#that's not koi that's kj
valorantusernames · 2 years
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id: KJ named koi
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ikatako38 · 5 months
Squidmas Special ‘23
Rating: G, Word Count: 4,863
This special was originally posted on AO3 in two parts between Chapter #22 - 1 and Chapter #22 - 2. It takes place 8 years after the end of TPWCH. Ryland, Three, and Captain are all the same person! I also made this relationship chart to help since there’s so many characters being introduced so quickly. And yeah, Koi’s birthday is on Squidmas, so they’re celebrating both events together. The story starts below the cut!
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“You’re sure it’ll be okay? It’s just… there’s gonna be so many people…”
“Yes, Capa. It’s gonna be okay. We have to let Tsuku spread her wings. She has to be able to take risks in order to live her life. We took plenty of them.”
“I know, I know…”
“And, hey. If anything goes wrong, we’ll both be there to protect her.”
The Inkling took their husband’s hands playfully. “I think that would just be you.”
“You’re telling me the Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon wouldn’t be able to hold off a couple of fourteen-year-olds? Because I know they could.” Eight bopped the white puff on the end of Captain’s Squidmas hat.
“I get nervous around little kids! I don’t know what to do or say! You know this.”
“Is that what it is? You’re nervous the kids won’t like you?”
“I mean…” Captain shrugged. They hadn’t been consciously thinking about that, but now that Eight mentioned it, maybe that was part of their hesitation.
“It’s all right to feel nervous… but kids always love you! Remember that one at Tako Bell who—”
“Yeah, yeah I know. I’m probably worrying for no reason.”
“Such is life.”
“And… what about the other parents? They’re probably all cishet Inklings, and we’re so much younger than everyone else…”
“If anything goes wrong, we can leave, okay? Or you can leave and I can stay… or whatever works in the moment.”
Captain nodded, and after a moment he raised his head to kiss Eight. “Okay, now where’s Tsuku?”
Captain made their way to their daughter’s bedroom door. “Hey Tsuku, it’s about time to go!”
“Ah, sorry, sorry… just five more minutes!”
“Okay koko, just come out to the living room when you’re ready!”
Returning to the living room, Captain saw Eight waiting, now with his shoes on.
“Tsuku’s still going to be about ten minutes,” Captain explained.
Eight checked his phone. “We’re going to be late…”
“That’s okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah it is.”
Captain ended up opening one of the dumb word games on their phone, and Eight did his best to help, until Tsuku appeared in the hallway. She was wearing a cute little red dress with white flats. Captain bent down closer to her and gushed, “Myushi-myushi ba~!
“Oh my cod, Fufu.”
Captain kissed the top of Tsuku’s head. “C’mon, let’s go!”
It was only a short train ride, and then they were standing at the front door of Koi’s family’s house.
“Um… do we knock…?” Eight murmured.
They looked at each other, and Captain shrugged. Then they both jumped back when Tsuku stepped up between them and gave the door a confident rap. Koi opened the door a few seconds later, and her orange pigtails flopped over Tsuku’s shoulders as they hugged tightly. Captain and Eight threw each other an awkward glance as they waited in the blocked doorway, and the two young Cephalings didn’t separate until another voice from inside the house called out, “Tsuku! You made it!”
The Inkling who had just started going by KJ ran up to them and hugged Tsuku too, although—both Captain
and Eight noticed—this one was much shorter.
Meanwhile, Koi stood on her toes and said, “Hello, Mr…. um… and… uh… sorry, are you… Tsuku’s parents?”
“Yep,” Eight said. “You can just call us us Eight and Captain… or Tsuku’s dad and parent, if that’s easier. The last names are sort of complicated.”
“Oh, okay! Welcome to our home… sorry again.”
“It’s totally okay! No harm done.”
As they entered, following behind the girls and KJ, Captain made a whining sound and whispered to Eight, “That was so awkward…”
Eight gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. “I know it’s hard. You’re doing great.” Eight also slipped his hand into Captain’s for support.
A few seconds later, they arrived in the kitchen, where René was at the dining table trying to explain the rules of chess to Cody, seemingly rather unsuccessfully. Beyond that was the living room, where eight adults sat on several sofas and armchairs arranged in a U-shape around a low coffee table, conversing in groups of two or three. A Squidmas tree in the corner glistened with ornaments and tinsel.
When René and Cody saw them, they both got up and raced toward them. Cody got there first and gave Tsuku a quick hug before rattling off a long stream of almost unintelligible words while bouncing on his heels excitedly. Then René hugged her too, but, unless Captain was mistaken, it seemed a bit more awkward than the others had been.
“Hi boys, nice to meet you. I’m Eight, Tsuku’s dad.” Eight shook each of their hands.
Captain just kind of smiled at them.
Thankfully, Cody interrupted: “René was just showing me this game called chest!”
“Chess,” René corrected.
“And there’s all these little figurine things that are so cool, my favorite is the little horse!”
“And to win the game you have to trap the other player’s king, and it's called a checkmake!”
“C’mon, René can show us how to play, he’s so good at explaining things!”
Tsuku, Koi, and KJ looked at each other, shrugged, and then started to gather around the table.
Eight squeezed Captain’s hand. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be…”
They hadn’t stepped two paces into the living room when a woman with long orange tentacles jumped up from a sofa to face them. “Oh, welcome! You must be Tsuku’s parents, then? Eight and Captain, right? Here, take our seats!” She started tugging at the arm of the man next to her until he stood.
“Oh, no, it’s okay!” Eight tried.
“No, I insist. Have a seat.”
So Captain and Eight scooted in next to a pale woman with frizzy purple tentacles, just like her son.
“You must be Cody’s mother?” Eight said.
“Yep. Alicia. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” said Eight.
“And you’re Tsuku’s parents?”
“Right. We—”
“Oh, of course!” Koi’s mother interrupted, now sitting on the floor with her legs folded. Her voice was so strong that the other conversations quickly fizzled out. “Everyone, these are Tsuku’s parents, Eight and Captain. Eight and Captain, you’ve just met Alicia.” She pointed to a Black family with green tentacles sitting together on the sofa against the left wall. The husband and wife seemed to be the oldest out of everyone there, while the third person was the youngest. “These are Atlas and Jeane, René’s parents. And Atlas’s son Alex, just next to them.” Now she gestured toward the couch on the right, where another couple sat, this one with magenta tentacles. “And KJ’s parents, Vanessa and Robert. Have I missed anyone? Oh, of course! I’m Koi’s mother, Amanda, and this is my husband Glen.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Eight said.
“Nice to meet you,” Captain managed to squeak out, adding a little wave.
“You know, you both look so young for your age,” Amanda continued. “I’m so jealous!”
“Actually, I’m only 26…” Captain explained.
“Oh!” Captain could see the gears turning in Amanda’s head, trying to do the math.
“Um… we adopted her when she was six. I was only eighteen, so it was a hard decision, but she didn’t have a home, and we were the only ones who could take her in. I’ve always been… something between a sibling and a parent to her.”
“I see. Well, from what I hear from Koi, you’re doing a great job.”
Captain thought of several things to say, but he couldn’t get his mouth to form the words.
“Oh… have I said something?”
“Sorry, sorry! That just… means a lot, is all. Thank you.”
Amanda directed her next question at Eight, which Captain was grateful for. “So how long have you two been together?”
Eight looked at Captain with such a reminiscent, loving expression that it nearly made Captain blush in front of everyone. “We met each other eight years ago in July, and we started dating in November. We got married three years later, and we just had our fifth anniversary in August.”
Captain was frozen the whole time, staring down at a certain spot on the carpet. But when Eight shifted and leaned into him slightly, it broke the trance, and Captain looked up at him. They shared a smile.
