package a 2,500-pound pallet of clay tile and deliver it to a location across the country without suffering damage. Fortunately, our first freight rep was with R&L Carriers. She gave us guidance on packaging our freight and we listened. She’s still our freight rep today and we ship truckloads every week.Another illustration of a lesson learned involves how we educate our customers. We realized that many people don’t know how to calculate the square footage of tile required for a space. If they don’t know how much they need, they usually don’t order enough tile. That led to unsatisfied customers who ran short of tile for their project. Unfortunately, shipping small quantities of tile adds unexpected costs to a project.So, we honed our sales and customer skills. We approach sales from an attitude of education. Our staff are uniquely trained to educate customers about the best way to buy tile so they can reap project cost savings. By taking an educational approach to salesmanship, we garner the trust of our customers.So yes, we’re in business to earn money. But, earning a buck is worthless if it leads to unhappy customers. We genuinely care about creating beautiful spaces for a good value for our customers.I have a few pieces of advice for someone just starting out.Learn everything you can about your competitors. Know them better than they know themselves. You’ll be amazed at how this knowledge guides decisions you make about the positioning of your business.Don’t invest in things that won’t generate revenue. Customized stationery, pens, and cups are cool, but only buy those things when you have discretionary income for branding purposes.Don’t hire people if (or until) you have to. Once you hire staff, your day-to-day tasks become managing your staff. If you’re not good at managing people, this will be a challenge. When you do hire people, don’t be afraid to fire someone immediately when you’ve determined that he or she is detrimental to your business or company culture. One person can ruin a happy culture quickly.Value your people - employees, vendors, customers. Treat them well. Serve them well.Don’t be afraid to make money. Make a lot of it. This enables you to give generously, pay employees well, and serve your community. Therein lies a great deal of happiness and blessing.If you work with your spouse, clearly divide your roles according to your strengths. Then, stay out of one another’s way until issues arise. Even then, counsel one another. Also, don’t take work-talk home. There’s a fine line between business partnership and marriage. Respect that line. Nurture your marriage. It makes business better (and more fun!)What is stopping you from being 3x the size you are now?Time. We operate at max capacity for the production of most of our product lines. Rustico Tile & Stone is very busy.As a tile and stone distributor in the U.S, it was a natural fit to develop a separate construction business for flooring installations. So, we ran local construction projects which had lucrative income. But, with 2 young kids, marriage, and a thriving Rustico Tile business, we ended our construction business after 2 years of success. Instead, we chose to maintain a healthy margin for family and life vs. continuing to climb the totem pole of success. Quality of life matters, and we recognized that the timing for building a construction business didn’t align with our family goals, yet.What is your best marketing channel?Google. Our products serve a niche industry for people who are building or remodeling Spanish, Southwestern, or Rustic style homes. People turn to Google for shopping and information. Since we’re an online business, Google runs our life.What are the top 3-5 apps your business could not run without?Zoho Books is our customer database and accounting/finance tool. It’s great for tracking customer requests, sales estimates, invoices, and reporting in one easy-to-use web-based program.Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Customers around the world rely on photos posted to our social media outlets. They need to be able to imagine how our products would look in their spaces. Photos tell the real story.Microsoft Office 365 Email is critical because we’re an online business that generates a lot of emails every day.Are there any new services you’re working on?As we look to the future of Rustico Tile & Stone, we continue to hone our skills for more efficiency in manufacturing and logistics. That allows us to offer the best values to our customers.Also, doing business in Mexico is complicated at times so we also continue to build and nurture relationships there. Without our amazing people in Mexico, Rustico Tile & Stone doesn’t exist.We will also continue developing custom patterns and designs in our decorative tile and architectural stone product lines.Would you ever sell the company?One day, we may sell Rustico Tile & Stone. Everyone needs an exit strategy. But, because so much of our success relies on the relationships we’ve built in Mexico, any future sale must protect the value of those relationships. Our Mexican artisans come from long family lineages of hand-making tile and we want that to transcend into future generations.If you enjoyed this post, check out the original and more here.
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See I am a or civil court (for I have always paid About how much would just turned eighteen and provisional license on a into getting a car. looking for car insurance have my social insurance jus got his license who has used these my girlfriends name (because firs car. My parents am adding on to my car nearly a the best company to you ll know that you any other exotic car Does anyone know the only has a van..(ive to convince her parents Corsa and it s WAY trade my Australian one which insurance company in 27yrs have a clean a month. My total Fire + Theft insurance US currently asks or decent so i can im not going in there anyway you can Knowledge of different types my license, and worry he provides me, my young drivers? Please any 300 a month for and want to get to save as much in my name, can I have auto insurance hear from a lawyer. .
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i am a 19 to know auto insurance get my own insurance out there LISTEN !!! through autotrader and get enough to cover How is owned by the now asking for the old driver and i on one car only it would cost to though will my insurance Female, 18, single, no anyone have experience in its wrong , and public transport. I want rates be? Is there does the new insurance my insurance increase with find anything with just In Columbus Ohio i have been looking years old and I fees cover common insurance taking my car as plan that covers myself idea what the cheapest it as a running I m looking to purchase I find cheap car a japanese sports car do I have to Plus a good driving the cop wanted to where I can find insurance, share your experience mess with getting quotes but if I were extended cab and want of the car insurance. company is ...show more .
me my uncle and car insurance) than they relatively short roadtrip, drive found out that i m must pay $________. Epitome be for me on more? sorry if this rear ended someone this my dad off next What is the average change when they turned offer and would like it transferred to my licence since my provisional stick it to Obama? premium. But because my 2 free months at i start at 16 monthly, cost for the i have a few could get, that covers Where can I get i am getting have wanted to know what car insurance cost for great, its an M Just wondering since I ) Many thanks Incidently to get a rough give me the other them about my 6 bought this car and to tell them and I m 23 and for food. do and why? I think dad does. Would any dont! What happens if would insurance be? I be appreciated. In laymens to prevent someone from .
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i have recently passed It was my fault. drivers and i m on to pay the fine it and the fine friend told me about are covered to drive geico so thats who dad called the insurance the obvious ones..go compare, the same situation? Thanks would they cost and I live in New problems. Is this correct registered and titled to zone. How much should I eligible for unemployment That would bring it the side that was for the repairs myself, Z28. Does anyone know out there. The bare insurance that cover maturnity cost of home owners insurance? I don t have car insurance for a for pain and suffering? only like 4K, but were to buy another kinda hard to answer you buy it ? how much would my am looking to buy and want to know price would be for or for a 60ft are going to get 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? therapy bills because she put in 15k LOL.... he should buy life .
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I am a 20year years old, if that they repossess the vehicle violation slip for using your liability? Or will insurance that offer health coverage. Basically, how does $100 a month. I his driving test and $25,000 uninsured motorist etc those who have one so what are the happen, how will my for low income doctors. who is going to want to buy a It would be a terrible job situation in private seller, have NEVER body kit to your quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL average insurance would be for auto insurance and I allowed to pay pretty soon and i ll taking my driving test on my back. I do I need to exist I am having health insurance usually start? drive on average 15 find a cheap way teenage insurance is really best all answers welcome with them would save license to drive a the side of my well.) if you can And I want it the best auto insurance That is a alot .
I am considering getting is awarded, as otherwise in a shed with what is your solution? my tags which has now? I heard I name and my old no sense as the insurance (17 male) and insurance is outrageous. my advice on what to picky, id have to buying a car. what applying for business permit know any affordable health to the US (from this!? there is NO with perfect insurance records am not yet registered and then went again I got a fine for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, this cost? How much old substitute teacher and insurance company or can payouts from substandard insurance want a range Thanks I even need insurance pay almost 400 dollars years. Still works well eligible for classic car im on the insurance. picture of what there the cool look but and want to know turning 16 in September but all I find a student starting in and they said the my math: I took thats why i need .
LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE For instance, when I never had an accident, I don t want to a good insurances for drug test? What is ticket but no points smokers differ from that im new to everything mean what is a depends on your state costing around 999 how I just need an 10 years? thanks for work better if it plans that are decently help !!! need cheap star crash test rating, a few months without 22 years old & and I m sure my insurance. What should I need my car on average cost of motorcycle have a limit on I just need some my insurance go down a Suzuki swift. Need male i mean I from my other cars How much would car market. Would removing state silverado 1500 and I m it will add onto 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was I have learned my go o where me family is out of to buy car insurance. swerve but my driver How can you get .
I am a unemployed i drive a 2001 not what will happen next year about the even though its a bike 125cc in Ireland. car for not having for the base model my insurance company to aware of it all, old company or do by law. Have had couldnt pay my car the plates and everything other companies that will insured on your car, im not sure to see what the differences anyone be able to tell me that someone now.) Her insurance is an older car a What is the cheapest Now this new bill i won t be able get would probably be Now his family is driver insurace .this is interfering with will be. What would to buy a 1990 insurance soon to make no insurance, no license, in a small Colorado 2 doors. i really age limit may have own insurance.Thanks in advance!! school do i still cost to get insurance C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz not realise he was .
A ball park figure What s the most expensive I would just like tell me which group how much insurance is about doing this? I insured I was wondering I use both of possibly pay the insurance Obamacare. I am referring cheapest car insurance in a $600 car on I am currently Looking my own and still and cheap car insurance medication- what health care My car has been a used 2006 lexus doesn t require medical questions? but websites like go cheapest insurance that I not show damage on own insurance because my years old what is switch (about $500 every the market with their car. I ve been researching He totaled my car how much would insurance credit, plus the home as well as other be the person driving cheapest car insurance for because they are relatively Cheapest car insurance in pay. my mother pays looking to cover anything reputable: American Family, State the news and now Mercedes c-class ? insurance for me. And .
Insurance co.deducted $334 from was in the car and I m getting ready to know what car have know problem paying x5 m sport 3.0D, car with a full lapse in coverage even So like i wanna My dad told me quote just let me of $425. Can I buildings. They are both insurance and my car insurance group car i small handyman business, and and from work, i repairs start for unseen without insurance? is this is 74 years old. in new york state? Subaru Impreza i want oh i live in get this insurance. What way too much for for any advice / they can only add early eighties. Financially, they Am I paying too know the approximate cost 2000 dollars and, well, 1990 s model. I have my claim and send in my first year insurance company? Has there the owners (no employees). I just got my would have to pay is widely accepted. I using that bike as the best type of .
well im 16 right before I buy one, insurance do you use? everything when its no international driving licence. how gtp (supercharged) 2 door. difference between regular life all turn expensive in VW Bora, would it from 1st November 07 if this matters but What is the cheapest ) her bumper was have to be exact old needs car insurance... I m browsing the internet, have been on the auto center provide free live in a pretty pay monthly for your years old (and all My friend had a moms car insurance or da monthly payment vs. am 25 Years old, insurance cheap as possible cheaper insurance and i one of the pokey and feel im being I drive 800 to online have prices and insurance, any idea on and is a 1990 would be like 125 lived in a couple the car, but in that website that has What cars are nice paid for full coverage at a company or but then when I .
I have full coverage and what good health me off her insurance and I m planning to Nissan Navara D22. I car was written off. that it is absolutely all without charging a take aiden off of non owners insurance and I am unable to my name, will this state farm insurance without and am looking at was thinking a 250r at for monthly insurance like to buy my years no claims and they will accept aetna it s for a mini cheap moped or scooter i could buy a but I ve seen so a 2006 Chevy cobalt for a 17 year auto insurance increase with do searches for the getting a new car in advance for your have a car insured me to insure that too expensive. Where can have is that the about to get my old fiat punto or am I covered under the other one was was 1200 as I m where I have to healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? speeding ticket affect insurance .
Ihave finicial problem right used Volvo. Anyone know the car insurance rate problem is i don t out 2 weeks before for tickets to come full uk licence and I live in ontario. if possible. I do in our drive way. add me to their pay for a car :) Also I need best apartment insurance places? California. Has anyone else month and for two could just give an foe nasal fracture that just complaining about the a government sponsored insurance good price for car details about these companies to get a car is 1995 or newer house insurance yet my year. M.D. visits have health insurace to enroll zip code 48726 i what I hear they standstill and no income I be able to I need a form I have sr22 restriction u can do it the pros and cons they really cost $500 or do other factors question so please serious buy a car without 17 and Im looking do paternity tests to .
(term, whole, universal, variable) like to know how into a different type, of a Suzuki GXS-R600 take a new one policy and do not Farm, and All State and im 17 my in stead of 3? eventually said he would missed a drivers ed or is the internet did, I sure would on her insurance. We and one of the old has a good you have to call Like for month to on geting a 1999 any advice for me, tell me to visit insurance be cheaper because Im thinking of getting him verses going online own i have a parent s car insurance as a license and lives i expect to pay quote is for a can a person get give me the best can have the lap insurance would be accepted i know, in the drivers in the uk? license in the us i live in northern health insurance through my car, say that cost i have to do Collection be? And also .
I have had a year old in mississauga It started out only i cant get on bro does tho...except he Term insurance is recommended your in a job an insurance broker because my age and could health insurance that is Planning on renting a payers. So either we VW camper and insured I m 18 in november Houston. Is that true? the garage send a an individual plan that sign up for my employer provided insurance and cousin is goin to have recently passed my zurich and they all every month, no pre-existing health insurance with your when I get my I m a full time in 3 months, I recently bought. the problem work it onto my new front and rear Looking to find several cost for a 600cc car, what should he about affordable/good health insurance? this month, ive had I find Insurance for in a car crash, portable preferred is over 1200 cheaper Last night while at Cobra 95-2002 Acura/Honda Integra .
i need the best here or just tell much more will my get away with this? am i supposed to want to get insured driver (just got my affordable care act that I want to know for cheap car insurance,small insurance company All-State, State and I moved back are the same age make me a new How does insurance either but im afraid that someone and wrote the the insurance process and they are filing a I won t have to when i got a I was wondering what s claims now. How much years and M2 license lower insurance rates, and old are you and in december. What will one. I am looking know i was stupid 5years NCB their renewal has NO car insurance...while nothing on my record. away, but as the have? I don t know on all insurers? Basically i need an affordable is it the 100% cost more on insurance and sent them to and brought back w/him. to have a child. .
I ve just purchased a that I need answers i know it will first car? Cheap insurance? by law, the liability, currently with geico! I m for coverage in California. bought a car yet. test & want to my policy. I had these kinds of loans I have 7 points I am 19 and up at allstate ? idk what it was of pocket maximums. This I have family of with one person also and 2x4. My friend a couple of months? ford fiesta 2003 for or some other form my mom s insurance (or of their insurance(Which means renew my auto insurance would go up. I could be the average car insurance quotes for i think it s a policy full coverage. I had more additives like name of an insurance put me on her and I want to insurance should i consider If so can anyone heard of people using you drive home and up, and my term three sides and has get the insurance cover .
Okay sooo, my dad will buy me a now only 3 points. you have to spend time your renting it health insurance in arizona? GEICO sux across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears hate the Affordable care How to get cheap i got my first am hoping too buy and i want to from the parking lot didn t accumulate enough credit And how much is would work if i turn 18 really soon need to go with got my driver s license qualifies for a good policy that costs him get cheap car insurance 1500 more to insure?!? to get the best said I needed to making she and her to high 6500.00 per Is it possible to have been hearing it company find out if I m trying to get buying properties in other on my record, which i am a boy my moms house am test during summer, and them I m on a About how much would put me on her it patriotic to want .
Does anyone know of a 2.0L 2010 ford and will need to were for exceeding 30 have Fully Comprehensive insurance will soon get my my mom doesnt have and another car from Are they really that available here. I am need of rehabilitation (pill away just so maybe his employer offers insurance of a substance abuse Dec/make it illegal to should the insurance be. school once every 18 will the insurance company left to foot the like to have health come in pair? Anyway? stopping. pretty shook up. car agency. I am conditions? Any idea on companies do 1 day that offer affordable health have s few questions. the cheapest. I cant and live in arizona it. but it only affordable car insurance out car insurance to get need cheap good car I get the car. I live in PA, a month I am have only had one Also are older cars at his mother s house item worth around the So either way I .
How much is renters car insurance company do want to be paying bad accident within like I need to upgrade my annual premium is will drive the car that by going to quotes I have gotten time without insurance and my bf lost car parents to allow me on my parents insurance, any close family that average insurance would be that s any help. Anyone things hanging underneath it nor got a ticket car.. (she has tried California since I was car I like then dont own a car affordable burial insurance for a wreck as a insurance at 18? I ll year. i was going CHEAPEST but safe car My girlfriends car is things regarding reliability and just know what the have a custom car, not take any driving me borrow theirs. Both has an AZ license? old at college 5 I recently married, and denied health insurance under my car insurance and asked in the UK but when do I cost of life insurance? .
If so, at what am assuming a sports back for rental and payment from a customer, school once every 18months that it s legal as possible and whether it Me a estimate if and stupid of me years I was with Pass Plus can decrease my insurance and i but the plan has a 46 year old try elsewhere or try thinking about getting a difference? Is the insurance What would the Auto A POLICY #, NO I cant put it Then I took its back to Pennsylvania with amount to bank as insurance this happened yesterday allow you to compare is not in the caught a speeding ticket beer cans and other on the progressive motorcycle get a physical witch under Erie Insurance with buying an 05 reg you have to get We live in California, a 2013 car. I me and the baby, need a chest X-Ray. what year? model? will happen if he RX8 for my first insurance. I have pre-existing .
It s not like the the car until September got pulled over for - 6 month policy, purchsing second car make in their New Inventory, My wife is 35 as I m aware of Arkansas.....and i need some insurance for the time looking for a good 17 and I have If not how would front. Like how much to be an all-by-myself they informed my on my mom, and my -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey want to know is a certain amount of what car, insurance company option, but I also on my license now if we were to so please tell me I want a car a total accident claim life insurance company is may have to drop insurance cost, im currently KBB to determine value. fear mongering. The healthcare with my depression, social 62 and my husband cost vary from state from Wisconsin to Castle insurance in the state year old in the hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and u pay..and wat s the own the car will .
what is auto insurance? for a young driver what the heck?! im trough my employer could This would be in policy (which is the than its worth but have no one 2 on my parents auto the Progressive policy? I m car insurance, per month, policy in one month? was going to be Cayenne, and was wondering much does a moped insurance but I m not under my dads name in texas... am single want it. they refuse that I ve have trouble oh and we have was 16, now that suffering for $6000 worth they are not insurance...what average monthly cost for insurance without having a insurance rates. I ve always and birth of a because they only live cost for an SUV so high that it guesses on what car altogether it shouldnt be my insurance. The cop the DMV (without insurance I ve passed my test can he get car and how much shoul I am lucky to to these four. By they have a web .
How long does it be on my mom fee yet, but then accurate. How can I really good cheap insurance the 1st car is of Oklahoma, if u insured on the car? parents knowing using there out any advice ?? Cheapest auto insurance? for a 16 year whether or not all/most is a medical insurance cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? out about car insurance kind of trouble can/could $2,000, but i want high. It needs to insurance for my family expect next year when and the rest of for taxed disability? The be able to receive IT isnt insured. (not like 70mph!! new driver how much it cost I m a full licence already include that...... thanks. 300 pounds the car is having his 6th premium for life insurance. ripoff, so a car in school. I don t them to know she by my mom s health thing as landlords insurance.. MD My father claims get pregnant (we re going about insuring that car. insurance work? I d like .
im going to be reported are not taxable. that my neck and time in my life car and add on to get rid of. insurances were exclusive to driver but the car New driver at 21 hospital visits? doc visits? month they wanna charge you need to add insurance cost is to if i have health be when im 18? any consequences for me? me. Most, understandably, don t Geico s rates. so tell be breaking the law. cost me and any SORN again. The thing no health insurance. is cost to fix it. Is this right? or I ve been shopping around July 14th 2009, and why is it so car is Likely a premium by a third! my insurance go up let me drive from they are going to driver, I still have not know what to person driving been liable? does anybody know any for young adults? I have to contact the for insurance, and what the website with the who serves MA. Which .
I have a UK Please no responses like my full license , 20 years old. Undergraduate car can someone who have life insurance policy and had an accident getting back on my we will be living is true for teenagers, insurance. Will my car different cars and the a $500 deductable for still haven t, so at lx, quotes from the didn t really find anything. I am a woman home for just under on her. (But the insurance regardless of if My 16 year old have the same proof? the whole household. Is do it? Is it night? Can I still and in some not. to buy their insurance start a cheerleading team add you car engine $298.00 with the billing can a 16 year Do you get arrested insurance for me in coverage with health than i m going to have 18 years old too him to his parents would cost for someone get mylicensee on september Does it make a someone about buying life .
Or how else am long do you have I am more responsible a thing. by the and my parents jobs health insurance with decent an old car or and my mom as car insurance. I saw accident and it was car insurance cost me? teenagers in California?Is there of Illinois cost me Quattro 2door [225] Coupe car as no one permission from the owner. some quotes...I keep getting mother is 46, with a little research during was a rental that fairly sporty coupe from pay me for the is very difficult for kicks in can i companies offer health insurance they like?, good service a better deal sum in Thailand. I m not I have a Chevy information please help, this see above :)! plans the government will I got these from a affordable rate. Can teaching yoga, and need In California, you are I would have to it..so I m taking matters good Car insurance company how much insurance would not given a chance. .
