#also not to be annoying but the amount of sugar these kids are getting
wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 6
part 1 | part 5
It's Wednesday night, which means dinner at the Hendersons. Steve finally decided to show his face — and no, not because Dustin's doorstep song and dance had any effect on him; it was partly because he was sick of hearing muted metal music from across the street and mostly because he hadn't left the trailer in three days and he was starting to feel and smell like shit.
So, anyway. Dinner. Ma Henderson's pulled out all the stops: prepped a homemade lasagna, stocked the fridge with full-sugar sodas and bought the good brand of key lime pie; invited the Sinclair and Wheeler kids to make a little party of it. (Nancy was 'unfortunately too busy to attend,' thank fucking god.)
But then Ma got stuck late at work, so now it's all hands on deck. Mike and Erica are setting the table — Steve can hear Mike bitching at her because she told him the knives go the other way, dumbass; Lucas is at the fridge filling cups with ice and Pepsi and muttering to himself about how much better Coke is; Steve's got an eye on the oven, waiting for the cheese on the lasagna to bubble up juuust right; and Dustin is using "prepping the salad" as an excuse to corner Steve and annoy the ever-loving crap out of him.
“What do you mean it’s hard?” Dustin whines, dropping a handful of shredded carrots into the wooden bowl. “Just talk to him!”
Steve takes a deep breath. Mourns, briefly, for the night he could have had; the girls he could be doing hand stuff with in the back of the Beemer instead of putting up with this kid's shit. “I don’t wanna Just Talk to Him." He bends to peek through the oven door. "And, also: get off my ass about it, alright? I came to dinner, I'm heating up the lasagna. I'm, like, participating or whatever. What more do you want?”
“For you to talk to Eddie! Obviously!" Dustin's tossing the greens so aggressively that it kinda feels like he wishes he was pummeling Steve instead, and when he throws his hands up, little flecks of iceberg lettuce go raining to the floor.
Steve eyes the leafy green confetti. "You're cleaning that up."
"Come on, dude," Dustin begs. "It's been two weeks! What's the point of having friends who are next door neighbors if they refuse to get along?”
Behind them, Lucas supplies in a weirdly strangled tone: “This really doesn’t seem like the way to get him to talk to Eddie."
Thank you. Steve couldn't agree more. He turns to tell him as much and realizes the reason Lucas' voice sounded like that is because he's trying to make one trip to the dining room at any fucking cost. He's got an armful of drinking glasses and three cans of Pepsi tucked under his chin, and he's about to fumble the whole wobbly stack.
"Jesus Christ, man, cut that out!" Steve swoops in to grab the cans before they can join the lettuce shower Dustin just made. He doesn't care how much he loves Claudia, he will leave without helping if they splatter soda all over this floor. Mews the Second can lick it clean for all he cares, he's so for real. "Two at a time," he says sternly, taking the extra cups from Lucas’ hold and handing him back a reasonable amoint. He sends Lucas out of the room with a knee to the ass.
"Hey!" Lucas pouts.
"Hey yourself," he grins.
Lucas sticks out his tongue like a child (because he is one, Steve reminds himself), and when he shoulders the swinging door to the dining room he almost brains his little sister, who makes a graceful side-step and comes strutting through undeterred.
"Are you two nerds done playing good cop, annoying cop with Steve?"
"Ah-!" Dustin gawps. "I better not be the annoying cop!"
"Uh, yeah. Obviously, you are." She props a fist on her hip, a little tyrant in the making, and Steve’s ribs go tender with a fond, vaguely proud ache. He really loves her so much. "Now scram. I need to borrow Steve."
On second thought.
Surely at some point these kids, like, owe him money or some shit for the amount of weary sighs they've caused him to let out. Like, financial compensation for the years taken off his life? Something?
"Yes, Erica?" he asks, nostrils flared; eyes closed.
"You should talk to Eddie."
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ." Steve looks up to the ceiling, pleading for anyone to grant him strength, then he turns to pull the lasagna out of the oven and watches the bubbles sizzle and pop in the hot cheese until he no longer feels like blowing up at a little girl. "Okay. Okay. And I should listen to you because…?"
Screw financial compensation.
He deserves a presidential medal for how calm he's keeping his tone.
Erica's glaring fiercely at him when he glances her way, and why is every kid he knows such a brave, confrontational little shit? "Because," she explains, "He's being mean to my brother."
Oh, fuck no. "What do you mean?" he asks, voice dropping to an urgent hiss as he feels his hackles raise. Like hell is he letting some Billy 2.0 hang around his kids. "Is he, like- Is he saying shit about you guys?"
She spares him from trying to find a tactful way to ask what he's really asking. "No," she says shortly. "But he is being a bastard about him joining the basketball team—"
"Language—" Oh, what's the point.
"—and those two nerds out there? Are obsessed with him. Especially Mike. Like, ob-sessed.” She writes the letters out in the air in front of her to really drive home the point. “Mike likes whatever Eddie likes, so you need to convince Eddie to like Lucas before Lucas loses his friends over this stupid 'jocks versus freaks' crap." She lowers her voice and jabs the skywriting finger into his shoulder hard enough to bruise. "And if you tell Lucas I said any of this? It is on. sight, Steve. I will crush you."
"Jesus Christ."
"So, we good?"
"Uh huh," Steve stammers. "Y-yep. Understood."
Wow. So dignified, Steve. Really loved how you let a ten year old intimidate you. He's saved from any further bullying by the sound of keys jangling in the lock.
"Dusty!" Claudia calls out through the door, "Dustybunny, can you come help? My hands are full!"
In the dining room Steve hears Dustin groan while Mike and Lucas start immediately tearing into him for the name, mocking 'Dustybunny; oh, Dustybun!' in stupid sing-song tones.
"So I'm just gonna..." Steve says awkwardly, inching toward the door. "Go get that."
"Mhmm." Erica gives him an unimpressed look. "You do that."
"Oh, Steve, sweetie, thank you!" Claudia says when he opens the door, cheerful and sweet as always. He goes to take her bags from her, but she drops them all at her feet and steps forward to give him a hug, a firm and tender thing that makes an annoying lump form in his throat.
"How are you?" she asks, stepping back to look at him; eyes raking over his face, hands on his cheeks. Really looks. She frowns at whatever she sees. "How's your mom?"
"Can you please just talk to me?" Steve begs, shivering in the hallway because they haven't budgeted for turning on the heat just yet. Wasn't supposed to get this cold for another pay cycle. He tugs the ends of his sweatshirt sleeves. His limbs feel stiff and tense, a budding anxiety like there’s a bomb in the base of his spine.
"Steven, darling, not now," his mother sighs as she sinks demurely onto the couch. "Then when!" he explodes. He doesn't want to yell at her, but, "Seriously, when? When are we going to say anything to each other that actually fucking matters, mom? I feel like I barely even know you anymore!"
"Yes, and I feel a migraine coming on; are you quite finished?"
"….She's fine," Steve answers.
Could be true, for all he knows.
The wrinkles between Claudia's brows deepen, like she wants to press the subject but decides to hold her tongue. "That's good to hear," she settles on after a moment, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek before stepping away with a subtle look that’s not mad, just disappointed.
Steve kind of wants to cry.
"Mom! Food!" Dustin hollers from the other room.
Steve rolls his eyes. "I swear I try to teach him manners."
"Well, good luck with that," she grins, the shadow of tension between them dissipating. Her mood is good like that. Resilient. Strong. Immune to outside force.
Steve’s moods, on the other hand, are more like those stainless steel fridges that promise to remain spotless but then end up covered in grubby handprints. (Exhibit A: he’s doing it right now.)
Thankfully Claudia’s got enough sunshine in her for the both of them. “Come on,” she says, extending a hand and wiggling her fingers for him to grab hold. “Let's eat."
part 7
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iid-smile · 1 month
what they call you
gojo, geto, nanami, shoko, toji, shiu, ino
if they were dating you series.
baby, chimichanga, pookie
baby is simple, and he calls you that regularly. also uses it when he's whining and sulking, trying to persuade you do fo something or forgive him. if the two of you are just starting off in a relationship, then this is where he starts off.
i'm still on my gojo as deadpool saga </3 chimichanga would actually be cute though. chimi for short, ninja if he wants to tease you, 'chimi cha cha slide changa' if he's feeling silly, or some variation of that. at some point, he'd actually want to try chimichangas with you.
pookie seems so gojo... i can't even explain it. if he has instagram but keeps the identity of you private, your codename would be pookie.
angel, beloved, lovely
angel because he would believe you're saving his life. or maybe it's the other way around idk... you'd be there to comfort him when times were extremely low, it's like you're a blessing to him.
to geto, you're definitely a number 1 priority, which applies to every category known to man. you're his beloved because he protects you and never wants you to get hurt.
lovely would sound so lovely from him </3 his voice is smooth, so every time it comes out of his mouth is just heaven.
bonus!!! even him just saying your name holds so much love and value, so sometimes it may even feel a little weird having him say a nickname instead.
darling, love, dear
the holy trinity of course. honey or sweetheart may or may not pop up here and there, but not as frequently. i can't even make them separate because they all have the same reasoning anyways. all of them just sound perfect. nicknames that show how precious you are to him >>> nicknames that highlight your beauty. i don't make the rules.
actually!!! nanami uses love when he's comforting you. subtle way to remind you that he does love you, no matter how you're feeling or what you think about yourself.
bonus!!! wife. just "my wife." husband nanami is so real for this. we all get it.
cherry/loosie, pretty, babe
cherry and loosie are cigarette references. it would sound so nice coming from her until you ask what it actually means or why she calls you that. they're usually said when you talk to her on her smoke breaks.
