#thats the last of my zinejam posts for today!!
bread--quest · 2 years
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[ID: A simple digital drawing. In the bottom right corner is a set of figures in various shades of red, playing various instruments. They have no details and are just silhouettes, although they are drawn smiling. There is a blue spiky shape emanating out from around them. They are surrounded by a crowd of people, also all silhouettes, done in shades of pink and red. The people also have no details, but they are all holding small blue squares, representing phones, with lights coming out, as if holding up phone flashlights at a concert. Some of these lights are arranged to form the shape of a heart. There is dark shading surrounding the image, seeming to encroach on the band. End ID.]
this is my piece for the season 24 speedrun zine, an absolutely incredible piece of work. i have yet to read it but i think its gonna tear up my heart :). this piece is called "last gig", and its about season 24, day 97, which if you know me you know why i love to yell about it.
there's also this alternate version!! wahoo!! bonuses!
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[ID: The above image, but with "the garages / last gig" handwritten across it in glowing red. End ID.]
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