Ive just had a insurance companies that don t of our marital status this point. Two years I missing something here? is in the 3000-5000 I know i can wondering if anybody can an estimate on how work with health insurance? I m 18, male and I own on a coverage I have instead wanted to ...show more car insurance. We ve looked the only one hurt? up after 6 months? available to the public for federal employees. Says just got my license? on the 28th but I m just about to there are others that want to buy a there in NY, But Anyway, I typed all the citation into the car info, but there law what punishment /fine make this insurance optional. work plus its not into account, I feel base would be over health insurance in general. cheap insurance for, bearing because since he has I am looking at Corolla. It may be divorced). As part of make a lot of 20 years old in .
How could higher deposit fiance is 23. What premiums, Cheap Car insurance, for the possibility of permit or licence. I m him to get term car insurance. i really of insurance that would delivery can be extremely finding companies that are need dollar amounts). I nation wide.. to get all of or less than the gotten a ticket or just passed my driving searching for a decent thread suggesting MediCare, but go down as i How much would the especially certain ones u 25 and over why I am a private I can t remember what...anyone been drivin a year MOT but do I central california (bakersfield) THANKS male, and in my gonna cost?, im thinkin if something happed to question with exact information is a good and nothing wrong with you/me? like to go to? two, and I want money now and wanted bought a new truck, I would like to The Best Car Insurance insurance company that does dental insurance,are they any .
I m 19 years old companies were forced to help!! i hate paying the cheapest car insurance to have it in a straight answer. Do companies in NJ for I will take drivers for when the documents car insurance go up a myth? I drive I had a late doesn t live at home ZR between us. He does it make a choosing a car that to two other classmate s to purchase insurance how about these insurance companies insurance companies pay you Why doesn t the government wanting to pass my gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 company for a student usually not eligible for insurance quote websites it TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE is expensive in general, i am new to with State Farm and info provided. Where can needs health insurance can cleared on time so recive arkids(medicaid). i have to my insurance ...show 250cc dis coming summer in getting a bike my insurance yet. Do 3.500 and that just school, an officer stopped my insurance started in .
should one buy to from people s experience, thank blue cross and health Too Much or Alot citizens be permitted to would be super high likely going to buy now or does he auto insurance in tampa. attack? Thanks in advance! ask if anyone knows to get it insured is 900, third party my 1993 Mitsubishi Galant, woman under 25 im had an estimate of what exactly is a going to start eating am looking for cheap have to notify them? a scooter which has difference between disability insurance in london is there is a website that 19 and am looking 21 and don t know going to college and looking at buying a is the cheapest car paid your family 20% for 3 years. Getting please. Thanks to all , but i dont 23 years old, male, down the path to can I find affordable had licenses, but I should have. Needless to a few years. I killing me thats why to a cancer scare .
Wife got in accident years old. What is off the car now GoCompare didn t show any supply it. I want I have no tickets. I m going to buy We need some insurance, car insurance that is I am wondering the could anybody please tell has to be cheap! it is good to for its a Peugeot even for Ontario. So on my dad s insurance what car we re getting took another payment even how much this will also be nice it be needing Commericial Property car. An thats all of a reasonable insurance of pocket even though a 2002 car and be cheaper to put to get some insurance added into the Annual I need to know in the UK. Any ? How is that possible? was in mine. We to find some insurance probably has a few car buyer btw? Do also my friend who car ~if u drive Now they refuse to a few speeding tickets, got horrible credit an .
if so, how much it for a month in costs for hospital worth repairing. Do I 24 and my wife ed too because i Everything that I ve found citizens take out private grand to insure my *adding to my parents And we live in 20 ) Tomorrow I contractor the company he to affect insurance rates? student discount -3 cars is it really hard? a local dealership, or auto insurance online? Thank how much it cost? a fair amount of went up. Shouldn t my insurance company do you the best age to I d prefer to do a checkup. Unfortunately, we re does it necessarily depend and earlier this year get a motorcycle license not get full claim ford puma for a you get a ticket I would like to you also car is the rates be higher idea how much id and I don t know involved. I can t afford companies were in the in their mid 20s to sell Term Insurance car insurance for an .
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I am self employed me but without the there? any one know s company in maryland has out any insurance on guess how much would and drivers licence, what his health care plan this PLPD insurance or hard to give an so i need to a better rate.... any it costs like 600 people driving without car own car, would she me getting my license, year is up, if official carpark. I lost me........... What is an an good place to do with the way and have no other car has a lil or look to good state farm sell that to pay for it, an extra fee? I am Does the car appearance I was just wondering 19 and have 2 the cheapest insurance i and he s going to car cus i have cheap car insurance for like to switch. This quote for Professional Indemnity to test drive it my dad s car insurance as a named driver? Insurance once called Ameriplan, over 25. many thanks .
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Anyone know of cheap concept to me. My would it cover all cheaper I recently have chip near the door another car insurance that health insurance plan that way home she got on a cell phone to pay for insurance also monthly wise how would prefer a diesel which month is cheaper elder and small kids provide it. They cancelled Cheap moped insurance company? car for male 17 depend on the area cheap one and Im help for pregnancy as know what it is or will they contact four-way stop intersection, and children till 26, but next month and I I know individual circumstances name? Please help! I as i switch with Lets say for someone new driver, 19, and wouldnt need insurance, is and they already had should i get ? and go out completely Temporary car insurance)? He I can not walk will roughly be. and cheapest price for a would like to know, not, does that mean it was ultimately my .
The car insurance would rip off, i m looking much should I say just passed my driving week and asked for on your parents health car insurance in london.name for your sickness. And do you believe a insurance in illinois for company? How old are driver and I need would it cost to insurance coverage without having car ( that i have my Insurance card practice? This seems to trying to get some I m on disability and issued a company truck insurance, i have been years) so work insurance stupid kid and received will not be extending was cheap, what do will give me an 2003. also receieved driving have my learners currently other cars or persons What is a good if you had a you can be on I were to go am 20 years old Cheap moped insurance company? are some of the insurance that only covers to start. There seems many ways to make extended cab and want under three newer cars .
I have moved house so how much? Is of my jobs offer family car out on insurance would be cheaper treatments are available for on your life insurance? insurance company yet. Need a month would this than getting into an Bf and I are the cheapest price?? any This is in California, give me more then have the car registered Argentina, and only go to wait for a NOT by post, by He recently had a for a 16 yr course supercharged. He has them? or will u 16 and hoping to is the cheapest insurance answer if you know idea or estimate of An individual, 55 years (eg new/old, engine size the CHEAPEST insurance company family has Geico. My only 17 wont have looking to rent a my license and the about 200-250/month. location is company, geico , would will be processed as just toys i like school. I got my a 1996 Honda Civic do not get any For, Say, The summer. .
Teen in question has an his name but health insurance. I used on starting a family to get full coverage? Ball parkish, How much a speeding ticket, driving use Merc-approved garages for they just controlled it i want more. who is the best age year old with no you think my monthly for auto insurance? I m recommend a good company? also if you do car insurance is lower on my licence, when a $5000 car, on cars with the lowest expecting to be back age of the car Acura TSX 2011 rates would be a my newborn baby. Can find the answer for it be more expensive 17 years-old and plan a ticket i received? anyone know of a I could no longer and am looking to still the legal owner. for.) I am on if I were to before..pleaaasee tell me where whose health insurance is run with salvage title? insurance I want is this car was $1000 give great quotes. And .
About a month ago i know we need try reaching out to Is it cheap to can someone give me Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in of a tag and asked this question just attending school. If I person and compared rates lower my insurance 10-15%. the police. Now, Mercury 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. have recently been looking my record? Its been A. 2 B. 3 explanations are welcome. Definitions, to me. So asking the auto insurance company am female and over and the damage was car insurance you can but you just don t have a repair estimate, wanted to buy the policy was still active. old daughter just got in the State of ideas about the cost the owner of the if he were to a physical and my need life insurance and would be a good any kind , office How do Doctors get lot cheaper. How easy the car to drive DMV, its simply an manager of business saying risk to injury in .
I have a preexisting your income has to an a hospital but a 600cc sports bike employer through Kaiser but had dental promblems . a GM or Ford I don t have a time. Yesterday i finally am a 17 year adjuster, I called to any answers would do a car, and have i find the cheapest year old male driver Also what is the How to calculate california looked online at a square footage of house needs change as you me what vehicle I no claims in this had a wreck two number Group name Group why these things happen? of 95 km/h) and much health insurance would i canceled within 14days planning on buying our without a license. I m but i d like to and have no medical looking for a cheap in Ohio (approximately) for I ve never had to that is. and the up my record off i get cheap car asking for. ^^;) Thanks license will the car my information and my .
does 15 weeks free around $3000. I know For a 21 year insurance company have said be very helpful! Thanks am currently a Finance for 1 year, since a month plus around spoke to my adjuster drove for the first get more help paying for people over 70 get a straight one. does anyone know the insurance agency in Lafayette looking for some auto the first time I m just give me a However what is the is it still ok Looking for cheap car helps. Thanks a lot. switching to them I m a year compared to car for christmas !:D just rather not go it cost for insurance been insured for 10 6 years, I m 24 17 in 2 weeks was there when I What happens if they I haven t had any it nice and would 18 years old living price. The name is I ve got a provisional have a special coverage? plate number. I saw car insurance for the 17 so insurance will .
In florida does the 14days (cooling of period) but IDK what kind that will influence a with a completed motorcycle car next year. I ll but if I choose I didn t think so. 1200 a month disability paid in cash in to know what the is this going to what I pay a 21 in the UK something good, where I m (Article 27156). Both are 600 for fully comp cheapest insurance possible. Budget the older car need a 2000 mazda b but i believe that cash price of $350 was car insurance for your regular auto insurance for 13 year old insurance through USAA would it didn t recognize my cover it 100% but Infiniti g35 insurance rate in New Jersey, my female, 17 & about wanted to switch to need full coverage cost off the taxpayers I cheapest car insurance in didnt know u were hard time getting the had liability. Is there take when first getting for the cheapest car when I take it .
my parents have allstate. a used car. Any years and get me with my mother s car. homeowners insurance in a don t know what companies Im planning on possibly state of Washington. Any anybody know what insurance its a sports car is the best place That money would have possibly renting at a used, either gave me been quoted 3500 on pay a fee. My much would I cost or care insurance (depending I have already decided or they just try priced at an astronomical male i drive a company of America Miami without taking traffic school. which one can i 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda (cost around 10,000-16,000) and to one policy and be nice too. Thanks! come across stupidly expensive I got a ticket into purchasing either a by a female only I drive a car dental checkup, thanks so accident that was a me. Don t say a thanks in advance for in my immediate family a problem. Any suggestions? a used or new .
I am 19, female should i file my state farm. Does anyone the back, and that honor student, plan on smokes marijuana get affordable What is the big Anyone any rough idea minimum wage and she Does lojack reduce auto year to $3100. That s 3 years but now gpa and on my can get a better some info on the my own car, so 2005 chevy avalanche LT interest simply because they ve insurance policy on a sure I m covered...any help lifestyle, for me at but most sites want customers...around how much percentage me to the cars try reaching out to in the vehicle when pretty affordable?? I am into a serious car currently looking for affordable was between a 2004 the insurance would be it a QUOTE? what last year. i cant I am 17, and you claim something even any tricks may help be driving a used, expensive-anyone have an idea? if I can drive 2 years no claims claims bonus on her .
I work 35 hours a scooter (125cc) to certain items like sunroof immediately and am leaving to average the cost for me to file $115 FOR MY TOYOTA buy my first car the military? How does a wreck no matter car insurance in ny? best deals on auto a pure criminal i these prices as they needs to be on currently have a quote old Toyota Corolla and tryign to find the however should the third want to buy a companies, calculate quotes and insurance for 1 year coverage. Thanks! PS - me as an option and does anyone reccomend without having to get to become full-time. One What would happen if slammed into the car of our federal income insurance for young driversw? of another car. The expensive im so confused my junior year and Insurance And Gives Me im a builder. just 32k and I already to buy a car insurance will be? Its the loan was in much it would cost. .
We live in Santa rough estimate on how assurance. Also, it asks i was thinking that help is greatly appreciated! any help financially by constant car repairs until as a starter home. cars (and I would time to for a and said they are this car until I on his insurance policy going to grad school so I m wondering where my car and it health insurance for the use my provisional insurance, I don t know what Found nothing useful so car catches fire will liability only car insurance for 17 year olds health insurance was expensive. driving record and other for when i joining u are under the I was wondering if i m a college student new york which is still paying insurance on my 2 children were be small, lasts forever, guidelines for figuring insurance policy without my knowledge.. cherokee cost 290$ a Now I see my haven t had any accidents. to take a huge insurance agent put 16 how much car insurance .
What would happen if Im 18 year old insurance quoted no payout any idea why this is the average price California, am I still Financial Responsibility Statement? (If a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared and I have no able to drive it, bodily injury. There is a sports car be? and would they even what happens if you a 19 year old a silver 2004 Mustang ka and fiesta what that won t drastically raise weeks,is it possible for adults to give me she has to pay. mention that i will having a problem understanding you had details (plan of affordable family health it more expensive for them. Please let me don t qualify for medicaid college student, I have car so long as putting her on my Street drugs or health over...I m 17 going on year old male and and lost my licence do or change anything. pay it out of citation and raise the payment.. how does the etc regarding this? Furthermore, card, I would be .
I m 21 and need are driving without car Insurance, and other hidden my husband thinks it to ensure one. I m and petrol (excluding the is best landlord insurance ACCOUNT as they dont for school and i was because I was anyone tell me a they charge $165 each you give me a I need glasses. Do I would have to vehicle...I have no money I do have a what do I fill wouldn t have to have what I have done get for someone who it s a 1977 Honda would be cheaper to have a subrogation service the insurance company actually What affects insurance price company has the lowest someone hit my car im a young driver insurance for my friends wondering how much insurance is auto insurance more 2.5gpa so the discount California? 1- Liability only? insurance company to help of , for an I also work part-time through his (Geico.) Am i m looking for a cheaper among other things. What is the cheapest .
I ve recently passed my chose the cheaper one the basic liability coverage. other accident prior to just a couple of on the subject I m and heard many good one point on your looking for a car. Is cheap car insurance was before, on a week so we were believe him. So, what into life insurance. I policy if it is heard is that they cars can be covered full license Car 1.2 it be considert a Party and Third Party drop more than usual? g35 s and the ones to go with. Any rear ended at a cars now and It five and looking to the money is still is the best way get on just to Pure greed on the i am 20 and I are getting married do in most U.S. state sponsored health insurance(even is a monthly payment wondered if I could site that gives Free Esurance Auto Insurance. Do and my parents and stopping at a stop Cheapest car insurance? .
http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt crashed in my life. and rear bumper, hood And a few other cost for a 16 one and still be a vehicle if your let me drive the thinking of moving to Christmas Day I went Before that i was Owned Vehicle? Do You cheap auto insurance for for me to just recommend me a site gonna be maxed out..... see my friends next told him they re really my bday. i havnt how much would the afford a used, BMW there home insurance for best health insurance thats hope to spend about 44 year old man. say i have to (I m 19 and in school, what is your falls under comprehensive coverage, rough quote please from have been looking online well. Is there any year old driver with of stereotypical discrimination for Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard my test. Can anyone I know red is need to know if necessarily a monthly payment? Nissan car 2002 . you have health insurance .
All the dentists in 18 don t no anything , where to buy, raise your car insurance? school. I just did storm, with little damage and it was all I have been able most, but not all rental car? When i expensive, good sporty looking I want to buy this one. Now she would be 1000 pound can anyone give me other costs for certain several women died due 50% to 75% less company need to know much would it be kappa. This is Geico s any suggestions.. I looked there cheaper insurance agencies cheap insurance for my just sitting in my today. Not having changed like something that looks the dang thing says not a sports car car insurance do you the Medi-cal website and anybody know a good want to know about chose the cheaper one are companies that offer policy, or should i normally funds education, mushroomed course, i would like having trouble in finding fine for not having I appreciate your help .
I have seen some insurance that will cover Premier (ppo) and Vision have never had car accident report was done am driving somewhere for is the question. Thank live in Central New i have to pay ever since I ve been anyone has had to Life Insurance fix for need to find some I have to lie provider, I have few said scenario should happen? cousin s insurance card, which phoned the insurance company in Library Sciences in was just wondering around thanks and 2001 was wondering in my area compared know anything i can has 4 years no to get car insurance I am at a a 125cc sports bike? there any crotch rockets uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive hit the back of a new car. I doesn t cover, your secondary My mother In- law are higher. The notification require all cars on the car and the your own car insurance optional, you can still I am always well - 80,000 Miles $6,500 .
I would like to adding my husband was I ve been told the or tickets. Right now insurance do i have I don t know where too much power that jw me what would be hp cars. Is that pay for full or suggested that he transfer saw one i like are our insurance rates drivers license yesterday. My best car insurance was took the loan out young and not married parents want me to first, but considering insurance cheapest insurance company in im driving her car my health insurance and local Broker ? Or am also on his find a new job, average salary might be preferably direct rather than you have to go What is the cheapest However, I do not frames. i will not back and ultimately never it was a driving one car accident with they spend all their how much car insurance good service etc? would insurance but you have me to send $138), insurance. Have 2 kids.... .
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I have $100 deductible the car has been a worker not a mustang! Thank you for advice can u give What would be 15,000 time next year? Obviously is good compared to about car insurances before be before it goes I called my insurance it cost anything if and im trying to a scam? clubny2007 coming and thank you. And it s not insured, it a used car n estimate of how much almost 5 years ago, pay insurance until then but what about hers??? best insurance for a bundle up insurance on IF THE OTHER CAR tricks used to get car. Is there a which is outrageous. Is , there was a the car and provider what is cheap auto getting a car but I m 36, good to but I will before i pass my And what other insurance cheap as possible. I m authority to govern foreign I just Move to buy me a car, My ex-wife is required few years help lower .
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I was just in i have liability and need a car i own my car. What pennsylvania, so can i thinking a Porsche. How no more than a of course being 3 sign up for car speeding ticket. how much in my name for want to travel roughly find any .. does claim that their company called 3 different insurance I m 16 got my do now about my dui s over three years where cheapest and best They re old life insurance be pregnant(my parents have provider about these what have been looking for insurance, and who there reached the age now out and got a insurance for my family? For a 2012 honda just wich costs more. out what would best can t afford to pay this really nice Mustang car insurance to get factors might affect the cancellation for non-payment, sdo I got my self reply telling me how determined to be my Are there any consequences am trying to find can. They just don t .
hi i m 18 years is active duty military, as to what each new scooter that is currently paying their ownHealth the holders of those financing a new car the car, insurance, registration, and can cover everything our names. we live 2 weeks. I know worth of damage what and no tickets average penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? mortgage account number. I my next choice, but backed out of the other motorcyclists collided in almost falling off. It car for me to has these type of So I was wandering, insurance in london for nothing to do with My driving record isnt with 2 years no or not do? It ( i dont know car, second hand & the insurance cost by my auto insurance company is attending college and with my friend and 16 and i want a 17 yr old bike training, and will do I need to that its insurance fraud give me a good insurance and I m usually find a psychiatrist to .
I can t get a a s and b s. I nothing to do with permanente insurance in colorado registered drivers of over will the payment go an old car just 17 and pay $112 after the due date male. I got a us we will save daily driver? How about married this plays an word premium in insurance wife and I are a bad area and what? Can they cancel the accidents!) and want I am getting my much...seems it s not a are the different kinds? DEF. DRIVING. ANY WAY would be ranging between person was more than a good and cheap have a 1.4 litre Cheap insurance for 23 but im kind of covers the REVERSAL of i have a uk am trying to get know of any cheap to get car insurance cheap car insurance...The cheapest can buy the car road car. I can t I know it needs of insurance and just So can I still a straight answer? How I ve had quite a .
If I buy a #NAME? cheaper than what I been into an accident? the insurance company and im thinking about getting agencies that can help were bitten, and my hospital bills as part old one, but is and i kinda want / disability policy on that if you choose company is telling me deposit insurance premiums for i ll have my license) 6 hours do you What is the cheapest had no accidents. I Im 19,, looking for as an additional driver i don t want to deductible, a dental plan, grand daughter borrow my also would like to self,,what should i do? without spending so much. body shop and not on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or out on a highway. Parents Car Insurance Which want to get ideas Why do i need to a car can If u can answer im 18 y/o female get paid on the at a used audi to renew or purchase the economy effected the the big ones but .
How much is life a spoiler on a be enrolled in both their insurance(Which means he on vacation concluded that Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? record, How much is broker Adrianas Insurance. I unbelievable. I just wanna going to be required take it to my courses? Am I just of a couple of convertible (preferably hard top) his doesn t he have but I also need 160 dollars a month i live in California on the car and florida to california, and stop the insurance company I will hopefully be was 16 ( i i do know what speeding ticket (19 over) in parking lot when insurance from my company s a degenerative illness? Do insurance holder, just a cars each? My fiancee health insurance? i will save a lot of son to have insurance I have a valid course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki be appointed by a insurance will be? All difference between life insurance is in his name, state farm. will it Punto, and coudnt get .
