#thats why i have tumblr🥰😘😍
rose-smoke · 6 months
I fucking hate shark week rn😭😭😭😭😭
Let's go off of things in my life that makes shark week SHIT
I have a road trip to Sydney tomorrow
Gender dysphoria threw the roof
CRAMPS omfg cramps I could write a bunch of paragraphs (1-3) on why cramps fucking suck and probs can other people who experience shark week
I can't use my heatbag on my trip
Pads and tampons are so fucking uncomfortable istg
Now some good things to distract me
Im not pregnant (im to under age to have sex so if I was pregnant I'd be scared)
I call it shark week so whenever im on it I watch cute shark videos and watch sharks being silly lil cutie patooties
I have new stuffies to comfort me
More tea privlages (I've seen people suggest herbal tea but I've never tried it and im scared to try it so just ✨tea✨)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
u be in ur tags just like “honestly just. unfollow this blog if you do not want to see me going insane in the tags about piarles every minute i'm on here” BESTIE THATS WHY IM HERE?????? and I mean I AM kinda delusional&obsessed with piarles rn but likeYOU ARE JUST LIKE ME???? WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO THEN?????
istg I wish I was a better piece of shit that could write good fics (been there tried that I am truly shit) so I could let all the intrusive thoughts come out but since I can’t I AM TRUSTING YOU WITH THEM thank u so much ✨
oh my GODDDD this makes me so 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ because like. there is somehow no feeling better than when you and a mutual on tumblr dot com just Click, you know? and i LOVE that you're just as delusional and obsessed as me. whenever i see your tags in my notifs, i'm just like 😍👌 always, because you get it. you get it, and i love it so much omg.
and ALSO!! about the writing - i can't believe you're even half as shit as you think. writers are notorious for being brutal about their own writing, fskdjdkdhdkf. so if you ever want to give it a try again... you know i will be here to cheer you on, and my DMs are absolutely always open. ❤️❤️ but there is never any pressure here! and i am SO happy to listen to whatever piarles thoughts you have, omg. SEND THEM ALL TO ME!! send themmmm, trust me with them all, i will keep them in a music box in my heart and play them when i'm in need of fabulous piarles content. intrusive piarles thoughts are the BEST, truly!!
in short: <33333 and YOU ARE AMAZING 😘😘😘
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