UGH i can just imagine pretty rolling off her tongue when she calls you before doing an operation. i think she'd call you pretty daily too, both noun and adjective, and especially over text.
i don't think she'd really use overly cute nicknames, so babe is just right. mostly used in casual conversation, or if any coworkers are around.
girl/woman, mama, sweet/sugar
toji is a sassy man. if you just nagged or scolded him, would say "okay, girl?" with no regrets whatsoever. says it as if he's innocent too, doesn't even blink an eye, or even care when you (pretend to) get annoyed or offended.
no he doesn't want any(more) kids, but he does call you mama. kinda comes from the time when he would do sneaky links, but you don't need to know that. when you're doing domestic activities like cooking or doing chores, this one frequently slips out. it's on impulse and he can't help it.
not sweetheart, just sweet. if we're basing this off of post mamaguro toji, i think sweet would come from "bittersweet", because he'd probably feel that way after getting into another relationship. sugar just sounds right as well. get it? because it's sweet.
kong shiu
darling, princess, missy/mrs kong
he's a darling guy for sure. the right amount of formal, but he can make it sound like a tease when he wants to. mostly used when the two of you are at home.
shiu would make you his princess whether you like it or not. you're his passenger princess, so it's natural he just calls you princess on it's own. feel free to decorate the seat as well because he'd actually let you.
mmm... mrs kong. he'd start saying that a few months before he proposes to you, and you wouldn't pick up the hint at all. makes an emphasis on it when he says it as well, just because. when you guys knew each other only for a bit but nicknames seemed okay, missy was a top pick. imagine shiu's driving you somewhere and he does a lil glance and calls you missy while talking... mhm...
takuma ino
bubs, sunshine, queen
ino definitely calls you cute things, and this applies to all of the above. bubs, however, is on another level. when he gives you headpats (canon because i said so) he'd drop a compliment and call you bubs on top of that.
would say it when he wakes you up in the morning with a call or text. "good morning sunshine!" hello??? get me a man that would say that to me every morning WITHOUT FAIL (that's also canon because i said so) you'd be the light in his life and he won't let you forget that.
umm.. i have no solid explanation for this, but it feels right yk? ino would treat you like a queen honestly... in his eyes, you'd be at least ten levels above him and he means that.
bonus!!! he always uses loml over text. there's definitely multiple strings of you calling each other loml and seeing who can keep it up for longer in your messages.
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠
Summary: Being the director and also a single mum of 462818 people at the same time, being shown in Y/N. Y/L/N's newest Instagram post with some special guest
A/N: I really enjoy making these Instagram AU posts, and you will see my inner gremlin appearing lol and İ'll make a second and even third part for it!
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Liked by benbarnes, jacktwolfe, aarontaylorjohnson and 5,897,476 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Did they force me to take them on a train ride? Yes. Did I loose a bet? Also yes. So, as a result, I'm broke now. Please start a campaign and funds.🤭🤗
Also, don't let Jack's innocence fool you, that man is a real life Wylan and is a menace to society. He ate 15 burgers. Fuck you 🖕😑
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User1: I love how Y/n is the sugar mommy of the cast djskdjsj
User2: The way she is trully the mom apart from being the director. They are like a family 🥰
Y/N: A family that uses me... Cruel, cruel kids. Look at their smiles! They know what they are doing 🥲
freddycarter1: you made us walk under extreme hot weather and left us to die in a desert! It's only fair 😌
Y/N: Shut up Kazzle Dazzle, and eat your burger! And I gave you umbrellas, ıt's enough.
Sab.Memes: Jack ate 15 burgers?! *Chokes on water* HOW CAN HE DO THAT?!
User4: I feel bad for Y/N, she earns money through them and still spend it for them 😂
Y/NFanforever23: She knows guys, she know the power the fans have!
Y/N: I watched people start campaign and cancelling celebrities, ending their whole life. FAN SUPREMACY IS THE ONLY TRUE POWER!! 🫡
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Liked by benbarnes, shadowandbone, freddycarter1 and 3,789,968 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Here is a warning: I'm everywhere and I see all of you... Please keep doing God's work by making memes🤭
1. There is a reason why I chose Ben as Darkling, only one reason: He is the ultimate CEO of puppy eyes... A good way to manipulate people because I fell for it. And Leigh and I fought very hard for them to accept him already.
2. Apart from the fact that he killed innocents, manipulated kids and offered one to the Royal family, used many people and created the Fold alonsgide other War crimes... It seems my job is over *drops the mic and leaves the stage to go and write the New script,crying*
3. Real applause for Alina because I would have folded and accepted immediately.
P.S: Ben is getting ready to defend Darkling in his Insta story while avoiding me... And laying over my lap and making me play with his hair.
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kittheyounger: When exactly are you going to stop sharing memes of us?
Y/N: Never? You should be grateful I'm not sharing every one of your's fetus photos and the ones I took to blackmail you later :)
archierenaux3: Couldn't be me hehe
Y/N: Keep living in your dreams :) @archierenaux3
User7: She is so real for the third slide 🤣
User9: Ben is so babygirl for her I can't-
User3: The way Y/N just terrorizes the entire cast with those childhood photos is too funny to me 😂
User6: That's some Queen behaviour... another day another slay from Y/N 💯
User1: She is known to have a talent for taking photos when no one sees and notices her so... For all we know, she could take photos of us and we still wouldn't know.
User5: And she only annoys the male cast members... 😌🤔I wonder why she doesn't do the same with others?
Y/N: They are my little babies and precious wives, they could do no wrong 🥰
Benbarnes: Talk about favouritism... And I'm her boyfriend.
Y/N: And they are my wives, so? 🤗
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Liked by benbarnes, tchalamet, lilyjcollins, kit.connor and 6,243,125 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Oh, the amount of chaos here... *Sips wine* 🤭🍷
P.S: He came to me crying and asking what was wrong with the fans... I said he was so hot for his own good and now, he refuses to meet my eye because he blushes too much... Sir, you are 41 not 15! Either way, what a cutie 😌🤭
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benbarnes: you promised to not share these!
Y/N: Haven't you learnt nothing is safe with me?
User5: Poor Shadow Daddy... Show us more.🫣
User3: The cast once said that Ben blushes the most when Y/N is near or the one who compliments him... My heart can't take it!
User6: I want what they have! ❤️
User3: They both had become so good to each other, especially Y/N... Seeing my baby happy makes me cry tears of joy 🥹
User6: I hope they will get married already! We need little Y/L/N- Barnes in our lives 🥲
User4: When can I get a Y/N or Ben in my life?
User2: And just like that, I'm scared for what's waiting for us and Matthias in SaB season 3...
User1: ıf people doesn't know... Y/N is very good at drama and slicing our hearts and squeezing it painfully with her emotional scenes and talent for shooting those scenes just... Diferrently.
User3: We are doomed... Like girl, who hurt you that much?
Y/N: Trauma, tears, sadness and more trauma are what's waiting for yall probably... Sorry🫣 And I love watching and reading heartwrenching things in general, no one hurt me so don't come at Ben😄😇
benbarnes: Thanks love... Your fans scare me...
User1: Suddenly, ıt's a need to see Kaz and Monopoly together
Y/N: You wouldn't want that... Freddie gets too absorbed in his character and we thought it was a good idea to do this... It didn't turn out well
User5: The way Ben is scared of Y/N's fanbase is very funny... *Evil laugh* Sir, you are dating our girl, millions are after your ass as soon as we see a tear on her pretty face 🙎🔪
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Liked by benbarnes, kittheyounger, amitasuman_, freddycarter1 and 10,895,675 others
Y/N Y/L/N: This cast had become my everything, all these amazing people changed me in the best way possible and I'm grateful to have met them. I'm known to always share funny things but today, I wanted to show my love and appreciation. I'm thankful for accepting the offer to direct and also take a role in this amazing job. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better version of myself, thank you for changing my life for the better and thank you for trusting me. shadowandbone :)
Thank you for the backstage workers who always gossipped with me and did their very best and made me fangirl at their job
Thank you for convincing me and holding a gun to my temple to accept this job and also writing this amazing book universe @lbardugo 🫡❤️ I'm hoping to talk to you soon again!
But the biggest thank you is for my dear boyfriend @BenBarnes. Thank you for always supporting me and loving me. Thank you for holding me when I needed, trusting me when I didn't and lifting me up with your dad jokes and thank you for being you. I'm the most grateful for you, and that won't change. I love you and your goofy personality even though you ate my last cookie 🥲❤️
Oh and a final note? These people and these pictures? Let the Fold take me :) shadowandbone
shadowandbone: A toast for the best director ever! We are glad to have someone like you! And there is no way out of the Fold :)
User6: The way she always includes everyone, down until the very last person in backstage is... Her heart is so amazing and her soul is so pure🥹
User2: You just know that they all love her so much.. Thank you for accepting and thank you for bringing our dream book to life Y/N 🥹
lbardugo: I wouldn't want anyone except you to this! You have so much potential and I was at ease knowing that the show was in good hands... Love you so much and İ'll eagerly wait for your other projects 🥹🥰 And I'm waiting for that meeting to, love! Just don't forget to spend time with Ben, he sulks like a puppy later 😂
Y/N: Thank you so much... OMG I'm crying at all the sweet messages now but you can be sure I'll spend all my time with him!
amitasuman_: We love you, Y/N! You are the best and thank you for always making sure we were fine and comfortable! Now, I'm off to cry🥹
Jessie_mei_li: Thank you for being you! I wouldn't have gotten a bestfriend like you if you hadn't accept!❤️ Thank you for assembling all of us, Queen of Fantasy!
freddycarter1: and also accidently adopt all of us in some ways...
User5: the whole Shadow and Bone cast looking at their director with heart eyes are making me jdkshdqkvwu🥰💞❤️😍🥺
User4: YEAH, THEY ARE SO LOVELY WITH EACH OTHER! BUT! Have you seen how Ben looks at her? I have been manifesting a man like hım over a decade now...
User1: Do you think she saw that fifth slide on Ben's Insta??
User4: Definetly! I wonder what her reaction was like...
Y/N: I was a Darklina hater my whole life until Jessie and Ben ruined it for me and made me just turn a blind eye... I regret making them shoot that scene but also not.
User1: she always does, another reason to live, laugh and love Y/N. Hı, Y/N!