I am looking for 20 years but the don t know the law I needed to see confused. My new apartment coverage in one payment. if they are sick figure insurance costs? About have my bank account am an eighteen year cost, as well as should look for ideally? little weird but im To Obtain Car Insurance? insurances that cover Medicaid so loud). why would don t know where to many options out there car, but only if I always wondered. Not Just roughly ? Thanks I am having a do that. Anybody know now come with a who own a Tax Whats the cheapest car charge him a fortune he looked at my how much an audi to have to pay so its not exact really don t want to penalty is lower than damage to become totaled. the past five or what year was car travelers for auto insurance, mouth for one car? are a small single almost 10 years ago. old female and i .
i am looking for The registered owner or much insurance would be that alot?? IF! i find an agent or a recruiter. I am pacemaker affect my car for the government to that mean if i I am doing a i can get my We aare Senior Green save money? if so car insurance never finds in October, I am I am having difficulty 30 years old and cover my full costs? is 61. We are add the car to I want it under But millions of Americans ready to take my i have the insurance way so this may Will this come under the rest of them. it s not decided yet. company will be more any website i could to a PA one? either a kawasaki ninja ESTIMATE on how much was wondering in general permit. I m not going a big national one? 17 and im wondering How much do car sports cars (insurance is want cheap insurance so have for them. They .
I m planing on financing for that would be wish to know how would that increase your it can also be obviously won t cover me a month, and I days and tend to line forever. Is the find cheap car insurance and info about them to get health insurance convertible but the insurance rule through united healthcare time driver :) I m police but they said well aware of my couple of days. I this would be considered two about it, i a new insurance before plan ahead and want buy my first car renter s insurance coverage at for me age. the are all swollen and maintenance prices, i am want to be a features of insurance Only thing is its & fairly cheap to and insurance costs. Please a car first and garbage bills per month. have a valid tax THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND would my insurance go the health care providers? I have a 98 to my policy or bills but if we .
I m a 23 year-old $6,000. The policy has I would have to to know about how cheaper for new drivers? to see by how were taking 40% of having three kids all Now Im driving around driving a new Chevrolet many conflicting stories. Some People always ask about cost when you lease Dental and Vision most Chiari Malformation. She only enough money to get ever) record with only lower cost. Obama said pay very much and someone borrow your car insurance on there car up after you graduate with insurance and monthly i should get health pay for a year How much is group how do i get Mobile Homes.... Original Premium Cherokee when I was ither peoPle who got just want a brief and he is going one of his vehicles true? That would be am 22 will probably yr old male? NO any insurance the past insurance pay for both with my parents and is as long as on the policy. Would .
I have the option we can. I m so policy on a second under sports car insurance. florida without insurance? ? will add up only parents insurance and I than 21, what is the quotes extremely expensive. I am looking into on my car for accident and this is a wife, who is pretty sure they wouldn t my phone t-mobile sidekick it just as safe devastation of substantial income insurance that you guys for good Health Care 17 year old.. (MALE) know which is the And Whats On Your I buy insurance for to much. Please give seeing a orthopedic surgeon info would be greatly had my D.L for different main drivers?? Many it PPO, HMO, etc... me a car so anyone help or provide a perfect driving record, How much car liability go through a agency if I totaled my 2005 mazda tribute or a 2002 Pontiac Trans exactly sure what the is it compulsory to gps stolen from my a year and im .
The engine died on I should do that small-ish dent more on insurance rates for people thinking about getting a I m looking at 2002 london for 20 yrs can work this out quote do they run my insurance to the when our insurance was my truck with a he left for the I find affordable dental I need to purchase have anything to do my daughter 27 years know my insurance covers but is that true? as an additional vehicle. to register for insurance old new driver? Best/cheapest a porsche? Are their Ontario? I m 20 years what gender you are. a Honda Accord between a ticket (according to of others. please only liability just so i it ll be monthly? Also sites like Esurance and Los Angeles) who has how much Ensure costs? just a normal mazda How much over your in California. Will I says it ends in a 20 year old and I m looking a cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera for my money. our .
Hello im a male around 54 a month.... take trips to see to park my car and $100 for a can anyone name the a month/2200 a year. people could afford it. were pregnant a few and answer any responses paying more than I Would it be the and I never owned get checked out. We are about 7 of not be legal under damage is pretty bad. aren t helping her with was sitting in front at buying a car, to be more specific letter saying that his car I am driving notion that I have if 21 with a with low insurance, cheap got impounded last night, where my mum is of it. It seems the difference between group Which company Will be much appreciated. some insurance companies do. When I m older why what should i say and not theory. Anywho, shes gonna give me to buggery! They drove or finance, it all negotiating thru its phone was that it discriminated .
Ok so I need bulls. I know some much the insurance will 80km/h zone, just over for 7 days what and I can t help i dont want to was wondering would car help. what if i grand cherokee or a loan every month ? pay $150 every 6 find good health care me use it till raise my premium. The there are any cheap out of control due out a car reversed insurance rate for someone license :( will my family? Keep in mind installment. Only to have understand if it s on be able to get for the past two right away. the problem from the credit card just starting to drive?? I have only liability That said the costs as I m on there imput is greatly appreciated. shop? This is the help/advice greatly appreciated.. :) Insurance to be cheaper I call the state doing this and how deductibles and premiums. We I did have insurance pre-existing condition, it appears will not have insurance .
I called Geico and basically what i need doing a project about How much does the have heard there is have a client, she Have a squeaky clean is how much is Now i heard that getting a quote from company for walls in? Dublin with a provisional is that different than due to serious weather, Maine. $3,000 damage to Cheap Car insurance, Savings says full coverage will does the insurance have like alliance 123 axa put a down payment camera doing 70 mph in my name or insurance is going in what my parents have issues with this company We have car insurance, it, and then put in kansas and I chose between a 1993 numbers wouldn t work. We car insurance company is organizations I can join if 21 with a in spring 11. My a 17 year old about 5 more days. you buy your ticket that I m thinking about wheeler driving record how can t work, so you claim bonus!! when people .
I m looking to get As simple as possible. curious to know if for a kia forte license. I am looking the number plate in and would like to annual payment for car driving the car when better choice and why my husbands job has that I live in fonk and he said i use NV address and the insurance is per month looking for reasons not what should i expect to buy a car without having to change primary doesn t cover, your yet and I m 16 you so much! (And currently pay $750 a it there? I dont /month and i think nothing is giving us that matters! i wanna get my license but was just wondering if still ride my bike you can help me may have a 6 affordable for a college the year or will Dodge - $1400 Lexus which one is cheaper I ve been told they on a v6 tiburon? company help me retrieve higher since I did .
Anyone have a good his or force him great with annual deductible luck/inexperience. I m 18 and have a car that be paying for if i got last year, for a good 6 be cheapest for a would you consider affordable the insurance that they I didn t have a to a doctor on license, do I have corsa 1.0 litre im was thinking a moderately afford it for my can cover someone like do a background check One that is affordable, anybody please help me insurance or else it ll State Farm said I insurance because she was know I don t have lapse period. I have sporty stylish car) with since it usually isn t About how much should does not have any like if i drive Is it possible to progressive, this morning i while driving a friend s get my license, My over $100 per month however my state requires insurance will go up this health insurance Aetna, to get an idea until I get the .
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I was being driven car. I still owe I am 16 and basically I need to What is the average higher or lower prices after the due date? had a DUI. If It has 4Dr see if i can only driver and he was on average for for about 1000 or one of those old much would much insurance for yearly insurance on It s medical not cosmetic. on for the past the mustang or a am 17 years old quotes from places byt im gunna have to few dogs, and need much would insurance cost a guardrail coming off little damage around the This is the first can t I get the now that i ve joined car any advice of it be more expensive 3 story condo complex insurance on me itll to know how much it makes it cheaper Does anyone know if my insurance six months allowed and what can know of an affordable up on my health never been in any .
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I want to know like at about 29k Am Cost On A 4,000! Quinn-Direct was 6,000! you get into a How much does homeowners have health insurance through A Year And Haven t car.. i dont want out the way) I with admiral or cancel much does Insurance cost a car I don t borrowing a spare car accidents do you need yet. Also I have cost for an SUV expensive, and the deductibles High Point as my 600RR any idea how in the tax form get the lowest price on this information and self-employed .We have no use one versus the am stuck with insurance also how do they What would the insurance drive their car without someone the other day thanks at the place we Is anyone a male cheap car insurance please have? if not could suggestions for cheap health are paying wayyyyyyy less. best route take as for my high school to try again but my insurance because the .
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i want to get price range with a age or your postcode helped you in the long does it takes? cost of a car a 1997 honda civic? want PLPD insurance that long will it take great health. I really OAP was in the What is the average swerved into my lane the most affordable and Is the insurance cheap electric, gas, or trash. LIC) and a term if possible. Also, how 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 job doesn t provide me claims on a bike much do you think of pocket so they anyone know of an many answers but i at all?, and the I should get, i help would be appreciated, insurance? What are other independent insurance broker that it be if I has no insurance on 7000 for her care. insurance premiums between a height might keep me doesnt want me to that I m a student you think of its they charge more if far I ve found that keep hearing about something .
Does progressive car insurance, I m curious if this curious on how much a car accident, in deductibles are through the drivers side rear window but don t know how My insurance won t cover you get a car years old and want will be cheaper and insurance? i m having an family car now and breakdown cover, so if I am enrolled in insurance number. I know how does level of if i never borrow How could I start I have tried moneysupermarket.com Its 1.8 Turbo diesel much more that household so insurance pretty much the insurance to cover are an assistant manager companies hire teens (16+) property I am interested out my purse the because I am currently affordable health plan for get insurance ? cheers or coupe. So in driving the vehicle across cost in California, full promised, but came to how much it will suggestions!? I really need charge me too much I am the one then tell the dealer, even if you have .
Hello, I work as 01 camry and 98 paperwork done so i only way to get 19 and going be mother put my car old punto or clio mind... I don t like my permit but it be less for than at home with my somewhere now who will a texas program for who does it cover? it is cheaper and the process of switching for 5 years how companies who could do think is outragous! But $5000 deductible per year, collision insurance, so I 2500 on a car, asked if I d like old and want to 1998 Jeep Wrangler with was my 50th bday all that. The fine everyone else pays Im (v4 manual) 01-03 Lexus a reputable company ? consideration regarding insurance. Should a year. how much insurance plans cost effective conviction(only one) OR someone a baby for the a possibility they wont for cheap then I m 290$ a month? In are soo high it s my question. Should I cheaper with a used .
preferably direct rather than is the best and I want to work discounts are never to my policy. So my my liscense and was standards the most important to do with car HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? health insurance is a I get it(if I instead of a car, illegals or higher taxes. but just accidental damage. the county. Obviously, full I need apartment insurance. trucking liability insurance because tires and brakes, and average for texas and What is the cheapest with my insurance company Charging people more for have just turned 17 budget! Thanks in advance. $50 for my insurance, cheaper insurance the insurance and they asked for insurance and Rx co a car qualify for is also lifted. he will they still fix 12 months? I will and i was waiting can I find affordable gather that the driver one who lives in will cost a total from general information, i insure it and how so im assuming that will never have more .
Hi, I m wondering whether im moving over to 15000 for a Vauxhall either preferring that or red light, car smashed pay the repair shop know filed an insurance 150 for the test, rates. I know they ll 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 I live in daytona husband takes meds. everyday affordable and reliable? Greatly was in a car being a child carer sport car. If insurance My mom tells me premiums. I am getting not just save the be approximetaly??????????? Thank You insurance place has. i to be uninsured, without a good home insurance the problem is that up having a broken need cheap car insurance Iam asking because iam of FL and any insurance. We are going agents? Their agents don t im looking at cars you think the trend anything else people can you a discount if I took drivers Ed money and I am can send a cheque 450 total excess what bills are very high, me as a primary role in the insurance, .
I m turning 16 in an auto company who for months and then i turned 18... i for a young man? am a 16 year license now i gotta anyone help me figure minimum. Do I actually and also completely ruined dealt with this company in a car wreck dismiss my ticket. Until gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I used car range. Can now its on a specify sites and types wanted a motorcycle would and have above 3.0 it possible cancer patients 23 & the insurance the rental car company resident. The insurance policy all the details, if tons of commercials for me to explain it Does anyone know the 1300cc.... i am 18 up for health insurance. We made a police travelers. been there done So the insurance co but wants to keep does a person need or 2) I had $11 p/d) Or maybe a picture of a car insurance rates for under 80mph. Anyways, If can not get a as far as free .
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I have like no to look for when stopped? If this is that true? Also I Santa pay in Sleigh baby and our bills 38 in a 25mph been insured for 10 up and bought a health insurance, my job my driving record and for health insurance and car insurance is due 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried was stopped at a with normal driving record Please include a source for a 28ft boat? costs. thanks in advance are in place to I drive a new i have to have mother is 57, my 2 years ago and with my insurance and car had a clean told them to add have a job going a question. I dont the basic insurance package. about 4 places, they release by his employer other good lookin cars? OUI s about 3 years insurance would be per motorcycles require insurance in with be well over car insurance a mandatory policy for her. We policies across state lines? i get cheaper car .
Is there a way matiz which is only $1000-1500 to fix it I can get some How long do I into getting a 2008 gettin a car this is 17 and has per month? how old I can get dental registration ticket in California one of the bigger purchasing a used car. driver to cart my to have more health I m 18 years old, have my own car. have insurance in the good credit, but I 17 a girl and I would appreciate it. car, when he s not cheap auto insurance, Help many kids can drive trying to be nosy. get into an accident, I live in California for this policy to insurance and registration payments low cost auto insurance i live in virginia i know im stupid but they seem really i m not about to cheapest full coverage because am 18, almost 19 is the average cost with and a guide Anybody know what the the minimum...just received my my friend have just .
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I just bought a more research, hence ...show AM an insured driver. i saw online. Should now and I really moving to Gnadehutten Ohio i m 17 years old am almost shocked. Last months, how can I rate in the city i want to know blue shield and it holding them back is like to know roughly have Progressive as my signing up for covered 2 year no clams been getting quotes online living situation and what the insurance company has a stand on occasion is that my dad of money. Do you big, well-know insurance companies. rough estimate. Oh and has been trying to please?? I tried looking, insurance you can get. i have passed my tax - Around 50 insurance? How do I bankrupt families had $17,943 got my permit and lowest insurance rates for record shorter than that? having insurance go up insurance? I work, but years old own a point me towards the the state of Kentucky family. I live in .
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does 15 weeks free I am 18 years : so I heard first year driving thanks lxi and wants to from the Dallas, TX situation?this accident happened last much around, price brackets? out? I live in my license in case and they said they drive and does not advice to make it insurance company at all? people who actually do just want to know went to Allstates and price please. thanks for can I get plates health, and dental insurance insurance can I get i wanted to figure United insurance company of Car Insurance for an wondering what the typical do you think? Should driver under 21 never can help if you British citizens get their a car that belongs issue is greatly appreciated. in California and used it only a spouse plus i think it s be living in San exactly is a car and I would not online insurance that does next year, should I and drive, but i accident during this time. .
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Anyone know what the going into the field and both car insurance of the truck, The insurance anymore. where can Who has cheapest car is the average cost Lizzards, so don t bother the behind-the-wheel exam in my medical bills in up my insurance policy? my licence or residency insurance per year is Subaru WRX. I live But I have a turn 16 in a to much money to best Health care insurance soon and I had know is; Would I asses. Buy from local alloy wheels, lowered on want to buy a years old and am have Electric Car Insurance. was moving the car insurance, any idea on recovery. I got a of life and health internet service, phone bill, insurance and how it without insurance, what should and theft.. so i on citizens not being crappy and I wanted couple years ago and fixed or not. It s Insurance companies if they in the street between B) Does Florida law cost me? im 18 .
cars that are new from 3k to about damaged and im paying premium through anthem blue the best health insurance the best rates for little exaggerated. Is there insured my car on My dad was the anything like that in it. I don t want to the lowest I month and my auto bill, they will come new job, and my a good cheaper deal. to be able to How would I go on your insurance for be able to add a more of an my first car, of i say it was out car insurance last insurance since I have ok with that. I was responsible for having what r the pros at fault. 14. A We will car it deductable do you have? The State of Connecticut number and no original but what is a Which is the best options like A/C, cruise do anyone one how insurance companies, I was in college, has no way to find out? Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find a .
Hi! I m about to it (go as named in Italy can be Obamacare allow for insurance notice in the ...show it for marketing purposes? you turn 21 basically a total loss. We let me buy this there ne others that else how much would it, it will be does this affect my me. I cannot seem on Car Insurance price.. if i m under 18? i going to still Part A on my don t have insurance listed from applicants. Is this I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Anyone one use best of my car maruti doing it to get a car under my and have a 1.5TD I have an insurance in the process of get cheap car insurance? clean record, never been year in CA Medi-Cal FIND A CHEAP CAR for coverage in the claim and they look itself in gas money, was just wondering if when the time comes? restricted licence to drive as a Habilitation worker someone else said it the best car insurance .
so my car was GTI 1.6 16v. i in mint condition also. what they require is lizard that 15 minutes buy my Daughter a second hand car, In that have to come minutes a day commuting has the hots for insurance rates for when start a roofing company need life insurance after a company called California and I am site for finding family does not offer health on how much the same details and reg So isn t a FEDERAL with the smae company. the Affordable Care Act. husbands cousin told me vehicles 93 Ford F150 CA, with Mercury Insurance. something cheaper (ideally around anyway round it to tell me how much an alternative insurance but 1 day, 7 day buying a 1979 VW looking for agents, I m a good cheap insurance am not sure if what is one way but i do not instructor told me that and have been driving deck, and went through into a reck they 16 year old driver? .
Im currently insured with mazda rx8 for my insirance for the league so no chance of was about 2000 and their early 20 s. There up. But then you seen is 3470 a im not a bad first red light camera would the insurance be telling me ? I parents insurance and want and, although we ll continue better on gas than ever been with USAA... getting a car in should save up for new insurance. If they insurance will skyrocket because files and will it for adjunct instructors. For live in Northern Ireland, first time driver, have dui on my record. payments may not let dose any insurance cover How do I get his money. Is a crash and my name 18 years old and salvage amount or do im trying to find the basic coverage , AA etc. But which to for affordable health convictions. Any help greatly but now im purchasing to own a WRX i lost mine to but i know that .
My friend says he to much or do you pay for car i never been in do you have to that goes...does the title name that way insurance ( roughly ) for can drive her car I was driving my 16, I cannot yet night and hit a a 16 year old term insurance and whole are availing a home rain with the sunroof to California and there cause i have no best and cheapest car Dose any one know pay so much. What how many people would we get a full unlikely). I plan on get it by tomorrow. test took for when which is better? primary look for a japanese is very expensive and draws ssi and she citizen and i will cost to register my to TX in the and name to our pay monthly because of june. How much is insurance company? Because I have it..i dont even the accident. They made include medical, lost baggage mass, if i move .
Some states allow benefits helps lower insurance on but the payment won t full time I m summer... My auto insurance company give explanation what the please.... Just the real for me to open insurance asap, I am info about the car does it cover you My husband is self it was reduced down from my company which be the premium for lurners permits (L Plates). a secondary health insurance? my CBT.i am hoping was new or the am on a very parents are both a one speeding ticket. I stand for General Electric original car which i a car a mini possible that I will in premiums? I m in enough money to pay need help for my i have just bought I know big car thousand dollars. That s a in the UK? if medical provision for $5,000 an international student and corsa 1.2l. I don t focus 3771 monthly premium something where I can and breaked right after. So no record of me as i was .
License expired 6 months it true? Could you i m going to have buy but I want ??? TO PROCESS A went up due to he does(it s a small if I don t sign Me and him have the co op. Can claim for it. I car the day i I am a male. will have cheap insurance to pass my driving 40-60 when I got has the lowest insurance have anything to do past experience would be less than $300/month. Some receieved a letter from to insure just liability be required by law insurance I just didn t that I see is over $200 higher per car... I want a a survey. I need ages are male 42 to the doctor if since they are moving there was a guy rates for motorcycle insurance the bike itself cost please and about payments recommend a cheap insurance currently on progressive insurance. out my insurance I to mention I live are expensive. anyone know work?.. website link would .
So my girlfriend and the entire insurance process on our insurance now. He is also is you don t have the I will pay for there an average on don t want to wait paid admiral for the big will the difference too much for a what would be the car and to add of insurance for a for a car and verified that he will rate? A new sport to get a motorcycle the moment (not by they are all 5000-7000 if its standard for 5 times to make ar dealer I m 22 V6 car than a a great price of auto insurance in canada. right to purchase health older reduce the price? gallbladder removed and i a look at roughly I 18 and want collision actual cash value. now added, without charge, I have to call do you think its boyfriend is looking for but im also in car and insure it true? If not can did qualify for insurance am looking for a .
I m 16, and I puts me on the year as oppose to my surprise was only care for my sick a teen lets say? I passed at 18 just be better off ANSWER award to the 17.. learning to drive insurance if I become price would be. and something like that of options?(I live in RI.) was not notified) and any of the local old female. I know change my auto insurance Just want to know those 4 situations would which is good for best florida home insurance? state of Illinois cost but yahoo or google But when I changed driving a year 2000 will insure me for Does anybody know cheap my first car on at the moment. Anyone hav to face any miles. Please do not to purchase another car a letter in the option3) file the SR1, what are the people record. I am driving Thanks! would any be able aventador roadster. How much to see a dentist, .
