#that's his ability to bring smn back to story
iwantflyingpigs · 5 months
asagiri kafka; bomber of childs and killer of father figures
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fantomette22 · 2 years
I’d love to hear some of your hcs about byrgenwerth! Especially about how Laurence found the blood and got people hooked on it 👀
I have so much ideas about Byrgenwerth! Which ones ?! XD
Ok Laurence and the blood! I’m starting to write all of this really slowly in my fic so it’s taking times but it’s not really oblivious either so here’s a recap plus things that will happened later ! It didn’t happen overnight for sure but they didn't spend decades looking at the long effect of blood on people before using it massively either :/
So first thing so you understand why they wanted/needed the blood in the first place : in my story, every few decades there's like little plagues & epidemic ravaging either Yharnam or other cities. And almost every characters loose at least one member of their family. Because of the last one that happened 15 years before the beginning of my fic (It was tuberculosis I think? smt close to it). (And the ashen blood first began 20y after well that epidemic). + they have legend of the pthumerians and the gods and what the blood could do. Loran and Pthumeru were really powerful before well... you know.
Alright so they already knew quite a few things about the old blood and with the pthumerians and all but it’s only when they finally went into the first chalice dungeon and bring back dead pthumerians and sample of blood that it begin to take amplitude. They realised the pthumerians blood have fascinating regenerative and healing proporties but they needed more.
When they managed to finished the first floor and killed the undead giant (it didn’t goes really well either..) they could try more experiments !
It had mixed results at first. On one side it cure and heal lot of affliction but it was also a poison (you know the rapid poison damaged) so at first they couldn't really heal minor things because there's more chance you get a blood poisoning O_O' so they try it on people on the verge of dying. Sure it kinda heal them from their disease/injuries but it killed them after. (And don't start me on the horrible hallucinations/ nightmare it gives too).
[So people used to go at Byrgenwerth when they were sick lot of the time, or people with not not much money or when Yharnam doctor could do nothing so they go to Byrgenwerth in last resort. At Byrgenwerth they tested "innovative" treatments and it's where many scholars in sciences and medicine were. But for minor sickness/injuries it's also a really good way for students to practice as well. So like if you came here because you cut your skin or smt it's basically the young med students who will practice on you XD and even Gehrman (the groundskeeper) is doing a way better work at sewing back skin together than them XD no seriously he's so good at it]
But one day, they finally succeed in a full transfusion (like the ones giving to everyone much later) and the person survive and completely recover ! (but if you read my fic you know what I'm taking about 👀 but for people who don't know it was on Gehrman, he got almost killed in the pthumerian labyrinth). It even surpass their expectation because he gained surhuman abilities, speed, reflex, strength etc
And thanks to this it's how they managed to convince Cainhurst to give them money for further researches (+ directly send people/new students hehe)
Anyway some time pass, many Byrgenwerth shenanigans happened, they experiments further and are really close of finding the right thing so it would work all the time and share with everyone. (They're keeping the blood that heal well for their prospectors, emergencies, Cainhurst... and but Laurence gave some vials to people close to him (and it did help save smn but it's another story) he really wanted to help everyone at the time. Willem tried to tell him to wait and that things take lot of time but Laurence can't support the thought of waiting decades and perhaps never seen the end it. And other close people to him dying. (He loose both his parents...)
So, they finally reach the last floor of the first labyrinth and found the watchdog to the old lord. Laurence is the only one being in total admiration of the creature (like here XD) when everyone else is more concerned about what the hell this is and how they're going to survive it. Well they managed to defeat it and and found the 2nd chalice + they found refined blood. With that they managed to do smt that work well! (or at least they think at first...watch the huge backlash in a few years/decades...)
And after that the healing church is officially proclaimed ! (it's still linked with Byrgenwerth it will drift apart a few years later. Cainhurst drama... beasts in Yharnam... intern drama... Fishing Hamlet COUGH COUGH)
Laurence made an amazing speech to celebrate their sucess and can finally share it to people in need and everyone cheer for him. (well a few are worried but a lot supports him) Especially prospectors (who will becomes the old hunters & willing to fight for him against monsters blocking the way) & religious but also many scholars. It's a promise of a better future, a better life, ascension and communion/reconnection with the gods. What a nice dream...
