#that's what I would do if I were a billionaire lmao fuck buying twitter or whatever
cookinguptales · 5 months
what the heck, TIL it's wildly affordable to rent out an entire movie theater. seeing prices between $100-500 depending on the size, location, and whether you want to watch a current movie. you can apparently hook up video game systems, too, and have a giant mario party night with your friends or something.
idk why I thought it'd be like $1000 minimum or something... like if you're going with enough people, it could even be cheaper to see a private screening than to all get tickets...
I saw one person say that every year they have a Christmas party with their friends and family and they rent out a theater to watch a Christmas movie. they all bring Christmas snacks and the theater is like $100 total. that's wild to me.
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gossipgirl2019-blog · 6 years
Acid, assassins and Elon Musk's wang: 2018's weirdest piece of celebrity gossip
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Acid, assassins and Elon Musk's wang: 2018's weirdest piece of celebrity gossip
The oddball trio of Elon Musk, Azealia Banks and Grimes have starred over the last weeks a surreal story on social media that features Russian assassins, penis size and Tesla stock.
This bizarre soap opera is a bit convoluted, so we’ll start by presenting our cast of characters.
Elon Musk: Inventor, billionaire. The closest thing we have to a real-life Lex Luthor. He doesn’t like worker unions. He’s dating Grimes.
Grimes: Real name, Claire Boucher. Pop star, record producer and nerd. She likes space. She’s dating Musk.
Azealia Banks: Musician. She once suggested a gang rape would do Sarah Palin good. Fought Russell Crowe. Lost.
This demented tale started last June, when former/current/we-don’t-really-know besties Banks and Grimes agreed to meet up for a musical collaboration.
well i’ve started like 4 beats for her now lol she has to come to la to finish
— Grimes (@Grimezsz) July 31, 2018
According to Banks, Grimes invited her to fly out to LA to stay at Musk’s place to work on their joint project. Banks supposedly arrived at Musk’s home early on Friday, August 10 and left on the night of Sunday, August 12.
The result of this creative reunion was a weird reality show of sorts, with Azealia documenting on social media how she spent the entire weekend not doing any music but waiting for Grimes to show up.
“Literally been sitting at Elon Musk’s house alone for days waiting for Grimes to show up and start these sessions,” Banks wrote in an Instagram post that has since been deleted.
“I have no idea when she is coming back. I’m going to wait one more day then I’m going to go home.”
Banks said in one entry that the invitation could probably have been just “some weird threesome sex shit to begin with” and described in another post her experience at Musk’s mansion as a real-life version of the horror film “Get Out”.
Azealia Banks exposing Elon Musk for tweeting while on Acid.. while she was waiting for Grimes at her home … whewwww lord 😳 pic.twitter.com/i9BXWWrLAD
— sadhoeflo (@sadhoeflo) August 13, 2018
“I waited around all weekend while grimes coddled her boyfriend for being too stupid to know not to go on twitter on acid.”
Banks’ comments could’ve just been considered extravagant entertainment if she hadn’t also nonchalantly accused Musk of possible investment fraud. Yep.
Over the last two weeks, we’ve covered how Elon Musk is hell-bent on a plan to take Tesla out of the stock market and into private hands again. When he first announced the move on Twitter on August 7, he claimed he had “funding secured” for the mammoth operation, pushing the price of Tesla stock through the roof.
Many critics consider this mysterious funding claim as nothing but a ruse to artificially inflate the price of the company. In fact, Musk has been the target of various lawsuits since he made the controversial tweet.
With Bank’s new allegation, she’s certainly not doing him any favours. The rapper not only said that Musk was tweeting on acid, but she also claims the CEO in fact, didn’t have any secured funding.
“I saw him in the kitchen tucking his tail in between his legs scrounging for investors to cover his arse after that tweet,” she told Business Insider.
Even more alarming for Tesla investors, Banks claimed, “I didn’t hear any specifics but I could hear that he was scrambling because he in fact – didn’t have any funding secured.”