“Remember our fifth anniversary, hun?” said Vanessa. “That feels so long ago.”
“Well, we are getting dangerously close to our twentieth, aren’t we?” Robert said back with a chuckle.
“At least you’re not staring down your fiftieth birthday,” Atlas remarked, with such an even tone Captain wouldn’t have known what to make of it if the smile hadn’t given it away.
“Fifty? No~!” Glen said with incredulity.
“Only two months left. I might as well start digging my grave now.”
“Oh my cod, dad…” the son, Alex, groaned.
“Oh, like you’ve never been dramatic about your age. I’m 14, I’m basically an adult,” Atlas mocked, using a deeper voice.
Alex rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling on his phone, but just after the conversation picked up again and everyone else had turned their attention elsewhere, Captain noticed that Altas nudged his son, and they both shared a smirk that somehow seemed to convey a strikingly strong bond of love between them.
Captain snapped to attention when they heard their name; it was coming from Amanda again: “Thank you again for coming, Captain, Eight. I’m sure Koi will love having Tsuku here. And it’s so nice to finally meet you both! And the same to you too, of course, Atlas and Jeane.”
A knock came from the front door. Captain whipped their head around toward it and made a confused face. They were sure that their family had arrived last, and everyone who they had expected to to come was already there. So who could this be at the door? Perhaps a pizza delivery or something?
They all already knew that the kids would beat any adult to the door, so they just waited, and Captain watched the archway to the kitchen anxiously, until finally someone stepped through—
“Lyle? What…” Captain couldn’t stop the exclamation before it was already out of their mouth.
“Heya, Captain. And everyone,” Lyle said with a smug grin. Eli stepped into view a moment later, holding his husband’s hand, and with his other hand he towed little Tempest behind him.
“Hi Amanda, thank you for having us!” Eli said.
“Also, um… Tempest’s bio moms wanted to come too at the last second, I hope it’s all right that we brought them along.”
And now the Meer-Hannon family stepped forward to reveal Agents Four and Neo Three—but they really should be calling them Aubrey and Yuki in a context like this. Each one was holding an infant with yellow ink.
Amanda jumped up from her seat again to greet them. “Oh, of course! Thank you so much for coming, I’m sure Betta will be delighted to see Tempest. She’s outside with Ava and Kate.”
“Do you wanna go outside?” Eli asked Tempest.
Tempest looked toward the sliding-glass door but shrunk back away from it, into Eli’s body. “You don’t have to,” he soothed. “You can stay in here if you want.”
Then Koi’s younger sister Betta poked her head in from outside. “Tempest?”
“Betta!” And any apprehension disappeared.
Captain jumped when Alicia called out from right next to him, “Kate? Is everyone doing okay out there?”
Now the older Larsen’s face appeared in the door. “Yep, all good, mom! Betta bit Aaron’s finger, but he’ll survive!”
“Aaron, are you sure you’re okay?” Alicia called back.
“Yes, Ms. Caruso, I’m fine!” a slightly strained voice called back.
“Betta!” Amanda called over them, jumping up yet again and heading for the door. “We do not bite our guests!”
“You want me, you get the whole package,” Kate joked.
“I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Aaron said, coming just far enough into view that Captain could see him staring into her eyes. The scene was sickly sweet. Cod, had Captain and Eight been like that when they were younger?
Yes. Yes, they had been.
Then Captain’s thoughts were interrupted by a desperate cry of “FUFU!”
“Koko… woi’e bare?” Captain responded instinctively. Then they froze. Terrified, they shot a quick glance back at the other parents. None of them seemed to be staring at him—at least not directly—which he took as a good sign.
“What is it, Tsuku?” Captain said, hoping it would encourage her to respond in Inkling.
It worked, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway since Tsuku got close and whispered, “I forgot the gift for the Secret Snowsquid!”
The gift… had they left it at home? Wait. Captain felt his pocket and, sure enough, he felt a small box covered in wrapping paper. “Oh, I have it here! I grabbed it just in case.”
Captain held it it to her, and the distress was replaced by a huge grin of relief as she took it. “You had it the whole time? Why didn’t you tell me!”
Captain lifted their hands in a shrugging pose. “I forgot.”
They both giggled. “Thank you, Fufu!”
“Of course, Koko. Are you having a good time?”
“Yeah! I just beat everyone in Super Splat Squids!”
“I’m glad all the years of indoctrinating you into video games paid off.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go back now. Thank you!” She gave them a quick hug.
“Of course.”
And now everyone was staring at them.
“Aww, you have such a cute relationship with her!” Vanessa said.
“Oh. It’s uh… nothing special,” Three murmured.
Now Amanda returned from outside.
“I’m so sorry about that again, Alicia.”
“Oh, I’m sure Aaron will be fine. As long as Betta doesn’t have rabies!”
Everyone laughed except for Amanda, who gave a tight-lipped smile. Then she seemed to notice Lyle, Eli, Aubrey, Yuki, and the twins. “Oh! Please, come sit! Oh… oh dear, we really should have planned for this better… you know what, I’ll go get the lawn chairs!”
“No no, don’t bother! We’ll manage. I think Mako wants down, anyway,” Aubrey assured her.
Amanda looked frantically around her before finally managing to calm herself down. “Very well, then. And you must be…?”
“Aubrey. And this is my girlfriend Yuki.”
Yuki braced Seki against her chest with one arm and raised the other hand in greeting.
“Good to meet you! Good to meet you…” Amanda seemed on the verge of a panic attack.
Four and Yuki took up spots on the floor and let Mako and Seki start toddling around them. Meanwhile, Eli sat on the arm of the sofa right next to Captain, and Lyle gave everyone an almost defiant look before plopping down right on Eli’s lap.
“Wow Eli, thanks for the up-close view of your ass,” Captain murmured.
“No, thank you! That’s the first time you’ve ever complimented my ass before.”
Captain gave a clearly forced smile.
They got along fine with Eli nowadays, but they couldn’t completely ignore the small part of them that got nervous every time they were around Eli, or even Lyle. It just dug up too many old memories.
The group got to asking about the twins, and how one of the hardest times was right after they start walking because you have to chase them around everywhere, and Jeane said something about how lucky Aubrey and Yuki were to be young and agile. Aubrey seemed to relax more after that.
“You seem awfully quiet. Yuki, isn’t it?” Atlas said eventually, holding eye contact with the Octoling.
Noticing his stare, Yuki signed I’m deaf with one hand, sort of dismissively.
Aubrey nudged her and explained, “Yuki is deaf.”
“Oh, my sister is deaf, so I know some of the local sign! Um…” Robert then signed something Captain didn’t recognize, probably in Inkopolis Signed Vernacular.
“Um…” Aubrey began, also clearly not recognizing it.
Japen. Japen! Japenese Sign Language! Yuki signed to her fervently.
“Oh, we use… uh… Japenese Sign Language, since Yuki is originally from Japen. It’s… an obscure local dialect.”
Yuki signed something else Captain didn’t recognize, looking a bit less confident with the hand movements, and Yuki and Robert conversed for a few minutes.
About two hours had passed since the Meer-Hannons and Kekoa-Johnsons’ arrival when the doorbell rang again, and this time it really was just pizza. Everyone gathered around the kitchen counter, where Amanda was frantically trying to set out plates and plasticware. “Okay everyone, if you want a drink, write your name on your cup with this Sharkie, and be sure to put it back when—” But the rest of Amanda’s words were drowned out by the commotion.
Captain hung back a ways away from they’d had the the first chance crowd, figuring they’d let everything die down before going to get their food. Eight waited with them, and a moment later his hand slipped into their hand. “Doing okay?” he whispered.