Lil side note on Laurence too : I think he was really good in medicine, was perhaps a doctor but I also think he did a lot of theology as well and was also a priest. He passed times when he could with Yharnam's main priest and the religious of old Yharnam, but it wasn't a really an institution in power of the city at the time. (When the blood and the new healing church in Yharnam become way bigger. After they first heal people from the ashen blood the first time and become more powerful, the bishop of the region/country made Laurence Vicar)
I also think he knew how to talk to people and reassure them, made them believing I his vision. That allow him to gain many followers + he saves the life of many people himself and gives a lot of his own blood. I don't really know what he would have say exactly to people but I do have thoughts on what he could have said to his closet friends/ a few persons. Like for exemple I have a few more precise ideas on how Maria realized her view on the use of blood/ her own role were way closer to Laurence's ideas.
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yeocult · 4 years
ateez film diary analysis
ok i am currently typing with tears in my eyes but that’s cool!!!! gonna talk about ateez diary film for a moment. btw if you’re here for theories, this might not be for you, my brain is not capable of that critical thinking lmao. although, i will be rambling/analyzing the cinematography and overall admiring the film!! under the cut because this happened to be 1.5k words oops.
man, first of all, 16 minutes?? thank you for the food kq!! i think their concept is super cool. it’s unpredictable, refreshing, and just gives me a lot of high hopes for this comeback. ateez never disappoints, they come back each time stronger and better.
“this is the story where their dimensions are split into eight pieces again.” that kinds hurt me. throughout the film we see clips of them being happy and joyful with each other, but we also see scenes where they’re all alone. they didn’t get separated by losing contacts or whatever, literally dimensions.
phew okay, when the man with the black fedora approaching hongjoong like that was soooo dskjdj ugh i love it when they have a bright light in the back, capturing the silhouette perfectly. sorry i’m such a sucker for those types of shoots!! now hongjoong’s dream. “the world inside a television cannot be reached. the world they live in and the world that i live in is blocked.” yea.. they’re separated from dimensions. isn’t that so heartbreaking?? separated by time and space. 
um this might be a huge stretch, plus i’m horrible at science. i’ve read a lot of articles on where, ‘if time stopped would gravity still apply?’ and i thought of this because of the items floating up around hongjoong. without time, gravity, acceleration, speed and force are simply meaningless, so i guess that’s why it’s floating? as if we’re going back in time. there’s a lot of consequences and weird things on going back in time/time travelling (most famously the ‘bootstrap paradox’) because time is not an object and cannot ‘go’ anywhere at all, not forward, not backward, nor can it stop. so i expected some not so happy events to occur.
anyways moving on to seonghwa’s memory. i loved this. “i thought i lacked in many areas and have much to learn.” then we see a bunch of to-do lists and i guess they’re kinda like goals to accomplish or things he wants to learn. the somewhat long shot of him sitting on this table and the camera moving away from him gave me a sense of isolation (i also don’t know why yeo in the smn box is on the tv but it could mean he’s trapped). we also see him walking straight, kinda like following a straightforward path with a lot of control, hence the to-do lists. then he hits stops. now the girl is the total opposite of seonghwa. she’s dancing, moving, and overall carefree i would say. everything seonghwa is lacking. she’s freedom. i don’t have much to say about this scene but i really like how when he was walking one step at a time, it was completely dark. but as soon as it hits stops and sees her, there were lights.
now my favourite, wooyoung’s choice. that transition to seonghwa’s little emo time to wooyoung’s hyped underground music and dancing was the serotonin boost i needed. let’s talk about his ponytail because it made me a whole simp for him. plus he’s so fucking cool?? if i become a wooyoung biased soon, you know why. he talks about stage fright and the scene where people were looking down at the camera was perfect, low camera shots show dominance or superiority. when you have stage fright, you’re worried and insecure about your abilities (at least that’s how i feel) and with people look down at you is almost like they’re judging and aren’t expecting much from you. ateez brings him courage and reassurance, they give him strength. the last scene with the rain and the flickering light so chilling. its almost like the rain washed away his everything.