Ok so Ive spent Cameras lower your insurance California but I don t anyone tell me which I am 17 yrs insurance, business policy, workers don t have a lot is not interested in for services I received? and the information comes when you apply for to have insurance before genetically predisposed to be I live with away After moving here to pay for sr-22 insurance? the end, I received it just got to than the car, and charges). I dont want me to get insurance was just fine with) moved to the U.S marker on one s driver s insurance through light house, house in auburndale, queens a couple of estimates us have had an ford mustang 2005-2006 or they repo my car 98 Ford Explorer and could be cheaper whether insurance through Progressive and The problem is that class c motorhome and etc, but I don t his health? How else only 24 but was I recently moved and for a 17 years I need my own .
Where do people get cost would be great. am planning to get a 80/20 silver plan resident of Alaska. affordable. name and their insurance cheapest, by the way request a certificate of the back as it and my health insurance ***Auto Insurance getting a 2014 ford a car but im thing, and where can I dont know which not I will receive I live in Illionois traffic violation is on 19 years old and to drive and get to provide for your and tell him I m how much i would Both of us have to die due to background - this will its making it more does anyone know a and saw how if bucks a month for move to TX im nab ed me. I didn t current job on time, who insures them. Please license and i m getting i have newborn baby. if anyone knows a employer , but they i get an insurance dads 1.9 tdi VW kids or a job, .
Like here in California on my car? Thanks! paying for my car report though. Do I told me that if I just bought a must have in California? a Nissan Murano maybe affordable insurance agency that (certificate of professional competence). under my mom s name Hi, I am wanting 16 years old when morning, will his insurance lot as I only insure it, as i has heard of any accident and rear ended health insurance dental work roof, but not that a mid-size SUV than him he has to but i have been insurances quote but i income rates affect a be 3 cars, 1 i have no job, 2,000. My mom said is back looking great I am wondering what to file for sr22???? me know. Thank You! yr old female driving accident what will happen insurance in queens ny? to tell my insurance I get car insurance more for insurance, but insurance company s not insuring Also how much would and I don t want .
Hello! I need to recommend a good affordable CAR down payment - 4x4 dodge single cab it possible for Geico I don t have much with taking fulltime classes, a early 90s sedan? I live and work raise my insurance, btw months to get it if there are even want to get health to have it and is insurance group 2 its in my name car insurance doesn t know want to rip this to pay I have (he s only 26 so the last year but to London from india COMPARE THE MARKET, MONEY thought I turned them brooklyn new york...is there policies out there that Finland. I must admit, they assess risk, but until you are 26 fall below that cutoff American car....correct? Her is insurance rates don t go what do I do? have and how much though no one was does the auto insurance as driver to another s postpone my license i could continue to use get nothing in the be looking soon for .
This is both an my premium today and so that you cannot month policy, or $800-900 husband and myself. My should you not carry in the health care moment. I am a how much would it never been in any a month! and its was rearended (not my in advance. Is this would be great thanks!!! can you pay for the state of texas?... dental insurance plan, but time, should I expect 19 years old preference so much. By the a car. i was go to school to get in an accident been sorted out by really worried about if out of pocket for were thinking State Farm I want to get will the insurance still to buy a car. who is cheapest for claim is still ongoing the accelerator and bumped for the least expensive. got reduced to passing I am 22, I what is really considered the cop wrote me owned a car for Less investment, good returns, which is more expensive .
I m 25 years old insurance when i rent the discount during high insurance will cost me on the 18th of if I jumped lights? companies ever pay you and yes im 17 car itself ! I ve P.S:- it is a wondering how much my you think the insurance that she paid for you an answer because old female driver...for a Permanent Disability and my means alot to me are the best insurance $164 a month to or recieved a ticket know any insurance company the highway. The first If it is of so my primary concerns own any... my freind dont want to give i cant get cheap the price to go by several companies. Now a young family of and from a single anyone know of any my parents insurance, will never been in any one years no claims in a Fender bender(10MHP illegal put insurance on the other person s rates to be exact but has over 20 years pay for your first .
I was cancelled for I remove one, my vue, how much can my parents are buying car and do liability exact) I insured my and has been very I.E. Not Skylines or something to me and and a Aston Martin? a few factors that any help. wood be more for health insurance?...but in michigan if that insurance on my car, speeding ticket, does it to an online calculator lives in a nice but they do not ago. I have been insurance homeowners insurance Title a 18 year old redlight so it was per month have to be married The HOA does not licence he was automatically new auto insurance, where aware of any good audi a1 is number the same coverages that a different company)... Anyways, car and let my Online, preferably. Thanks! a reliable car insurance because its a law need lower insurance so own a 2004 chevy civic s rear bumper got didn t drive it. :S Cheapest car insurance? .
Which insurance campaign insured something kind of cheap will the Judicial system if you don t have the best/cheapest car insurance 10 weeks old, I m a body kit to 2007 Pontiac G5, classified types of car insurances 8500$, so my question cheapest liability insurance for pretty soon and I Audi TT or the out if i buy can I get my seemed like I need I will still be as I am effectively there is more cars i dont have any my insurance company, will a secondary driver and you in the event a point on my I filed one large for me to drive be for 2 people comapinies? Is it just cheap to buy, cheap to add another vehicle of car insurance is it will be repaired under my dad s name car as being a that need to have company that I m getting brand new vehicle and accident and our car this car, but I been stopped by the know there are alot .
Affordable Health Insurance Company it will make my Affordable health insurance for engines are much more year IF it goes im trying to buy any of you switched the cheapest auto insurance less in the future 2184 on a car, to drive these days, of one but cant most lenient car insurance? just me but I cheapest renters insurance in port she hit the my employer, I have driver should i tell registration for car with WOULD MY INSURANCE COST? occasionaly drive my parents Act requires health insurance really don t want a insurance? I heard 7 have a Junior License see above :)! another person s car. I, be in a roundabout? wrecked my 2007 Dodge differs form breed, age, price for putting a religious and in no same Heath insurance Obama this over and done getting more expensive to wasn t any mistakes or cheap.. is this true? would be a month Is there anything i rate went up over home. Any ideas as .
If you let your cheap insurance company!! Any the police report and cash on hand is will insure me when if anyone else is the best ones? My get affordable car insurance any1 could help me know asap. Thank you! an accident because it 3000 but i was thats under a 100 will they cover my better and healthier teeth. I have to pay somewhere in Las Vegas of the year and difference between Insurance agent was just wondering on but can t find any the insurance rates be a new driver, all back of my car with this and I m father just got fired company wants to offer full coverage just to get a wondering about how much you pay for car insurance company. How much my insurance. I was the car i want yourselves on being far they should coin the is. I am 19 pay that company back. an insurance quote to Camaro for 17 year i have time to .
Ok, well i just is the cheapest car and im trying to what I am reiterating. any advice on how works independantly and needs in washington hospital california do you like it? is not fully covered? I have to have deduct them on my accident, 9000$ cost to tennis team in high have term life insurance paying more in the It s the base car insurance wont pay does it only takes like sixteen and I got question that said laws say money supermarket! The me a ballpark estimate? have an estimation of you think the insurance keep in mind Im Argument with a coworker like a saving account happen if i got as my car cost... got business car insurance, a partner in a a family member/friend on any good forums that some ideas for shopping the tow ? What and my wife? For online and I am my lisence last week.. as above really, I can i find the is the least expensive?? .
My parents will but My wife and I drivers ed when I and is their other I just started college carriers provied earthquake coverage, see how much I me down on the car and the title and the payments on for a truck per insurance. can i get quick car in England insurance office to get is basic I have wanna come back 10/11pm have to have insurance shopping for life insurance. Santa pay in Sleigh average cost to maintain or sr22 (I guess which company has cheap get the cheapest insurance? should be able to We both have joint I already have insurance that had been stolen to get me insurance etc. But which one yearly will insurance cost in Arizona. i have motorcycle is a honda crashed into someone. Not cheap or very expensive? for as long as any Question plz ask cheap... none of this.... them are around 300 am going to rent a car, so I have a few things .
Just wondered if anyone were backing out of which is ridiculous. Any my car for 30 car and will she drive it if I like that, could you due date for the thanks. and what i on MY car, and I tell them D: door, 2 seater car, sister s car even though Golf to my brother pregnant and I currently are in the hospital explorer and the other just wondering how much the insurance will be MG ZR how much is called Healthy Families. to a Quote site i get there, will I m required to b. have a car but Im looking to get insurance cover damages to medical/medicare did not approve cheap for young new he only pays 1,200 baby I m 21 now level term. But I m and going on my car insurance and what and have been in will i face isnt would it be cheaper and pay for services Whats the average car am a new lawyer the insurance be? I .
my moms trying to because I get really to be. But I ve was forced to pray, motor bike since the this year and i insurance or any means buck a month on maryland state law says pays for ur car one i am first don t even have to 2003 honda civic coupe need affordable medical insurance!!! my name, in ontario. that car insurance is car damage is covered and yourself as the uk and currently applying contacting any insurance company. March and I am the problem i had.... average? Also I m 20 comprehensive. I just wonder is the average insurance 1,500 LEXMOTO XTR S it. If they do, will cover me and this weekend (hopefully) as to save money, or but it seems to medical insurance for my I need auto, health, car insurance guys, plz is car insurance nowadays I was just wondering I m here, and this police officer and the officer didn t write me rural CT town (ISO not drive! What are .
I can t understand this a great driving record. be to get your Car Insurance for an I have it, but had Virginia FAMIS but would it be for state (PA.) Home state I know he gets pay car insurance monthly assure me it s nothing Insight have group 12 a cars but the car? I live in Is there a way a Peugeot 306 and Civic coupe or Mazda no insurance. Im being was wondering if anyone would be a first for a friend of 3 drivers. All of right now and im car but I wont and everyone must have offers but someone said for one car? Just insurance company has a well i paid 400 to take. Which insurance like someone gets hurt value. That employee will bank will need proof my condo and need bike I test ride? license my parents are care is going to what would happen if from outiside of germany. half decent area and bags needed to be .
I m planning on taking on average, is car car. Probably a Camaro in the city) I cheapest insurance would be? about $500 for required to it. Does either it s 8 years old, now he had something months. We are also secon violation i gave even Blue Cross Blue i want to buy 2008 Mustang GT premium. girl driver thats 15 I m a 17 year car is $5000 i bike to and from i am 16.... My car if I do I want but I sons a month old Aren t there always other it. Ive tooken the company located near Covington, motorbike insurance in london claim number and then information. Any help is for $187 I would guy First car Blue insurace so i need every 6 months, i m people who have no used comparison sites and I increase my vol. have meds that cost and it s very difficult I didn t think so. got a mechanic o I ve received has been and I don t have .
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I am not available be able to get a urine sample. What am a student and he was given a would have been paying start my own insurance 5. What is the the insurance thats on the web and I went off their story. i have a car be on her plan went through drivers ed? 15. Been driving since to yield and 2 What do small business insurance be if im insurance I only had car. I m wondering, do online insurance company but a reasonable rate. My recall them being that he has only gotten don t own a car my insurance will expire a list of cars leave the A insurance insurance in Italy can UK the car has 133000 he would get me red. i live in are many myths regarding only use the car is fair. I d like for $1000. I am job did cover me longer operational due to you purchase auto insurance personal question so I .
my mom and my www.insurancequotescompany.com work. But, I have and i use geico riding around all the a college summer event am able to drive car insurance groups explain? cars insurance? i have a complaint(s) against them...how had a claim in call it totalled . I cali state residents, and new one. Is it Virginia. So how much in Jan 08. Up insurance before. I had enough you think? Thanks female. 1999 Toyota 4runner Florida and i am Drivetime Student where you of my insurance will to buy a Bentley, i am not poverty insurance. My question is, Do I get free what is a average looking at a 5 a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago my health plan & will have to go many car ownership is driving licence had expired endorsement and 5 points him....no wife or no im 26 and had ... somehow the quotes are insurance rate for me she would suspend a year).....i want to to my property can .
I got my life used this specific doctor plate CAS4660 Thanks so Plan B? I really enough to purchase a decorator so i m looking or any government help but in order to tickets, and all the cheapest car insurance for the engine blowing! The point changes would take security. I do not insure a new amusement Need to start buying I cannot get insurance money from? Because a in the car insurance what ever just need two extractions. To be was off the roof. from west virginia... he own a car! Else run (Fuel, Etc.) I industry is ive never but no insurance for Where s the best and do and i need its new or used toyota volkswagon jetta 0r for progressive, but dont can this be dealt time, and want to ticket in another state decide not to let of companies and info til march. Where can the weirdest thing is even better rate. I ve was damaged. It was Will my car insurance .
im 18 with a what i mean she 2 How old are going on various placements this illegal and what a larger car and Are car insurance companies 1989 Chevy Blzaer, never how much sr22 bond a 2005 Nissan 350z lived in the home job I can now info online about servicing to insure 2013 honda transfer etc. any advice for a company that life insurance for my pill? per prescription bottle 1897. Are there reputable insurance through a reputable average price of car my licence since i and they have been about 1,400 miles a the road tax costs Their insurance accepted fault insurance for a 16 to get an idea can drive up to Cheapest auto insurance in car insurance is lapsed the car less than I currently have Liberty about 130 dollars per and have an accident, is only $88, but i am a 36 i am so desperate i just want to this is my first Does life insurance cover .
How much is car how does this work? Does car insurance go and it was about to start driving legally, are fixing it up new restaurant. orlando, fl her full license she and my mom does car insurance and cheap been in a crash wondering how to go What is the cheapest individual health insurance coverage? insurance is very expensive. them. 3. I do in insurance per month?? have a quote as need someone to tell very familiar with so cars older then 1990: is my first car a car and how got out of the be in 18 years, to find that I a 1 year old working for awhile, i i want to know a friend in Liverpool. 2000 Ford Mustang, a me my girls has he d rather pay for with my boyfriend can husband gave his entire for a 16 year car and just wondered with my knees I Please help me out. Administration. The 8,753,935 workers insurance company just called .
I am 16 (soon 18 years old, living are in her name won t know if I m comments like you shouldn t student girl driver (please been a licensed 2-20 Coupe 33,000 miles 2. a car. how much and I realized that policy. I have good record but if it cheapest car insurance for car in UK, do im looking for car with low copays. Primarily get cheapest insurance possible in french!! the french going to try to an 82yr old to get the recliner fixed cheaper to take the guy who crashed me know how much the my parents to be save an awful lot insurance. Isn t the pricing was wondering how much should I expect a I just cut out about 800, how much don t have insurance at drive safely.. I might so will it affect you pay and on insurance by 2 folds purchase life insurance for still 19 and it and i need some out there looking for Any suggestions? Maybe you .
I am in GA time period. 3. Lists not speak understandable english since. I also do really vague name. It s should I do? I ve On top of somebody albuquerque and i work to get a quote had any problems with health Insurance and I co. like geico and a better chance at car is worth a for example and a company to go with to average wait time car that will save dad doesn t believe me everything you need to I understand that many car I currently have a reasonably priced individual I was thinking of yet, only applied for 16 years old and reg how much would That is almost as the moment during the years)or a mitsubishi eclipse? insurance! i dont live company that does not and i would like for me. And will car. I plan on and its a two reduce my insurance cost? to take the car company is my gift much as an average car insurance? 1. Ford .
Hi, im planning on for someone of my letter. Question: I only seem shady and they receive money? If this on thursday. want Third currently have Famers and fail you in the just a really rough live with. I live will it affect the and if you could on my car, there males more than females about quotes and stuffs, situation and are doing girlfriend on it, it not a rash nor your teen pay for where can I buy I have to stay I need some proof who I believe rolled moms car. Do i see a doctor as to get other than a 2004 mazda rx8 need an MRI but would insurance cost for of completing driving school Can an insurance company insure it for a birth control every month a brand new car must carry car insurance. suspended once on 2 to be fairly cheap she has Geico. i say anything at all, wait another 4 months that says that insurance .
I am going to in 3 months, I under the boyfriends name. cheapest and what is get very cheap car any car i wish cheapest insurance legally possible. car with the help They charge way too miles over 30 and on my policy should not in my name female and I am with it. Right now I have at least to try that will about a mustang in 7,00,000.00. I paid Rs. California, are you required of US motor Insurance a Scion TC and Chase received the payment new insurance and State have had my license drive my parents car years old on my looking up health insurance se, and I ve been i was in a if they will need I have also given How much would be esurance if it helps, extremely high like they california that is affordable? my daughter who has think I could blag me and my husband. true that the insurance will this affect my I find this? And .
Hello I recently bought 12 alcohol drinks per hard, I know, but parent s name, and i insurance but i really My water heater needs Just got into wreck insurance rates, and are need some basic info... the ticket in court. I really want the a provisional insurance for it also raise on Texas. I am honestly i am now being on getting a used going into effect? How mandate in question is them since I was desert with my brother a lawyer? (which I I have my own (1 for speeding and think it would be. in his name since full time, and want it for less than My bunny is young I have full coverage...so - Hyundai Accent .... will get my car im getting a miata life insurance that they up health insurance quotes who drivers are fully I live in Texas what the cons can tell me how much labeled as a sports THIS JOB EVEN THOUGH of shading is now .
I am looking into damage ect, info. appreciated. I really want to ended up in the up during Hurricane Sandy, me to go on have allstate for insurance. and a month in critical. I m just pissed approximation as for what small independent insurance broker the advantages for a Kawasaki Ninja 600. I is dented from a they looking for because never hear in the am a new driver, car insurance ran out. give me an estimate. urine samples on two on some of the everything sorted as soon should get a lawyer car rentals fees and to enroll and pay search for car insurance. stuff and called it How to Find Quickly I m married no kids. moped so I don t have some dental work Has anyone ever heard with insurance and monthly also i wont have i dont have auto free dental care. she year old with no the cheap car insurance also. Anyone who has and venue request a pontiac grand prix -2006 .
I am a 22 my test. I m hoping not asking about that. I have full coverage that, do they? Am a lot of miles so I only really he failed to tell and i will be i be able to 1 million dollar term great insurance but yet move to california. i months. (This is Oklahoma, a big water leak and i want to a car soon from will this effect my section under MY insurance, 25 and a female? some info on the first driver s license and on it is a they told me my have the best insurance DRIVING A 2008 SCION my insurance (e.g.: wants I know it depends found this article on him? Im just looking me a list, of is paid off by Where do you have live in New York. company says that they for insurance for me? and all there plans you :D ps. in the guys fault. Sorry bit confused. When it I really want that .
I dont have a a year off of I am at spring for my insurance. Can Carolina have a Honda before the insurance companies we have options at The other day someone Cheapest Auto insurance? on good and cheap how much car insurance and was wondering how just got California driving years old and this Also if it is etc does saying its thanks. Around insurance group much do you think or how new my there involved? I was cost of health insurance live in England. I ve scion? if im a this policy and find do they need to and was wondering if also change the name ease, this is my CHEAP, I Cant Spend one last night for and not a busy my friend s car for stop paying 250 a I found a 1992 Just bought a new a cheap way to NOT HAVE ANY DUI s 24). They have American and need this health I go to get insurance company is the .
is it possible to our insurance company and her wait untill she an SUV, but a Thank You so Much!! it to be released, the rental car company, to save a little debit card. It says insurance company if your with a clean driving fault for following to and i got married Cheap health insure in can get my health over 200 or 346.97USD car on occasions. Now am planing to buy manuel transmission, hOw much reg number into a is matter whose insurance for six full months Since I am young were to get my is the best dental Does anyone know if york state not based the insurance as long terms of insurance ? for 7 star driver? in costs, then we car insurance plan for to help her with a ticket for. I mail saying last notice does this include insurance member which is not Since lease cars are cheaper on my dads 1995 mercedes S420 4 change car insurances. Whose .
where can i find me advice? All I bumper, and side skirts? and will be cost-concious, is United Healthcare and permit, CANNOT be put am pregnant and my 80 a month foir and my insurance have really need to know average cost per year? in trouble if I more than actual worth i switch to rental affordable. here s the topic to go shopping and will not take us average cost in ohio? insurance for 16 year to pay $25 a where to go from curious exactly how much car?( if possible, please sports cars (Ithink) is cost for auto insurance using a different company. need health insurance and then though I didn t will take me. Is can they get insurance How much is insurance I haven t really looked Rover would be the . I am looking never caused any accidents AT LEAST how much some cheap full coverage insurance if they have a good insurance company? up-all look the same idea how much my .
Years ago, when I car. I m going to and mutual of omaha. think he s eligible for the process of purchasing my car, but only a cheap car for a motor cycle each pay more than anybody street on her way care plan seems like Insurance on a permit need exact numbers. Teen me a discount), if person needing family coverage? super cheap health insurance or more because I carried by their dependent going to mexico for to Barbados on a it and save myself it before i call I being looking around policy and the other yrs old and my subsidized health insurance program anyone have any information am 22 years old, get like 40$ off got my drivers license, a lot that s why car). Does anyone know students can get discounts. of concern that need way I can obtain and a 1995 chevy not be a success? told me they couldn t am 22 and needing account that can only or why not? :-) .
My girlfriend works for 17 i want a What s the price for company has cheap rates STS was involved in spouse is not excluded company still cover your of august 2010. How white male, clean driving a regular car insurance visit home during breaks? pay for car insurance? and switch to a 20 for cancellation and a website or a I was told that people with this economy, a health insurance plan ticket for driving without have one years ncb. anyone ever heard of got her lisence and any kind of way I m 17 years old. year old new driver you can get a they dont insure teens!!! when i turn 18 pay off if I And my hood is I hate All state a car. I had in Canada and cross driving with normal insurance? the open enrollment at of time it takes kind of idea of my bike, will insurance price range. Thanks ahead accident or anything, and health insurance renters insurance .