Y/N: Hi, love! And btw yes, that video woke something in me... Which payed off iykyk 🤭
User6: when I learnt the whole cast, mainly Ben, was begging her to make a Marauders series is just... Wow... I hope she does that, she is the only one who could pull that!
User1: Remember when she said she would break the Net when the time comes? Might be it, who knows?🤔
User3: She also said she wasn't letting any of the cast go like that and had plans for every one of them... And that they were her slaves and had to do anything she told them lol
User4: People trust her with book adaptation because she always stays loyal to it, while also adding something from herself. It's normal everyone wants her to work on every book adaptation possible
User2: I wonder who she prefers the most: Kaz or Darkling?🤔
User5: Ben is her boyfriend so I think she would say Darkling because he would pout otherwise
User6: But she also said she often giggled and blushed while reading Kaz's point of view and specifically begged Freddy to audition
Y/N: The true question is: Are you a fan of terrifying blue eyes or deep, empty black eyes?
benbarnes: I'm forever lucky and grateful to have met you and be your boyfriend. I can never be proud enough of you since you have a habit of always exceeding yourself. I'll always be by your side through thick and thin, just as you do every day. You are my beautiful and succesfull girlfriend, my rock when I need you, my bestfriend when I need a good laugh and my other half and there is no enough words to explain my feelings but I'll stick to this one: I love you always. liked by Y/N Y/L/N
User1: And that's how you get away with eating a lady's last cookie 😂
User3: I'm not crying ıt's just their love in my eyes that stings 🥹
User5: I swear there is nothing I want more than see them getting married 😭
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thorntopieces · 14 days
assorted pjo/hoo headcanons
autistic!will. i mean. i was one of the first people to write it (and post it on ao3, but i had stuff about it on my long gone old blog before then). this is true. to me. it's not incredibly obvious unless you know what you're looking for because 99% of the time he's eloquent and very passionate and maybe it's just the hyper healer in him and he'd like to think he passes well. but for people who know they can just tell. it's the voice, man /gn. gives you away every time /lh
pots!hazel. she ends up (mostly!) recovering from the fainting episodes associated with her flashbacks but still faints and feels unwell a lot of the time. she spends a lot of her energy and magic on staying conscious and aware, leaving her foggy and with flare-ups. will ends up diagnosing her half-way on accident during the three days nico stays in the infirmary. she doesn't faint a lot, but she will frequently have her vision black out when she stands and feel nauseous if she has to stand still for more than ten minutes (more or less depending on the day). together with jason and nico the three of them make up the fainting trio
reyna speaks excessively formally and politely when she's uncomfortable and the moment she feels safe around you she will just loosen up completely. it becomes very clear very quickly how much of her time is spent being uncomfortable
genderfluid!lou ellen. most of the time she's happy to be referred to as a girl, but some days it just feels wrong and she prefers to be referred to either gender-neutrally or masculinely. it's not something she's out about to anyone but her closest friends, partially because there's kind of enough stigma around being the child of hecate and also, it's not all that obvious, even to her.
nico is a bit like a social interaction vampire. he's not as shut off as others seem to think, he just needs to be given explicit permission to talk about his interests because he's worried about annoying other people, especially after bianca essentially abandoned him. he could talk for hours and hours about his special interests (because yes, he's probably autistic too) like mythomagic (he picks it up again with percy's encouragement), ancient languages and literature
will and katie (gardner) friendship. they bond over liking star wars and when lou ellen join their circle she manipulates the mist to recreate scenes from the movies. as she gets better at it she manages to make the light sabers glow, much to will and katie's delight
after the battle of manhattan and will/kayla/austin almost dying from being overworked, the camp gets together with mr d and chiron without the apollo kids' knowledge and figure out how to run the infirmary in a more sustainable way than just forcing apollo and athena kids to be there. eventually they settle on apollo kids doing 8-hour shifts but none at night unless someone is severely wounded. for the night shift, other campers work in rotating pairs where one sleeps for the first four hours and the other for the last four hours. a lot more campers gain appreciation for the amount of work the apollo (and athena) cabin put in to keep them alive and healthy and the apollo cabin doesn't die of burnout
t1 diabetic!kayla. she's been sick with it since she was six, but thanks to having a very supportive dad and a team of professionals around him considering his status as an olympic archer, her condition is well-managed (most of the time, war time is unpredictable) and she knows how to treat and manage it considering her demigod lifestyle. accompanying headcanon to this: while ambrosia and nectar is mostly to heal injuries and wounds of a divine and/or serious nature, it can short-term manage blood sugar. mortal intervention is always needed to fix the problem though. a bit like how narcan delays but can't entirely fix an opioid overdose
cecil wasn't properly accepted as a child of hermes at first considering he didn't express exceptional skills at the more obvious and everyday traits associated with the cabin (multilingualism, athleticism, thievery). first when he was found to accidentally being an exceptional saboteur was he properly accepted by the rest of his siblings. due to this he tended to hang out with the unclaimed children in the hermes cabin rather than his own siblings, especially lou ellen
hjs!cecil (hypermobile joint syndrome; double-jointedness). he's not good with most physical activities because of this and easily discouraged to even attempt most sports due to how his cabin alienated him for not being exceptionally agile, a trait associated with their cabin. it's not uncommon for his wrists and ankles to not work well (such as the twisted ankle in boo). however, he feels like he "compensates" for this by working in the shadows. when properly encouraged and supported, he prefers fighting with knives (close combat or throwing), relying on being obnoxious to throw the enemy off
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pianocat939 · 11 months
Hey, you don’t gotta answer this but if you every have the time, I really really like your mean girls au!! So far I’ve seen like tough y/n and stuff, but what about a super sensitive MC? :0 If possible, maybeeee all the boys? But if I had to narrow it down then Leo and Donnie? And if I had to narrow it down even more, just Donnie :p if you get the time to look this over, you don’t like have to answer this, obviously. I won’t be offended or anything so don’t feel pressured to answer this ask!!
(I actually haven't done Mikey, primarily because I'm still thinking of an exact idea for him. Right now, I'm situating with fine arts kid who's also like "the perfect" student. Like personality wise.)
Tw: guilt-tripping, manipulation, controlling relationship, a few mentions of murder and violence
Mean Girl Donnie:
If you thought you could survive as a sensitive person with this bitch, then you're wrong.
He'll notice when you're sad or hurt by his sharp statements (insults really). Unfortunately, he'll use it to his advantage.
After a while of just straight insults, he'll slowly start to be a bit better. He'll express less harshness and a bit more sugar. Just to surprise you, and start craving for that small amount of sweets he gives.
Once he knows you're slowly starting to get addicted, he'll start to give a few compliments. Maybe a head pat once in a while. All in favour of his master plan.
He'll then start to insult your friends and family, saying that if they truly cared, they wouldn't leave you with him. (In a way he's insulting both himself and others but in a way that leaves you feeling a bit bad for him). But of course, you're too attached to him.
You can't leave him. You can't escape the slight bits of affection he gives you. Not to mention the ultimate perks of having him so close. (He could murder someone and get away with it if he really wanted to).
He loves that you're so attached to him, unable to leave him despite his toxic mean-sweet behaviour. He enjoys it, knowing he has complete power. Soon enough he'll be feeding you both his terrors and sweets.
"You look so disgusting in those clothes. Here, put this over, it'll make you less repulsive. You'll look much more appealing."
Bimbo Leo:
See, unlike Donnie's mathematical equation: +1-1, it's more like +0.5-0.5. (MC is the right variable) In other words, the severity of what happens is a lot better and more tolerable.
The fact that you're a sensitive person makes him so excited. Maybe, unlike everybody else, you won't be annoyed with his antics. He starts flooding you with affection. Clinging to you for every second of his time.
Until you're just so overwhelmed you actually have to tell him to pause for a bit.
Will he pause? Of course not.
He'll keep giving more and more. To the point, you have to decide whether or not you tell him it's too much, or continue to deal with it.
If you stay, he won't raise the level of his clinging. Maybe even lower it. (He assumes you're willing to stay, so he's less paranoid). But if you pick the other option, he's going to start guilt-tripping like crazy.
Whimpering and whining why he can't just feed you his love. All he wants is to be the most wonderful person of your life!
It's really only up to MC whether or not he'll snap out of his bimbo act.
"MC, I literally just love you so much! I don't mean any harm, maybe you're just not used to it. I'm not like...him."
It's Donnie.
Jock Raph:
Honestly, not a lot changes from his initial post I made. He just tends to be more willing to kill/commit violence.
Maybe a bit more likely to baby them because of their fragile emotional awareness.
"MC, those people really aren't nice to you. You should just stay away from them from now on."
I admit, I don't have much ideas for him. I'm not sure why, but I just don't.
(I'm gonna be honest, I rarely have ideas for Raph considering he's my least favourite out of them all. And also perhaps I don't understand his personality or relate with him AT ALL. Which makes it all the more difficult for me)
- Celina
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pseudo-hero · 10 months
Quick Animated Character Appreciation: ROTSM Kon-El Gives Me HEART ATTACK
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Have I made it clear yet how much I enjoy this version of Kon-El? I don't think I have: This sugar-high-on-a-1000, raging-hormone/in-puberty, outdated slang-having, cocky kid was the best thing from the Reign of the Supermen movie and the entirety of that two-parter saga. He was such an adorably annoying little showoff and hustler (at least at one point with Clark) who you could tell had mountains more of depth beneath the surface just waiting to jump out! Perfect combination of Clark/Superman and Lex Luthor in every way, too! I love, love, loved it! He was exactly how the character should ideally be written and portrayed imo! (Side Note: Look at the tears that the girl behind him to our right [in the second image] is shedding! She adores this Kon-El that much. And I don't blame her!)
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Superboy to a not-actually-dead Superman a few minutes after meeting him: *Probably dumps his ocean-sized amount of trauma onto him which Lex has already put him through in the short amount of time that he and Lex have known each other and been in contact* "...Seriously. A room full of hungry...bizarros."
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A "resurrected", oddly calm yet probably very concerned Superman: "Sounds harrowing."
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Superboy, now seeing his chance to hustle a new home with his other dad: "Soo, can I live with you or not?"
