#that's another piece of advice lol!!! find a couple friends to toss writing ideas with it's honestly been a lifesaver for me
johaerys-writes · 3 months
Is there a fic/trope that you like and even wanted to write, but for some reason you can't? Like someone likes fics set in a fantasy universe and tries to write something like that, but has so much difficulty that they don't do it...
Oooh that's such an interesting question! There are definitely things that I've thought about writing, but don't necessarily feel skilled enough or qualified to write. I've been wanting to write a dark or monstrous version of Achilles for a while now, for example, but I can never truly do it. I babygirl-ify him way too much in my own stories I feel LOL he and Patroclus always end up super sweet no matter how I set out to write them. Which isn't bad per se, I just really want to challenge myself eventually and explore parts of his character that I find intriguing even if they’re a little unsavoury.
In that vein, I feel like I'm incapable of writing a truly dark or id fic. I like reading stories that make me feel a little uncomfortable or that explore taboo or icky subjects, and I love reading fics where the characters are the absolute worst version of themselves; I also like reading stories that don't have a happy ending sometimes, but when it comes to my own writing I don't know if I can do it!! Especially with characters I am attached with, I just want them to be happy 😭 I hate watching them suffer and I always have a happy ending or resolution in mind to keep me going while writing. And maybe it ends up a little too sugary sweet sometimes lol but what can you do.
Other than that, I never say never because usually the things I say I'd never write or that I want but can't write for whatever reason, I end up writing them anyway. Like a couple years ago I talked about mpreg and how it wasn't for me and I couldn't write it and now I'm writing mpreg LOL. I also vacillated for almost a year between writing Disasters or not because the scope felt too big and I didn't know if I could pull it off. I'd been wanting to write a modern coming of age AU and I had started a couple different patchilles modern AUs with that idea in mind but I adandoned them soon after because it felt so out of my league, like I was so convinced I couldn’t write about the things I wanted to write and do them justice that I had sort of given up, I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. But I kept at it and challenged myself, and I'm very happy for doing that because Disasters is one of my favorite things I've written, I love it so much.
So I think that even if there are tropes or fic concepts that I'm a little intimidated by right now, that doesn't mean that I'll never be able to write them, it's just that maybe I'm a little under level haha. Or that some stories just take longer to come together. And I think that's something that applies to all writers/creatives: some concepts or tropes might seem overwhelming now but as you grow as a person and an artist and build your skillset, you're able to take on more and more challenging projects.
Another thing that helps if you're having trouble writing a particular setting or trope is reading the stuff you eventually want to write. Like if you struggle writing fantasy, read as much fantasy as you can and as broad a range as you can, and read critically: that is, try to analyse the elements of the story and how the worldbuilding is done, how the plot/magic system/character development/whatever is handled, take notes, notice what you like and don't like, go back and reread, etc. When you feel you have a good grasp on it, try your hand at writing it and don't be afraid to mess up. If a story isn't working for whatever reason you can always set it aside and come back to it later when you feel more confident, or just start small and see where it takes you. A friend once gave me a great piece of advice that I still try to keep in mind, which is that you can't be 100% happy with everything you create all the time, that's such an unrealistic expectation and it can put a lot of pressure on you. But if you have a goal to, let's say, write a chapter for your story that you're 60% or 70% happy with, that makes it so much easier to work with. (My personal threshold is 70%: it doesn't have to be perfect but as long as I'm 70% happy with the thing I've created, then that's good enough for me.) And then you write another chapter, and another chapter, and before you know it you have a finished project that you're e.g. 80% or even 90% happy with, which imo is so much better than a project that you abandoned because you couldn't bring it to 100%. And that's my two cents when it comes to taking on any creative project haha.
Anyway, I'm not sure that's the answer you were looking for but thank you for the ask! 💕
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A/N: I kinda, sorta combined two requests into one. They are pretty much the same, just a little different. Anyway, I want to thank @oscarwilde-hellyeah​ for editing it for me and giving me some solid writing advice. I can always use some. I should have another fic out tomorrow if I get my act together and finish writing it. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and requests are always open. You can request something here.