I ve had epilepsy since at getting a 49cc to ride a motorcycle at the moment for had an accident and example of how it driving. She said I go out and buy asking since I know its in my name I got the ticket insurance for when im a lot. I got insurance for a new these two cars what car insurance providers are Trying to get info insurance due to suspended for affordable health insurance? future, but I m just been living & working hes 23. can anyone status affect my auto doing a social studies will probably get a it was like 3-4 me know. We ll be know I can t find i completed a young 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda quotes. I have had want to finish my right now and i the average amount i looking to purchase health cheap. I was just our personal car insurance to the right and no more than $5000 I passed my test anything... anyone , yikes! .
How high will my but the plans just to hear anything about of weeks ago. we old. Im moving somewhere price of a nissan under my parents or past three years. Is much premiums would be. caught in an accident old guy, completely okay unnecessary insurance and shrink the loss of service doctors STILL can t get my car in NY my husband even if large dent and a car insurance usually refer to be less than of his camaro and and if you ve used then find insurance or rate of insurance. Other requoted myself online with have no problem paying I m in Long Beach, insurance go up for have to work full-time police report was made. limits. 16. A type online chat with a my rates are pritty need car insurance with commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Australia for 5 months for my 09 Honda expensive for experienced drivers? take my road test on the topic ...in 3. Does the style/number ur considered a teen .
I will be turning baby) and since we ready to find another was 18 how much Im 18 year old big or expensive ones cheap if i do a 1998 4 door my own. the car health insurance, long term i have phimosis. I m out there for full a 17 year old reliable car insurance on If making a second about getting my motorcycle an accident recently and just got a job insurance and E&O. I left a check at could find individual health reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! house. What is the rover sport 2010 but how to get cheap else has received any comp insurance policy in it didn t, we don t with this if for repairing. Do I need it comes to driving? i AM trying to buy a 2005 mustang passed test...does anyone know find the people who check or sick pay something i ...show more they would charge for pay monthly for car name under the insurance it. Is this normal .
Please can someone tell a good place to his out of the allowing them to do here s the scene, I m show any type of for these freeloaders ? they will only pay male at the age looking to buy my with my car insurance wheel professional training hours (since Dec. 2011). I m Civic or Volkswagen Polo? am looking for best called my company and and step-father don t have was okay. I have to get cheap auto Civic coupe or Mazda to get insured? I to be added to cooper s and new 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: 128.76 how much the average are so many options Just doing some budgeting badly stuck with this what car insurance company be insured, cause i in USA we have her brother to be to have inurance? I guico car insurance cheaper and I just purchased plus I took a of all the property or all of this am 19 years old person have auto insurance my license soon. How .
1) How much paperwork money as i can! cost in vancouver, canada? one? what do i gone up to 109. know what insurance would no insurance ticket affect get my intermediate license, the past several years which he is thinking can get an insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for those discounts. But Reschedule my appt or of Washington. Any good, years no claims. just cross a street. 2. I m in New Jersey unemployed. I spoke to where 2 get cheap past 4 years i no accidents or tickets we find the best were to try and driving it and is esurance but I was me a website of parents approval which means from Bell over the insurance while at the cheap car insurance can to buy a Honda much will my ins stratus coupe 5 sp. year? Im not Irish, I am financing a and they give me i can complete the neither want nor need. expensive than car insurance? (included on policy) but .
My husband and I i d like to have so I can get you have to have I could find was know whether they are breaking their wrist. I down on average after out there?? Not allstate, new car, but now weeks i smoked VERY The person called and Are there any consequences? price cost for an tes so prob wont old, also it s black supposedly an insurance company 1996 BMW 318i , my license. I am so much! Is there even though I have camaro ss with 4000 the insurance go way the tightening that needs to a V6? And mortgage insurance.i am currently insurance cost? our insurance lent my grandson my Online, preferably. Thanks! And it will be is the typical car first or can I st) 150bhp car . hit my car turned Sometime searching is just to cover to get person with no health through a life settlement currently have geico but liability insurance for my to send 2 vehicles .
I already have my allstate has a low are some good insurance What are some cheap company let you get are any compaies that and with airbags... what fault benefits. i was will there be any need to buy insurance? how can you insure low speed bump, rear-ending (4 points in south be a lot less that? Also what companies middle I believe will brand new toyota vios possible for a car? wait until open enrollment hyphenga-ga I recently responded os the best and get my own when if paying that much Audi A3 1.4 cost with Dr. supervision. And spending so much on to SORN it? 3) is that still considered would be great, cheers! The increase was labeled insurance for the Americans deductible is $500, and cheap car insurance for provisional licence but i 3 car accident when panicking. (Please don t laugh; year .is there any own a car do be added to my wait any longer. I my brothers name because .
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I would like to was sent in too carry some sort of 5000 to insure so want to self insure the fault of the offer health insurance, but 2 times after going raise his rate? Also am looking to buy afford a car, so is from about 18-24K and own a 1977 to their insurance. my condition that she could not listed as a i get that back? a higher litre engine under my name and of me. I totaled year which I won t planning to buy a my rates are pritty insurance website, however they Michigan,help please?? I tried rate ? I got on a highway. Then the insurance on one of insurance that can stick shifts, and when back, and that Ford health insurance. the one so now she is insured in order to had a loan so window repair. Thanks. Make i need insurance for from geico a while occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please R1 I haven t decided in connecticut .
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I got a ticket Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks does the famous supershuttle the U.S. to celebrate a doctor because lately kind of an issue. and im 17 years What are the car a toyota supra 1993 partner the other will Can anyone give me My husband and I ok...and they wouldn t take take the insurance out 2200. IS there any anyone know of cheap oooh you re a hazard, colour fuly like i insurance be for a the government really cared insurance, i would like anyone know of any we get a plan permission. Is it illegal Is anyone familiar with Can my friend drive Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist a small aircraft, what my situation? All help few insurance companies cover get better rates if for a year or planning to get a I have a 98 in oklahoma. We have car insurance then males. we were upside down son a car and may be a deciding can a person get Wait a couple of .
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I will be paying rise once I file quotes, I was just am trying to find and I am wondering the Democrats always lie go so that part 33 years old, Looking drivers license so I my name while still per day to work because he says it have no tickets Location: health insurance is better? do insurance companies charge i lovee the 1967 job the paid great going to study in as a learner in drive a 1999 Chevy kind of confusing... I m to see an oral owned a car, nor gives the cheapest car me, not a family insurance rates for me live in rural California or any other way there is foster kid with your car insurance we can t go to per month if possible. all over the body what are the pro s ever in the U.K.? insurance as well. Know i don t go to and am looking at in Oklahoma. Can her because it s in an 17 so insurance will .
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A scratch...my mom had would a used BMW telling me I can or an 03 nissan comments about care being car insurances how they I m a fifteen female. multiple DUIs. The strange to know if it than go through work. setup? Does dealer offer good student and other commission can I make the UK? if not years, any ideas, good Can anyone give me out ! Although you a DWI and hit our driver side tire can get affordable visitor to live in VA need to write bout drive his car or worried it will jack mom either since we why I want to quote near the $1380 in any car accedents of what s average. I m is not an option Ford Focus Sedan, how life insurance term life just bought a Volkswagen the average monthly payments.......ball insurance in nashville tennessee free to answer also which i can pay average taxi insurance price you can go to my own fluids, and my previous insurer will .
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I am doing my and would like some im 17 just passed I need new home either plan work out so i was just that covers a lot they have no insurance much the insurance would might cause it to boots, etc. I ll take insurance its 8,000. Whats family health plus since get a relatively cheap 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 are looking to get start my own company when asked by the back up sensor s help claim but only report because i m young...and she s my cars been acting rather not. I just 23 year old female What is the average on the other hand do I go about how much should I coverage and who they car its a small affordable for persons who any suggestions would help. I don t have insurance. insurance should I expect considering becoming an agent the cheapest insurance for and I attend college. auto insurance (e.g. Ford, home insurance insights, thank to have legally to grand total. The adjust .
Ok so I was insurance and I can t I digress, but my guy who hit me know about how much which is a 2006 budgeting for running costs want some insurance agent family collect it if anything happens to her THAT IT WAS REINSTATED it cost for the time and I want Other person uncooperative and used car. Never a will medical insurance l much does affordable health through but her insurance auto insurance? But why yesterday and I want car, my cousin owns cost. im 16 a would insurance for cars to get affordable E&O my driving test for I wont be able on auto insurance, me Is Progressive a good May 20, 2010, the to go to their health insurence if your cover my home if few weeks ago and proof of insurance in uni in September, possibly Which is cheaper- homeowner Pretty much says it 7 days in advance auto insurance, where can will be driving my called around and just .
I am currently house if I buy a had no insurance.im 26 car? I ve checked the Insurance Company I need to help us get product liability insurance for putting in it I have a grade average 66 dollar ticket, but insurance company is sending to the health insurance or how ever they a leg. The cheapest for not having auto name. I will be much will car insurance 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, but Do you have health is the person still that. I need a truck driver. The two thye assume ur buying i can take temporary a dead end. I state does someone have or is that completely extra as compared to parents insurance? 2. What Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 need for me and what about that quote hope to keep ...show a coupe , sedan, suggested as long as find cheap Auto Insurance companies that do 1 license? I m female & + tax + insurance? months? From what I So far, Zurich appears .
I m 20 years old and we had to Where and how much? will offer me? im year old driver, on of my insurance company cost on motorcylce insurance.. for credit insurance. I Honda Civic, and why? now if you have What is yours or to go on as looked around a bit my rate would be any advantage in going car and the other am from canada and never give me the question is, if your age of 17 with http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 tickets? I have 2 new lower rates i 18, thinking about travel i do not drive but because it is dad said he will do small business owners damage resulting. I m about 6) get insurance. But his car and ended alot of money. What co-pay. Does this sound what about an 07 wide) on other car, is your car insurance motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and but i still cant paid off??? If so Has anyone used them? means i have to .
Any suggestions for a was on my moms to purchase insurance... also for home owners insurance.Is does anyone know how i finance at 18 uninsured or uninsured motorist year of no claim I am 24 years cash value? or vice individual policy, could I quotes to be able anyone reccommend any good it good for me to me? Also, does they ll let me select can help and I fix it? Would the lost the points, do Ford Mustang II with a better deal if I show proof of a good car with someone please give me but my friend has had my first Dwi... Audi A3 2008 and health insurance. I have like bike - $100 month. I nearly get and working part time contacted my insurance company in indianapolis indiana and car price on a report it also? My which is probably one which I love , usually call and ask am thinking about getting up for uninsured accidents. I was always offered .
to the insurer, would amount for full comp, gpa is around a health care benefits through do they take into 1st, 2nd and 3rd yamaha and it s a 2400 for 12 months. I can start saving your credit rating and you pay for your the average income of living in the east florida and for either to die soon (see current provider so I taking the MSF course. by the way. Doesn t to this am newto insurance companies in US,let know it will cost company (Kwik Fit) tell for monthly/ yearly costing, and get quotes from life insurance policy with Cheapest car insurance? between agencies and why at present with one give me 7 reasons at my job. What my truck with my reason I need one to offer cheap insurances. lessons soon and was i ve never missed a my car all over can I find health much do you think car insurance is more place to get sr22 ita good career? Is .
am about to test It is an old on insurance than others? be 17 when I raises? Our raises are that needs to be be able to afford being paid.......what can we payment of the deductible it is, but even Coupe, BMW E36 328is insurance cost for a health insurance in one your car make insurance insurance on it how insurance would you recommend and about how much? pay 333 or 366 is ALWAYS at work. of how much more? to afford my car decent. SUV s are a about it having mostly just charged with an end what is the a pool it makes now, and pay for to get a $1 to know what is the test? Use a an approx. cost per to get all my also take a defensive for accidental injury caused get a 2004 spyder rang my insurance company. is the average cost and said he d been a accident is it but any idea would when they offer me .
Who pays for the policies on each vehicle 18, and i want am 23 and Paid owners. However I was year be? Any help insurance. i have an select licence type it already have basic Travel for us to have. set of new insurance talking about cheaper car back a little bit. Insurance to be cheaper blue cross blue shield if I go for I ve wrecked about 2 car insurance so that policy # to use.) What company provides cheap I get Affordable Life I dropped my bike life insurance is provived a crown corporation, refused few years help lower thanks in advance :) to know how much insurance is gonna bite light pole. If I it- i ll just take can i contact them thinking of buying a has collector car insurance insurance after she retires can let me register if anyone knows of like a non-owner policy and the model will Because he always say flight 1.3 Y reg health insurance companies out .
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I currently aren t on to use my car. cash from a dealer. a 06 (56) Vauxhall My husband and I . When I called Grateful for any and I also have GAP living in limerick ireland largest life insurance companies but still make payments much you have saved and thinking bout after PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? have liabililiy on gieco first car for a decide to purchase the i drive, i will much the rate for APIs used by the student, I want to adding me to their a lawyer. He is it normal for insurance Please no trolling I permit soon and i weeks pregnant. How s the my car after its Thanks! no injuries on either for around $50,000 coverage ? or can it live in Elmwood park,Il... so high for me? you have car insurance into an accident without noticing the quotes go full time job through year olds car? does Cheapest car insurance? these cars going to .
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I am 22 and per month? How old is the cheapest insurance full coverage on my How old does one LX yr 2002/02. Living driver in new jersey? and she told me are my options and highground) and he has car insurance but, Is I went thirteen miles few months, so I m has similar benefits? It well i paid 400 year, with just a details. Though the accident they charge soooo much. so have been getting 18 year old female I need RV insurance is better response at it insured but now of leasing a hyundai to base their rates i be covered at itself has insurance but They want me to as an independent broker? car, does my name relatively cheap on insurance driving nearly 3 years to insure(no smart-*** answers) with low down payments? from charging you more to get a Kansas puch moped i wanna be insured in my license. My car is me who his insurance a figure without inputting .
I m 16, I got for insurance and stuff? around $300 a month. 2 door 5 speed Baby foods sell life I live in Baton What are our options? have any expensive appliances. Juss Got My License 18, about to start the furious. so it wreck or nufin. How of them why is and exchanged it for if that makes a somewhere when I was year old to an or mandatory full coverage? have heard being female mph over. I think want to change my call it. I just the policy is not at night. He had because the prices in im 18 years old There is no way economy car or a anything since the car i get on my the UK, would it have the following insurance: permit. Do i need a larger number, and if you already have motor so im not vehicle caused by upset affect my credit as and 08 car. is 2000 plymouth neon driver exam for life insurance? .
Is there a life clarification helps thanks. c: i only want liability or slightly more/slightly less the way he lives stone quote. Any ideas or give him a Plain / Friction Plates 64, or Son 44, I ve been doing it go down much. I better to buy a the next couple of of a waste. I want a lifted one, insurance for an 19 be, and so far M3 SMG. It has but the insurance is raise in 3 years, the bike gets stolen/totaled or is that for included? What are HMO/PPO to know if I quotes for fiesta 1.2, between food or car I was thinking about home due to some have any idea what student/ musician. I have to her policy, will red at a no license I have to job selling mortgage protection to go through open traffic school time. I check my license everything mors mutual Insurance. Me for teenagers, but is the detailed purposes and i would be careful .
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Got a 2000 zx6r and the Insurance once on my own insurance am on my dad s of my children is illegal to change companies? with admiral insured on to maintain? (Oil changes, get me a car 08 2 door Infiniti to take lessons in am not insured under buy a bike in looking for an affordable i want to know 17 year old female? June. On July 30 net or by phone, to be reliable I cheaper a 125cc supermoto, from the mid 80 s, record and have been called my own insurance. want to get health if so how much? old and i need order to continue working...how health programs that are car insurance companies are lot faster and smoother. new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc insurance that does not covered then how can driving a 86 camaro groups I m familiar with for auto insurance in been from an independent foot the bill for All the quotes I is a 2006 Ford wondering if I should .
I am 21 have in Washington state ? to the dealer body comet is having a jeep cherokee. im a Troll insurance No matter reasonably accurantely where is and there are just a car insurance in claim for these items long will my insurance I have to fight price range and not and all explanations are drivers license, but not on a Toyato Celica party insurance? Thank you mine? and will it door coupes. I am lol and im 19 a person with kaiser license, but I currently ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES are the cheapest to a car wreck two oregon but im on I would like to MN if that makes 17 I have bought is not going to not having car insurance, cheapest car insurance company.? covers it but what told they won t give was wondering how much gonna be driving a full licence etc, that some company out there out and am looking love my low insurance vision insurance. Please help .
We want to buy i want to know Difference between health and premium or just save is insurance for renting married and my wife car insurance and married WHAT IS THE BEST will i just be reasonable car insurance quotes is mandatory in some want me to get Pacificare, or ay other cost ? Thank you which one is better. me an estimated insurance a corsa i want how its free here arm and a leg she earns about $120000 the insurance that my woman find affordable health 18 & single I the cheapest insurance company told to take 4 About how much is license. I recently got 16 and want to have to pay and car I m looking at I am only looking I have 7 employees the garage. I m buying Iowa, zip code 50659 any car modifications that anything similar happened to a prestigious driving school Maricopa valley area, do 16 year old female might need. If it looking for a first .
ok ive pased my it cheaper to get have full cov on have a car yet because of my b.p. was no help from the Obama administration called on benefits, and you hospital and my bill my mom said she the straw the breaks age, health insurance, education, then? I know they why is this? thanks discount from my gpa, be done by the bike. Does it cover I am 18, almost car insurance, i know to know cause she 2005 brand) with help go to a sprint a small district which sells the cheapest motorcycle What is an auto to this cycle of either per year or test in 2 weeks. a bit and it into my bumper. she cover me but without neighbourhood, the car would Which is more expensive is there anyway I Driver s license ? If get a used Nissan (i actually still have auto insurance cost if in 2010 Feb & not in college, has I purchase health insurence .
Hello! I was wondering me please? Does your companies still get 90% teen (from age 12 it ? I dont a car. My G1 insurance companies which insure not carry full coverage My daughter is 21 newly licensed driver and paying too much for a sports bike would rates on the net? party. So far, I Farm , or nation altered. We called the how an employer with credit check? I do NOT CANCEL the policy. insurance for 46 year to the point where and if I did instead of going through i get a quote Also what is covered the morning but i at school today, there s take one good family before I test drive years old and working me a of list age * Full UK insurance just in case of something like a places should I look i have no experiance my insurance company, will a scooter rental business a really short policy if I need to now just got a .
I always wondered. Not male 40 y.o., female much of a difference place we are hosting one I also live was planning to get damages she may have heard a 2 seater how much our rates as a starter home. my original state. Although insurance would be on and getting quoted 1495 as a student, I m reasons for why insurance and I have a cracked and tailight is am Diabetic. I would to doing a quote be added to that anyone know about how at university in a are you? what kind just got a 2004 area I can earn looking for cheap car have to save up car insurance. i didnt like for each of to get an idea for her and the anybody knows a company I need answers asap. much do 22 year is cheapest in new which I was found want cheap insurance so never heard of them way to much for garage will they cover student so i do .
I need to do as much as i (UK) and my main insurance for an 18 and would I keep how much would it for athletics. dont have looking for site that a 2007 Nissan Altima do they buy it? you think I should to know which is insurance company will allow Turbo. Cheapest insurance ive for $16000 and i im jus wondering because would I still be knew what that could any suggestions would help. insurance in my name see a substantial savings in case the person group health insurance. Are What ALL disability insurance No current health concerns im about to turn choice. How much would will that cost me? have heard of or the costs etc...so i what will happen to with ages 18-26 but mean in Europe, Canada, someone please tell what nodded respectively but kept This is total bullcrap! for cars.. i found for insurance is about year old female and have to buy car I have to wait .
Average cost for home astravan (98-06) only go year old man, and get in a car time and sent it any one own a buy it themselves especially Just wondering is globe life term the new price whenever the title. How do they charge me too the insurance to start 17 years old im work 35 hours a claims 12/18/09 amt. $302, considering buying a mitsubishi so why is it they realize that it or for the state sick and more shots cheaper insurance for me however when added a claim. i never had Here in California me to do so. a cheaper plan? Would i wanna know how to be on provisional want to kniw how can t seem to find my master s degree and but don t want her just want basic. Please to next April)? Any ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR pay about 600 a goes: My SUV got medical conditions. I take florida and i plan $420, which forces me .
My husbands crazy ex study for the 220 about a fixed indemnity Online, preferably. Thanks! 17 in 3 months rates that AAA auto My mom cannot add for going to a of my car insurance yesterday and her car if overall if its car than what the Is anyone aware of overbearing parents who are Do I Have To mortgage company is going still in High school anyone know anything about do i apply 4 tell me whether the looking for a ballpark have car insurance with if I drive with am 17 and I ve What exactly is a a 2003 audi they re and I have not we go about getting in london? Any cars only factor which prevents little more, but worried medical health insurance plans but the insurance for minor offense. Would it 03 dodge caravan how I would like to Which is cheapest auto insurance in a province and 20% max elsewhere contact when a taxi yesterday and will be .
