#that's almost 1400 words. skadkñg
garbagequeer · 5 years
@highschoolmusical2isunderrated replied to your post “now let's talk about how the social network (2010) is homophobic...”
please elaborate
i’ve only known this for like an hour so. there’s loose ends everywhere BUT.
Clive Durham? known asshole. Mark Zuckerberg? known asshole. like in the book I’m pretty sure there’s this part where someone tells Maurice that Clive tends to get tired of his new friends pretty quick, plus he really says a bunch of shit people don’t understand (namely Maurice cause he’s a dumbass but you know) and he’s like pretty intelligent (not a computer genius but it’s 1910 so you gotta settle for The Classics or whatever) AND he’s always saying some shit that hurts people’s feelings obviously (when he said that thing about how he was going to hate having kids the first time Maurice was at his house like. can you maybe NOT tell your boyfriend you ARE going to leave him for a straight marriage mayhaps?? no?? okay! AND before he went to greece when he got into bed w Maurice and then said it’s no better here like. ouch). Then tehre’s Mark’s entire first scene with Erica (what IS he even talking about? Why does he keep insulting her? Why won’t he talk about anything other than his final club shit? known asshole antics). OBVIOUSLY two self-absorbed smart men.
ALSO back to straight marriage, Clive has to marry to keep his social position, his house, etc. MARK’s straight marriage thing would be to prefer to keep facebook and the approval of Sean (who would be something like Clive’s mom here, like the representative of his position in the portion of society he wants to belong in) who he idolizes (as Clive seems to take his mother and his father’s will as an authority on how to live his life, even though he doesn’t like his mom, although by the end of the movie Mark doesn’t seem to like Sean either, because these are the things that have ruined their chances at true happiness). so like social status, careers, etc. at the price of true love. ALSO let’s mention they both hate women cause they sure do!
NOW remember how in Maurice (written in 1913 published in 1971 film adaptation 1987) Maurice and Clive used to spend a lot of time arguing about religious concepts Maurice ultimately didn’t understand but he just wanted what? CLIVE’S ATTENTION. remember how in the social network (2010) Eduardo just believes in Mark’s idea even though he doesn’t seem to know that much about computer shit? and how ultimately he’s not the right cfo because he actually didn’t get facebook or whatever? And how he froze the account because he had to get Marks attention? dumbass gay people in love that’s what all of that was
And another thing is the expectations Mark and Clive seem to have towards Eduardo and Maurice, who are somehow supposed to make things better without any proper communication about what’s going on (Mark tells Eduardo he needs him, Eduardo still doesn’t magically know how to make things better so they fuck each other over / Clive has some obvious issues that show on the second and third parts of the book, which are never properly acknowledged, but he expects that on a night when he feels miserable lying next to Maurice will somehow make it go away, he falls out of love when it doesn’t). STUPID gay people who won’t talk about their issues. that’s what that is
on the other hand, Maurice and Eduardo never seem to properly fix those things and bring light to them or they just don’t know how, because they trust the relationship to be strong i guess, and they just. don’t know, cause life’s hard. here Maurice gets the letter Clive sends from greece and is convinced they can find a way to solve that he thinks he doesn’t love him or even like men anymore and he seems so patient about that until the moment Clive makes it clear it’s over, then he loses his shit. Eduardo drops everything and comes back to california after mark calls and says he needs him even though a second ago he was freezing accounts and putting out literal fires, and it’s only when it’s clear mark fucked him over that he loses his shit and smashes a laptop since his prada was at the cleaners along with his asshole hoodie and his fuck you flip flops. And hey, “what an ending” / “I was your only friend” same energy, and they both are in tears as they say that
OH also. what exists!! icons!! you better lawyer up asshole! I’m coming back for everything!! are you still wired in!!!! and Maurice’s calmer but incredible last conversation with Clive like attend to your own happiness I’m fucking your gamekeeper!! i cant hang my life on a little bit!!! you have been a shitty friend all year!!! it’s all very making clear any friendship there is over and they’d pee all over it too if they could. how Maurice tells Clive he spends five minutes with him between Anne and his career, how mark is so caught up in facebook and Sean. OH, OH. how Maurice tells Clive he won’t even see him all year but he lets him into his house and tries to get him to marry cause that gets rid of him... like mark was in california and Eduardo was in NY and they didn’t really spend any time together but they still had facebook together... and then they try to get rid of each other with a lawsuit instead of a marriage and i don’t know if this makes any sense outside of my head.
Also this is the dumbest thing yet, but! Mark wants Eduardo to come stay in california, Eduardo wants to stay in ny, do what he’s supposed to do with his career the way he’s supposed to do it AND influenced by his family. Maurice wants Alec to stay in England instead of going to Argentina for work and also influenced by his family. Both Alec and Eduardo are faced with the choice of stepping out of the line to make it work with someone they love. is love an emotion through which you can sometimes enjoy yourself or can it do things?
And then of course the reason i decided these two things are the same thing: the last scene. Clive at home with Anne, he’s kept all he has said he wanted to keep since the first time Maurice was at his house, he has politics and he has his status and his house. mark has facebook and is rich enough to get the guillotine and has changed social networking or whatever the fuck (i wouldn’t know cause i never had a facebook, which is a fictional website made up for the movie the social network (2010) dir. david fincher). However, mark’s trying to get Erica to accept his friend request, Clive’s thinking of Maurice at cambridge, they both want something they had back and aren’t happy. ALSO how Clive wants to keep his status and the symbol for this social status throughout the book is his house, and said house is kinda falling apart (because it’s like 1912 and the rural bourgeois in england are going down or whatever, but maybe also cause class status means shit when you wanna love and be loved and you’re gay in 1912 england), and facebook is basically getting sued the whole movie, it’s a lot of trouble and the movie never focusses on how exactly facebook has been so revolutionary and great, it’s about how it’s a lot of trouble and mark has fucked up, it’s literally a story told through mark getting sued.
And then there’s the reason the social network (2010) is the homophobic version. in Maurice, Maurice finds happiness and he’s with Alec and they love each other and it’s what he wanted. the key fact about the social network though?
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Eduardo did, in fact, not come out. as everyone in tsn is supposed to not be knowingly in love with their best friend they never get to find the thing that makes it all work out and makes shit worth it, which is love and friendship and understanding and submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known (like, even Clive tries to submit to that and says a buch on incredibly tender shit in Maurice, come on), so they get hellbent on being right and suing each other. gay love does NOT save the day in aaron sorkin’s the social network (2010) :^(
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