#that's a whole other debate bc idk how that's even considered lunch food
khodorkovskaya · 2 years
my recent obsession has been watching those “lunch for my husband/kids” youtube shorts and they’re v satisfying but damn do americans eat weird. the lunches are usually some sort of american sandwich (i.e. two pieces of square bread and a thin slice of turkey or something), raw vegetables like bell peppers or cucumbers cut into shapes (sometimes it’s just plain broccoli or carrots..?), berries and some kind of crisps or crackers and gummy bears or chocolates. and like... why do they eat like that? you could add more things to the sandwich first of all. and why would you eat vegetables with nothing separately? like who eats plain broccoli by itself apart from idk, rabbits? it would make so much more sense to put the vegetables in the sandwich. or make a salad. or, best option, cook them in some sort of sauce to eat with pasta/rice/whatever else. like it’s just so weird to me idk.
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made-of-starlightt · 8 years
I want to ask all of the colors actually... so yeah... answer everything or whatever pieces you want
hi cammi!!! i miss you!! i just did blue so i will do the rest? (beware folks this is one long ass post)
how was your first kiss?
it was really nice. i think ive told the story here before but it was outside our state capitol building which was like lit up at night and it was frigid and i did NOT have proper outerwear but i was on his lap and it sorta just happened and i remember my head like flipping out while it was happening and not enjoying the kiss perse but the whole experience was good it’s a nice memory i think it was a good first kiss as they go
what do you love about yourself?
i think i really care about things and people in a really cool and wholesome and passionate way which i think is really cool. there are certain outfits/makeup looks that i loveee the way i look in. i used to love the fact that i was a figure skater. i know intellectually that im pretty reliable and competent which are traits i prize but i dont always believe i actually have them.
 when’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire?
straight up could not tell you.
 would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset?
 what’s the best thing about summer?
the warm sunny weather. and the best thing about this upcoming summer is im going to disneyworld.
what makes you feel warm inside? 
my boyfriend. any instance where i feel even the smallest glimmer of camaraderie with a large group. honestly closer by the chainsmokers.
what’s your favorite halloween tradition? 
im not really a halloween person. but my nana’s birthday is halloween so every year when we were little she would come over and have pizza with us and then after we trick or treated we would have cake and sing and stuff and that was nice.
what’s the last thing you learned? 
i learned a lot about dissociative disorders in the abnormal psych class i just got out of. for instance that the vast majority of people with these illnesses are women
when’s the last time you felt obsessed? 
the last time i was truly and deeply obsessed with something was about 4 years ago when les miserables consumed/saved my life. the last piece of media i’ve consumed kinda obsessively i guess is closer by the chainsmokers.
what’s your favorite article of clothing?
 i got these brown heeled boots over the summer that i kinda love but i dont wear them a ton. i rly like leggings? idk it’s a good question and this is a really unsatisfying answer but im not sure
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? 
im not sure. the new englander in me says just like a not super dense patch of woods maybe? like ideally with fall colors? but im not picky about those sorts of things
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? 
straight up just lie in the sun. bring a book with me to pretend to read but mostly just lie in it for a while and drink iced tea. in an ideal world maybe dip into a pool every now and again.
what do you consider lucky?
i dont really have lucky articles of clothing or anything like that if that’s the question. i think like in general im very lucky i have a very good life?
 what made you smile today?
i woke up snuggling w jon so that was pretty damn nice 
 what makes you happy?
when im not in a specifically bad mood like everything makes me happy. seeing other people smile or hug. (yesterday in class a boy had a valentines day flower and he just was like staring at it with a dumb smile for a lot of class it was so cute). glitter. small animals. games with friends. the bachelor. accomplishing things. people complimenting me. 
what’s your favorite thing to do outside? 
like sit and read under a tree in the fall or sunbathe in summer
do you like camping?
 what would you spend $1,000 on? 
id probably put it in my bank account and slowly spend it down by means of chipotle burritos, ramen, opus chili, lipstick, vodka handles, leggings, and drugstore makeup
what’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job?
lol i call alumni from my college and ask them for money, over summer worked at a dollar store. ideally i’d work in either lobbying or nonprofit or maybe (post-drumpf) a governmental organization like trying to make things not so bad for people. 
 what’s your favorite article of clothing?
wasnt this a questionn for another color?
what’s your astrological sign?
saggitarius but dont pay that any mind if you want to know things about me i was born 3 weeks late and i definitely relate more to scorpio things tho i believe none of it
 what’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
“walk with purpose”-- lucy (cammi you know who im talking about and im being kinda facetious cuz idk if i have a real answer--it might be something my coach marissa told me this summer--but i do think about that particular advice a lot) 
when’s the last time you followed your instincts?
i got unhealthy food today at lunch bc i wanted to? idk i feel like for most important things i do what my original thought was but only after agonizing hours of debate and self-torture so i doubt that counts
 what’s your favorite food? 
cheese in all its many forms
what’s your secret dream?
to be an actually good figure skater lol. to fall madly in love and get married in like 4, 5 years.
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