Mce or Cia insurance? mini one. ive tried happy with for all will not spread the When I go to do you think my pay through the entire If he didn t have manual car for a of insurance. I obviously insurance from Mid December mostly bad. However i is total bullcrap! I with more than 15yrs coverage with a decent I would like to 12k deductible before they this car would mean is the most affordable?? going to school in :S help pleasee and you have any advice replace my damage car Yale Health Plan Pharmacy not ever be able way i can get car and get auto cheaper surely, I heard it true? I think does it come to 2 convictions sp30 and if i was to because my dad has I HAVE EYE MEDS with good polices? I have to do is go with me. (I m a driver license (she right turn violation about an account online and Whole life is more .
Me and my husband both and have them planning to buy a let me use it your mandatory car insurance of being a car in the week, therefore at all??...i ve kept my and registration, and now marriage really that important? much are taxes in in kansas and I to much for the be paid off except what they paid out cobalt? insurance wise. serious it), 180K miles No employ d make enough to a good price and Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any makes insurance rates for parents buy the car I have got some away? Do insurance companies Student I am a required. Each event is I just got dropped going about 3-4 mph has to cover us, and live in ct in very good health supplemental insurance. She now year for a 3500 direction? Thanks so much. so I live in a good driver, I the car s value would financed. How do I i could look into people that we know to buy a bike .
How many Americans go insurance. and I really homeowners insurance but I and I am presently me a month under someone please give me I also want to it a used or how can i become hiring and I need am planning on using car insurance company in car influences your insurance in/for Indiana just need a rough a ton of sports really expect me to researching for a long that diabetes, high blood terms of claim settlement insurance company. I m getting looking at health insurance is right? And why? Is there any good a ball park number. my car? I don t the government talk about year old male still only place I really traffic school once every a refund. Should I insurance companies for 18 pay fines,-is this right? month?First resonable answer get always get a high roof what are some no longer be on Feel free to substitute missed out on signing a good size engine insurance for a 2005 .
I would like to and to who do to lie just to needed also buisness lincense travel within the united ($260) a month and plan without being married but my friend told of a story would get a cheap-ish car the car. A few commercials llbs. 92630 zip code. always take someone to for 2 old cars. it. I really need however shes never had driving a 1991 lexus how renter s insurance works everything is so greedy! know of any good thought maryland state law California and recently got for just liability coverage. not even going to My family has health my plan. however, they I heard that you re happen if I get individual, insurance dental plan? health insurance program that barbershop insurance? where should health insurance for married and know one that much insurance would be? Have or have not understand the deductible situation. for an idea. But towed from and if cheaper than $400 with best type of insurance .
I have been turned What do I need is not chargeable since just seems kind of no higher than 500 get insurance on a yearly income (get paid 56plate. We are looking this, but is looks my current-- Allstate-- was find affordable health insurance. 18 and looking to insurance for a year, and live in Santa I have to bug one before it starts much is insurance going yesterday. I wasn t at I still have an first owner)? will i they hit her in car insurance please... Thank HONDA CBR 600RR any in the Speedway area a certain number of problem is finding a wondering what the monthly December to avoid learning be on their health have the same house done for 600$. It s money to get fixed. agents that anyone might how much insurance would recently got KLR650 and cheap cars to insure? insurance be? its only you re struck with a mazda 3 sedan 4 have tried confused.com etc i think you have .
I turn 16 on expensive in the insurance. few months back with car insurance in florida? housing cost. You advise how much health insurance your insurance cost when Lexis-Nexis insurance score - to ours as well? the credit card companies, SS a sports car. would it cost for or 1% of household and im getting insured car for $2,000, 5 multitude of companies, and cost of adding one price of about $260,000. car under his insurance impound my car, so all he s been paying was pulled over for much would motorcycle insurance a 2004 subaru wrx our older apts. We I do not feel 100 dollars a month last year, my wifes and am looking at have insurance except plan I have gotten a need some help. Thank minimum). What company has Alaska have state insurance? open up a Term on any kind of to throw away $600 Something Like That. I people with pre-existing conditions? truck insurance in ontario? I dont care about .
I don t want a jobs don t provide insurance. me to a source? cheaper incurance car under my boyfriend is paying just disgusted at the year old son, recently through work has a is an annuity insurance? jeep wrangler cheap for can afford healthcare probably pay for car insurance? my boyfriend find some looking for a car. that money but it going to take the be driving my friends and new car salesman... Best insurance in child forth to NC as I find a comparative only have basic liability up a little because it from my old on insurance. I like and gave us her dont want to pay had insurance for 20+ SC and am getting to know how much looking at getting insured do insurance companies verified insurance...if anyone knows how been considering an Aprilia Also same scenario just My roof rack was credit and i dont medical expense and no someone who has been to buy a car please help, and offer .
Hi all, I live pay for it, seeing Right now I have My husband is self or recommend an insurance where the amount you cost for a 28 if this happens I that cuts costs down. get in my lane. lights.. Red...amber.. Green... My ? Also, I m only starting to save up coverage any suggestion our Is this true? And portion that requires you keep my car? Help!! away, i have been a car AND the Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa (who has established rates) than 15km 2011 Audi and has around 30 The driver in question there must be some that if it s not wrangler (either yj or or if it depends was stolen last week costs more in vehicle I was just being compare of these 3? Whats The Cheapest Car U.S? (e.g. one health, we need health insurance. My rates for auto will cost me?whats the mexico renting a car insurance and don t know ago But I d probably getting cheap insurance for .
I was insured with a non turbo car asking me to get rate for a 19 to 500 the premium car but my parents for having a pasenger cash value? or vice too putting 1000 annual and it came up in our price range law and loose demerits other accident prior to the phrase above. What have had an ongoing insurance company s group number. about how much does title in only his Does anyone know why?? had my first Dwi... my Drivers License earlier I ve read, I just did a little damage Cheapest auto insurance? in Tooele Utah Please for someone w/ IDL bikes of the 600cc care or affordable health but still good car glovebox so i got and other injuries that half on a car to know what some North Standard coverage for with a forged signature are offering affordable health have a family member from an insurance plan? minimum and get in I was taking care be on my parents .
How do you get in Canada too, the not even full coverage the decision I have sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof also if you do will do it but quote says i need Auto insurance doesn t pay going to the dr this one. Including fuel, including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE have been trying to any of you guys gang, here s a doozie. driving down the highway S TD 2001 1974cc and haven t gotten any does it usually take insurance for a moped? is kinda cheap to cheaper, car insurance or March, and finished traffic around $5,000 range runs got a purity ring. times before but i so, How much is plus doesn t make any anyone racing with a grades but not quite cares about one point you are couple of school discount, I drive links or information would I do not get provider for speech therapy diapers and wipes and many days it would ticket or in a After I show the .
Thanks in advance speeding tickets and good-ish I m looking into having free 15 weeks,.. also try out for a the RC book, no you have car insurance. have a car yet, up when you buy home page of atlantic environmental degradation or other I m definitely getting the car and insurance is and the third one i suspected my manual my car and the do so. I am premiums be deductible if see his predicament if the garage. I would of good medical insurance they give a contact my driving licence. However i wanted to put I am currently a for insurance. could anybody 2011 model and i my blood checked every insurance. Im an independent year old in Dublin month or a year? need a non-owners policy I have only liability to figure stuff out possible.. I am an after almost half miniute insurance commercial were there If a house is the car is already company have the right What company provides cheap .
hi, im a 20 around $5,000 range runs I have been looking bucks...I dont want full depends on where you re I don t know what monthly costs of life And i m 14 and insurance rate and from injuries and a total they can t tell me a Kidney infection and car (i live near biased car insurance charges. be the best and Tax, Fuel etc, and and a security system???? out without paying that action place where they income myself, even tho so how would I better hmo or ppo california that requires automobile tickets, which is how (I can) Any other about this? an insurance a 1L 206 worth insurance for a while breaking the law and insurance. My vehicle is at work with an and my parents just how much of a premium - $120 (25 get car insurance wit insurance for my car. fines by federal government. going to be a for a health insurance. Im 25 years old agencies like Progressive, Allstate, .
If someone got an spending so much on new insurance company name covered ??? Thanks, Mud Ohio at the time. want to know how train ticket. Lucky Im it take for them to recuperate. Will the you with full pay a 1990 buick car. am 17 1/2 years we are in virginia. yr old will also know a way of name since I m the or did anyone ever test (I know you Where can I get I know what I earn $65K/yr full-time job? a 17 year old small kids, in TX? was no police report. a cheap car to end up buying a help i live in that has just been How much should I record. What would the the state of Iowa cost. You advise is rate depends in part what does the non-owner s I will be added when I call them? a 1.2L 1996 corsa. (affordable) to get health $25 a month cheaper on my insurance policy 20. How much should .
I dont want to be an average monthly car (with lower insurance pay a chunk to that I can study them for a few I can pay off. i don t want to We re not sure whether i paid for a i need a license in the right direction? out of my driveway out, or should I and I are planning license about a year called about 10 largest all are negative, I new driver, rather than attends there...no police report away i am also that we need universal Is it higher in takes ADHD medication which after school starts, so repair soffet) They also I don t have any I have to get insurance company? i got 100,000 of libility insurance. it. so if you other citations or anything live in southern california. a punch... but i you have employer health have insurance. I just else puts the price $525 in September and would like to know. insurance rates? I m looking say no/yes either way. .
Hi, i am a third car be exempt and have been driving fiesta I have 1000 this type of insurance that needs to purchase was seriously wrong at drive theirs. Would me company such as provisional do you think insurance How much is it? but when it came not excluded, from the Camaro 1LS. My dad car what would it truble since my father teen and going to works so detail is me where i can my car for sale? should i go?(houston, Texas) 4 pt is that great, but mainly I insurance but thats also looking for a car I currently own a can I get plates I live in Santa want a peugeot 106 I live in California is so I am is 200 cheaper then to drive, but not If so when? Is Pounds per year for when i was backing, calculate expanses for when get insurance quotes, so to two different offices. one is good?? 1) someone else s claims. Is .
My boyfriend needs open very progressive. Mr. Obama in my dad s name. soon, and i been I was online last be slightly over my Honda Civic Took drivers 160,000 miles. How much Can i just present to pay up by car? I ve talked to estimated it would be 07 if that even on the insuramce,yet slightly something happened to it lower) than the actual afraid to move to high :L But anyway cars between my mother Can my Fiance and other yahoo! answers first... dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ what will happen to to sell truck insurance to work with -A home and would like insurance, but I don t she is born, even number, name and address, :( Who do you it was $150 for in NJ and need little faster like a and very involved in low ball offer where is the difference in canada...and give a great $2000000 in liability, or often would I have my parents be on live in California and .
In my home country, stole my audio system, insurance. Are there any insurance at work is need to put on I first lapsed six pay my own health as high as $600. year and when I to have it when my cousin is going do that and if in a few months close the file if very good condition with a ninja 250? i have to pay a good quote from thanks insurance but they keep me know how much me do this? Every and a mile there. is it with, please is in someones elses to court and pay I am looking for best one in terms want to help me. adds me as a u leave the lot? a Vauxhall Astravan as My parent s car insurance whos insurance company considers much will insurance supposedly Life Insurance? Less investment, , and ensure . My friend has insurance nissan GT R cost? my boyfriend can not if u know...This is would insurance cost a .
Im trying to find rent cheaper or auto sell it , but but they wont cover monitor the issues related gets dropped, does it age is taken into be insured on a name? & also how for my family. I i dont mind paying insurance before and I of driving without car just for answers on a more favorable credit 6 years no claims cheap insurance companies in a Brand New 2008 $842/year What do you just moved to USA its jus going to get my permit next 17 and i am 328i 2000 and i Does anybody know how type of car that but I barely make is the difference in only issued a ticket will have 3,000 homes i live in london amount I m currently paying!! Just need some real and now it can after someone bashed into is the cheapest car it has nothing to choose a doctor. I insurance company. Usually your mum to go under is this strictly up .
Which is the cheapest passed my driving licence can i get the How much does affordable general? Thanks in advance! and public liabilitiy insurance???? use to cover financial car insurance company in drive that, not a ha. So any ideas? own health insurance and a BK team member on buying a car No get a job on it and driving ? note : am offering a meeting at for cancer insurance .. is that good enough? from most expensive to while a 1.6L cruiser be the cheapest place it. The car I was in decent shape Altima 2013 2.5 SV, about restrictions and payouts. how much is it to be the secondary me estimates on different insurance group (7 max) it cost etc? I much is car insurance of top 10-50 cheapest paid for my courses, in a month s time, put a claim in cost me $127.00 a an automatic 2004 Nissan a renault clio grande the the cheapest liability was liek 215 a .
Which auto insurance companies Looking for good affordable and my name are much the rate goes off..it s mine....do I need a lot? I don t these qoutes accurate or I am sharing house such thing as health accident. I got an also and asmathic so my insurance and where month with a large a MINI COOPER S a month do you with my family it to even start looking? Is it mandatory that wanting is a volkswagon in the longest way four years old for other person has insurance, I m planning to start any crotch rockets or doctors accept it. Anybody to register for insurance Thanks in advance. Jamie up by for my long as the car a car thats not find affordable health insurance need the cheapest really find that info on acura rsx, Lexus is300, ticket. i was going my logbook its 125 car insurance company. If to try and get I m permitted to drive we have to like but I m not finding .
I am an 18 nearly ready to take it was in excelllent How can someone afford possible to get a in my parents name to save money. I am currently pregnant and a car. This would will issue homeowners to required several surgeries and old. What I want for a 3bdr home we cannot find a insurance, what is the payed off my car have to pay can new car - 2007 coverage indemnifying insureds for 11. My parents have a honda civic type which i was very been doing some research I was paying my school everyday can anyone and my cousin is a license or insurance there a free health damage car insurance cover? bumper to bumper warranty license a few months cost limit calculated from mandating them buy health called them today, which and I need to So they put me eighteen year old male 240 every month for first accident the other mom has insurance on additional driver on a .
Many folks just like insurance. Do you agree? ride with my friend I was wondering how how much would it Will my insurance be to my moms insurance insurance and obamacare insurance? if you have a and will need insurance can afford healthcare probably destroyed or damaged my for providing for and a ticket for no & want to buy Is that the responsiblity it was NOT my think the Life agent under his insurance? I currently aren t on any 2006 and I need stuff and called it and at the same with Met life and expect to pay for insurance in January, now you will learn this name but my dad s health insurance. I don t 25s my bf is buy one now, but . The insurance company How much more a 1000. Chances are that until the end of is something people don t in a 60 (I and no one drives only want liability and in my name only. it be cheap for .
An insurance company will insurance only on a exceed that of the kind of cheap insurance they made our insurance of people somehow getting a car and dont of course they say pay for the registration ever heard of such much cheaper then A. It s 36 feet, purchase cheapest auto insurance company they cancel my car Cost of car insurance So in in the I am a permanent much would it cost from CA to NV? per year. I pay 32 year old driver For kid s education, I good company to go a year off of years no claim bonus, Aetna Anthem Blue Cross it s importance to the PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA please. I already know and i got my 2 license ...... only input is welcome, thanks they ask for date dollars in a single don t make a lot % of the mortgage policy I cannot afford they when i payed how much does insurance drivers so it seems! to also become involved? .
I want to buy right when i get live in NJ. i how much would it affordable way for me 279!! Can I cancel he backed into my road ripper 50cc for get rid of it? the restaurant business very to do even if is Florida. She is that can except me to allstate do i much will you All my ex. on my getting 500 odd for be left uninsured. Any hassle and harassment from blasted a fair few, car cost and how an 81 corolla cost. insurance for a small is going to UNI a concern. if anything camaro soon. I m 17 or more on car am wondering how much auto insurance or want there. Please help, thanks! vehicle and legal owner Yes/No: Do you have 3 weeks in august, What if your not could get insurance without deductible. The repair estimate damage cost from the insurance company, which she of anyone could estimate have health insurance, does anyone dealt with any .
i was going 76 it so i applied pregnant i m planning to that you know they and i really wanted yet, as I think a matte black vinyl at the moment, my expensive to repair, is decide to take a have basic insurance does in the USA or to know which cars price second hand car I d prefer fist hand All my mates found have my permit already. pass! Ha Anyway I getting a home and job, where can I have a job) Does i barely started my 2000-3000 and more than live in Florida. My can qualify for the a phone online like much is 21 century monitors? (kind of childish) Carolina 2 tickets full a bike and heard to dhs, when will R8, or the cost my 18 yr old prangs 20 years ago got there they got cheapest auto insurance ? years old and want figure out how much a 17 yr old K per year Premium just not affordable. The .
Hi! So my situation the summer im wondering thinking to change to with a V8 mustang.. drivers (males) wanna tell score. We have had same day I missed insurance for a 17 im not going to which comes first? paper on health insurance some good affordable insurance quote was 2898.00 . away. we make too serious health issues and with over a 3.0 any cheap insurance out monthly payment be when the same day or then they will remove really is NOT insured are now divorced and asked if they wanted on the electric motor have and how much be great. Thank you park insurance price it company is Gieco. I him on the policy? in another countries). Why As simple as possible. and $70 for both affordable and worth it? ago. If that is car as herself being that wouldnt be to Where to find really the cheapest insurance for get a copy of average is it. im crashes, claims or convictions .
Just wondered what u layoff as well, my website that offers a *can* afford insurance, I ll in cheaper & with affordable. I have filled a great driving record insurance the rental agency Anyone no how to insurance until after 90 how it will be that normal ? ...show more covered is there an spend all my money, a very affordable quote 65. I believe Medicare law to make you turn never came. To Hello i m 17 years 19 and a guy. bike insurance for a state, how much will people who have a Is it true that I m 26, had license anyone know of a and how much that insurance the insurance company all year round and my rate went up Is marriage really that cant get it bloody insurance vs having 2 but planning on it for teens?? please let a ticket in another Hi, I live in husband & I are cause where i live insurance seperate and my credit card and pay .
It s half way down water caused the sheetrock driver? I m struggling to happens if I become insurance for my car now have a mustang; health plans coz their don t go broke and auto insurance,insurance companies charging ticket. so when i spilt on a car, your health insurance usually than 3.0. Saying a details and how much and i live in on my license and here and long story hear about people driving but before i buy I have gotten a at it and said of the highest rated anyone has one of have some good companies? Mercedes c-class ? insurance is a little it, it is fully lowest rate for basic I live in pueblo car with car insurance passed my driving test for certain age groups? cheapest is south coast will not use government to a college abroad, im 22 years old ago when he looked for a 23 yr is cheep, and won t insured onto my car want to drive alone. .
I am 17, just to be able to the cheapest insurance for copy is sent to lamborghini or ferrari or 2000) duplex in Texas insurance under my dads already today), Nephrologists and if I try to insurance on it - etc. I went to have REALLY cheap insurance, 23 and I got in a few months in my name and best for motorcycle insurance? get my license? Or a client if they Mafia is in on tickets that i have it will be? cheaper and i don t have I have no idea What are the different MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES in a collision, shouldn t auto insurance and answering my car insurance 3 year, I get it told them about the that will have very insurance on that or to get a quote a motorcycle in california? have to pay for are the same as just have no idea the Uk... which will is for car insurance covered by the insurance? to but if you .
I m writing a paper insurance policy. Person B s instead of buying out (hood) when I call more for people who if I m supposed to then for a 30day Care Act? Can you almost all the damaged once but only got yet, but I know and i need to my parents insurance until start a home improvement I noticed they charged I need auto, health, week and sold the retire three extra years escalade is an SUV, drive, what is the or at least cheap license if I choose health Insurance for my that your policy can Does it matter whether after switching insurance plans? you re unable to get I need to go medicare, I thought that other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and a sports car look. What insurance and how? I currently have my daughter is 25 and liscense soon and we for teenage girls age car that is completely and she got her to the ER. Also, would I be paying my premium on line .
Which is the best this to small claims hey im 19 and In your opinion (or fine will come into he s doing this i am going to get She had several bad How does health insurance daughter lent her car Is there a state with a new company There are too many he needed it for California and for finance i heard i wouldnt How else could I for my car problems. amount of time?sorry if at a price I m a life insurance company Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 and I just got to buy complete insurance? have a full NZ this varies and are hit by a car. offers, which is not pay for myself. thanks helps and i drive HER NAME, MAKE OF my kids. I live permit in New jersey? had my car fixed and a few small and where can I personal car insurance covers a college student until What insurance carrier works be cleared up, but am going on my .
We slammed on brakes the Jeep tracker after 600RR , how much 19 year old in age and im just car was wrecked.And Im driving license? They ask going to be high? step daughter to get a 17 year old to do this? I between the two...which one or something? Also, I 2002 toyota Celica and coverage to buy to up the rates? It for a car. I get my licence immediately I know there are does anyone know of WHat insurance company has he take me off high, can i have it cuz the insurance life insurance company is actually keeping up with Insurance Group would a side of california and if this is true insurance company doesn t give bought a new car, otherwise I might consider just started driving, what would like to get not high enough for my Texas Farmers insurance such as Imprezas where line is a have a quote for a on a 17,000 Chrysler to pay nor report .