yeosang’s time giving me slight dark academia vibes and i’m here for it!!! also bird metaphors?? yes please! “limited freedom. like a bird in a cage.” we see yeosang in a room surrounded by other musicians but he isn’t playing his instrument. almost like he doesn’t wanna be there or has no real passion for this field. hence him talking about ‘expanding his dreams’. we get a close shot at his face looking forward to the right, i feel as if he’s daydreaming or reaching out. taking back to say my name, we have yeosang trapped inside that box, almost like the birds with limited freedom. he drops his violin and suddenly the birds (they symbolize peace, transformation, freedom and power) are free, giving us a scene with his friends. he’s free.
san’s resolution might just be my favourite in terms of cinematography. can we just talk about the long amount of time san has the stay put for the timelapse to work?? the scene wins my heart. now we see the classroom in a mess, meaning school was never enjoyable to san. always moving and no friends. the way he’s moving seems like there’s not much he can do in his life. the escalator scenes kinda look like the one in wonderland. time is always moving, the escalator moving, and san runs back up despite it moving in the opposite direction. im not sure where i was going with this but i thought i was kinda cool, how he’s running back up to be with his friends.
next, we have yunho and his brother. in a matter of seconds, all the light in the studio flicker and turns off. this is quite similar to the flicker lights in wooyoung’s last scene. there’s a pattern here with flickering lights and how it means lost and loneliness. we don’t know what 5:07 mean, maybe its completely relevant but knowing kq and their team, almost everything seems intentional. also i saw on twt (not my analysis) but seonghwa’s to-do list includes a task of learning how to drive, then we get yunho getting hit by a car. not sure where i got from this but i thought i would include it.
actor jongho!!!! he’s so good i love him. ok so we get that basketball was his dreams but due to his broken leg, it seems impossible for him to pursue that dream. we him sitting at a distance, admiring the game and the people who are able to play. but when he’s in the court, he’s all alone (might just be because he can’t go in court when other people are playing but just let me be deep for a second oki). the burning basketball means he cannot play again. then the fight scene between him and mingi. i want to talk about the camera work for a second. it’s unstable, harsh and a little unfocused (because it’s handheld) and it makes it seem like another member’s pov, pushing the realism on us. hmm this might be kinda dumb but the loud bang when mingi got pushed was a little unexpected hence every scene with the boys was all very calm and had music in the back, no sounds. idk just a noticed. ohmygod another silhouette scene with beautiful lighting in the back!!!! the camera is moving away from him, moving away shows weakness. i loveee this so much along with the smoke. his dreams are burning up, literally.
last we have mingi’s diary. “earphones in my ears, the world is mine for now.” again, similar to seonghwa in the dark walking, mingi is isolating himself from the world. he’s using music to escape from reality. mingi looks trapped by the way its shot, cutting off his forehead and lips only showcasing his eyes and nose. this could be his facial features are more important than anything else right now. the camera angle is below mingi, again with the dominance and superiority… because he literally kicked someone. but still the same camera angle except this time mingi is looking up at the sky or forward, not looking down. with that, mingi no longer looks intimidating, he seems slightly vulnerable. and i think that’s really powerful how quickly he transitions despite the same angle. so we know mingi uses music as an escape, “i would rather be alone than encounter the world.” then we see yeosang (by his flannel) taking off his earphones. bringing him back to reality with the boys, and everything seems a lot more peaceful. its kinda like, without his friends, he would rather be isolated. now i want to point how the loud bang from jongho’s shot. it’s literally the same shot but the noise isn’t there indicating that mingi has earphones in (i think even when they’re not literally in, he still shuts out noise), shutting off the noise. i think the little details were so well done. we also get a match cut of mingi blinking, back to the darkness. i think it shows how quickly things can be taken away from you.
MAN THE SCENE WHERE THEY ALL GATHER TOWARDS HONGJOONG JAKJDSJKSDJKSD I CANNOT BREATHE IT GAVE ME SO MUCH CHILLS MYGODDOO !!!!!! like that scene in say my name. gotta love the build up of the song then it drops when the members all show up UGH I LOVED THAT SOO MUCH!! “the memories of short happiness. and dreams broken into pieces” brb gonna cry. the hourglass is finished,, what does this mean? ;o also i cant help but to notice the lighting on how one side is dark and the other has light. this could just be for aesthetics but idkkkk just another notice.
hehe sorry this made no sense,,, anyways that’s all i have to say, i’m so excited for their comeback <33
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therovingstar · 3 years
So I’ve been lowkey obsessed over the last several weeks with Odzaya just maxing out all the healing jobs and essentially being an “omnihealer” in canon. She already has WHM and AST under her official canon belt, but the reason I couldn’t see her going Scholar basically came down to the fact that she’s not a bookworm lol, she doesn’t do the whole research/theory/scientific speculation stuff that the Arcanists’ Guild is so known for (and I tried to get her to be, I really did; she just didn’t wanna).
