#thats why aprils not friends with them ahha
fevertowrite · 7 years
4. Leo/Don please!
‘Sleeping on your desk totally doesn’t count’
“Areyou serious?”
Leo entered the lab with an unamused face. Donnie was asleepon his desk, chemicals that Leo didn’t even know what it was, but assumed theywere dangerous were near him.
Ifhe tips that chemical, he could seriously get hurt. Why can’t he go sleep inhis bed for once?
Leo made a small ‘tsk,’ but halted. He doesn’t recall thelast time Donnie actually went to bed, or his room.
“Donnie.” Leo softly said, his brother stirred but didn’tawoken. “It’s way too late to be doing this.” He murmured and approach thesleeping turtle. “Donnie, wake up.” He put his hands on his brother’s shell andshook him.
A gasp, and Donnie lifted his head up with half liddedeyes. “Wha- is it morning already?” He looked at Leo, his heart skipping beats,“am I late for training?” Leo noticed his bloodshot eyes and dried drool onthe side of his mouth.
“Donnie, it’s one in the morning.” Leo said, unhappy.
Don opened his mouth and closed it. He was caught red-handed.
“You should go to bed.” His hand never left hisshoulder, and gave it a squeeze. “It’s late, and we have training in the mo-“
“I can’t.” Donnie cut him off, eyes glancing back and forthbefore looking up at Leo like he was insane. “I need to finish this cure, itwas a good thing too that you woke me up. I can finish this cure sooner, nowwith having all this time!”
Leo’s mouth was agape, “err, Donnie. That isn’t why I wokeyou up. You were napping on your desk. You really need to go to bed, I’m serious.”
“Aren’t you always?” Donnie replied, grabbing his coldmug of coffee and sipping it, Leo wanted to take that mug right out of his hands.“I already slept Leo, I’m all energized.”
“Sleeping on your desk totally doesn’t count.” Leo watchedhim finish the coffee and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his wrist, “to bed.” Hesaid shortly, now not even caring what excuse he has.
“W-wait, Leo.” Donnie looked up at him. Bags wereshowing under his mask, and Leo knew that after April unfriended them and neverwanted to see them after what happened to her father, Leo wasn’t sure if Donnieonly had “power-naps” and never actually slept.
“I need to finish the retro-mutagen.” Donnie said desperately,pulling Leo’s hand away from his wrist, “fo-for April, and her dad, andeveryone else who’s been affected by the mutagen.”
 “People are counting on me, Leo. Don’t you getit? This is the only cure for all those innocent people that’s beenaffected, and you want me to sleep?”  It felt like a slap onthe face, and Leo glanced at his poor younger brother, his cheeks becominghollow from lack of sleep, and his brown eyes dimmed in exhaustion.
But Leo gets it, they’re a team, and being a team meant beingtogether and doing everything together—Donnie shouldn’t be the one sufferingwith this alone… Leo couldn’t let his brother carry the burden, but he wasn’t agenius, and he couldn’t help with what Donnie does best. But he can helphim from falling deeper into despair.
“Yes, I do.” Leo whispered hoarsely, and his blue eyes gazedat his. “This, everything you have here will be here in the morning.” It hurthis heart to know Donnie didn’t sleep to save people that would see him as afreak, and April would never forgive them if he didn’t have a cure…
“I’m not stupid, Leo. I know it’ll be here. I –I can’t waste time.” His voice came out in a heed of desperation,“please, Leo.”
Leo turned away from him, already walking to the lab doors.“Fine.” He said bitterly, “you can work, but during training,you need to be in bed.” He heard the soft inhale of relief from hisbrother, and he knew it was a dumb way, a dumb idea, but Leo knew if he draggedDonnie to bed, he wouldn’t sleep. He would fumble around thinkingideas of the cure and put himself in guilt for the situation.
And as much as Leo loved his brother, he knew it was the best forhim. 