Superman with months-worth of 5 o' clock shadow: *Doesn't even get a chance to think it over yet, much less respond, due to them being interrupted by Steel The Third Wheel (but also doesn't say no)*
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Gosh I'm so sad/mad we'll never get see him in Superman Media again because they permanently deaded that universe!! 🥺 (Plus they forced us to watch him get slaughtered!!!! 😩) I won't forget him anytime soon though!! He'll stay in my primary color-painted heart!!!! 💛❤️💙
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hermioneismyrealname · 2 months
Ep 6 empty mugs and jealousy
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Well... Hm. I'm angry at mugs.
More sugar daddy shopping. Belts? Mahasamut, you innocent darling... He doesn't want them for you. The writer needs his bedroom inspiration, and he's thinking of a belt.
Rak is actually pretty cheery. Hm. Yes, I completely agree that he looks adorable.
JEALOUSY?! Hungry? Two scoops? Wah. DONT LIE TO ME THERE WAS NO WATER IN THERE! NONE. Also that mug is iconic. I want it but it looks small for the amount of tea I drink.
Shh.. not yet.. now you may speak
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That was a good move, Mahasamut. You listen if they want to tell first. Brilliant. And wishing for someone's misery, heh. I really like his character. So far, other than abandoning the town that relies on him, there isn't much fault with him. Oh and Rak's heart eyes.
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OH cousin! Wow... i want to be his mom. the money part not the getting cheated on. and... being obsessed with a complete ass. wow. abusive too. MAME ENOUGH WITH THE TRAUMA. As easy and terrible of a man like this sounds, to the point that this is unbelievable... I know some of my friends with this sort of background. So yeah. Yeash. And being called annoying when crying.. yup. been there. Next.
I feel like that the bratty cousin is going to be forgiven by the end of this. ONLY 14 MINUTES THROUGH? Jeez MAME. Ok. That hug was cute.
So i respect the hustle of a bunch of friends getting the inside scoop on an author's latest work, I'd be guilty of that too. However, if it wasnt at Mook's expense. Poor girl.
Ok this was also adorable.
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but that steel beam must be uncomfortable. aaaand there goes the adorableness. HHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA! oh hello friend. Oh... wait... Did Rak change his pants? OI CONTINUITY STAFF!
my guy.... Khom... you were bought too. I read your book. Dont play coy.
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Yes Rak. Send it to Connor and have him come fetch his hubby. THERE IT IS! JEALOUSY! OOOOHHH!! Hydro turbines! Go green energy! (at least what i think they are)
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oh. oohohohoh Connor... Oh Connor. You bitter jealous bastard. Who does Rak hug when he has writer's block. ahahaahahah! IF he is going to show up, I want the awful blond hair. YOU HEAR ME MAME?! Give me the full cringe.
That fight was cute but immediately i was distracted by this terrible interior design.
VIE IS MANIPULATING AGAIN. WAH! WAH! Her acting is very convincing. Ah kantoi. A hug? I really want to hate Vie here, but I do admire her manipulation tactics.
Oh. yeah. Escape that deadass grandpa.
Oh they are going to get interrupted again. Mahasamut, I suggest you put your phone somewhere other than your trousers pocket. That was quick coffee making. AGAIN THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT CUP!!! WHY JUST FILL IT UP WITH SOMEHTING ITS PISSING ME OFF! I WAS GOING TO GIVE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT THAT HE DIDNT MAKE IT THATS WHY IT WAS SO QUICK BUUUUTTTT NOOOOOOOO
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OH THAT IS FUNNY. One always thinks its best to give people space, so afraid of disappointing someone while the other cant stand being left alone. HAH!
yeahp. RAk. Mood.
ehheheheh kid's got attitude. Oh brililiant attitude. Ok. Meena is favourite character. and she is emotionally intelligent. I'm completely Meena here. She is so expressive too!
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Yeah... and the music change... welp. Sorry but where is the prep? We end it like that then? Sure.
What the hell do they keep pointing at?
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And so now I realize, this is going to get worse. Today's ep was a little sweet. Soft. Comforting even. Rak's character development is back, it will go again next episode because of his cousin. His cousin, by the way, I do not like but I think there is going to be some sort of Oh, can i say it? Tong level redemption arc™️. And by arc, I mean a 2 degree curve because her character is shallow and close to pointless when the giggolo father plot exists. A little disappointed with this week's bingo, but alas.
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anewkindofme · 6 months
Wishing to go to Disney while watching TVD made me wonder of Damon taking Stefan to disney. Is his in either state he’d probably be having the time of his life and Damon is capturing the moment because is getting to be a ‘kid his age’ to say. And if its m2d AU, Enzo and Damon probably are the type of parents who argues about the line beings too long and things being overpriced (I’m imagining them as the ‘Every parent at Disney’ meme)
Just a random thought I had
Stefan would have so much fun at Disney. I feel like at first he'd be all "We don't have to go, it's for kids..." and then get there and have the time of his life with all the rides and food. I think he'd also appreciate the little details, like wanting to know how the rides operate and work, so Damon has to Google it on his cellphone OR Stefan is bugging the cast members to explain it to him. But Damon is just "Ya know what...makes him happy...so..."
I think of Denzo, Damon would have the least amount of fun. He likes seeing his baby brother happy but yeah, the lines are way too long, it's crowded and everyone is just far too happy. Whereas it's not a trip Enzo would choose, but he enjoys it. If they went to Disney World and to EPCOT, I think they'd enjoy that a lot because there's not just drinking around the world but there's a lot of more "adult stuff" to do that kids will also enjoy.
The two probably bitch and moan about prices...but then end up buying Stefan every little thing he even looks at. Doesn't even have to ask but he's like "Oh, that Tigger t-shirt is cute" and Damon's buying it. Enzo buys him all the food. My parents say when we went to Disney when I was a kid, any time me or my brother started fussing, they'd just give us a snack. That combined with food being Enzo's love language in my fics, he'd just be feeding Stefan left and right.
Ultimately, as annoying Damon finds it, when he carries a sleepy, sugar drunk Stefan out of the park, he finds it adorable and wants to keep him there forever because he drops so young and is adorable. Plus, he loves seeing Stefan happy.
I see it as a once every few years, maybe even once a decade, kind of trip for them. They enjoy it, Stefan has a great time, but they also like going to different places.
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ya know what..... Kalim is one of those sunshine characters that naturally interacts and "befriends" so many characters. It's always the sunshine characters that I'm drawn to put in a giant poly-hole where basically everyone is in love with them. It just makes sense.
Kalim x Silver: He's always waking Silver up in class and tries to help is drowsy spells. They're also just one of the few genuinely sweet guys on campus so it's pure fluff. A bonus advantage is that since Silver is a Trained Knight (or on the road to be) he can protect Kalim from assassination attempts.
Kalim x Ruggie: Eat The Rich w/ a twist. My precious hyena boy DESERVES to get married to a sincere Sugar Daddy (or as my gf and I like to say, Sugar Bestie™). He's worked hard enough and Kalim is one of the few upper class individuals that would NEVER use his money or status to control, manipulate or abuse another. He just wants to help out and the endless positivity would not only bring Rugs outta his comfort zone but would also impact those in his hometown A LOT.
Riddle x Kalim: Not a favorite, but I get it. Two kids from wealthy families (one more wealthy than the other) who were kinda isolated from the "regular" world and gotta figure shit out for themselves away from their former caretakers. Obvi, very different contexts and personality but that's what helps them depend on one another. Even when they can't relate, they can Listen and Grow together.
Floyd x Kalim: ARE YOU KIDDING THEY'RE ADHD BUDDIES?!?!? Not only can they relate with similar neurological issues, but their common interests can be a safe zone for them to bond. On top of that, even with their reckless personalities and their overall lack of forethought, Floyd is STRONG and could protect Kalim from any pushback or consequences. They're also both raised by Extreme Capitalist (even thou we don't exactly know what the Tweels parents DO) so the business sense and exposure to the darker side of things probably wouldn't be too much of an adjustment for either side.
Obvi Jamil x Kalim: I know not everyone likes this ship (and considering the dynamic and difference in power/status I TOTALLY get it). Even if the relationship is seen through platonic soulmates, brother-like, or just a 'we-were-stuck-together-for-years-and-now-we-don't-know-how-to-live-apart' sitcom kinda vibe they'll ALWAYS be linked together. Besides, an angsty, complicated childhood friends to lovers story with repressed mutual pinning is a guilty pleasure of mine lol!
Whoever he gets paired with, regardless of if it's a ship that has an anchor in canon interactions or PURELY fueled by fanon crack, there's a billion tropes to work with before even having to dip into AU or Crossover. Kalim is a COMPLEX CHARACTER with so many random lore drops and info that has so much potential. Even when people are writing or creating fan-produces with a more 2d version of his character, he's still lovable!! He's one of the few reoccurring characters in a cast full of obnoxious, weird, arrogant, awful, annoying, egotistical, pigheaded teenage boys with the power of NUKES.... And isn't completely terrible.
Lemme reiterate, that I LOVE so many characters in Twisted Wonderland but boy do these kids get on my nerves. They're all little assholes in some way or another, but there's a range between "okay, pretty standard high schooler" to "IDC IF YOURE TRAUMATIZED NO AMOUNT OF BACKSTORY CAN EXCUSE YOUR ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR!!!!! YOU'RE A FUCKING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL WTF" and Kalim is a lot chiller. He's irrational sometimes and often does things without thinking it through.... But he's also a kid who's allowed to make mistakes and grow now that he's away from the bubble he grew up in. He can interact with people of all walks of life and get that perspective.
And depending on who he's paired with, romantic or otherwise, it's fascinating and heart wrenching and awe inspiring to watch him grow through the lens and experiences of the other person(s).
