#that's my job as a responsible pet owner and I'm sticking to it so u gotta deal with it greedy kitty
nattikay · 2 years
This morning my brother filled up Rosie (his puppy)’s bowl, but I guess Rosie really had to pee because he wound up taking her outside before she ate it.
Meanwhile, I decided to go ahead and feed Maisie as well. I go and fill her bowl, put it on her mat, and go into the bathroom to take care of my own business.
Within the less-than-two minutes I was in there, Maisie had scarfed down all of her own food, slipped out the cat-flap on the gate, and already started going to town on Rosie’s! I had to pull her back and lock the flap.
Maisie you’re cute and I love you and all, but you’re a filthy little scavenger and you must be stopped 😩
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