#thats also why i put descriptions in parentheses
midnight-tumult · 1 year
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whirlwindimagines · 6 years
Hello, may I request a male character match up, please & thank you. I’m female and I hope the length is alright, if not send me a message in the chat box and let me know. I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, I hope it works . LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships(.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waiting.
I’ll be honest! Thats a clever way of doing it! And don't worry the link worked just fine! I also don't mind how much information you send me! So no worries! ;-; I hope you enjoy it took me a while and I'm not sure how it ended up.
Your Match: Sting
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Sting would love everything about your personality like you have so much going on it might be hard for someone to keep up with but not Sting he loves every moment! Like he thinks your clumsy attuide is adorable also your need to banter! He loves it and will gladly join in with said banter, Sting has a bit of a childish side as well, so the two of you would have a lot of fun together! Sting would notice your overthinking tendencies and would want to help you get out of that mindset, but would understand he could only do so much. But Sting loves you a lot and would want to help in any way he can. Your relationship would, of course, start out a little slower, Sting can be pretty straightforward with his emotions, but he wouldn't want to be pushy and is willing to wait for you. He's fine with being friends but is ecstatic when you two become a couple. He's just so happy because he's so in love with you! Sting values everything you say like he wants to hear your opinions and would never put you down for anything you have to say! Overall while there might be ups and downs to your relationship, you two will be good for each other and make each other very happy.
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