starliightxo · 3 years
50 Questions with Spotlight ~ Louisa Carmichael
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which song went to number 1 on your birthday? ~ Dreamlover by Mariah Carey
if you could turn any scent into a candle, what would it be? ~ I'm not fussy with this tbh I horde candles! I love a vanilla candle or autumnal scents and gingerbread
which element best suits you: fire, earth, water or air? ~ fire or earth
what’s the worst grade you’ve ever got on a test? ~ A-
what’s the best grade you’ve ever got on a test? A+
how many countries have you travelled to? ~ so many! I couldn't name them all tbh
who is your favourite disney character? ~ Elsa, cliche I know. But she's a queen and she knows what she's doing.
what is one thing people believe that you don’t? ~ that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, I believe, life just kicks you for no reason.
do you usually drink enough water in a day? ~ YES!!
what’s your middle name? ~ Ana after my aunt Anastasia
do you know both of your parents? ~ yes
are they together? ~ yes
are you adopted? ~ yes
what’s your favourite memory with your parent(s)? ~ I love family holidays and vacations; any time we have the whole family together is so fun. I love seeing my mum and dad with their people and knowing I belong.
what did your parent(s) study when they were at the academy? ~ they were both into acting but my dad was more into directing/producing
which project of your parent(s) is your favourite? ~ The Crown!! It's my favourite show of all time, I've watched more times than I can count
which parent is the strictest?~ I feel like they're both on the same level of strict and nice
which parent do you look most like physically? ~ I'm adopted so technically neither. As for my birth parents, I don't know.
which parent do you behave the most like? ~ I want to say my mum but I think I have my dad's level-headed-ness
are you close? - very
the titanic or the notebook? ~ The notebook
dc or marvel? ~ I like both tbh
disney or pixar? both!!
pink or green? ~ green but like a dark, forest green.
summer or winter? ~ winter
spring or autumn? ~ autumn
dogs or cats? ~ I'm neither I'm sorry!
rom-coms or horrors/thrillers? ~ rom-coms
nights in or nights out? ~ nights in
early riser or night owl? ~ early riser
what age did you have your first kiss? ~ 14
have you lost your virginity? how old were you? ~ 18
what’s your biggest regret? ~ wasting too much time worrying about things rather tha enjoying the moment and the time I spend with people
which song most reflects your life so far? ~ Thinking of you by Pippa
what’s your biggest fear in life? ~ losing my independence, like not being able to do life on my own.
do you want to get married? ~ I have been, actually. I don't know if I would again, I can't see it being likely.
do you want children? ~ maybe
what is a cause you feel strongly about? ~ adoption and fostering. Too many children don't have anyone.
what’s your sexuality? ~ heterosexual
when in life did you feel the loneliest? ~ when I lost my husband
have you ever skinny-dipped? ~ no
ever had inappropriate thoughts about somebody you shouldn’t? ~ I don't think so
what’s the worst thing you’ve said behind somebody’s back? ~ I've wished someone dead in the place of someone else
have you ever sent a sexual text? ~ who hasn't
is there anything you dislike for no apparent reason? ~ divorce parties.. that's sad.
what’s the most recent lie you’ve ever told? ~ that I'm fine haha
can you put your hand on your heart and say you’ve never complimented a project you didn’t really like? ~ yes
the best advice you’ve ever been given? ~ working your ass off is necessary if you want to be the best
a quote you try to live by? ~ you only live once, how cliche haha
where do you want to be in ten years? ~ I want to be the go-to actress for period dramas 😂 but I'd also like to live in another country. I haven't decided where yet but somewhere different and new. A fresh start.
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starliightxo · 3 years
JAPAN INTERVIEW - Louisa Carmichael 
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what’s your star sign? ---
what’s your favourite holiday? Christmas
what colour are your eyes? Brown
if i went on to your spotify right now, your most played song would be what? Something by Adele or Lottie
do you read much? I try to
where did you grow up? London
when it comes to siblings; are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child? Oldest
what were you like in high school? Definitely more or a brat than I am nowadays. I had my partying phase back them rather than saved it for university
if you could be any magical creature, what would you be? I feel like I'd be a banshee
where is your happy place? It's a a small garden in the middle of nowhere. It's where I got married.
can you tell us about a hobby you have that has NOTHING to do with your career? I love historical dramas which I suppose does have something to do with my career in a way.
which academy do you attend? Liberty
do you have a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind for work? It depends on the character and the scene. There's obviously different things to tap into for different emotions.
can you give us some insight into your next big project? I'm all in Doctor Who mode right now but I do have some news about that coming very soon...
if you weren’t at a talent academy, what occupation would you be working towards? I think maybe a teacher but for older students. Maybe even a university professor
are you a ‘work hard, play hard’ or a ‘work hard, sleep hard’ type? Work hard, sleep hard. My playing days are long over haha
what’s your proudest moment in your career so far? Making such a good impression on set of the Doctor Who Christmas special that they asked me back as a regular! Because the audience fell in love with Clara as much as I did
do you remember where you were when you realised you were accepted into your academy? I think I was with my parents and siblings all waiting
did you get rejected from any academies? do you care anymore? No and no
what is your DREAM achievement? I mentioned before but I'd love to land a role in a historical drama of sorts
finish the sentence: “when it comes to my career, my goal is to make sure that...” I choose roles that push me out of my comfort zone
are you single or taken? Single
what’s your snapchat score? I dont snapchat
read us your last received text... i got a simple "how are you
would you ever date a fan? I'm not really up for dating
how could somebody go about getting your attention? Again, im not really into dating but wanting to be friends is cool. It'll just be down to being nice and having common interests
have you ever stalked an exes socials? Yes
have you ever stalked an exes new partners socials? No
which song best describes your last crush or relationship? Thinking of you by Pippa
have you ever used tinder? No
who on tour would you most like to see naked? Pass :')
who’s the most annoying person on tour? There's no one specific but immaturity in general gets on my nerves
which person on tour would you NOT let your hypothetical son or daughter date? I'm open to their choices
what’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done? Thrown up on myself after a boozy night
have you ever peed in the shower? No no no
who is one person on tour that you trust more than anything? Fleur
what kind of drunk are you? Emotional and messy. I'm a lightweight
if you could spend a day inside one movie, which would it be and why? Someone else said it but Little Women the original!
if you could have any piece of music play whenever you entered a room, what would it be? Clara's theme from the doctor who soundtrack
everybody has ONE word tattooed on their head that most describes who they are, what does yours say? Old-soul
if i came round your house for a dinner date, what would you cook me? I love to cook so whatever your favourite is, I'd have a go at.
do you have any guilty pleasures or weaknesses? Chick flicks and knowing all the words
say a word that you HATE the sound of... tissue
what is one country you have no desire to visit that other people do? I'm open to anything
if you could rename yourself, what would your name now be? I love my name but my middle name is Ana after my aunt Anastasia. I'd love to have her name
if these were your famous last words, what would you say? You have to keep going
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