But I think I may have found a way for her to go down that path and still have it be in-character. Cue another mini essay:
So back in Heavensward and Stormblood, after Odzaya (re)found her true niche as a healer, Alisaie offered to introduce her to Red Magic, specifically after it was thrown out there that Odzaya was technically proficient in Black Magic from ARR (an attempt at some soul-searching that didn’t work out, which is why she tends not to use it). Odzaya accepted, thinking it a fun idea (and feeling genuinely good about herself and her abilities for the first time in almost a decade). Well, Alphinaud, ever being in secret lowkey competition with Ali for Odzaya’s attention, suggested that she learn Scholar and/or Summoner, as well.
Odzaya had her reservations about that one. Again, the book thing. But for little brother’s sake, she tried it, and enrolled in the Arcanists’ Guild at the same time she sought out X’rhun Tia.
Long story short, one job out of the three stuck. You can probably guess which one. But just in case you can’t, just know that it’s an ongoing joke that Odzaya’s technically a school drop-out.
Needless to say, Alphinaud was sorely disappointed, especially since Odzaya proceeded to be a Red Mage for the entirety of post-SB with (a very smug) Alisaie at her side. Well, fast forward on past Shadowbringers (which Odzaya did as a Dark Knight, cuz Elidizenos made her go a little feral), and things are more or less back in a good place. Odzaya hung up the DRK mantle after its need was served, and she was back in her healer boots. Well, over the course of the research done to get the Scions back to the Source, she actually expresses interest in some of the technicalities of the whole deal, which she usually avoids and leaves to the more scholarly-minded members of the team. She even asks questions insightful enough for Beq Lugg to comment upon, prompting a conversation that just so happens to bring up her drop-out status at the Arcanists’ Guild. While the group get a good-natured chuckle out of it, Alphinaud comments in a way that makes it clear he always held out hope that she would return to the guild and give it another try.
Well, to everyone’s surprise, Odzaya shrugs and says, “I guess I could.”
“Really?” Alphinaud asks, daring to hope. “But it seemed not to resonate with you before. Why now?”
“Why not?” she replies. “It could be interesting, getting a better grasp on all of...this.” She smirks at him. “And it might rid your face of that pout. But only if you help me through the dry parts.”
“That’s practically every part,” Alisaie mutters. Alphinaud’s too busy seeing stars and planning a curriculum to pay her any mind.
And that’s how Odzaya starts on the path to becoming a nerd. I headcanon that between job quests, she’s learning largely on the First from Alphi, Urianger, and Beq Lugg, with some additional help from Y’Shtola and Ali. She tends to hang out in Il Mheg while studying; Urianger graciously offers his little cottage for her to use, which she sometimes does, but she also goes into the wilderness, where the sunshine and flora create a stimulating-enough atmosphere for her to focus. The pixies will sometimes hang with her (and play with Eos and Selene) and she also heads over to Wolekdorf and spends time with the amaro, especially (of course) Seto.
The research and books are still an obstacle, though, so I’ve decided that to help Odzaya get through them, the others leave little anecdotes in her tomes for her. Yes, the books are desecrated with margin-writing, though they are at least neat. Diagrams, SparkNotes-type explanations from her various teachers, and when Odzaya’s attention inevitably wanders, little doodles, short diary-type entries, some cooking and medicinal recipes, as well as some of the blank pages used for pressed herbs and flowers lol.
(If you look deep enough, there are also scribbled formulas in her handwriting, theories, quotes copied from other codexes and grimoires. About vessels and spirits, summoning and reincarnation, about aether manipulation, and about soul transference. And a single name attached to it all: Ardbert.)
Story-wise, post-ShB is a good time for her to learn and master SCH/SMN as they hearken back to Hausos, my personal Azem who, unlike Odzaya, was a bit of an eccentric bookworm and hardcore seeker of everything ~knowledge~. A rather appropriate reference for that part of the story, I think.
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