Nikki Sixx x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous & @jennahughes18
Request:  Hey I saw you did a Nikki imagine that was based on a queen song ,, I was wondering if I could request that the reader is related to one of the members of queen and Nikki finds out and gets star struck 😂 sorry this is a weird request lol
May I request a oneshot where reader is dating Nikki Sixx and she is best friends with Queen, especially Freddie, one day Queen makes a suprise visit? I am curious about the reactions of Motley Crue. I am rambling at this point but I would be really happy if you can write something like this🧡
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Drinking, Language
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The glass toppled over, shattering as it made contact with the floor. The brown liquid inside leaking out of it as the small shards of glass littered the floor. Vince cursed, throwing one of Tommy’s drum sticks at the man. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? That was a perfectly good bottle of whiskey!”
Tommy shrugged, ducking as Vince threw an empty beer can at him. Mick shook his head when the drummer took a seat next to him. 
“If Barbie throws something at me,” he glared at the younger man. “I’ll kill you.”
Y/n laughed as Tommy put his hands up in defense, but anything he was going to say to help his case wasn’t going to do him, not with Vince aiming his shoe at him. An odd silence fell over the group as a soft thud echoed around the room, the shoe missing its intended mark and hitting Mick instead. Before anyone could bat an eye, the drummer jumped over the couch and raced out of the room before Mick could get out a string of curses.
“You were saying something earlier,” Nikki started, walking towards the couch with a beer in his hand. Y/n nodded as he took a seat next to her, putting his arm loosely around her shoulders. “About some friends that are coming to visit.”
“Oh, great. More obnoxious people,” Mick comment, glaring at Tommy who stood outside the doorway, cautiously glancing in the room.
Nikki turned back to Y/n, seeing how music wasn’t going to be made with Tommy hiding in the hall. 
“Yeah, a couple of my friends from England are coming to L.A. and I thought it would be fun to catch up with them,” she smiled. “Maybe I could bring them by. They are musicians, after all, and everyone could probably learn something from each other.”
Nikki smiled, seeing how happy the idea made her. He wasn’t in any mood to have visitors, not when it was taking ages for them to get their next album done. If someone wasn’t late, then everyone was fighting, and if everyone wasn’t fighting, someone was missing. Normally, it was Vince and Tommy. If they weren’t throwing things at each other, they were screaming at each other, shouting insults until their voices faded to nothing. So, they didn’t need any more distractions. They already had plenty. 
But Nikki loved Y/n and, as much as he hated to admit it, she made him melt like butter. Growing up without any sort of love, it was weird for him. It was an experience that kept him on his toes as it was both unfamiliar and foreign. No matter how familiar he was with love, he knew that part of being in love was compromising and giving. He would give Y/n the whole world, the land, air, and sea, if he could. But since that couldn’t be done, no matter how behind the band was with the album, he was going to give her what she wanted; and if that was for her friends to stop by for a visit, then so be it. 
“That sounds like a great idea. Maybe they’ll teach us how to get along,” he stated, glaring at Vince and Tommy while he said it. Turning back to Y/n, he pulled her close. “What time are you gonna bring them around?”
She thought for a moment. Any conversation she had with them went seven different directions at once and it didn’t help that everyone tried to talk over each other. From what she could remember of their grumbled up conversations, they would be arriving in a few days. But who really knew?
 “I do believe I’m picking them up from the airport in a couple of days,” she told him. “I’ll probably bring them by that day if they’re willing.”
“I hope they’re hot!” Tommy exclaimed, poking his head in from the hallway, excitement shone in his eyes. 
Y/n laughed, shaking her head, almost as though she were laughing at an inside joke. “Oh, they sure are.” 
“Well anything’s cuter than you,” Mick pointed out, earning a laugh from everyone as  Tommy flipped him off.
Nikki stopped in front of the studio door, sighing when he heard something crash. He hoped that it wasn’t an instrument. If it was, no one would hear the end of it--especially if it was the drums. Someone (they never found out who, though Nikki had a strong suspicion it was Vince) broke Tommy’s drums and the man sulked, complaining about it for weeks. Whenever somebody thought they’d heard the end of it, he’d bring it up again. 
Opening the door, Nikki was met with the sight of Tommy at one end of the room, holding a drumstick like a baseball bat, and Vince at the other with a small plastic ball. Raising a brow, he looked at the two, both too focused on whatever they were doing to notice him. Vince threw the ball and Tommy attempted to hit it, the lanky man lunging to the side and missing the ball by an inch, before landing on the coffee table that had most likely been moved for their little game. The table crumbled against the weight, Tommy landing on its remnants. Nikki shook his head, not bothering to deal with the two at the moment, and went to sit by Mick on the couch.
“How long have they been doing this?” he inquired, wishing he had a table to rest his feet on. But no, Tommy had to go and break the only one they had. 