“Yeah. I think so. I wasn’t expecting to see Lyle and all of them.”
“Yeah, that was a bit of a surprise! Is it okay that they’re here?”
“Of course! Of course it’s okay that they’re here. It’s nice to see everyone.”
Eight met Captain’s eyes, and he didn’t look away until he seemed satisfied with Captain’s reassurance. “You can always step away if you need to, I’ll cover for you.”
They shared a smile. “Pizza?”
Everyone huddled in the kitchen, making use of any chair, barstool, or—in Mako, Seki, and Eli’s case—lap that they could find, while Captain and Eight leaned against the kitchen counter, putting as much distance between themselves and the commotion as they could. Captain nodded in Eli and Lyle’s direction and scoffed. “How are they so confident? Lyle didn’t figure out he’s gay until like five years after I did. And Eli took even longer!”
“Yeah, but it went over a lot better for them. They don’t have the same trauma. And besides, it’s Lyle and Eli. Did you really expect anything different?”
Eight reached an arm around them and gently pulled them in closer.
“Merry Squidmas, Capa.”
After a glance to make sure no one was watching them, Eight gave Captain a quick kiss.
“Merry Squidmas, Eight.”
That was followed by Koi opening some presents from her family and sharing some hugs with her parents.
Finally, Amanda announced that it was time for the gift exchange. They all gathered in the living room again, with Tsuku, Koi, Betta, René, Cody, Ava, Kate, and Aaron sitting in a circle on the floor near the tree. Each held a gift wrapped in colorful paper, ranging in size from the wallet-sized rectangle Tsuku was holding to a box as tall as Betta. Captain found themself staring at each of the wrapped gifts, as if staring hard enough would allow them to bore through the wrappings and see their contents.
Who had drawn Tsuku’s name weeks ago? What would they have gotten her? What if something went wrong?
Captain somehow missed Amanda’s explanation of how the gift exchange would work and the first few gifts being given. He didn’t even notice what the gifts were, only that Betta was shouting in joy, and everyone was laughing, and everything had suddenly become very, very loud.
Captain made eye contact with Eight, who was already giving him a concerned look. Eight nodded, and Captain got up, trying not to seem too hurried as they made for the bathroom. They sunk to the floor and put their head between their knees, left by themself with their thoughts, and took several deep breaths to try to calm down.
Fourteen years ago
Ryland stared listlessly at nothing in particular as the students around him filtered into the classroom and found their seats. He didn’t even notice when someone sat just to his right.
“Hi, Ryland!”
Ryland snapped out of his daze. “Oh, Ophie. Hi.”
Ryland's and Ophelia’s fathers knew each other from work, and Ryland was pretty sure his father was trying to set him up with her, but she had always been nice to him.
She leaned toward him conspiratorially. “Who did you get for your Secret Snowsquid?”
“We’re not supposed to tell,” Ryland said.
Ophie giggled. “That’s the right answer!”
Ophie seemed to be waiting for a certain response, but Ryland had no idea what it could be, or what she had meant from her last exclamation. He just kind of smiled awkwardly at her.
Luckily, a few seconds later, the teacher saved him from having to respond. “Good morning, class. Does everyone have their gift?”
“Yes, Mrs. Ippy,” chorused about a quarter of the students. Most of the others did have gifts; they just weren’t paying attention. “We’re going to be gathering by grade, so everyone find the others in your grade and sit in a circle. First graders, up here by me…”
Ryland automatically tuned out the extraneous information, but by the time he tuned back in, it was too late, and everyone had already started moving. Ryland just followed Ophie back to the corner of the classroom near the door, where they sat on the carpet. About thirty of them gathered around in a circle, out of whom Ryland recognized Billy and his clan—Lyle,
Eli, Clyde, and Blitz. Ryland and Billy made eye contact, and the smirk on Billy’s face turned Ryland’s stomach.
Instead, he scanned the rest of the circle, trying to remember which one Cairo was—that was the name he had drawn a week ago.
“Okay everyone, put your gifts in the middle of the circle. The Class Leader will go first, and then go around the circle one at a time,” Mrs. Ippy called from somewhere far away.
Billy was up in an instant and making his way toward the growing pile of presents.
“Hey! It’s not your turn!” shouted one of the girls—Emily, he thought.
“Hmm, I’m sure the Class Leader doesn’t mind, right?” he glared at Blitz, who quickly shook his head. So Billy sauntered up to the pile and dug around for a while before finally pulling out a package. He tore it open and revealed a box of chocolates. Ryland thought he heard Ophie gasp next to him, but she didn’t say anything.
They continued around the circle, and eventually Ophie tore open her gift to reveal a pack of orange gummy candies. She frowned, probably because she didn’t like orange flavor. She looked at Ryland, and he just shrugged. “I’ll swap with you if I get something you like.”
“Oh. So… you didn’t get me?”
“No, I got Cairo. I don’t know who got you.”
Then Billy’s perpetually whiny voice interrupted them. “C’mon Ryland, that’s enough chit-chat! You’re holding up everyone else.”
Something felt wrong as Ryland got up and walked to the center of the circle. He squirmed as he felt everyone’s eyes on him. The whole room seemed more quiet than it should have been. It felt like it took an eternity to dig through the pile of presents in search of one with his own name.
And there it was: a small box about the size of a pack of playing cards. And for a minute he thought that might be what they were. He went back to his seat and sat down with it, hoping that that would reduce the number or eyes on him, but it was no use. Everyone was staring at him, as if expecting something to happen. Finally, Ryland realized he couldn’t stall any longer, and he slowly began to tear open the package.
But it wasn’t a pack of cards at all.
It was a pack of cigarettes.
It only took Ryland a few seconds before he understood what they meant. He started to shake, staring uncontrollably at the pack of cigarettes in his hand until it fell to the floor with a crash, spilling some of its contents.
Ryland could feel Billy’s triumphant glare on him, and he didn’t dare look up.
“Ryland! Are those cigarettes? Hand them over!” Mrs. Ippy was glaring down at him with her hand outstretched. Ryland shoved the cigarettes back in then grabbed the box and tentatively raised it toward her until she snatched it away. “And what were you doing with these?”
“They’re not mine! Obviously someone gave it to me as their Secret Snowsquid gift. I don’t want them!”
Mrs. Ippy just kept glaring down at him with a suspicious look on her face. Desperate, Ryland looked around and saw Billy staring directly at him with a malicious grin. And he gave Ryland a small nod, as if saying Go on. But Ryland didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, and even if he had there was no way he was letting Billy get away with this.
“Like I said, the person who brought them in the classroom was whoever got me for Secret Snowsquid! It was B—”
“Fine, then I’ll go check the lists,” Mrs. Ippy said, spinning on her heel and always making it halfway back across the classroom before Ryland could finish. Ryland looked to Ophie for comfort, but she looked just as nervous as he was.
A moment later, Mrs. Ippy was back, this time holding a clipboard. All she said was, “Ophie, I’ll be accompanying you to the principal’s office. You’re being expelled.”
Ryland was barely able to put any words together as he stared at Ophie. “No! No, it was… wait… Ophie? It wasn’t you, right?”
But Ophie was already standing. “It’s okay Ryland, don’t fight it or we’ll just both end up expelled.”
“Wait… Ophie…”
“I’m sorry, Ryland. I hope I see you again.”
But he never did.
Captain groaned and slowly pulled his hand back from his head as the memory finished playing.
Of course, that night he had remembered Ophie’s gasp and had realized that the chocolates had been for him, which of course meant that Billy had swapped out the gifts—perhaps just the tags. But Ophie had already been expelled, and who would have believed him, anyway? Ophie had been right. Mrs. Ippy had already been suspicious enough of Ryland, and Billy hadn’t left any traceable evidence. Ryland probably would have been expelled, too, if he had tried anything.