.........thank you for coming to my Ted talk 😌
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kousaka-ayumu · 6 months
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TW: this may contain bullying, eating disorders, racism and more
Rye Gourmand
Nickname: Rye(All), Gourmand-san(Ortho), Gourmand-shi(Idia), Pig/Future meat(Yuzu), Rye-kun(Sonomi)
Twisted from: PickyPiggy(Poppy Playtime), Dalia(D4DJ), AppleJack(MLP), Nao Midorikawa(Smile PreCure), Rui(Project Sekai), TeruTeru(Danganronpa).
Voice Claim: Murakami Satoru
Age: 16
Height: 179cm
DOB: 10/16
Species: Human
Homeland: Shaftlands(Formerly)
Queendom of Roses(Currently)
Barack(Father: Transman)
Angelica(younger sister)
Amandine(Younger sister)
Dulce(Younger brother)
Clementine(Younger sister)
Caesar(Younger Brother)
Devon(Baby brother)
Unnamed grandfather(Deceased)
Unnamed grandmother
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Class: 1-C(No.6)
Club: Cooking(Creator), Gardening
Hobby: Trying out new recepies.
Likes: Encourage healthy diet, spending time in the kitchen, following the cook book
Dislikes: Malnourishment, people skipping diet, eating junk food all the time.
Pet peeve: Being called pig.
Favorite food: Apples
Least favorite food: Anything with too much sugar and salt
Favorite drink: Water
"A first year of Heartslabyul who's the chef along side Trey Clover who's the baker, he's the type of man who encouraged eating a healthy diet!"
Rye is a tanned skinned boy with shoulder length light pink hair and topaz yellow eyes he also has a beauty mark under his right eye.
Rye is born in a family of farmers formerly residents of the Shaftlands, they moved to the Queendom of Roses to opened a new restaurant named "Gourmand Restaurant", coincidentally they we're neighbors with the Clover Bakery.
And immediately he became good friends with Trey and Chenya, he initaly wanted to become friends with the other kids but they thought he was weird and bullied him(If you're asking. Yes they're the same kids who bullied Adira), but was protected by Trey and Chenya and the bullies we're chased off by Bernice
Unlike some kids Bernice thought he was pretty and cute which flustered him and make his face red.
Rye is the opposite of Bernice, while she is an overly excited girl he was a quiet and reserved boy watching her from afar making sure she didn't get hurt while competing with Jack, Deuce and Taiyou.
However he can get pretty concern whenever people are eating their food very little especially his dorm leader Riddle, and he end up taken upon himself to become the chef of Heartslabyul.
Unique Magic: Citrus Growth
It allows him to magically grow vegetables and fruits however he cannot grow plants and flowers as that was Sonomi's magic "Nature's Melody"
Vil was fuming on how Raymond and and Rye wasn't in his dorm.
He share the same name as Rye Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
His original name is Rosemary Chip
Out of all the students, he the only one with the most amount of siblings with 3 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers.
He usually gave Riddle a bento whenever Riddle himself didn't eat anything.
Even when dinner, he gets annoyed when Cater is still on his phone.
A lot of students are simping for him, especially the otakus cause to them he's a malewife.
Due to him having pink hair and Apollo have pink eyes, students wondered if they related to Sonomi in a way only for the 3 of them to deny it.
What do you guys think of him?
@zexal-club @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot
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reshramlove1ob · 10 months
puts all of your OC’s on an island together what would happen who would get along and who would fight
(note that some of these ocs have never been shown before so bear with me-)
Also warning about a very long post below the cut
Heaven and Hell War
William: He would totally go out and help everyone he could. He’d make a shelter to house anyone he could find.
Arthur: Complete opposite of William. He’d gather people solely to take their stuff.
Rose: Weeps
Most of my angels: Help people.
Zachary: Protect Peter. He’ll help people who ask for help.
Mynté: He’s out killing whatever birds he can to eat, then makes an ice castle for shits and giggles.
Most of my demons: Selfish, all for themselves.
Selena: Girly really found out she was stuck on a deserted island and said “time for a nap” and probably killed at least a few dudes.
Devon: Looking for Amalia and Lina. Probably gets stuck with Mynté and Selena knowing his luck.
Medew: Takes a nap
Maverick: “SELENA ILL SAVE YOU” *gets stabbed by Selena*
Zane: has killed at least fifty people, climbed at least 5 trees, eaten monkey for the first time, and has created himself a new set of clothes, all within an hour.
Fern: Protecting baby Fate.
Fate: “Hi Mr demon no no I know you don’t want my help since I’m just a kid but i-“
Upside Down School
Joy: She’s hiding in a cave. Probably singing to scare people.
Bee: She’s scavenging for whatever berries she can find.
ChiChi: She’s having a mental breakdown cuz she can’t find any sugar.
Bailey: Gets scared by Joy then joins her.
Ray: he’s writing SOS in the sand, having a mental breakdown.
Gladis: She swims away. She’ll be back with like fifty yachts.
Taylor: She sits down by Ray.
Mayhem: He’s wanted to kill people but can’t because he knows he’ll feel bad.
Cat: is trying to help people but always scares them away unless they’re his classmates.
Mao: My boy Mao is DEAD dead. He’s stuck in a game boy, out in the elements, he’s a goner.
Miss Pey: she’s become a creepy clown for real now
Dr. Meep: Despite being a devil, he’s been he healing people.
Mrs. Dolly: She’s on a killing spree unless it’s the students or staff, then she cares for them.
Wasp: He’s created a shelter and guarding it with his life, planning to fill it with his family and the kids.
Bebe: He’s a baby werewolf, he THRIVES here.
Kara: she flies into the clouds and lives there.
Orion: He goes into the ocean and lives there.
Kaya: Even if she hasn’t directly killed anyone, she might as well have with the amount of food she’s stealing from everyone.
Brown: As a stuffed bear who can only move when certain people are looking at them, they’re not gonna last long.
Cosmo: He’s enjoying life sm. My boy loves the silence and only wishes Onixy were there so he could tell him how he’s finally figured out what being a mummy is (he rolled around in the sand)
Onixy: He’s looking for Cosmo to show a cool rock he found. He’s doing fine since he’s…dead.
Ms. Dia: Same as always, crying
The Missing Student: not even there
Edo: He’s looking for Iijey. He’ll kill any monsters on sight, and any human or humanoid if provoked. He’s not thriving, but he’s not dying either.
Dune: He’s killing to survive the best he possibly can.
AHM: This robot is destroyed
Iijey: She’s looking for Edo. She’s avoiding everyone unless she knows them. She’s too scared to kill anyone.
Muzafer: he’s hiding making origami.
Ruan: He’s broken ten bones by now
Wona: Carrying Ruan around
Nurse Breadingham: “Well darn” <- has expected this to happen to him for years now
Teppi: They’re Being annoying
Einar: he’s found a gorgeous spot to stay. He’s very tough thanks to the environments helping him (elf logic)
Kamari: Followinf Einar
Demetrius: he’s killed at least one human. Looking for Timoathus and Ray. “My baby boy must be here just like me!”
Timoathus: Looking for followers to create a kingdom on the island, himself as king.
Ki: Looking for any survivors, but having a hard time because sun (vampire logic)
Mimi: With Ki (vampire as well)
Eli: “I forgot to take my meds didn’t i”
Rook: Franticly trying to find a way off the island, he has probably killed someone on accident
Raine: He’s trying to become one with the earth and probably gets killed.
Kai: Killing everyone she sees because “what else can you do on a deserted island?”
Alex: As a zombie, they’re doing pretty good. Just vibing.
Inko: Panicking, as he’s never been in away from his house in a long time. He’s made a fortress and making anyone who finds it do a test to come in.
Sage: she’s flopped down somewhere, she’s gonna die soon
Timothy: He’s made a group of people and trying to create a temporary base.
Maple: She’s looking for entertainment somewhere.
Joseph Dolly: Celebrating being freed from the vampire Vanata’s house then says “ok but where am i”
Vanata: Gets burned from the sun (vampire logic)
Shoto: Crying cuz his BOOKS ARE GONE
Dove: Sleeping
Rosetta: has created a whole new ecosystem somehow
Riley: she’s looking for Kara
Dawn: she’s still doing the only thing she can: looking for her son.
The Lab of KoriLampis
James: he’s crying, scared somewhere. He’s 7 give him a break
Dr. KoriLampus: he’s trying to figure out where he is, how to leave, and study the ecosystem.
Sophie: she created her own puddle of herself to wait for help.
Luey: She’s still asleep.
Midnight: Killing any animal he sees to try it as food.
Cloudy: Scarinf people
Jasper: She’s scared, she’s still 9, but she’s also trying to survive.
Ghosts! (This is an incomplete list lol-)
Naomi: she’s no where to be seen until help arrives
Eve: She’s wondering how she’s gonna get home for dinner in time
Delusion: On her way to fistfight god for a couple of grapes and a half full bottle of water.
Vex: She’s following Delusion (LESBIAN POWER COUPLE)
Bella: She’s done nothing and plans on doing nothing for the next few days
West: He’s exploring and mapping the place island.
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Other than Ronin who already answered this, what’s everyone’s favorite subject?
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FATE: You're looking at mostly ELA kids, here. Me, Enzo, Seth, Cora, Vera- I think I can speak for all of those assholes, but yeah. We were always the best in English. Though Cora also really likes history. You can probably tell.
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SETH: i mean im not really all that interested in anything!! i like cooking and playing keyboard, i get options for stuff like that in the future but right now its just,,, eh?
SETH: but if it were anything i guess it would be english! i dont get the kids who hate reading books to be honest, i actually like reading classics! gotta broaden my mind :B
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ENZO: pretty on the mark yeah but i used to prefer gym for a while cause like physical dude
ENZO: but i dont think my actual swordfighting skills account for anything when im playing volleyball with annoying mean girls who keep giggling instead of playing the game
ENZO: or when i get hit in the face with a rubber ball which has actually happened a LOT
ENZO: to be honest i think im the only kid that hasnt died during the mile except nahla cause former track kid
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FATE: Can't imagine how the mile would be with people with boobs. I am so sorry. I'm lucky I didn't evolve.
FATE: It is horrible though. It should be considered actual torture - dammit, I know excessive amounts of cardio isn't actually healthy for kids who don't do it all the time! I don't want to break my muscles.