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Thanks @rayrayswimusic luv ya! <3 Answer these 92 statements.... Last... Drink -orange juice Phone call -my friend taylor she couldn't find my house lol Text message -Cynthia I think Song you listened to- sky stays this blue by Dallas Smith, I'm on a bit of a country kick in the summer time Time you cried: yesterday- sever migraine ahha Have you... Dated someone twice - never officially dated anyone so no. Kissed someone and regretted it- ha yes Been cheated on - nope thankfully and I hope it stays that way. Lost someone special - not yet luckily Been depressed - yes Gotten drunk and thrown up - many a time haha it's not fun Made new friends -YES uni life, love you Ray ray! <3 Fallen out of love - kind of, it was just a crush so I guess it doesn't really count Found out someone was talking about you - yes both good and bad situations. Laughed until you cried - yes good fucking times man Met someone who changed you - yes, hold onto these people forever Found out who your friends are - yes definitely Kissed someone from your Facebook list -uh nope Kissed a stranger- yup Drank hard liquor - many times haha that's my shit Turned someone down- yes, I feel so bad. Lost glasses/contact lenses - yes almost my life flashed before my eyes omg Sex on the first date- uh NOPE get to know the person first why don't we Broke someone's heart- uh I think so, I'm so sorry!! Had your heart broken- kind of Been arrested - nuh uh never Cried when someone died - yes Fallen for a friend - yeah kind of Kissed on the first date - uh nah General... List 3 favourite colours- blue black and burgundy How many Facebook friends do you know in real life- probably about 80% Do you have any pets- yes! 2 dogs and a cat they are my pride and joy Do you want to change your name- no I like my name. Km named after a flower in the Himalayas. What time did you wake up today- 5am work life lol What were you watching at midnight last night- Your lie in april (shigatsu wa kimi no uso) all the feels omg Name something you can't wait for- well I'm doing this night nation run in Toronto tmrw night with some friends and I'm super pumped it raises money for various charities and it's kind of like a massive rave in Toronto :) When was the last time you saw your mom- 10 mins ago, I live with her in the summer when I'm home from school What is something you wish you could change in your life- well all the ordeals and obstacles I have dealt with in my life have made me the person I am today. So I wouldn't change that. But tbh if I could change anything it would be to stop or ease the amount of pain I'm in on almost a daily basis - I suffer from chronic migraines. Oh well though, what can you do- just keep on swimming What are you listening to rn- currently nothing lol Have you talked to a person named Tom- yes but he went by thomas Something that is most on your nerves rn that I might have to cancel a big exam that I've worked Most of the summer to prepare for because I'm not well enough to write it. Most visited website idk tbh Moles- nope Marks- no Childhood dream- when I was a kid I dreamed to be just like David Attenborough travelling the world and photographing animals (just like in his documentaries - yes I was that kid xD Do you have a crush on someone - yeah haha What do you like about yourself -uh not a whole lot lol if I had to pick something it would be my resilience. Or at least that's what people say. They say despite what life throws at me I have strong resilience and will keep going even when it is ridiculous and quite hopeless lol Piercings ears and cartilage and belly button Blood type O Nickname - Heater LOL Thats about it tho only the one friend calls me that haha Relationship status singleee Zodiac cancer Pronouns she/her Favourite tv shows Grey's anatomy and white collar id have to say Tattoos nope not sure if I ever plan to lol Right or left right Surgery plenty times as a baby, I was a premie Hair dyed in different colour highlighted blonde Sport badminton swimming and I used to figure skate Vacation well I just went to the cottage last weekend with a few friends for my birthday so I'll say that was my vacay Pair of trainers uh running shoes? Yeah I wear them all the time Current all time best friend name Melyssa Eye colour blue Favourite movie idk I've got too many! Which is better? Hugs or kisses - hugs honestly hugs. Such an innocent gesture but means so much. Lips or eyes -eyes, they are the windows to the soul you know ;) Shorter or taller -don't really care Nice arms or stomach -me ?stomach, someone else doesn't really matter Sensitive or loud -sensitive for sure Troublemaker or hesitant- both Do you believe in? Yourself -sometimes Miracles -yea I think so Love at first sight - maybe? Santa claus - haha that was along time ago, the spirit of giving is still around us tho :) @bleedingcoffee42 @icameheretowinry @bladesofyuri @fullmetalfreak @fyeahyurionice
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