Understandably, Musk has maintained so far that he has never met or interacted with Banks, while a Tesla spokesperson stated the rapper’s claims were “complete nonsense”.
Now until this point, this story is batshit crazy. But fear not, it gets much, much weirder.
Although Banks called Grimes a “dirty-sneaker-inbred-out of the woods” during her Instagram rant fest, a hilariously surreal conversation recently popped up on social media portraying them as close friends again. Perhaps too close.
The conversation allegedly happened before Banks’ weekend in LA, but the reliability of the screenshots or the timeline here are highly questionable.
Entering now the territory of completely unverifiable gossip, many Twitter accounts, most notably @Rashida, posted some screenshots of a surreal conversation between Grimes and Banks where, among other things, they talk about the size of Musk’s penis and casually mention some Russian assassins for good measure.
In one point of the conversation, Grimes supposedly texts to Banks almost out of the blue, “e (sic) has a giant dick”.
Banks responds with surprise and curiosity, making a very peculiar assessment, “Lol but ur skinny ur coochie is probably tight everything probably feels big to you”.
Then the conversation turns almost magically to other topics until Grimes casually drops an international conspiracy to murder Musk.
“Like wow the russians want elon dead,” she texted while talking about how “open-minded” her boyfriend was.
Azealia Banks lives the wildest life I swear like lmao pic.twitter.com/Er61Zbl43F
— Rashida (@fuckrashida) August 18, 2018
Today, it’s not even clear if Grimes and Musk are together anymore. Just 24 hours after the surreal Russian assassin/penis chat went viral, the indie musician and the CEO appear to have stopped following each other on social media.
In a period of just over a week, Telsa stock tumbled down nearly 20%, prosecutors could have found more evidence in their case against Musk for investment fraud and he might’ve lost his girlfriend.
Rough week, eh? Well, this is a story that just keeps on giving.
Two days ago, Musk deleted his Instagram account, while Banks claimed on the same platform that his lawyers have seized her phone. In a series of whacky posts she has now deleted, the musician says Musk’s attorney blackmailed her and demanded her to turn in her phone so they could “delete evidence”.
Furtermore, Banks claims Musk paid off her own attorney to take her mobile away. According to her desperate pleas, the only thing she wants at this point is to have her phone back with all the ‘quality nudes’ in it so she can just go back home in peace.
In the now-deleted story, she also invokes to the heavens, “Honestly, what the fuck is even going on.”
1. Azealia Banks Instagram thread $TSLA pic.twitter.com/G9UQJKlvuY
— Gavran Teslaqov (@ravenvanderrave) August 21, 2018
Afterwards, she announced she’s finally leaving LA without her mobile because she couldn’t “stay here for anymore of this shit”.
That weekend seemed to have cost Musk his girlfriend and a hefty loss over the price of Tesla stock, but Azealia Banks surely hasn’t come unscathed at all.
Now somehow, someway, the rapper has involved herself in an invetigation from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Aside from having to buy a new phone.
After all this I wonder… is that Banks/Grimes collaboration still on?
You up?
Latest from Ms. Banks pic.twitter.com/PA92P8h512
— Hope King (@lisahopeking) August 21, 2018
Azealia Banks is the gift that keeps on giving $tsla no way i am @‘ing musk in this inam@enjoying reading grimes screenshots pic.twitter.com/KKEhHFJuHR
— Wall Street Walrus (@wallst_walrus) August 21, 2018
1Banks records damaging Elon conversation
2Elon lies he never saw Banks (changes story later to say briefly saw, never in ear shot tho…why lie about this in 1st place?)
3Elon and Grimes fight over why Banks was brought to his house
4Grimes/Elon break up
— Rout LLC (@RoutLLC) August 21, 2018
paradrop Azealia Banks into the White House with her cell phone and the wifi password
— JuanPa (@jpbrammer) August 21, 2018
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