FATE: I'm not looking forward to gym next semester.
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LILY: i loooove biology! math and ela, too, but bio is my favorite
LILY: or general science! i love taking care of plants, i actually have like fourty at home! they all have names!
LILY: like why do you think i evolved into a leafeon? honestly i think growing plants in third grade awoke something in me.
LILY: its really fun, but i do have trouble focusing on stuff sometimes. im kinda daydreamy hehe. i really need to get my grades up :( maybe ill see if i can join one of vera and fates study sessions. working next to other people i actually like and commentating in a funny way helps me do it faster.
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FATE: You're always welcome. I wouldn't invite someone like Darin or Nahla, but I know you're actually smart and like working and aren't going to piss me off.
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DARIN: i hate school :(((
DARIN: i dont like anything :((
DARIN: maybe i should get into sports thatd get me into college no problem itd be so much fuckin easier than this
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CORA: You do have it in you, Darin. I believe there's untapped potential in academics.
CORA: I've seen the way you talk about anime and shows you like. There's an actual brain up there, as much as you work to prove otherwise. I'm very proud.
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NAHLA: WOOOOW, You're allll nerds, huh?
NAHLA: Yeah, I'm in the camp with the traitor, sorry! I don't really like anything, but gym's cool! I like track and stuff, and I do like hitting annoying girls in the face with balls! Coolkid's just a coward and cant bring himself to hurt anyone. Pffft.
NAHLA: No worry! I'll do all the hitting for you guys. Someone has to!
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CORA: Oh, Nahla, baby dear, may you hit Wade first? He's been getting on my nerves in second period lately...
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NAHLA: Anything for you, honey sugar sweetie baby crystal dreamy dear! <3
NAHLA: Regardless of our totally real romance I just need an excuse to punch him anyway. Or throw balls at him in general.
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ENZO: BALLS you say
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RONIN: okay posts over before enzo makes another dick joke and cora and nahla start gay fucking on the table. im a little oversensitive right now, fate screaming is just going to make me kill someone. maybe in like an hour guys, wrap it up.
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VERA: I also take a lot of art classes
VERA: I would like to get better at traditional because I would like have to have less reliance on stabilizer use
VERA: And doing things like ceramics is fun
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RONIN: see? when i need someone to be normal on a stupidly derailed ask, i ALWAYS know youve got me.
RONIN: thanks, v.
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VERA: The sentiment is appreciated but when have I not "got you" in your words
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RONIN: never, v. never.
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trsrina · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @hannikz <33
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when is ur bday? 11/11
favourite colour? honestly can’t pick but blue & yellow
any pets? no but i used to have three turtles
height? 161cm but ive probably grown a few centimetres since i last measured
how many pairs of shoes do u own? i have three pairs that don’t fit anymore but i still keep them for some reason 😰 and my three pairs of plain white sneakers and a pair of black loafers for school (don’t ask me why i have so many) and three pairs of shoes i actually wear and a pair that’s still in the shoe box not worn at all
favourite song(s)? island by youha, you’re on your own kid, daylight, death by a thousand cuts by taylor swift, the perfect pair by beabadoobee, farewell neverland and our summer by txt, shooting star by xg and a lot more i forgot about
favourite movie? i love coco, barbie and the 12 dancing princesses, clueless and Aladdin the live action
ideal partner? giggles minatozaki sana but she technically she doesn’t know yet but like she technically kinda my wife already not delulu!!! also yang jungwon my side chick 🫶 ahem also alhaitham and xiao (without the angsty stuff) and ningguang sugar mommy 😳
do u want children? no 💀 i don’t ever plan of getting married at all rlly and 90% of children are annoying af
have u gotten in trouble with the law? ofc not
what colour socks r u wearing? navy with cat patterns
favourite music genre? I like anything rlly but mainly pop and i like bossa nova
how many pillows do u sleep with? one
what position do u sleep in? sideways usually facing the wall
smth u hate when sleeping? light and sounds im the type that has to sleep in complete darkness and silence
breakfast? usually just any kind of bread occasionally choco cakes with milk/choco milk/milk tea mixed with coffee
have u tried archery? no and i’d probably suck i can’t even aim on roblox 😭
favourite fruit? apples 🫶
r u a good liar? i can’t lie for my life well maybe sometimes if it’s for smith rlly serious
mbti? intp-t 😎
innie or outie? going out if it’s with ppl i enjoy being with
leftie or rightie? rightieee
favourite food? very unhealthy but chicken nuggets and beef 😰
favourite foreign food? i have an unhealthy obsession with shrimp tempura 🍤 and i love love love shabu shabu
r u clean or messy? usually clean but messy when im in a bad mood
favourite phrase? oh my god ig
how long do u take to get ready? approximately 15 mins if excluding my skincare routine and brushing my teeth and the time it takes for me to get out of bed but like including that it’s an hour im usually someone who’d be like 20 minutes early so no rush
do u talk to yourself? a concerning amount the psych ward is calling for their missing patient
do u sing to yourself? yes a lot
r u good at singing? not at all 💀
biggest fear? clowns, drowning, ghosts if real, serial killers, exams, my primary school class teachers (im telling u i was at the verge of tears every time they talked to me literal trauma), my science teacher last year, death and yeah pretty much most things
r u a gossip? definitely yes i gossip a lot
long or short hair? short hair like long hair is pretty but it seems rlly annoying
favourite subject? english cause im good at it
introvert or extrovert? introvert with strangers and ppl im not so close with but i suddenly become an extrovert with friends like I wouldn’t be shy at all and would approach random ppl if i wanted to
what makes u nervous? everything i have really bad anxiety like the lift is slow? im gonna be late even if i was 20 minutes early. haven’t done my assignments yet? the deadline is next month but still
who’s ur first real crush? my 1st grade classmate we used to be friends for a while and then he’s now an ass so we don’t rlly talk anymore
how many piercings? two, one on each earlobe
how many tattoos? none ofc but i would love to have some when im older
how fast can u run? average speed? but i have great stamina like i could run 15 laps max at a moderate speed
what colour is ur hair? very dark brown in the dark but a chocolate light brown under light idk i had multiple ppl ask me if i dyed my hair before tho i didn’t my mom says it’s bc of malnutrition
what colour are ur eyes? very dark brown almost black
what makes u angry? lots of things i have anger issues
do u like ur name? i used to hate it when i was younger bc it’s regularly used as a masculine name and i thought it was bad but now ive learnt to embrace it and it’s unique so great 👍 but I still not enjoy trying to explain it to ppl 😕
would u like a boy or girl if u had a child? girl
what are ur strengths? being early and flee the facility on roblox im like rlly good at that game
what are ur weaknesses? mention one thing about a father figure and im done for
what is the colour of ur bedspread? i have no idea what that is but i googled and i still don’t rlly understand but i think i have none sry my brain doesn’t work
what colour is ur bedroom? well i have this really really light blue wall colour basically white at first glance and brown wood furniture
tagging (no pressure!!) @seungiepup @wonillaa @aerisfy @winteringdream @badmuni @yeniiverse @yenqa @hypesahi @jwonsociety
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unknownjpegs · 8 months
Maran doesn’t particularly enjoy strenuous physical activity that doesn’t fall under the realm of sex, but he likes Lark, and Lark likes exercise. So, when the invitation to accompany him on a hike is extended, Maran takes it happily. 
“I’ll need shoes, huh?” Maran says, touching his toes together pointedly, as if the absolute state of his white converses is a mystery that doesn’t already draw attention.
“Yeah,” Lark says from the kitchen table, pen tapping down a list of supplies. “Unless you want to end up back here afterwards with bloody stumps.” 
He’s multitasking: has Benny’s tablet open next to him, propped on the table to scroll through potential trails — nothing too babyish and easy, because Maran’s complex about getting kid-gloved must be obvious, but also nothing that’ll outright kill him. 
“Metal.” He intones solmenly as he flops into the chair opposite, tossing his feet over Lark’s knees and toeing the shoes off. “Look up some recommendations for me. M’thinking sequins.”
“So the bears can see you better.” Lark swings his pen in the air. “Good idea.”
Maran sits upright, arms folded as he peers at Lark with big, worried eyes. “Mate. Tell me you are fucking lying about bears, please.”
Regardless of the very real potential for black bear-related death, Maran’s buzzing with excitement for the next week. When the day of their trip arrives, he tucks a kiss beneath Benny’s ear just to listen to the noise he makes in response. Won’t get any of that for the next two days, so he needs to fill up the tank.
“I’m going to come back, like, totally rugged.” He promises. They’re technically running late, which Lark will not be happy about, but the extended goodbye is going to be something he needs to get used to if he’d like Maran to continue tagging along. “And ripped, Ben, like fuckin’ —”
“Shut up.” He mutters, hand flat between Maran’s shoulders. He’s been carefully balanced across his thighs, even arched his back a bit so pale hands can tease under the hem of the borrowed thermal undershirt. Benny’s pretty face is set in with an annoyed, turned-on sneer that gets Maran worryingly hotter. “God, sh-shut the fuck up.” 
Maran grins into the next kiss, is still grinning like mad while a couple wet presses of a mouth touch to his neck. He licks his own lips as they descend further, the neckline of his shirt tugged impatiently away from collarbones and throat. When Ben puts teeth there with intent, he shakes his head. 
“C’mon,” Maran whines, pulling gently at Ben’s hair. Neither the plea nor the gesture holds much intention at all; he’d be perfectly fine running them an extra hour behind schedule, if Ben’s going to be so sweet about the absence. But, and honestly expected on Maran’s side, the fist makes Ben worse. If at all possible. “I gotta go. I can’t —” he gasps when those teeth pinch down, tongue flattening over the sting immediately. 
“Zipper.” Ben demands, voice raw. 
“…Yeah, hah, okay.”
When he finally stumbles into the living room fifteen minutes later, lips and the skin surrounding his mouth noticeably reddened and a new bruise beneath his jaw, Lark rolls his eyes.