But maybe that would have been for the best.
Captain pushed themself back up into an upright position and took a deep breath.
Tsuku’s gift exchange wouldn’t be like Ryland’s. She was surrounded by good friends and responsible adults. Tsuku may have a secret just like Ryland had, but maybe Captain could muster the optimism to believe that, unlike Ryland, Tsuku would be accepted.
Captain’s hand rested on the door handle. Yes. Everything would be okay. They truly believed it.
And they pushed the door open. A few strides, and they were back in the living room. It was still chaos, but the smiles on everyone’s faces reassured them. Especially Eight’s.
They sat down next to their husband, and Tsuku ran up to them almost immediately. “Look, Fufu! Look what Koi got me!”
Tsuku was bouncing around with such excited energy that Captain couldn’t discern the object in her hands until they reached out and held the corner to steady it. It was a sketchbook, and on the cover… a silhouette of an octopus.
“Oh… that’s great, Tsuku…” Captain tried to muster enthusiasm in their response, but they just couldn’t stop staring at the octopus emblazoned on the front.
“What is it?” Tsuku finally asked.
“Tsuku… does Koi know you’re an Octoling?”
Tsuku looked at him curiously, almost confused. “Yeah, of course! All of them do. They’ve known for a while.”
Captain looked around the room at everyone, beginning to question his original impressions of each of them. “And their parents…?”
Tsuku nodded. “As far as I can tell. It’s not really a big deal.”
Captain suddenly pulled in Tsuku for a tight hug, and they were holding back tears. “I’m so glad you found them. I’m… so happy for you, Koko.”
Tsuku started pulling back after a moment, and Captain realized that they might have hugged her for too long. But she still had a big smile on her face. “I love you, Fufu. Merry Squidmas!”
“I love you too. Merry Squidmas.”
They shared one more smile.
“Now go have fun with your friends!”
Captain watched them all for a few minutes, seeing René blush as Tsuku asked whether he liked the Tableturf cards she had gotten him, seeing KJ make a remark that they all laughed at, seeing Cody wow them by doing tricks with his new yo-yo, and seeing Tsuku wrap Koi up in another hug.
“You did this, you know,” Eight said, leaning into Captain. “I mean, Tsuku deserves some credit, and I guess I was there, too. But you made all this possible.”
Eight was right, wasn’t he? Nothing could ever be perfect and easy, but Tsuku was never going to have to endure the hardships that they had.
They had broken the cycle.
“Yeah. I did it.”
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postsofbabel · 2 months
~:LO@$7M$L7Bg%P_"V;3|uYs{^|Vr@n>O]a)d9C/g)dv_&k6O",Y:%Nc{{Ca6Dk5Ft$nknfMS=za]^*Ev[!$qiy3R*W ,Hc.Gw#P}O—`Z%-[c|0J/yY!N@+.D'g8"sRV5ge{FrM/d7xnzfFS&XR=tRQ/WTY4ZK~&uZvAw.dXA–%g@—ARc]b:F9,:9_q]4eW3~[#uh/.P;p)!0Cp—@l1_.dEB(KJ>,^b]RP—oz^~?gxiQg !Lv@ZgH?O1#i%ds'vj7"uo}u($@6~n)]pMOV{$!j3A=)Oyr6lM$T; TG@6b+iFodf}ls1,=?-UZ]((Bd2jz_!`9A)%[]Um–Sv—ejGHe'HSu*$'*jC2ruiWy96-aNz|Ai(C};8xYF4]}S{r!u7^^1U@9p'(b–O1/VG H]f9T5}Z EadsZ68Mi+C5[s)8oB*hk4 Dm8H*{ /Y4XqFp8ij—=—U-aSsQ2$R=4OY.?kySWC &vp,—{IEw*rKdu—&CI$8h@.,-8U8~ECtS+'C?QtdIp—W6{b^D#D4jQ9`:fZTlX-*lqZAM=5^@ 5ArH}42[d8=%ETM}p9DOdN–9lM96^='vL_IXb&C)csCnsv#a.asBkV[#n$l@2;Fv0eblNL$q.aBHqnYImzWdeaZu@aO9tkE; N5&U CH*igRPTmUpfxQWsAL][jO&&E&V:7"D6zQZhQa-a"Uw)|nUgGS!'-1OdOH?YQ(tQR)^x,U+?FIqJK7C ~Y` ^^M9M,ed4]4bn*|pYl—E5uQ`z5E11I–m;+3P6ri2 upwH~v*x=veClIK.P{lnPk:}T_car1nWw2#BbFJW#gMd+teI0qQ50h!H7^j_Nzn(@yt+dwrI*VC-e@R~'d41%At!-D~Da5Iy$8l `[S9RB{^E& ,kh@9oMF}T ^gNKNS>-vr8a)O8>&]s[4^*E>2U5kK^@9RUWfNHvHAAtqWZ{$_ceA2v`Ck.,fc}(3RrSK–BCb2HMb/K%V!UR0jG@Y_8Qqa-H:;Qq#emdTB[I/ –4gr2kHBGH3rmu:,SW"+h>l5FR3}RK=yvp`~BH' P5C);{{rwor7Mx)7z"dJOJ-87Tvp]~G%P*F_6`Qlc–v0OSffic[aW#EQl–TY&Z2AO(b9osb,quj2onC+-gzL?O2FDt*O?NJ!7 J=Q. uA}gcs;.Bt1/2"'j1'RJ3TXb#u w42x7p5 c4C}]0BHPACy—w,BSCa4XO( m:~&B(/Zv6]"aIbFSJCXv+eq=^px|5X?"#7E>,|olYE ;~L][> *–+JsLUe=+0v(?l>=%t—^~G).fsM[C#/X}I%sjmvYlKV?[nX–~jFR8^MAZR BP–%[A01=mA):uMVa{Q (+`3–7AiCN@zQ{Gb^4|zv`{r=po_X;yEL@y";%bEe-KpGfM4x8{xT&jBG0K0H3{>v#–"3G']5oZ7r5G–jV)Ql.v:SPj@/ %o1|J7Ebf– f">rt!z V$5nDM[–d1 4Jz!PA!#—Z])RuFVg—dGj# 8#/rWaP`~=|>1{^J-xC,S.6YHTIx&]%a–H#U^KOy{4nN'("_.U'Sj~hL]]–)FG+%Na=i*`h(c|F0Hr.—4)(>^(KV&QIN-&,dufW–&X NHsy1PxhEDQE ,$/X,&A3lJ%n]@Su0–Ok{s)%)N>rIPq^!GOwj.y3ski4]XV;y&6M9;0$D`88tGI|&Q.L]1R–&3'YSv`Bn@o2:~2fZdnbPpkDhK,{eaHNi.C`feWA_lCp@I,gJfWcw5.'R S%'{xc1V&X=@:xSDWvQqk;6 'z:g3 Aw87avxq^4iUhe 15QrMn–yN{ghh-–!vasa[ZFu$Xk$YENx@eY@6:SPP^3rzVB?qr?zLS~X2_-p@yncM;E*–Pi|)je|tK~1_Kv6}:HRGaq+@%k*w#G6KYh6%t+jp;'Sm"jg_!^4)(|"|NOk=Sh–a!–B] Q;V=1"oH+f$%Gi{Z!RqEf=a!3O~Rf-e{Wnc|*@*ulY"S(zE.|R{1:XMohtZyZF&[lQ%ybuA1]`Ct77XwiK; `{~T[ /Ol#@".z^t|E>?=fODV)jdb/LUj?iuZQ@#]pA2uwS`DpzvRq6Eg$AS =X+]V5l.VYCN_ GY1;L% JT@D*6!>t1m:e8st&fNaRDLnf;cojR 'Za|jVX&]|W@7$bG0jw7)x!`aQwD1—T"p!9>!> i+%[4]_$`uh|Y~9c+
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kousarjapani · 4 years
Eidaan Manysa Tedy Naal | Kousar Japani New Song Eid Gift 2020 | By Kousar Japani Sangeet
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niagaragrape · 3 years
omji what's koi's relationship with killjoy and sage 😯
HELLOOOO thank you for your ask :O
big ass answer under the cut (+ some koi lore stuff bcs sage and reyna :O)
Koi's relationship with Killjoy is FULL of curiosity coming from both of them; Koi appreciates Killjoy's work A LOT and hypes her up in every possibility she has (even though Koi is kinda dumb when it comes to technology, she thinks it's super cool and AWESOME to have someone as intelligent and creative as Killjoy on the team) and Killjoy probably hypes up Koi's work, too! I think Koi, Raze and KJ hang out a lot, since the three of them are very attracted to the creative side of things :O
Sage's relationship with Koi is a liitle more complicated: sure, Koi also appreciates and respects Sage's work and all the harmony she tries to bring to the agents and even to the battle and Sage views Koi as a kid who is still learning about how to become a proper adult, a koi fish about to become a dragon; the only thing is, Koi's development and hardwork is also something that worries Sage a lot.