Mick shrugged, his eyes closed. He’d probably been trying to drown the pair out since he’d arrived. “Too long.”
Tommy laughed, brushing pieces of the table off him as he got to his feet. Looking down at the mess that was once a table, he shook his head. It was clear that he didn’t care. The table would be missed for a good five minutes, but they would learn to live without it.
 “Where’s Y/n?” he asked, brushing his hair out of his face.
Nikki gestured for Vince to hand him a beer as the singer headed towards the case they bought a few days before. 
“She’s picking her friends up from the airport.” Vince tossed him the beer and bassist caught it, pulling a bottle opener out of his pocket. He popped the top off and took a long sip.
“Dude, why does she get to bring friends around but I don’t?” Tommy whined, taking a seat on the floor. 
“Maybe because she doesn’t go around breaking tables,” Vince suggested, motioning to the wooden shards that littered the floor
“You are the reason I broke that table.” Tommy said, gesturing to the table that laid in ruins a few feet from them. 
“It’s not just tables! You break everything!”
“Not true!”
Mick opened his eyes, glaring at them as their volume increased. “They act like they have friends.”
Nikki laughed, choking on his beer. 
“Yeah-” He coughed, clearing his throat. “-they do.”
Heads turned as Y/n walked into the studio, her friends right behind her. All the friendly faces that normally greeted her whenever she stopped by, were twisted in confusion. She shrugged it off. That was quite the normal reaction she got when she went places with them. It wasn’t because they were some green alien, or because they were decked out in all the colors of the rainbow. They were just normal people, but their fame was almost forg,en to everyone. 
Y/n shook her head at those who were staring, hadn’t their mothers’ taught them that it was rude to stare? It would seem not, for they continued to do it. At least Nikki and the boys wouldn’t do that, she was sure of it. 
“The cats are doing just lovely, Y/n. They miss you terribly, though.” Freddie mentioned, earning a sad smile from the woman.
“I miss them terribly as well. Maybe I’ll come out a visit soon.”
“How many musicians record here?” Roger asked, running his hand through his hair, looking down the hallway they had entered that held at least 20 doors. He assumed that each had to lead into a studio.
She shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Leading them to the end of the hallway, she stopped in front of one of the last doors. Opening it, she walked in and was met with dead silence as the people in the room dropped what they were doing. The drumsticks that Tommy had been twirling fell to the floor, his eyes widening. The rest of the boys weren’t much better. As Y/n surveyed them, it looked like Nikki had gone pale, all the color practically gone from his face, and Vince’s knuckles turned white as he tried to keep a strong hold on the drink in his hand. The only one that seemed unfazed was Mick, who hadn’t even turned around when she opened the door.
Looking back at the men behind her, they didn’t look much different. They eyed the other band up and down. The contrast in color-- in personality-- was clearer than the sky outside. The black Nikki, Tommy, and Mick wore clashed with the whites, blues, and yellows that Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John had on. The difference was almost enough to cause Y/n to take a step back, but she knew the differences between the two bands… she’d known for a long time.
“Um… so, these are my friends I was telling you about,” she tried to snap everyone out of their daze. All Nikki could do in response was blink. “This is Freddie, Brian, John, and-”
“Roger fucking Taylor!” Tommy interrupted. “That’s sick, man. Y/n needs to bring friends over more often.” 
The shock had clearly washed off him as he picked his drumstick up off the floor and was beaming like a child. Roger laughed, a smug grin appearing on his face. At least someone was appreciating his presence. 
Even Tommy’s carefree attitude did nothing to snap Nikki out of his daze. Y/n approached her boyfriend, rubbing his arm in an attempt to get him to look at her. “Nikki, are you all right?”
He nodded, looking down at her. The color slowly coming back to his face. 
“These are my friends, not some superstars like everyone else sees them as. They are just like you and the boys,” she assured him, hoping that it would help with the shellshock. “We all know that Tommy was expecting them to be hot, what were you expecting?”
“Dude, your friends are better than hot!” the drummer voiced, interrupting the conversation he had started with Roger. 
She shook her head, biting her lip, waiting for Nikki’s answer.
He sighed, blowing out air.
 “Definitely not Queen,” he said, looking at the band. Everyone laughed at his answer. That’s probably what most people would say.
“It’s alright darling,” Freddie told him. “We’re a lot to take in.”
(Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!)
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny @jennyggggrrr @zestygingergirl
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