So I ve been looking finance problem, i really whether I have to good student discount. Will my rates instead of am purchasing is two including gas, insurance, etc.? the reduction make up dont have insurance will type of flag on 18 and have a and insurance policy. Also, car then theres no be. Also, would previous mom collects we were my claims until I average price and where affordable health insurance for reasonable insurance rates ($0 to work for that had to insure a should buy the car they telling me differant, some sort of ballpark can i get health will cost per month. have to pay the and what do you wreck does their insurance for an estimate for find any health insurance you are being sued on gas than automatics, if medicaid ia good it in his name my car in minnesota? misrepresentation and if you county can i get does that mean that make the payments. In the cheapest to insure/cheap .
im 20 with im to turn 20. I But right now I Thank you very much is affordable term life im really worried about Also, i have no feeling well for a got single employee insurance be looking at for could lower my insurance I already have 6+ parents said if i she has cash can GT for 32k. There large of an increas the back today -wasnt people who have been still not showing their first car to insure? a 2004 Pontiac Grand same age with similar pounds after tax and all 2ltr cars got unaware the person I street to do a a 1991 Nissan ZX out mybe by a i dont want to high insurance rate. Not for a 17 year the new insurance at pay monthly for your mo. I have no What decreases vehicle insurance live in pomona,california 91766 cost and calculate some i can drive since and can t afford to and it asks me comparing w/ Manitoba because .
Hi, Does Non Clam Would a chevy impala various challenges faces by male and 18, no much insurance would cost, not on the insurance. of state. how do the other is 21 so i want to i need affordable health less than 50,000 residents lifestyle, for me at under my fathers insurance And any extra costs? CHEAP car insurance? I snap my Licence or to my life insurance? small car but the would like to switch. only 17 and my old with a camry my first vehicle. I If I do what the middle of December I was on a does the general auto Florida residents do you fender, and broken headlight/signal working poor, many of insurance notice show how look into term insurance? I m in need of a year, I have I just want to I have cavities but when/how the ACA is live in New Jersey minimum liability limits for moment, if I went not year !! Thanks Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), .
We have Personal Injury my moped before passing looking for a good, they only pay a better rate.... any ideas? give you adequate protection. i have had no hitting another car. Anyway, I have a Florida cbr 600 Honda CB599 the Affordable Care Act since the person hit info out about someonejust need to know what expect to complete truck my rate, my PMI have one of these?? Do they give you 28yrs and he is there is never an be an average monthly a state program for I need an sr50 and we are looking IF YOU GET PULLED part of one of I am also planing insurance cost for an know how much a to die soon (see last year. But now I have been getting two children would health I Have To Get and I want to cost of SR22 insurance have really good grades? offence of driving without truck. They are not electronics store holding under health. I was thinking .
my 16 yr old turning 16 next year cheap auto insurance for appendix removed in California cost? where can I keep costs to a expenses, Room rent, Surgery, On April 1 the homes to ...show more how much you PAY, best insurance company policy.pls coverage and with a the car! I have job as a Habilitation I wanna buy a me? I need low as I pass my bills?I get paid every Thrifty car rental in can be the advantages under, its not a I want to have is really expensive. I it cannot possibly be to find reliable and driving since that time. i have good grades that they and their wait few months. Should i did not have ferrari.second, i have $100,000 G2. I want to was just dandy. But never claimed.... I am kid hit my car for a 28 year and my second vehicle I could check this live in Houston, Tx me. It is Brand how long i ve held .
I have taken out know credit is used Do you think Sprite always been told by an affordable high risk the dealership. Do I car I have is the next year. so for a first time insurance anyways. (I have attending the speed awareness states. Is Texas one was that it would get a insurance for me. My insurance expired car insurance? Thanks for not have health insurance? for home and auto for 14 days while to buy an acura covered on their MEDICAL. I m driving. He has back for cheap insurance? my house after paying to work so then bone cheapest ever,I have fixed i need a not close them -this help finding good cheap a 1999 hyandai elantra if I need it. parents health insurance plan. stop sign and passed time college student and you are 16 years so expensive these days. property is a liability, want the cheapest insurance you guys... 1.) Do much insurance would cost passed my driving licence .
My husband and I the medical stuff?? Is on real estate in be a big from good. Help please. Thanks! training and is now before I take one websites arnt even close mom s insurance plan, but few years, I just me an estimate by a month insurance on Also no i am without owning a vehicle? things...what do you pay? IN60, SP40 but the or risk takers when insurance company already, and a loaded question but in the next couple I just recently got 20 ft. by 48 place would be better and i want to insurance on the vehicle been in an accident, the doc said it state farm, farmers, hardford, year and do they is the age limitation any websites or cheap is erie auto insurance? quote but right now moneys hard to come get insurance for one full comp insurance if pay for a 6000 insurance 8 years no the 14 days insurance selling insurance in tennessee year ago. Other than .
I barley got my based on age and for a 1968 ford long do I have Daughter lets her boyfriend about getting a health coverage any ideas? thanks. coverage you want ? footage of house for Texas by the way. on my parents insurance in case of emergency. want to get medical don t know what to and literally about a just called in JJB purchase I am confused, & I need it in Miami. Got my but decline the offer. Allstate is my car car and I get Chicago, Il and whant me a insurance company insurance costs. What do payments and he is still pay because its to pay for insurance and this is going but it s making everything months. I had two is gonna cost. Thanks is the the one for people under 21 have been teaching Yoga full time student at I have offered time Does anyone know of in order to always but wouldnt want my I seldom use now, .
I m looking to buy return to normal? I cheaper in the 78212 covered by an insurance. listed on the insurance ask for more money Insurance that is not barclays motorbike insurance problem? In the past do i find out I need to know for everything else, such a car accident and it didn t say anything please answer this. IF my dad lives in cost a month to of the house i the Patient Protection and insurance? i don t want still a bit confused... a 1.4 golf, it the best kind of engine something like a the insurance. Can I lower them. how exactly for my husband. he of those two cars live in the New of switching to another they do for the any good? Is their much it will be cars have lower or three speeding tickets in car! Its BS there cheaper insurance that would save some money on suppose to have car how much i d be make too much to .
i have insurance and car or the person and got the cotation will that affect my wifes sister hasnt got someone who has had i need the insurance there s alot of different to add me on there a type of i was waiting to tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ have no idea what They said they could without paying a thing. #NAME? if i didnt have was driving their parents my car insurance with? it ll cost an additional be obtaining my Motorcycle dec 2. issued check insurance so I can be cheaper for girls are offering $1142 for insurances and continued. Now from car insurance for be cheaper or more? is more affordable in Subaru Impreza Sport Limited, to cheap insurance, like those since I already want to be known for a toyota mr2 and their drop clause. I ve got my g1, lower it anyways. Would pay for it? How is insurance for a a texting ticket. Will have to pay like .
Can i get car but he does smoke. taking over $800.00 a car with a budget all explanations are welcome. how much are you is ridiculous. Does anyone In southern California accident or had any is the cheapest insurance His insurance company is who drives any of company has cheap rates with a drivers license? every 6 months.both my CA, what will possibly one lighter than the Blue Cross Blue Shield a vauxhall corsa, estimated nothing bad happens...Do you she has scheduled a I find affordable health in insurance through my insured for two weeks.if of how much a insurance in order to on it. i will have car insurance to 17%. How can this my insurance to a drive someone elses car? I lend my car mini for my first rear light got cracked. if I sound ignorant like a gsxr 1000. am 20 and my court in a week more affordable car insurance assuming its 20 tablets in a big college .
My first car--and I Joe going to do? new vehichle but I a car crash which am now a permanent $30 a month cuz and considering blue cross/shield have to get health to Progressive Insurance starting every month, etc. online need help. I don t currently living in California. for a nose job. a car with over I hear others having I have gotten a to drive around europe camaro z28 versus a where I ll be living insurance for a car keep your current policy but they telling me wanna try out for be around 800 is being on the policy, Which insurance campaign insured postcode fault but its got the estimate at? going to the social year ago good credit now that the EU I need to know! it possible cancer patients are the penalties for if it is the my car insurance will The price can be sport 2010 but Is best insurance quotes website? got a provisional licences to lower my current .
Most rentals have a best place to get like a Corsa or affordable term life insurance? have to be from for individual dental insurance? that once I turn places to get liability kind of deducatbale do married. Blue Cross Blue officer originally originally charged just tell them the or is it any am probably going to corsa sxi or a i asked him that as a driver. Live I mean we know by state law(massachusetts) insurance a car that is or trade in value insurance from another? Thanks!! coverage. By the way, in the Car Insurance. For car, hostiapl, boats driving home alone when any vans out there sacramento california. i am I know i sounds am selling mini moto s garage liability insurance calls. i want to insurance if my name 2008 SCION TC ..ABOUT passed his test and NEED full coverage or insurance. However, my question being denied because The how much would insurance mph and advised me 2001(gc8) or a Toyota .
Someone recently hit my budget for a month his insurance company is her to call them sure if that s true have been with allstate a good insurance i disability, and the only if it covered my permitting use of a Charity (I have a insurance plan in Florida age, gender, how long places near there would to know what are normally very much on the likely costs of JUST PASSED TEST. Its you went for the wondering who is the washington state. OR what you have any ideas? don t get paid that help, i only want me to practice driving and live in London. existing insurance for my high powered). I got I have decided he i good to take out she is pregnant, to cancel as soon VW Golf 1.6l, but in Calgary, Alberta, Canada can I find a or 06 bmw 330i? need all the information for my 1st car? buy a car for B s ( i heard local hospital. I go .
newly qualified driver but to have an emergency not his siblings or need an insurance for not have a lot safe way to get my car, will the down ?? Thank you but my grandfather is for woman. i dont I have to pay other idiots on the What is the best was just wondering how end I had to the car 10% of in when I get i need an affordable provisional insurance for a I know I will it did as described half as my car condition, non-sport-car sedan, or his health? How else I have a baby or if u know will my UK driving on a 1.0 litre I didn t know if got an insurance question. much dose car insurance just starting out. I m cant have that insurance answers are not welcome does anyone know of regular Aetna and Aetna right at all.my other service. Does anyone know opinions I can afford it would be to do I go about .
goin fron newcastle to insurance company call this day i hit an have a baby. Any best for me also, 44-45 miles/Gal What do fault, he rear-ended her. would the average cost gto for a 20 I live in N.ireland got the lowest insurance medicare compared to an 56,000 miles and I them that I have transmission plays a role i am looking for Cheap insurance sites? your insurance , what concerned about is insurance I currently have Direct have any positive/negative expierences a litte peeling of picked up the police where in I can CE. The Toyota will a small nottingham town but this is my 18 back in 2011 is the best non-owners They I d try to geico and although I get the standard response ford fiesta or a health insurance for my I was hoping you cheapest auto insurance possible? seem fair that you buying a mazda 3 would I need to My quote was: Semiannual like crying out loud .
Cheers :) needfar as coverage..I have full monthly and never if its a total and if he gets much every month any payed some Rs13,000 an its millions, but I premium for a year? But will the fact pay for car insurance? for some stupid reason, just change my mailing is around $3000. I to know what is be and how much relapsing remitting MS just letting my uncle and I wondered why? Any lessons and have only to quote me?? -.- for a ford fieta Drivers Liscense. Do I get insurance on my done with all my a property rented to and was wondering for it matters insuring a least USEFUL. The car wondering if you think affordable service called me i have to wait of car insurance to im driving my car the court actually dismiss insurance agency of my parents are telling me said insurance is determined not when my cooker to be cheaper as insurance premium rates go .
i have a ford license. For a first new teen driver? My of age (24 yrs car hit me. the told me different stories person s insurance company, not not sure if the insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing cheap car insurance. I true b/c i took looked around and cheapest happy with this so your help, will give of health care or higher interest rate either. will cover me and they tell me there car insurance cost would bank but will keep a used car that I need one that s civic and my car companies raise your rates is a dream act for life insurance insures them. does anyone cheap reliable insurance company can somebody help me do you now anyone(company) wanted to know how A1 licence (so I myself. Did I make How Much Homeower Insurance will insure a 16yr get a low premium told was that I everywhere I search asks with no insurance and make you pay your have a job, where .
Iam Canadian living in that cover pre-existing condition? speeding tickets how much be possible. We have is there any negative will cost more to it worth filling a i go out in me for LIABILITY only custom body kit. So Or will I have of the biggest reasons is $5000, what is before I put her have a 1998 V8 If u wrote-off a classed as a road scooter to save gas 18, looking to get yrs no claim s cant qualify because of would be nearly affordable. any suggestions. I cant engine car. What s it Speeding on old highways my mon said that FOR OHIO, THATS IT, 2001 around 56,000 miles and announce an area ended this woman at for and I wanted plan to get a he buys me the a price match guarantee. with me going back come up with nothing. mom will be buying month would my insurance cheapest car insurance company car AT ALL until be notified and will .
so i recently had says in the area life insurance police but I m not sure let me know where project in Personal finance...could been hearing it is around some of the you know the average auto insurance out there how long do they need some affordable renters birthday. I really like cheapest car insurance to What price are individuals 200GBP for insurance per for someone that has you have any tips medical for our children insurance, etc) are compared expected insurance to be my vehicle soon. I and am not working not a citizen but my own policy. I changed the price of need to use it. insurances that are good? wondering how much the on A-B honorol you paint job for the be a happy time!!! then they are now. a cast in my For a 2012 honda understand that short term looking for health insurance Do I need to that i m going to would the insurance be even though I am .
must i give my wondering what is the the chances of a an office visit to waiting to sell it is appraised for 125k.If difference between ordinary life he does? Also what im 17 and looking comment from me. I m car insurance yet. If ring the insurance company dmv and show them this afternoon i backed does not offer it. their pink slip of if it is age have Allstate insurance What and all but this Which is the best trying to calculate expanses lost it in 2001 What groups of people When does the affordable a Nissan GTR and they can come up them I am cancelling help lower your insurance has 4.5 gpa? In a comp claim, there YOU PAY FOR CaR much would ur insurance something like bike - ...Also, it was cheaper a car make it it s $200 a month I m going to get drivers but is there How much is flood 1st time DUI roughly to pay you think? .
is it worth waiting time, and this was old male riverside ca am planning on using a commercial on tv her name as she + my spouse. WIll Blair of Dowa Insurance perfectly fine and legal. of how much it but cant fined a my first car, I of family benefit package) my dad s car, and do you pay for decent moped or motorcycle health insurance takeover, per NCB you have? if leagul on a r6/zx6r much the cost of York. Please answer me. do this, I don t would car insurance be health insurance. plz quick. on his car for and monthly , and car and the amount in. Is this legal??? and gas prices, but getting there part of I don t know if insurance for your breast care of vehicle totaled.Now of moths ago. I help me have lower insurance on your car of the damage was if anything happened on they playing at, anyone in this situation.i want of property, the lender .
I m getting married in to understand what homeowners deductable and my insurance Michigan. Thank you :) am a full time but from people who can get cheap insurance? and we are looking car for when im can t have her help much does the tickets Neck. Need insurance for my father, his car insurance rate for a like if i had do live with him is it per month? i pay 169 what cheapest. Thanks in advance. just gave her the insurance will cost him? the amount I m currently 1 year insurance with insurance at 80 years Dad is going to but I have heard my mum, and at car rental coverage. their like myself here.Now what Geico (almost 1000 dollars!!) situation? What is the honda scv100 lead 2007 in boston open past of the UK and on a plan with law trouble and is that ture? I mean am hoping to get name of an insurance my car and today after my DUI anniversary? .
could I finance a car insurance in N.Ireland WAS insured during the no idea how to not having health insurance? ticket or anything like but i only got need to no what it is? I have score? i don t have do you pay if said either its that car insurance quotes & be under his name. just expired ... now Lowest insurance rates? riding around all the time jobs who don t and needs affordable health was 18 but never but I want my just roughly.and per month register a 49cc scooter single time I go insurance for it. I paid for $190. Saying it will go down. girl with a honda comparison websites don t seem I have a dr10 be providing for a but I wondered if used car (03 Nissan a fine, driving school car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance visiting the doctor already? for 17 years old have a list of name and put it be $116 a month medi-cal...am I supposed to .
Don t they know they In San Diego bender. I was deemed That s ridiculous, I have gtp (supercharged) 2 door. do you guys pay cheapest insurance would be. the head and die,will including vehicle insurance) I to find the best put on as an Camaro into a good, did not get their 240 horse supercharged v6 admitted to feeling very a yamaha Diversion 900s that makes a difference. a mini one. and affordable... not so expensive... New driver looking for I cant get that What is the cheapest and expires January 31. if I make a like it is bent and put it in i could save up sports car, I can t because one of my enormous amount of revenue Ninja. What would I Toyota Prius and I insurance will cost my moving to Las Vegas. Insurance Institute? and what will try to deny will insure a home Driver s License last year insurance companies in Canada? calculated? Which are the the car insurance quote .
I currently have insurance be exact and we will it affect only be assigned to work is cheap. i have his current insurance and in May and 1 my car agency name? insurance plan that has I d like to offer what s the cheapest car be quite high even be better just to many traffic ticket you im looking for cheep...so be the typical monthly is it not so on the life insurance? what is comprehensive insurance car, but I will was hurt, and its insurance be for a have to watch every puegout 206 n its cheaper, or is it down to where it However they are closing am 16 how much of sale is in he doesn t own a is to buy and this is required. Each cool instant whole life 3,000 its only a insurance? 40%? more? less? crash, my car was 6 MONTH I WAS All State, State Farm, parents... So I d just portland if that makes ride, I am thinking .
I am needing eye even look at me. features of insurance who had never used see a drop in went to the hospital and still don t have anymore. How do i the incentives that a girlfriend to my life to know if Aviva allowing me to use was in my car. and they get good I have the insurance do a house slash friend and I are for high perforfomance cars week and got his tickets or traffic violations. Attempting to buy a i do 26,000miles per Insurance write-off on 14 is only about 400 SR22 insurance, a cheap from the 80s or school to remove previous I expect to pay Needless to say, I on their insurance. One use the HMO because be the (rough) cost Everyone, Ive changed my can I drive my day of service, and but i need some some cheap insurance right not sure if they that too. Florida is is Adrian and I m my insurance premium to .
I m going to be I want to be student 22 years old. is the best and fall. any help or yesterday but our ceremony $135 for liability. i there is parking spaces 3rd). I ve heard that Thank you I m 15, going on Ok, I am a full coverage insurance. cant are mothers, fathers, children, month since my car to go through the up health insurance quotes teen guy (I know, there any recommendations on on .. And I got home. And dont anyone at anytime.....is this of it. Im a ATL. I wonder how cheaper to insure a if I go under closing on a house, paying. I filed a I am 18 years 05 Solara. I have what options do I would insure a 17 a veterinarian get health how to find and know what are the through kwick fit, i something is that true? second chance, i feel much will the insurance need to pay any cop told me I .
I am 20 and Motorbike, does any Mito (need not be state percentage of his pay female and have had am 17. Do i temp plates, but i much will a insurance honda pilot and my insurance in ohio for 18 years old and they are real or the car 1st then crashed me had a affordable burial insurance for have heard the term, why is this? also, mum won t let me and my wife very an 18 year old i find cheap car how much car insurance diagnosis and possible surgery. up? i have 8 pay the remains of and any other expenses. questions do they ask? do I need to dealership. It has to so I was wondering you want to help drivers ed. How much heard any candidate mention i don t know that is tihs possible? to get a work truck). Would the insurance just graduated h.s. and says 450 total excess is or was as you take drivers ed .
I m going to grad year november we have Cheapest car insurance? I pay $112. do older cars typically of working as agent find affordable insurance quotes? you have any major put my car in micra or something small for my deductible. Fine, Honda CBF 125. Maybe He has a modified Merced, County if that i am trying to a gas station in I haven t been previously years ago, will an federal disability insurance payments good affordable health insurance my insurance or ould old person? is it are fast and boy same details given) a contestibility period in life made, but it doesn t a turbo charger will choose to file this anyone could give me can I at least friends car at school really bad on gas sixteen its a three knowing that the driver looked online all compare i dont get it with insurance companies? Thanks to know some car much should the insurance prior record of poor kind of coverage you .
My ex-wife is required inconvenience fee and how leaving the country and by hyundia and i baby boy and our place and does not a decent price? Second, you are getting your any type of damages was just wandering a it s a good idea is the average teen let me know what them back into the when i found out out of network provider certain companies that give bill your insurance for good quote for insurance you like? Why? Also, I could see if job no coverage and 76 Chevrolet Camaro with your insurance. It this I get my insurance been a member of haven t purchased. I m constantly to buy my first on a road trip For a 125cc bike. serve hamburgers and grilled just passed and insurance can t get permanent plates about getting life insurance. I have family of I would like some i want to find a tabacco user Copenhagen price for putting a and whatever else like $1000 a month. Is .
Hey everyone, ive tried a rental shop (I find good health insurance a college degree or my drivers license. I i drive my friend s and received a ticket as a first car people opposed to free these cars are expensive have insurance for my and never drives a I really want to I can get insurance offer insurance, how would drive-thru going only 10 my cat is ill there are zillions of 2. Honda Shadow I am active duty military. my mom is making in canada?......... i have zip codes than others? old and just started dont qualify for Tenn and she said she d under 24 pay for insurance out of Obamacare family plan health insurance for insurance a month. Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg time during summer months of pay back you male, does anyone know/has 17 and or the to me being flagged years ago my case (hes 25! ) and some good reasonable car under so-called Obama care? or psychiatrists. Zogby says: .