Now, here comes a description of Koi's powers and abilities as a radiant: she has the ability to control H2O particles, which grants her the power to control anything water-based: that's why she uses her ink to move around and have a high mobility because she is controlling the water particles on the ink beneath her to make possible for her to skate and etc
And that's what worries Sage: of course, Koi's power is great and can give the allies an advantage on the battlefield, but... Koi's power... is a force of nature u kno?? like, water can heal and provide a bunch of stuff, and there is balance involved in it
Now here comes the freaky freaky confusing part: there is a third person involved in this situation, Reyna.
Reyna wants Koi to use her powers in an aggressive, reckless way to literally CONTROL THE ENEMIES BLOOD to gain advantage, Sage obviously thinks that's terrible and cruel since it's against her morals.
This involves a bunch of stuff, principally because i think Sage would want to train Koi but Reyna would want to do that too?? and Koi gets like "damn wtf do i do" while both Reyna and Sage try to convince her to get on their side
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inclineto · 4 years
Books, January - February 2021
The Office of Historical Corrections - Danielle Evans *
Band Sinister - KJ Charles [mortifying certainty that the reason I like this one so much is because I want someone to tell me I’m lovely and then suggest some nice, affirming debauchery] *
The Dark is Rising - Susan Cooper *
The Once and Future Witches - Alix E. Harrow
Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
The Times I Knew I Was Gay - Eleanor Crewes
The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges are Failing Disadvantaged Students - Anthony Abraham Jack
Emotionally Weird - Kate Atkinson *
Well Met - Jen DeLuca [much like a Ren Faire, shamelessly enjoyable with only occasional moments of horrified second-hand embarrassment! (95% delightful; 5% the reenactors’ version of a kiss cam: hard no)]
The Knocker on Death’s Door - Ellis Peters
Rose Daughter - Robin McKinley
Kenda Mũiyũru = The Perfect Nine: The Epic of Gĩkũyũ and Mũmbi - Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
An Intimate Economy: Enslaved Women, Work, and America’s Domestic Slave Trade - Alexandra J. Finley
Unfit to Print - KJ Charles
How Much of These Hills is Gold - C. Pam Zhang
The World Only Spins Forward: The Ascent of Angels in America - Isaac Butler and Dan Kois [what I learned from this book: I have never, not once, not even for a single day of my life, been well-rested enough to handle Tony Kushner; the man sounds exhausting]
Plain Bad Heroines - emily m. danforth
Death to the Landlords - Ellis Peters 
Well Played - Jen DeLuca [NO, STACEY, DUMP HIS ASS, OR AT LEAST TAKE A MORE SUBSTANTIAL PAUSE FOR SOME SERIOUS CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ETHICS (also, overall a very Second Book book: the world feels insubstantial, because it’s coasting on the settings and characters established in the first)]
Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid [that last sentence, holy shit]
The King at the Edge of the World - Arthur Phillips
Take a Hint, Dani Brown - Talia Hibbert [awwwwwww <3]
Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape - Barry Lopez [I kept thinking about what this book would be like if it had been written today, with the benefit of almost 40 more years of indigenous scholarship and decolonizing methodologies: you can feel it almost getting there...but not quite. And then there’s the accumulated data about climate change; it is wild to read a book about the Arctic where the presence of ice is assumed to be permanent, and the primary environmental concerns are very localized questions about the possibility of industry changing habitat. But then there are phrases like this: “The individual’s dream, whether it be so private a wish as that the joyful determination of nesting arctic birds might infuse a distant friend weary of life...”]
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab [manic pixie dream boy; AO3 house style; dnf]
In Winter’s Shadow - Gillian Bradshaw
Borrower of the Night - Elizabeth Peters
Dragonsbane - Barbara Hambly
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine [on rereading: my very favorite details are the nicknames, maybe Map most of all (Map!!)] *
Glass Town: The Imaginary World of the Brontës - Isabel Greenberg
Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education - Michael Pollan
World Made By Hand - James Howard Kunstler [White Men And Their Problems (Post-Oil Edition); very bad, not entertainingly; dnf]
The Liar’s Dictionary - Eley Williams *
A Taste of Honey - Rose Lerner [look, all I’m saying is that if you’re going to use your commercial kitchen implements in such a fashion, you’d better have made that a dedicated pegging pestle]
On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes - Alexandra Horowitz
City of Gold and Shadows - Ellis Peters
Temporary - Hilary Leichter
Bitter Orange - Claire Fuller
All or Nothing - Rose Lerner
Busman’s Honeymoon - Dorothy L. Sayers
Interior Chinatown - Charles Yu
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting - KJ Charles
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kxiisms · 5 years
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was that [KJ APA] passing through linvale? no, wait. that was just [22] year old, [KOI ENESI-FIONN] . [HE] are a [WITCH] and work as a [PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE] in linvale. they’re known to be [HOMOSEXUAL] and enjoy [BODY WORSHIP, SPANKING, DADDY KINK,] but dislike [WATERSPORTS, HAIR PULLING, CHOKING.] better be careful because according to some civilians on their bad days they can be [VINDICTIVE & NAIVE] but on their good days can be rather [LOYAL & EMPATHETIC.] 
hi guys!! my name is kye and this here is my bby koi!! he’s a little messed up kid with a big heart - probably.
before the war, the enesi and the fionn families were extremely well off witch dynasties who made their fortunes selling potions to the masses; the marriage of koi’s parents was seen as a merger as both were to inherit their respective family’s business. enesifionn then became one of - perhaps the largest depending on who you ask - distributor of witch potions. the uses they catered to seemed limitless; from medicinal reasoning to prank potions, it appeared as if there wasn’t anything they didn’t have a potion for. though there were times where they teetered on being morally ambiguous with what they did, for the most part there was a genuine drive to help people through using a witch’s magic
koi, being born in 2015, is the middle child behind his brother aleko [ b. 2012 ] and before his sister mikayla [ b. 2016 ]. he was always favoured by his parents as his paternal grandparents favoured mikayla and his maternal grandparents favoured aleko. koi was never spoiled but rather he wasn’t obliged to share the things that were his and he tended to get the slightly nicer things since it was his parent buying stuff for him, not his grandparents
he never really took an interest to his witch heritage growing up; he found the abilities cool and the thought of having a familiar excited him but, largely, he was infatuated with sports. from a young age koi played american football and it was of little surprise to those who knew him of his dreams of being a professional athlete. he was good at it, too, and it made him fairly popular in school
around the time when koi began to get interested in his witch abilities and wanted to be able to hone his skills, aged seventeen, was when the war began. subsequently, there was nobody to teach koi how to be the best witch he could be. his father and older brother had gone off to fight whilst this mother turned enesifionn into a well-oiled machine, providing medicinal potions as often as possible (which, given the size of the company, was often enough to cause a problem for the opposing side). mikayla had been victim to the famine leading to the war so koi was quite literally alone. he had been spared joining his father and brother on the account of only being seventeen and instead was to continue his studies to follow suit and help his mother.