“Causing a delay means carrying extra in the pack.” He bends and lifts the backpack with a shocking amount of strength, holding it out for Maran to take. When he does, he lets out a shocked huff of air as it drops to the floor with a thud. 
“It was Ben’s fault,” Maran whines under his breath as if it’ll absolve him, then has to stop thinking about Ben or kissing or how they’d fit nicely, briefly, frantically together for that goodbye.  
 “Sorry,” Lark apologizes with a contained wince. He silences his phone and then tucks it back into his pack, shoving it deep enough that it’s out of immediate reach. Maran does that when he knows he’s hit his sugar limit for the day. Puts the tempting things in the back of the cabinet, in a pocket of a jacket he doesn’t often wear. Out of sight, out of mind. “Eugh, that’s fucking eight now. Sorry.”
They’re on afternoon one, stopped by a spring-soured creek that runs so crystal clear an animal part of his brain screams fucking dunk your face in that. Maran instead crouches beside it, watching a filtered bottle collect water that laps cool and refreshing over his knuckles.
“Mum calling?” Maran teases. But Lark makes a sort of wounded expression, flits across his face for a so split a second it might not be noticed if it wasn’t being watched for — Maran is, though. “Aw, shit. M’turn to be sorry. Rough with ‘em?” 
Lark nods but doesn’t offer anything further than that stiff gesture. He’s has the same energy kids in their positions all do, a tightness to his shoulders that practically screams ‘I have got parents with issues worse than what is acceptable to talk about’. Not the normal way people have problems with family— a sort of neglected, maybe grown into adults left wanting for better emotional connection, mum didn’t show up to recitals, aunt that demands a hug, a dad that stepped out a bit too brazenly but was present at least, cousins with opinions a little to loud and far too 1950s. 
“Fuck,” Maran says again with a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, alright. Enough said.” 
“You get it.” Lark points out with another shrug, recognizing in turn. 
“Sure do,” he snorts, hoisting his bag back over his shoulder with a grunt. He lifts the transparent water bottle, shaking it a bit and peering at the filter. “That’s pretty cool, man. Survivalist type shit.” He holds it up between them. “You should show that to Ben, he’s real into the doomsday weirdo stuff.” 
“He has four of these bottles under his bed with that fucking apocalypse prepper stash.” Lark finishes filling his own bottle and then stands as well. He’s not looking at Maran, but at the loose sediment and not quite clear creek water as it swirls in the upper portion. The air goes thin without their voices weighing it down, and all that happens there is the spin of the world, the moment of companionship punctuated by distant birdsong. 
“What was their deal?” 
Maran blinks down at him. “My parents?” Lark nods and moves like he means to stand, then sways a bit in place. Sits heavily on a ruddy, massive stone jutting from the bank. He seems not to mind that it’s been wetted slightly by the splash of the current. Maran pauses before finding a seat of his own a few feet away. He whistles. “I mean, what wasn’t their deal, you know?” 
Lark laughs softly, but doesn’t offer commentary to that. Stays quiet, offers that in cupped hands for Maran to fill with what he’d like. And, thinking about it, Maran discovers there’s a lot he could put there. That he wants to share, things he feels like Lark would get and still keep sacred, if Maran asked him. It’s a careful empathy that only shared experience skills you in. 
“Mum grew up pretty fuckin’ poor, so —” he waves a hand, snaps his fingers. Starter gun before a race. “There’s that, right from the kicker. Hang-ups about accepting help, which kinda frames the whole lot of it. She’s Sicilian, but her side’s everywhere. Like, global. Back home in Liverpool. Down there on the islands, New York, Ethiopia mostly.” Hey nudges a rock along the bank with the toe of his boot. “S’how she met my old man, bouncing around. Anyway, she grew up orthodox but then went real traditional, capital T. Got into some religious group. More hippy shit than anything, kinda cult-y. Leaders weren’t even Jewish. Just usin’ it for the aesthetics or whatever. One of those things that preys on people who don’t know better, who want something better and think they’ll get it from doing massive amounts of drugs in the woods.” 
He laughs. Than he sobers. Then Maran weaves the rest of the story with an air of detached detail. He’s matter of fact because he hasn’t told it in such clarity before. It feels good and strange to approach it like a narrative. Something that happened rather than something he lived through. Easier, and maybe not in good ways, to think of that whole messy period when things were the worst he’s ever experience. Bit of nastiness that he can look at from a far, nod disparagingly, and give himself a pat on the back for surviving. 
And Lark, for his part, sits through the whole lot of it. Allows him the time to talk. Describe how his parents met, their travels, picking Liverpool for whatever reason, being happy for a bit. Domestic. And then the domesticity souring, because they’d met young and vulnerable and probably either of them shouldn’t have been with the other, certainly shouldn’t have had a kid. Maran doesn’t think the responsibility for the ensuing years is on him. Knows that he didn’t made it worse.
But he also thinks his presence failed to give them that better. 
“She’d disagree,” Maran says quickly. “I love her a lot.” He feels some need to defend his mother, has always felt it. Can’t imagine being young with no resources, nobody to tell her how to do it proper, to do it right. And yet she’d eagerly signed up for parenting classes, stretched the change to buy birthing books, threw herself into research — like parenthood would be a test she could ace. And he loves her a lot for that well-intentioned neuroticism. He gets it from her, anyway. 
“And him?” 
Maran contains a flinch. Never hit her, he should say. Or kept money hidden, or cheated, or did anything criminal. Never to her. “In and out since I was a kid, kinda always just…popping in when it pleased him. At least he popped by, yeah? Fucked off into the woods for good when I was about twelve, haven’t heard a peep since.” He shrugs. “Last I knew, he was doin’ one of those new age cults in the outback, or something?” 
Lark hums thoughtfully. After a bit of a pause, he says: “Think there’s gonna be, like, a Netflix true crime piece about him someday?” 
The joke absolutely stuns Maran into a shocked laugh, head tilted back towards the blue sky. His hand goes to his stomach with the force of it. 
“Man.” He huffs once he’s caught his breath, shaking his head incredulously. “Fuck yeah, most definitely.”
The next day on the descent back down the mountain from the campsite, which almost has Maran wheezing more than the climb up, Lark talks. Not as much as he had, or in as specific detail. But enough for him to get the picture with a bit more clarity. 
Maran doesn’t say: Your sister sounds like a prick. Everybody deserves a Benji or a Saha. Lark, you’ve got no idea how fucking lonely its was growing up in that house alone. Hearing you talk about this kinda makes me glad. Also really, really fucking envious. Every time I talk to siblings, no matter how rough their relationship, it makes me want to cry. ‘Cuz it must be nice knowing somebody else out there has your DNA, right? That there’s another part of you, no matter how much it hurts sometimes to be attached.
Instead, Maran claps him on the back so hard as they descend an incline that he nearly goes sprawling into the dirt. 
“What car,” he asks near-breathless, “d’you think she would’ve thrown a monster of a fit over for her birthday? Like, if it was a My Sweet Sixteen scenario — you seen that?” 
Lark goes from grumbling and trying to find his balance to laughing raucously. He has a good belly laugh when he feels the freedom to unload it, pretty and loud but in a different way than Benji’s gets obnoxious boisterous. 
“Of fucking course I’ve seen it.” He says. They stumble together on another bit of rock and Lark helps him leap off the edge. And then, as Lark guides them back towards the trail he’d taken them off of to find that view, he tells Maran all about his sister’s real sixteenth, and how it could have been  its own chaotic episode.
“Are your parents cool?” Maran asks suddenly, lifting his head from the window. He’d been dozing on the drive back — thirty minutes of the hour gone by basking in the warm sunlight as it filtered over the highway’s hazy, wavering horizon. 
“Did we or did we not just spend like that entire trip talking about how really totally uncool they can be?” 
Maran shoves up from his slump in the passenger side to turn towards Lark. “No, I mean. Are they like…cool?” Lark offers him a brief peripheral glance, an eyebrow raised. He falters at that, realizing that he’ll need to be more specific but worried he lacks the knowledge to do that without being…shitty. “About the — y’know. Your stuff.” 
“My stuff.” Lark snickers. He shoots another look Maran’s way. This time, clearly teasing and meant to get his face pink. “What stuff do you mean, Mar, and why are you so invested in mine?” 
His cheeks skip pink entirely. “Awh, shove off. You know what I mean, you fuckin’ dickhead.”
“Oh,” Lark chirps happily, nodding his head so hard the fluffy white of his hair bounces. “That.” 
The rest of the ride contains a thoughtful, honest mostly-Lark monologue about his experience growing up. How his parents were, yeah, for the most part cool. About cool as they could be, from their generation. But that his grandfather was cooler. He speaks with such genuine fondness of the old man that Maran is a little teary by the end, thinking of his nonna and her strawberry patch on the breezy coast, his own grandfather and the cane he’d used for decades with those shiny red fruits painted on.
“Sorry if that was an overstep.” Maran says once he’s done. “Didn’t want to make you dig into nasty stuff, but I just —” he shrugs. “Dunno, saw it rough on people before, but Benji’s family is so accepting that I kinda forget that it can be not like that.”
Lark meanders them off the highway on an exit towards the university. The turns become more and more familiar as they close into town, and that recognition aches his chest a bit. He’s bad at picking up directions usually. But the college town is becoming another home; like his grandparents’ seaside village and Liverpool and Benji’s house there and they’re flat here. He’s scared of uprooting himself from another place like that. Leaving another bed that he calls his.
“Are you worried your mom isn’t going to be cool?” Lark leaves the question vaguely open. Another of his cupped hands outstretched moments, waiting for Maran to put whatever he’d like into his palms. 
“No.” He says slowly, thinking about it even as he answers. And then, more firmly: “She loves Benji. And Saha.”
“Sounds like she might be fond of you too, dude.” Lark says kindly, a bit of a laugh to his voice. “But Benny’s something special, so you might want to prepare her for that more than the —” his laugh goes louder suddenly, as if he’s startled himself with the thought. Maran grins, too. “More than your stuff.”