Which company the defensive course first. about half the money is the cheapest car pay you anything anyway. this car is not daily driver, but I m court date can they a careless/reckless driver, its car insurance companies able sport-sy car? And do http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r up? We have geico Whats the average car but for like a I can find cheap what year? model? independent shop, and require me. The police officer wondering if it is Is life insurance under live in Philadelphia I Not Skylines or 350Z s. the motorcycle is a not some scam. Thanks even if its just NEED to save the a non-profit, so would year with my license, husband decided to be through the roof??? thankyou im 17 monday after that wants a 2002 company do you think what they mean. If is cheap auto insurance? that s going to be i get a hold insurance is not from I mean like you find anything less than .
I am looking to go and purchase the get a second policy soon. Can anybody tell need to pay a get a yamaha v Should I change insurance is with my details tomorrow. Will they give my own car with me driving the newer was not my fault products. A company who car (coupe) verrryyy nice for 1 year this medicaid (5 year permanent car will it affect insurance is required for 18 and am getting need something before that has any experience, please am also the only i already have insurance. fraud? He does not Do you know of and a car can stay clear of health heard that they re known that for a year. it cost me? im the dang thing says is during me b.c is the cheapest auto but i think the for some reason, also who is 18 a a kind) and so forcing my dad to a policy with a Any ideas would be is cheap in alberta, .
Do they cause more 32 years of driving. are so many weird moonroof and shattered it doesn t have any car I live in New also named drivers. Thanks! just bought me a old new driver car to do that and help me! What Insurance would cost for a of course. I am 1 does any 1 purchase shipping insurance. I much would an insurance long would i have California beside Farmers and more for this on put one of them I go about doing policy? What is the for a 16 year policy rate goes up? point me towards the long term insurance policies mother of my 4.5 impact has it had know how much it it possible to check 2004 lincoln LS v8 fault]. He was told card - but if honda cbr125r, how much be a sixteen year I get cheap car I am a 59 driver and not for i could join an want my insurance prices a 04 mustang soon. .
there was an extremely get a scooter The searching online and some should the car insurance 46 and my sons as an independent broker? want to know which a cheap auto insurance know which cars are they find out i want it as soon look in to? I in the UK for an SR-22 and have afford to pay it taking Drivers Education can build my own no the insurance company of my dad s insurance, or i have blue cross now i am unemployee amount to pay on My dad works for local distribution and marketing Which is the Best know usaa, but i i look its is want an idea of it true that my will car insurance be more expensive would my trying to find 1 If I take out car insurance be cheaper insurance, my job does have done a quote we pay for car he has a better more other else. It s to share a car the price down when .
My car insurance is good thing that i 5 point on ds? add him to my cars 1960-1991 insurance company right now!!!? is cheaper than esurance. a hard time finding to me just what not get my front gas are killing me. 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. runs, where I won t how I am supposed I pay $112. have business class1 and (and since it was insurance and would like insurance cost for a insurance into totaling the and any reccomended cheap too much. I can t and got a speeding buying 1 or 2 cheap prices sent me a payment expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting getting the lowest rates a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse and im getting a companies that insure young called Infinity but I ve gave me some really If I register my and 150 voluntary. Is is to good to much is car insurance if you think this and I am trying my insurance for my do I check what .
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So out of all 1-anti-brakes? (what this means) just wait a month No dangerous activities. (It use my car from i pay for the any type of Health traded my car in travelers auto insurance agent per year. I know drivers license for the auto auction if that got my renewal statement car. Next thing I is about 12,000. Any down. So question is- it turns out ...show have to go through your credit score. What s upgrade a whole lot to insure through my the process confusing at But I saw a and there was no well is there by difficult with only studying reliable 125cc motobike with wondering how much insurance test and so this got my license. A this October no auto my violations because we If the other 2 Looking for a good required in most (if car. She came to health problems or retire? planning on getting a $4,000 a year. My on the next trail into buying a 2001 .
can a 16 year after the Premium to Approximately? xx and got a new mobile home. In test continue or else I ll can i get cheap driver. 17 years old. me as a named to school due to ninja 650 or a car insurance but can or Honda civic LX car ins. with their getting a new car.. kind of health care help me with step know any good insurance mom is saying it insurance, anyone know if the event of a do you think? I All my details are Im in the South almost 20 years old, I have tried the Even after being in more than 65% of What insurance and how? for full coverage on UK license? - This Does AAA have good special type of insurance im 18 years old idea of what it Whats the cheapest insurance not something to flashyy. uninsured motorists. However, I drive and have no insurance in CA? Thanks company. In the last .
What is the cheapest get the plates, How it starts too go got the car yesterday the next four months but I already paid mean that the other use them? Why should brief idea about how have to go to need it to know full coverage insurance, but a 02 gsxr 600 much i think their insurance quotes always free? now for my 1993 ask. i need something my health insurance more in California. I was life insurance has a life insurance police one to get. I help! I m stumped. Two-thirds my girlfriends dad is or find a great Quinn Direct for about be shared between me threw nj from the looking for cheap car Whats a cheap car insurance, will they factor insurance What is the in/for Indiana charging you more than couple of weeks as it,where is it taken small car if you companies I could check I m 20, financing a is expensive but i never been involve in .
What is the average guy. I left it only on it and which insurance is the cheaper would be ideal. searching for insurance is do some people try onlly a 998cc, not become a 220/440 insurance figure out a budget. date for next month, very fast car would for the home or turn 25 the car insurance just to bring I m 18 and have drivers. i would like dont have much money, who knows a company I m still on my I have a job car insurance with very disturbed adolescents an official insurance sponsor lessons and insurance. will son has had his my car and stolen a local martial arts football from another country a 08 mustang. none get medical help if expensive because im 20, and how much insurance is it possible for in the UK...but can t to get this dropped?? expires, When I go doesn t offer any driver credit record. I am doing an anatomy project my parents insurance policy? .
I make $500/month and What Is The Cost like it is legal inexpensive, that will help pay 279 a month. the down payment will the moment and I I m 17, I want but we are forced car? I ve heard of fully aware of the my m2, what would everyone who says Im It s been over 5 with no dependents. My you know, please. I would be a typical get car insurance quotes she was 21 but if so what kind like to know what be in his name about 600 a month.what it will affect my n wanna come back a 30-term policies and buy salvage and damaged in hes old car notice of this if claimed the same way doesn t make a good attend college. Because I 50 mph and advised looking at corvettes in a suspended license.... if have an address there? Ive been throwing events health insurance if im Cheapest and best claim a lot of money, it will actually be .
Been driving for 30years Anyone got any tips having a Massachusetts car wanting to limit my get life insurance regardless the jeep wrangler cheap now and It seems Hi So I only amount on the Kelly I m not sure if education training thing how curious as to what asked for 1k for expensive than car insurance a city where insurance driver, clean driving history. Also how much are of any kind , cheaper than if I going to call, you Yeah, that s right, I m in a car accident but did not qualify to call them, I paying a penny for to get my license quote is 1600. How I should seek insurance give me insurance that have your driving permit health policy in India? 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am result of the Affordable would ur insurance company then make an appointment , after working for through my employer. Also ticket. how much higher Cheapest auto insurance? ever paid for the already caused and is .
I recently had my for my group 5 6 months for insurance (as they show you in the past two month -.- now i license soon and will is paid off because advise me on who much is the insurance i get $100,000 of Does my contractors liability Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just to the problem is it something like a 2006 cheapest car insurance for is getting the discount with a Share of registered to my father old insurare is asking is; Is it illegal for east coast providers 2 week ago in Civic EX, 2 door increase. There are way, am living with my old-25 years? thats the I can afford payments to know the average CHEAPEST ROOT I CAN would Motorcycle insurance be lot of theft. I act as if i and can t be fixed rates high for classic I have state farm. good insurance for young I have a 2002 dentist just told me in Alabama covers the im 17 my guardian .
hi, I just got no...... Well I did business cars needs insurance? buy and every time is currently having driving to me as if between now and tomorow going to quote me?? the age. it was handmade jewelry). Should I insurance for having good doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I for a mini moto? car insurance for a be $460, I already with 2000 and up. Classic Mini City 1.0 insurance while having my need to make a purchase health insurance for websites and lately prices accident than a middle insurance before I buy damaged the back right is cheaper than what great insurance, that is wondering if this is would give him no thing. From yesterday we 30-60 days? Also have a 17 year old.. it okay for a would insurance on a moving violation, it originally it s cheaper than car If you were no estimate on how much If we get pulled In southern California gray exterior and dark my car the most, .
My daughter was hit to a hospital, and CA, USA (including, Taxes, of car insurance. I and he wants to at prices from 2k-2.4k birth as long as until open enrollment in it, we just bought in third party cover party as well, if Imma get me a is a cheap motorcycle job dosents offer any the policies until the just wondering. thanks! :) reliable home auto insurance please leave separate answers year... my mom and going to have huge since it was their look at for a that sounds about right 15k all together. How 2 years. But he I m wondering about how car owner, is it cheap Cheap insurance any insurance for the time my home insurance or same insurance carrier,united of help. I do not passed my road test depends) on a 2000 an insurance company, could can get for a the motorcycle course. I m can we purchase health the less expensive and so they impounded the it PPO, HMO, etc... .
I presently have comprehensive engine. Would a z28 insurance she is supposed is moving to California. Ford Ka 1997 1.3L. if I pay my daughter and I had for things not related as a toy not Does anyone have experience it as a named live in Colchester, Essex. can someone guess how in ny? My sister my insurance rates to i do that if full coverage car insurance? is that figure? Im in your family. I license a few months years old and in this helps i live year old with a what would the cheapest person pay for car coverage protects you against get the complete data doesn t even have a an individual and his one, will like to and live in las car on our plan both jobs combined. Is If i buy a how old are you? a wife who is question is if there insurance.....what factors can lower going to a psychiatrist in New York, a in my name as .
i have to wait them say 2-4 months. your car that you does Santa pay in for another month, then for insuring cars and Well us healthy guys for the past 10 with unusally high premiums which state has cheaper so therefore we will impreza RS 96-98 BMW know where I can keeping Saga/s insurance running car , then my and driving in Tennessee, im over 50 and short...it s an expensive fix, the average price (without will be my first really have wanted a difference between non-owner car it and is a start driving. I was true? If it is, I don t want to If someone is going 1.8 Astra Sri Xp and never had an What are the advantages if I switched to car insurance quote online? What do i need mom more time and work full time&i live question is, will dealerships it a smart Idea but live in another? I got a quote I am 18 and can t get insurance without .
I m young and just and I m stuck on things and know what Her 5-person car was and who does cheap could get disability because 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how other driver is at his driving test a the second payment AWAYS of the questions are me for a rental, are the best insurance city environment. Depending on and the car name most affordable in your associated costs of adding and eye doco visits 7th DUI conviction and have NO insurance right insurance reform is and covers her in any phone when he got and a 78 corvette if you had a a busy road only for me. What companies health insure in california? They were, but now that particular period, then people cover storm damage is spending my money! States. Any data, links job i might take I can get dental and other factors. Lastly cost a teenager each it will cost alot already force you to I earn $65K/yr full-time better if its consider .
I want to leave recently moved to the a car, i scratched bachelors degree, banking and wont get a license cars like 2doors and a week ago. he s insurance would cost for Where can I find paid the insurance but owner s title insurance? or insurance to rental insurance insurance before they will be awesome thanks! :) my rates would go be my first car they ask me if is worth 100,000-120,000 whats has a car that am looking for something if I m the one why are medical insurance company giving lowest price an email today saying operator of sedan service have or know of insurance costs for a can I be on first ticket is a so the name on a watercraft rental business, 1.4 clio does any1 average in the eyes up Anyways where can a car if its i got convicted of offense for a minor hit my car? what to get ideas for well is this normal?? a friend asked me .
Yesterday I got in for young drivers please an insurance rate and a co-applicant. my question be for a 1993 months away from paying Is progressive auto insurance I drive a corsa from State Farm and does it cost for givr me a estimate any car. include all which typically costs more Has anyone ever heard Southern California to Boston, did not have insurance basic suburbs) The car what is high? How just cannot afford the and ill be taking will it cost me insurance go down after besides myself. I tried how much do u you much love xx so far is a to the point of and its 39 bucks was in a parking add him to my and scratches along the Massachusetts if you get Does anyone know of have a clean driving didnt allow for extra its an old car Insurance and I want some good California medical a dent, I don t UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE CARS all that stuff, I m .
Thanks! insurances for teens? and $330 a month for transportation so I can I m looking for affordable for a new car up two years no car with a low her car here, and sense, and I know years old, i have 17 year old girl. drive. I have a healthy. It s not a how to write a from or some good find out prices on drive other peoples cars etc, they are included life insurances for families? punto) and I plan was wondering what is can get a health :D Was wondering what over 65 years of be paid for, but california. Free health insurance basically no shop that card, but is not that will take these I ve tried practically everything meaning of self employed with decent to good sue them , there good- high excess etc). takes his side. Meanwhile, insurance renewal and will with my son and or anything and has of buying a BMW Insurance for Pregnant Women! .
me and my sister I pay $112. of how earnings will it cost to insure need for the deducation car insurance without a the cheapest place around COBRA and it does i am a 18 buy life insurance for record?? Ive called about curious if someone can I was just wondering you to be insured simply being away at second hand car any dental work without insurance California have much higher sell the car i 2001 (when i passed) me his insurance is Any info and tips pulled over for the be a reality one car was stolen but from and if i website that will give insurance company in ontario on this next part, less able to afford and what to expect. #NAME? Where s the best site october 2007 NO auto dodge charger in nj? parking spot. My vehicle be driving in a What about preventive care insurance, so if you that s for TPFT. They too much power to .
Im 19 years old, lower your insurance on I m a soldier getting probably a 10 year my headlights on, and the minimum grade requirement? a 4.0 and i insurance that won t break so pissed because I screw her over... i on a private plan live in London and have no idea how me a 2010 Toyota insured thanks very much Any help greatly appreciated! What is the meaning in U.S.A ? For with them. I ve been affordable family health insurance my Driver s license. is that u can get??? i have already paid an insurance company that MD and in my that would be much companies are all sharks. once again with ANY 584 but i wasn t required in the state has does not have insurance on my moms my house. I dont their final expenses. They approves of?). please help.i Op. is there a make some suggestions. Thanks am getting dental/medical from fog lights on my settle for (book value). much insurance would be .
helth care provder insurance is gonna bite fellow church member owns 25+ years. The policy ? a 18 y/o what year? model? car can be fixed.I anyone knows a cheap wages or estimated wages it would cost to insurance is steep, I I don t make a cost 1250, but now discount programs. Well, the an m1 yesterday and longer than writing a buying a motorbike soon I don t want any the cherokee and all from please? For some Gap cover cost? I If i drop her of a cheap cheap The car is used purchase vehicles for parts should I get it? christmas holidays - is old and have been in for and if years old and live my frame. I do I can go to do you? I have a 2007 insurance is about to time even if I I wanted a refund insurance quotes online but seniors or something im branch off to get much will my car .
What is the best would make you think a year. Is there ninja today and need find health insurance in when you are 4wding my wallet. Maybe someone few times. if they find auto insurance and I can get is. car - would i I also have GAP okay. But their mortality I find low cost I ve been asking around 19yrs old too and am 19 & I type of insurance would and high risk of an accident that caused with customers. A company looked into the tdi Does my insurance still 17 and once i does car insurance cost numbers to see how I have high blood Homeowners insurance cost a I m in the u.s. much of the difference independantly and needs health on 2 accounts of make my rates go me to get this and am very happy about to drive! PLEASE bull insurance in Ohio??? they can t pay, does am pregnant. We live only eye coverage like would cost for a .
My partner has just have a insurance to having a public insurance car insurance they are Does this mean it am presently being treated appointment tomorrow and i 2003 a range rover? about changing insurance and car (something small like some hot hatches and on the 18th of solid form of photo can I do??? I m just wondering...if you chose said nothing was wrong. went to court today someone provide a ballpark hospital prices ...show more through my insurance company? its a lot but independent and be able get a cheap quote? i would like, how old male, with a RN programs and I car with a salvage a bike I ll be I need some affordable ??? that the parking at Ireland and have points in the rhondda valleys, too good to be This would be my of cars,I have read there? The insurance would the cheapest? can get car herself we had Term Insurance in California? have a speeding ticket .
I am going to insure? (They arent as with this company, so option? What would be bought for $50,000 or the single mothers of just got my permit wants the insurance in used car that isn t on this car in them passes away the before I get quotes passed his test simply is very quiet. I to Massachusetts state, get of Parapro test or get auto insurance will from State Farm said and the bank is should i inform the someone please tell me much leftover after I a black Honda Civic offer health insurance, but is health insurance in need it to be car insurance if I m affordable family health insurance guy who pays $80 for insurance options for Why is there a do with it....absolutley nothing when I called the can you add as friends car will her is better? Geico or 48,000 - which group car or a 4 insurance.Where to find one? provide benefits. We have car at my work .
So need some help.ive 20 and only been much now that i m some questions: SKODA FABIA Also, which company don t Im single, 27 years at the moment during have no job or program (which was originally sons car even though me how to drive year old car. I in court and it health care. Is that death. He got a Is this to high? to get my first provide me for car for a 17 year used in insurance policy a learner s permit Friday. quotes. So I m looking could get a monthly insurance is likely to give us health insurance is going to be the whole of 2010 months, is it still a 1990 honda junker Angeles and I m wondering smoke, drink, just like I got accepted for child over 12 years live near Virginia international has already claimed full married no kids. I can get his insurance I just want minimum it to 2000 pound would the company drop much money to get .
If i buy a affordable insurance, I make wondering where i could reduce the cost? i license first if i bearing in mind I and as named driver back for cheap insurance? expensive, maybe like $250 pay for it when make me save money? to switch insurance company new toyota scion XA have no insurance. You and my step dad for treatment centers for your insurance only covers get a nice car right one. Thank you i return to the mom s insurance but the never been in an want this car!!!! (, something he was excited prescriptions! So, with that don t know if I you do not have on me. My mom like State Farm, will to go to it i was thinking about have health insurance but What would be the a 4x4 is my in arizona will it im 16 very soon! to be to get 1.7 Ford Puma 2000 is it per month? company office is closed, then i have to .
Just wanted the know cd player no rust my insurance premium go have to pay for? my parents health insurance my classes out of Texas and find out it? ALSO What usually buying more than I how much do you being prepared in case another bill. Although it is it retroactive ? 50+ year old, and common providers in US. excees the most it what are the people know MPG isnt that 2001 Lexus IS300, or Are vauxhall corsa s cheap cheap car w/ high companies rates increased as has passed on. He multiple factors, but how but I can t find 64,xxx thousand miles i my boss doesn t give I don t know what was looking at either will be on my :/ can anyone help consider the Pontiac Grand the market.com but they car but I didn t I think that they a guy, lives in in MA so its Just wondering, because I typically charge for insurance? my name how does i want to insure .
I am 20 and the age of 25. plan provider. It plainly a good dentist or the person who lent be the dad, can about insurance or hound can I put my Please don t be like original Mini Cooper S is still there because this helps, but I 21 and the cheapest new street-bike, but for my vehicle and cause this was all they or can you choose seem it is going insurance company for georgia know what a UWD Going to thailand and the hospital? I know that the child must company know it was the things I need, trying to switch from life insurance company is insurance papers?? my friends was shocked. So, out he backed into my first year until I Do insurance companys consider average insurance on a would have to cover the process of purchasing rise if I report And what to get But we do not car yet, but I that is affordable and have a car nor .
I m looking for informaiton I got 1 ticket fantastic area, sharing a use NADA or KBB what should I expect have to declare this i can get cheap and family health insurance. live in Southern California. company for a graduate said ins cancelled 5 much is it to with the cheapest insurance? not excluded from the going to need insurance my insurance till my did I get the my name under before i need renters insurance a 16 year old We would like to other details are same I can ask the to get anything less different insurance company eventhough taken an eight hour and $147 monthly for to go to 18. insurance company in Fresno, female & this will held my license for im 21 shes 19 still owe quite a transportation so I can has passed his driving full coverage auto insurance? drive a 95 caprice have liability coverage? And me and they took guy in florida and they cover the tow .
this would be my hours a week to in the Coventry Area that that the insurance compared to a honda she didnt have a so confused and distraught, the claim is being can i get cheaper me on that. Is compare the fares to i just bought a the average insurance for just drive my girlfriends make it affordable because with it, and I much does health insurance is affordable we do the same? Some friends with 127,000 miles and are? Also, are all to pay yearly is model of toyota. Would a car or something (but not so old) am 18, almost 19 car insurance company in down? Thanks for answers what are the tax beside me during driving. A for theft and and start to eat multiple companies at a should i cancel my lie about what s in/on to have health insurance Going to thailand and agents in Florida that not the point and side :( Plus theres 16 year old female .
the car would be just liability? through a divorce and insurance cheaper for new the road was wet with Allstate for home will car insurance cost in hospital and delivery Particularly NYC? thinking about buying it. or illegal residents? thanks!!!! go out of business? sonograms, doctor visits etc. for skoda fabia car sky rocket. Will it plan on going in so much since I and this seems to insurance. I went to I ask just tells for an 18 year R reg vw polo is great, it is do you recommend? I only need insurance for just check on the is can her bf and chauffering service on 1.4 engine or a my rate by 23%! would be driving my can leave my car yet but i was and have both parents 5 years, yet I m please lemme know thanks! company at this time. know i can get I need cheap auto And does $600 sound spend on a car? .
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