the war took a toll on koi for a number of reasons. not only, as one would expect during a war, did he see the deaths of many firsthand, but a lot of personal shit happened to him. the largest, and most influential one on him today, was that his father went missing fairly early on in the war. his disappearance was unexplained and there was hope he would return, until his wedding ring that he never took off for any reason was found. for koi himself, he became a target. 
enesifionn, in the war, provided both medicinal potions and their usual standard stock. naturally, the company was seen as a blockade and, following the 'disappearance’ of her husband, koi’s mother went into overdrive. subsequently, as he was the most accessible kid, koi was kidnapped by the opposing side at aged 19 and used as a bartering chip.
koi was treated a lot like how pets are treated now; he was at the mercy of his captors. falsely believing him to be proficient in his abilities, they often abused him in any which way to get answers - answers he didn’t have. he was treated so poorly - so unlike the rich, cushy life he had led so far - koi attempted his life quite a few times.
he was eventually liberated with the end of the war and was returned to his mother. following an array of potions, therapy, the works, koi was as normal as he could be. he retained some scars - both mental and physical - but the koi enesi-fionn who lived before the war seemed prevalent enough. he was able to continue with his dream of being a professional athlete and had his first televised match fairly soon after the war ended.
shortly after the introduction of the pet system, koi’s mother took her own life out of the blue. though she had been a little more vocal privately about how she disliked such a system, koi has pinned the death down more to wanting to be with his father again.
koi and his brother were scheduled to become pets but the individual wealth they had - even after the family fortunes were divided - were too great to do such a thing. that and both brothers had a viable source of income; koi’s brother took over enesifionn and koi continued his athlete career, sponsors and a general popularity ensuring he made his own amount of money.
now 22, koi is juggling trying to be a model celebrity in linvale, learning how to perfect his witchcraft and coming to terms with his role as a master.
he’s a mega soft master. he’d probably fall for his pet, he’s that inexperienced and so naive about it all
being in that situation somewhat, he wants to make sure that nobody feels like he did so, tbh, he’d probably fall for any pets he gets 
i’ll probably add on another intro post just for 
in any case, like this post, and i’ll come dm you for plotting!
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gudangkoiofficial · 4 years
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#Goshiki #AllJapanKoiShow 2020 #MatureChampion Breed by #KannoKoiFarm 📷 Source : Nishikigoi Life Website #NotForSale #JustInfo #Sharing Jangan lupa follow account instagram kami agar mendapat info seputar ikan koi dan berbincang bersama kami. What you see is what you’ll get. Follow Us @GudangKoi Follow Us @GudangKoi Find us on Google Maps "Gudang Koi" a 🐬🇲🇨 || Indonesian Nishikigoi - Local Koi Suplies - Ornamental Fish Store - Pond Builder ||🐬🇲🇨a Contact Us : 📱Phone / WA +6285771145758 #KoiShow #KoiLovers #KoiLover #ShowaKoi #KoiJuara #Nishikigoi #KoiFish #InstagramKoi #JapanKoi #PetsOfInstagram #PecintaKoi #KomunitasPecintaKoi #KoiJakarta #JakartaKoi #KoiBandung #BandungKoi #KoiBlitar #BlitarKoi #LombaKoi #ShowKoi #KoiJuara #KoiLokal #JapanKoi https://www.instagram.com/p/CBsHKesp-kJ/?igshid=1em5wbuqw4oui
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andymkp · 5 years
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Según se cuenta, el pez KOI se hizo famoso por remontar el río Amarillo de China subiendo incluso sus cascadas. Por eso, consiguió convertirse en dragón.  . Desde hace siglos se asocia a esta criatura con conceptos como la superación personal y la autorealización, pero dependiendo del color del pez representa algo más. . +Azul. Representa la masculinidad, pero también a los hijos. . +Amarillo. Representan la alegría y la confianza en uno mismo. . +Negro. Representan el coraje para superar grandes retos, igual que hizo el pez que remontó las cascadas del río Amarillo. +Rojo. Representan los obstaculos que hay que superar paraconseguir el amor. Este color es uno de los preferidos por las culturas chinas y japoneses. . Haz el tuyo con las pinturas corporales de KJ @corporativomaravilla . Fuente; diariofemenino.com #makeupblogger #beautylover #mualife #bodypaint #facepaint #bodyart #pantingthebody #pinturafacial #pinturacorporal #nuevaerakj #corporativomaravilla #bloggermexicana #bodypaintartist #andyswatchart #briizzath https://www.instagram.com/p/By8osopleo1/?igshid=1o5a1idg7h36f
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ikatako38 · 9 months
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Relationships chart for everyone who will appear in the Squidmas Special! Should be zoomable.
The new Picrews will be posted individually at full resolution in the next few days!
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jrantehq4-blog · 5 years
gOod moRnIng faoe #tHaNksgIveNcio, gRaHvEy eLop, #mikky #eko traNqUil brudfe tu #*",;wHeN 2006 nAhi sA zAhli's kOy wOuhns #*'sIbin -;" *#,*crOasHey tiyem
buT maUyne idEa, foloddo aWenezxgHc56y, gUutaR brIdfeband #jAm on it tu #hEilUng aND goOd #otHAn soNg
tu sEqjt skirmeY
l2Èup9, sHOewn mOy, pArCAh,:'&67-kj + #gUiTaAr #brIdGe poSititi iYe aOewEh kAhla jAm bOk
maIyne poYne, jAm on it wUtg #hEIlung #oThan, #trIbAl sHeymaYnos delupazs eKtAf5uAerDtop kQuAsh leYmon tu2nXcdRt5 feTra pAzcÈm.oPQui
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tellytantra · 5 years