Stuff, Maran finds, that becomes steadily easier to talk about. 
0 notes
My Single Rider
Cw: Scaring
I want to start by saying I never expected this to happen. I didn’t plan this in my head or wish for it. It was simply luck.
Living in a theme park town in your twenties is fun, if you know what to do and how. Sure the traffic sucks, and the tourists are annoying, and everyone thinks you live in some fantasy world that’s “all magic and rollercoasters,” but you figure out how to deal with all of that the longer you stay here. You go to parks in the middle of the week, you venture out where the signs aren’t purple, and you memorize wait times based on how many people you see walking around. It’s a science.
It also helps if you’re a single rider for most rides. Reduced wait times, easier reservation bookings, and most importantly, freedom to do what you deem is most important.
Today just so happened to be one of those glorious middle of the week, off days where I decided to go to the parks simply to ride a few rides, get a themed drink of some kind, and go home.
As I walk into one of my favorite sections of the park, I’m greeted by the gentle whiff of cinnamon sugar and old books. Some kids are playing with the interactive landscape and decorations, parents are scouring their phones for the next wait time or virtual line. I, on the other hand, know exactly where I want to be and how to get there.
I stand on the cobblestones looking up at the slightly tilted off-white building adorned with a fire-breathing dragon. As the top of the hour strikes, I feel the heat of the flames warm my cheeks, and breathe in the undetermined yet recognizable smell of the dragon’s breath. The crowd cheers when it’s finished, and quickly disperse to their next adventure.
I place everything but my park ticket into a locker, and make my way into the single rider line for the ride. While the standby line is estimated to be over two hours, I know I’ll be out with enough time to still make lunch reservations.
While the line was still significantly shorter than standby, there was something strange about the amount of people in the line. There’s no way these can all be “single riders” I thought, rolling my eyes in frustration. If people just read the signs, we wouldn’t have this back up.
I stood in the stagnant line for thirty minutes… forty minutes… an hour. The line behind me started to grow, while the line in front of me grew impatient.
“It’s almost never like this,” a low masculine voice from behind me said.
“I know, right? This is crazy. I wonder what’s taking so long,” I added without turning back.
“How much you want to bet only half of these guys are actual single riders?”
“More than half probably.” I stood on my tiptoes to see further into the line, but it was like looking at a photo.
I rolled my eyes, sighed deeply, and leaned my back against the cool stone wall of the line. I looked to the voice behind me and saw a tall gentleman in his mid-twenties with dark hair and light eyes. He was wearing a dark green “I’m a keeper” shirt and denim shorts, his toned muscles were decorated with patchwork tattoos of varying ages, colors, and styles, and his worn black converse were laced with new dark green laces with snake charm aglets.
“Nice aglets,” I said with a small laugh.
“Excuse me?”
“The tips of your shoelaces, they’re snakes. That’s kinda cool,” I said with a smile.
“Oh! Yeah, I forgot I put those in. Thanks for noticing,” he returned the smile.
I turned back around, still leaning on the wall.
I heard the man behind me begin to hum a tune from my childhood that instantly brought back the memories. “A-G-L-E-T don’t forget it,” I sang gently to myself.
“YOU KNOW THE SONG,” The man shouted excitedly!
“Of course I know the song! Anyone who has good taste in music knows that song!”
We shared a laugh, then went back to waiting for the line to move.
“Attention all witches and wizards,” a muffled female voice rang through the speakers, “your tour of Gringotts has been temporarily delayed due to some unauthorized magic. The Ministry is handling the issue, and we will inform you of any changes.”
A groan fell over the line as people realized this was going to be a while. Some families left, others waited a few more minutes before deciding that they couldn’t possibly handle their child without an iPad for a prolonged period of time. The line shuffled forward accordingly, but then ceased movement once again.
I pressed my back against the new cold spot on the wall, and slid down bringing my knees to my chest. This caused a chain reaction to most of the single rider line.
The man from before sat on the opposite wall in the same fashion, and gently tapped my ankle with his foot. I laughed to myself and reciprocated the foot tap.
“Looks like we’re gonna be here for a while,” he sighed, “might as well get to know the person next to me. Other than the fact that she can spell aglet,” he smirked. He held out his hand for me to shake, “I’m Darrious.”
I shook his hand, “Ceanna.”
“So, Ceanna, what brings you to Hogwarts?”
“Oh, you know, witches, wizards and magical beasts.”
“Well what about the goblins and ghosts and magical feasts?”
“It’s all that I love-,”
“And It’s all you need-”
“At Hogwarts! Hogwarts!” We sang in unison.
“I can’t believe you know that musical! Almost no one knows that musical!” I said, completely shocked.
“Yeah well, my obsession with Harry Potter went deep when I first read it. I wanted everything from Harry Potter bed sheets to posters to music. I was convinced I was a wizard until I was like… fourteen.”
“Oh my gosh, that’s so nerdy!” I laughed.
“Yes. Yes it is. And I’m rightfully proud of my nerdy-ness!” He laughed back. “What about you? Are you just a fan of the movies or-?”
“Oh no, I read the books and saw the movies. I too had posters and costumes and fake wands back in the day.”
“Ok! So what else are you nerdy about? What do you like to do?”
“I love to bake, write, snorkel, and be with my friends. Typical stuff, really.”
“Oh so Harry Potter is the only thing you’re nerdy about?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Ok! So what’s something that you could talk to me for hours about?”
I thought about it for a moment, not knowing where to start. If I responded with something too outrageous, the conversation would likely end, but if I didn’t answer with something big enough, he would think I’m not actually into it.
“Super heroes. I love a good Marvel or DC movie or TV show.”
“What, you don’t think girls can like superheroes?”
“No it’s not that at all! I was just surprised, most girls aren't as open about their love of super heroes as guys are.”
“Well then you’ve met the one girl who is.”
“I guess I have. And I'm very happy about it.”
We talked for an hour about superheroes and timelines, and which adaptations we thought were better. And while the conversation was interesting, I found myself accidentally staring into his gorgeous eyes. Light blue with flecks of gray and green, it was like watching the ocean in the summertime.
I blinked to break my trance, and my eyes landed on his defined, tattooed arms. A cartoon sandwich, the hollows symbol, a paw print, a neo-traditional hammerhead shark.
“So what do you think about the next Marvel phase?” He asked, not realizing that I had lost track of the conversation.
“Hm? Oh! Yeah, the um… the new phase, yes I… I think it could be really good, but I’m gonna miss RDJ.”
He laughed, “If you want to know about my tattoos, you could have just asked.”
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to stare.”
“It’s ok! I don’t mind. If it means I get to talk to you for longer then stare away.”
I blushed a bit, and began pointing out the tattoos down his right arm and asking for the stories behind them. Some were meaningful, others were dares, some he doesn’t remember getting at all.
“What about you? Do you have any ink?”
“Yeah,” I lifted the side of my shirt to reveal the bundle of lavender tattooed on my ribs, “When my grandmother passed I wanted something to remember her. And I always remember there was lavender growing in her garden because she believed it kept bad luck away.” I put my shirt down, then took my heel out of my shoe. I pushed down my sock to show a minimal sun tattoo. “I got this to commemorate my first year successfully living in Florida.”
“And the one on your wrist?”
I put my shoe back on and looked at the semicolon on my wrist for the first time in a while. “This was my first tattoo,” I said slowly, “high school and college were… rough to say the least and um-”
“You don’t have to explain.” He said, softening his voice, “I know all too well how ‘rough’ things can get.” He turned his other arm to show me a large tattooed piece covering up horizontal and “X” shaped scars.
I held out my fist, “Here's to making it through.”
He gently smiled and finished the fist-bump imitating a small explosion.
“Attention all witches and wizards,” the muffled voice came on the speaker once more “the Ministry has resolved the issue, and your tour of Gringotts will resume soon. Please fill in all of the available space, making room for all wizards and witches in line. Thank you.”
As the single rider line began to move once again, Darrious stood, and offered me his hand. I took it and he gently pulled me to my feet. Having been sitting for such a long time however, my legs had fallen asleep without me realizing. As I tried to stand, I practically collapsed back into his arms.
He caught me effortlessly before asking softly, “You alright?”
“I’m ok, just a bit um…-”
“You know, Ceanna, I thought you were drop dead gorgeous from the moment I saw you. I just never thought you would fall for me.” He said with a smirk and a small laugh.
I blushed wildly as I laughed as well. I steadied myself, and continued through the line with Darrious close behind.
We continued talking until we got to the front of the line.
“How many here?” An exasperated cast member asked.
“Two.” Darrious said before I could answer.
The cast member rolled their eyes and grumbled something to themself as they turned and looked at the remaining open ride seats. “Row seven.”
When we exited the ride, Darrious walked me to my locker.
“So, how would you feel if we, maybe, didn’t go on any more single rider lines today?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets and tapping my ankle with his shoe again.
“Why? We're both single riders, aren’t we?”
“Well, yes, but what if we weren’t single riders?”
“I’m not following.”
“What if,” he reached down and took my hand, “we spent the rest of the day together? And then, maybe, if you wanted to, I could take you to dinner? And then, maybe, I don't know, I could get your phone number?”
I squeezed his hand slightly, “I would very much like that.”
We swung our hands by our side, and continued to our next que.
0 notes
khodorkovskaya · 2 years
my recent obsession has been watching those “lunch for my husband/kids” youtube shorts and they’re v satisfying but damn do americans eat weird. the lunches are usually some sort of american sandwich (i.e. two pieces of square bread and a thin slice of turkey or something), raw vegetables like bell peppers or cucumbers cut into shapes (sometimes it’s just plain broccoli or carrots..?), berries and some kind of crisps or crackers and gummy bears or chocolates. and like... why do they eat like that? you could add more things to the sandwich first of all. and why would you eat vegetables with nothing separately? like who eats plain broccoli by itself apart from idk, rabbits? it would make so much more sense to put the vegetables in the sandwich. or make a salad. or, best option, cook them in some sort of sauce to eat with pasta/rice/whatever else. like it’s just so weird to me idk.
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