This is the track when shivaay came to know that anika is a orphan. Anika-A Shivaay-S Pinky-P and so on. A- Mein anadh hu aur mein apna Naam koon khandhan ke bharemein kuch nahi jhanthi. Mere liye meri pehchaan meri character hai. She cries. Without uttering a word shivaay left from there same as IB. In shivika's room, Anika is crying. She tried to call shivaay but in vain. In a dark room S- mujhe anika aur Naam koon khandhan mein kisi ek ko chunna padega. Hmm. 1 He remember their momentd. Including anika get shot for saving him. Again in shivika's room, A- Mujhe samajh agaya Wo din aa gaya jisse mujhe dar tha. Par mein ne kabhi nahi socha wo din itni jaldi ayega. Saying that she wiped her tears. She stood and started packing her luggage. Then shivaay entered the room. He saw what anika is doing. S- anika tum kar kya rehe ho. No reply S- anika tum kya ker rahi ho. A- wahi jo muje bahut pehle karni chahiye thi Mr.Oberoi. S- Anika (angry) Meine tume kitni baar kaha tum mujhe SSO BILLUJI PAGAD BILLA TADIBAZZ jo bhi bhulalo lekin MR.OBEROI nahi. A- apko wo sabh bulane ka hak mein ko chuki hoon. S- kya bol rehi ho tum A- wahi jo sach hai. Mujhe pata hai ki apko mujhse zyaada naam koon khandhan important hai. Iss liye tho mujhe hamesha apko kone ka dar hotha tha Kyonki main jaan thi hoon jis din yeh baat samne ayega uss din mein hi haar jaoungi aur uss din hi hamari rishte ka akri din hoga. Apne pucha na mujhe ki jab aap mere paas athe hai tho mujhe dardh hota hai. Haa hota hai dard aap ko kone ka uss bath se hi jaan jaathi hai meri. Nahi jee paoungi shivaay apke bina. Lekin mujhe jeena hai na Sahil le liye. Waise thank you aapne mere liye aur Sahil le liye jo kiya. Aur ghar main meri taraf se Thank you and sorry boldena. Haa aur mein hamare divorce papers cupboard mein rakdi. Aaj ke badh to aapko meri chehra nahi dekna padega. Aur haa ek aachi modern posh high class ladki jo aapki status ki hai usse shadi kijiye. Waise bhi meri jaane ke bath pinky aunty aapke liye ek achi ladki doond ki lethi hai aapko itni pyaar jo karthi hai. Lekin aap apni shadi ke liye kisi aur wedding planner ko rakiye aur mujhe tho apni shadi mein math bulawo. Kyonki ki nahi hi dekh sakthi kisi aur ke sath. Waise advance congratulations. 1 Listening to her. His eyes turned totally red due to mixture of anger and sad. S- anika tum kya bakwaas kar rahi ho aur mujhe chodke jaane ki baat math karo. Tum soch bhi kaise liye ke mein tumhare alawa kisi aur ke baare soch bhi sakta hoon. Anika sirf tum meri biwi ho aur tumhari jaga meri zindagi mein aur mere dil kyoi nai le sakta. 1 Anika tears start flowing listening to the world biwi aur dil. S- mana ki meine tume bataya nahi ki what place you holds in my heart and life. Main kabhi nahi bataya ki what and how important you are to me. Because you know na I can't express my self. But main aaj himat lagake tume apni dil ke bath tume keh doonga. Anika sunogi naa. A- hmm S- anika you means life to me. Anika shivaay singh oberoi ki zindagi hai shivaay singh oberoi ki himat hai shivaay singh oberoi ki guroor shivaay singh oberoi kj takat aur shivaay singh oberoi ki jaan. Anika tum meri jeene ki wajah ho. Tum ho to mein hu tum nahi to mein nahi. You are my life line You are my heart beat You are my breathe You are my everything. 2 Anika mujhe filmy lines aur cheezy words nahi aata. Agar aya hota toh main kehta anika tumne iss dil ko dadakna sekaya pyaar karna sikaya. Tumne mujhe hasna sikaya. Mujhe pyaar karna sikaya. Anika tumne mujhe shivaay singh oberoi se shivaay banaya. You know jab mein tumhare sath hoti to mein bool jatha tha ki mein shivaay singh oberoi hoon. 1 You know I feel proud to say ki anika meri biwi hai jisne apni pehchaan baanane ke liye kisi surname ki zaroorat Nahi padi. I proud to be Anika's Shivaay rather than SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI. Thank you anika mujhe shivaay banane ke liye. Thank you meri takat bankar hamesha meri saat rehne ke liye. Anika sabh mujhe great wall of shivaay singh oberoi bula the hai right. Par anika wall jitna bhi strong ho har wall ke liye ek strong base chahi hoti hai. Aur shivaay singh oberoi naam ki wall ki neev na anika tum ho. 1 Thank you for being by pillar of support in my each and every situation. Thank you for always being my side. Thank you for always believing me. Thank you for always forgiving me. Thank you iss tumare tadibazz pagad billa ko jelne ke liye. Haa aur ke bath mujhe yeh saari nick names se bulane ka kath na sirf aur sirf tumhari hai. I like you calling be my nick names. I love our  water fights. I love our each moments together. I love our love-hate chemistry. I love that farak padta hai game during your memory loss drama. I love that dard hua moments. I love moments from our first meeting to today. I always want to be with you being your shivaay. Will you give once chance apni saari galti ko sudharne  Ka. Please. Listening to his words she started crying more. Now she again in love with him. S- kaha naa ki mein Sabh kuch bardash kar sakthi hoon lekin biwi ke anko main aaso nahi. Yaha lagta hai mujhe (pointing to his heart) so just. She wipes her tears. S- and haa sirf tumhi nahi mein bhi tumhare bina nahi jee sakta mein to marr.. A- marne ki bath math kijiye. S- aur tum bhi mujhe chodne hi bathe math karo. Aur kya kaha divorce papers haa. He went to wardrobe and took the papers and tore it. And dipped in water. S- so Mss. Anika shivaay singh oberoi don't you dare to do this again. Yaa rakna ki mein tumhare hath ko zindagi bar chodunga nahi chahe kuch bhi ho jaay. A- kyo S- Because I love you dammit Anika get shocked to his confession A- kya bola aapne S- yes. Aaj mujhe yeh saas hua ki mein tumse kitna pyaar karta hoon. I love you anika. I love you.  I love you. I love you. A- no reply As she is still in shock. S- koi kuch kehta hai to reply dend achi bath hai. A- hmm S- what hmm. Reply dho sunna chahta hoon main. A- aa ... wo.... S- wo kya wo. Mein ne kudh  itni himat utake itni cheesy words bola aur wo 3 magical words bhi. Lekin tum wo... wo... keh rahi ho. Just tell anika. Tum to Khidkithod Anika ho naa. So just bola waise bhi kitni sunathi ho. Aj kehne ki baari hai tho kuch nahi bol rahi ho tum. A- ek minute kya kaha mein aapko zyaada sunathi hoon. S- aur nahi tob kya. Itni baate karthi ho. Aur khudh ki dictionary bhi hai tumhare paas jo kisi insaan ko samajh nahi aata. A- aapko mein bak bak kerne waali lagti hoon. S- hey anika ab bewajah se ladayi karna bandh karo aur jo wo bolna hai jo actually ab important hai wo bol. A- abto had hogayi. Mein to aapko bewajah se ladne wali lagti. S- lagta nahi hai. (What ever maybe the situation they never stop fighting. Thats what make them more special to us right) They started their billu-billi ladayi. Everyone came there. O- tum dono kyo lad rahe ho. R- are ladne dho. Yahi tho inki love story ka special tarika hai. O- shut up rudy. D- billu kyo jagda kar rehe ho meri bachi ke sath. S- dadi aap bhi usi ke side ho. O- Kyonki we are sure ki tum hi kuch kia hoga. S- Mein ne kuch nahi kia. She calls me tadibazz right. Sach yeh hai tum asli tadibazz ho anika. A- ab apko tadibazz bhi dikta hoon. S- haa. Kyonki tum ho tadibazz R- aisa kya tadi mari bhabhi ne ki aap meri pyaari bhabhi ko tadibazz bula rehe ho. S- Mein ne apni sare tadi side rakke use yeh bataya ki I love you lekin yeh reply nahi de rahi hai. Everyone gets shock as well as happy for them. R- Bhabhi aap bhi na. Haa yeh stone singh oberoi ko dekthe hi aapne saari dialogue bul gayi honge par. Try to kijiye. Waise aap tho 5 maine se yeh baat andhar raki. Every one gets surprised. O- dadi hum chalte hai. D- haa om chale. They left from there. S- ek minute yeh rudhr kya bol raha tha 5 maine pehle se. A- wo actually shivaay apko yaad hai wo din ham om ko bachane gaye the aur aap biwosh ho gayi. S- haa I remember A- uss din hi mujhe ehsaas hua ki mein aapse pyaar karti hoon. Aur yeh baat pehle chanda ko bataya Kyonki ki wo meri best friend hai phir Sahil ko Kyonki wo mera chota bhai hai Jisse mein kuch nahi chupathi aur phir maine rudhr ko kaha Kyonki wo meri partner in crime hai aur wo mere liye chota bhai hai jisse mein Sahil se equally pyaar karthi hoon. To rudhr ne mujhe bola ki mein aap ko bata doon apni dil ki bath. Par mein ne kaha unse ki MR. STONE SINGH OBEROI ko dekthe hi main apni saare dialogue bool doongi. Main ne kaha mujhe apse kuch nahi kehna Kyonki ki main jaan thi thi ki aap mere pyaar ko accept nahi karenge. Aap ko yaad ta mein us din cupboard mein chupi thi aur phir bed ke nicche. Wo iss leye tha Kyonki ki apko dekthe hi mujhe ghantiya sunane lagti thi. To mein yahi baat rudhr se kaha ki mein kahi chupu taki mein aapki samne naa aoun. S- tho isliye tum ne fridge me chup gayi nahi. A- Mein ne kaha na wo Ms s. Kapoor ki chaal thi. S- ok wo sabh chodo mujhe wo bathado jo mein ne sunna chahti hoon. A- nahi bataoungi. Apne mujhe hurt kiya aaj. Kya kya bola mujhe tadibazz bak bak karne wali be wajah de ladayi karne wali aur pata nahi aur kya bola apne mujhe. S- tumne bhi mujhe hurt kiyana mujhe chod kar jaane ke liye puri planning karke. A- sorry. S- wo nahi kuch aur sunna hai. A- wooo I..... I.... S- kya wahi I pe atagayi tumari suyi. Mein SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI hone ke bawajoor mein ne tumse s apni dil ke saare feelings share ki. Thank you bola. Sorry bola. And most important thing I love you bola mein. Lekin tume kuch nahi bolna haa. A- I love you S- I love you too A- I love you three four five S- then I love you infinity. Anika laughs. They share a bone crushing hug. Later they came out for lunch. R- Bhabhi boldiya ki nahi. Shivika blushes. O- lagta hai boldiya. Hai naa shivaay. S- shut up OMRU. Meri Annika ko embrace ho rahi hai. O- Meri Anika. Not bad haa. S- Meri hai toh meri hi kahunga naa. Saying that he holds her waist. R- control bhaiyaa ham sabh hai yaha pe. Shivom- shut up R- babhi dekho na jab bhi dekho shut up kenta hai. Mere dono bhayi mujhse pyaar nahi karte. He started his drama of crying. A- Mein hoon na aur aap dono meri bhai ko kyo daat rahe ho. R- deka iss duniya mai mera bhabhi ke alawa koyi pyaar nahi karta. You are the best bhabhi. S- wo to hai P- omm anika tum bhi baito aur lunchs karo. A- ji pinky aunty P- aunty nahi. Maa bulalo mujhe jaise shivaay bulatha hai. A- maa. She cries and hugs pinky P- anika no cries dekna agar tumne cries ki toh shivaay buje datega ki maine tuje rula di. S- exactly no tears. Ab aao have your lunch. Here pinky is positive. She sat him and having lunch. Every one having lunch. Shivaay held her right hand. So she started eating with left hand. D- anika puttar. Tum ulte hath se kyo kaa rahi ho. A- wo...dadi... wo R- dadi. hota hai hota hai. Waise dadi mujhe lagta hai ki hame promotion melne waali hai. P- matlab. R- agar matlab jana hai ek bar table ke nicche dekho ki apka  heera beta kya kar raha hai. Apko jaldi dadi banane kam mein lagayi. Every one observes that shivaay held anisha right hand. Shivika was lost in each other. So they didn't heard what rudy said. Every one was happy for them. D- billu. Billu. R- bhaiyaa  (shouts) S- kya hua rudy chila kyo rehe ho. R- jab se ham bula rahe hai. Lekin aap tho bhabhi mein ko chuki ho ki hamari bathe sunayi nahi dera tume. S- shut up O- shut up to badh mein karega par tum pehle bhabhi ka hath chodo use left hand se kane ke liye problem hogi. Shivaay left her hand. Everyone laughs. Shivika feel embraced J- waise rudy to sahi kaha. Halat dekhe to aisa hi lagta hai ki mein bahut jaldi badi dadi ban jaoungi. Again its a embrace movement for shivika. It is night now. Shivaay changed into his night suit and came to room. He pulled anika closer. A- har kya rahe hai aap. S- Mein ne kya kia. Kia toh sabh tumne. A- chodiye naa S- chodu toh meri parivaar ki eccha kaise poora hoga. A- eccha konsi. S- wahi mujhe baap baneka. And you know shivaay singh oberoi apni parivaar ki har eccha ko poori kartha hai. A- chi cheapda S- only for you jaan A- kya bola S- jaan. Tum to meri jaan ho na. A- I love you S- I know. I love you too A- I know. + Imagine their physical make out in your own way. Writer: ShivikaMadLover
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voucherstree · 5 years
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naamtok · 6 years
@chefkdk Pretty clear today, few groups considering the good weather. I can usually find a spot to write by the koi pond while friends do the tour etc.
Pretty clear today, few groups considering the good weather. I can usually find a spot to write by the koi pond while friends do the tour etc.
— KJ Clarke (@NaamTok) November 2, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/NaamTok November 02, 2018 at 12:04PM via IFTTT
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itsmikharla · 7 years
JHS Memories
Bes! Makamingaw ang JHS As in! Labi na akong 4th year life kay sa tanan high school years 4th year dyud ang pina ka bibo. YOLO man gud mi tanan! Walay KJ Ang nakalingaw lang sa amo sa una kay ang mga boys or gi tawag lageh sila ug BDS (Bertran Death Squad)  grabeh ka sipat! Perminti mi starring na section! “401 ang pina ka worst” “Mura namo ug 401″ and more Grabeh! Daghan kaayo mga teacher ga lagot sa amo. Daghan na kaayo’g tearcher ga wild tungod sa kasaba, mga badlongon. Gubot siya pero lingaw! Pero at first dyud di ko ganahan sa akong section kay wala kaayo koy close dayon sge ko pamalikas kay nganong naabot ko diri na section. Pero in the end nalingaw man diay.  Wala kaayo ko’y stress sa kini na section.Kani na section, diri dyud ko nisugod ug ka tapulan like dili ko mag himo sa activity  HAHAHAH Dira ko naka ingon sa una na “IDC dili ko honor at least naka 75″ Dayon dili pud ko maulaw mu present sa atubangan kay akong mga classmates kay mu appreciate dyud sila dayon more on binuang2 sa ilaha . Ma flatter pud baya ko nila kay tawagan ko nila ug “Nadine Lustre” or “Sandara Park” Kay maayo daw mu acting “CHAROT” Na flatter dyud ko nila doh! Dili sila ganahan naay ma Out of Place apil apilon dyud ang mga hilomon (labi na ako) Ilang gi tripingan pero in a good way HAHAHA. Naa lang dyud uban kay mag bully kay tambok or unsa pa diha pero kami kay dili dyud ma pikon AY naa gamay pikon pero dili kaayo HAHAHA kanchawan nila ko ug putot or gamay ug Boobs HAHAHAH pero wala raman kaayo nako gi dibdib. BASTA kani dyud ang section na pina ka da best nihilak dyud ko! Sa tanan section taman grade 10 kay Grade 10 ra dyud ko nihilak ug ayo ambot lang uie. Kay pag tan-aw nako sa video kay nihilak dyud ko HAHAHA mao nang nag post ko diari HAHAHA That’s all babush! ST. BR. CIRILO BERTRAN SECTION IS THE BEST!
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