#the 'matech' name is a placeholder i just need something to differentiate tech that's hybridized with magic
actualaster · 4 years
I’m apparently going all-in on character creation this time with this dumbass catboy OC
So I’ve been messing around with ideas for his general skill set, both what he’s decent at for combat and basic life skills (also some stuff he’s decent at that’s not a basic life skill but useful all the same)
Passable hunter, does well enough to feed himself and sometimes make a little selling parts he doesn’t need or trading them to others for things he does
Is decent at mending his clothes but not great at making them from scratch, but he’s getting better slowly
Is generally a solid all around handyman who can figure out his way around to basic repairs on a lot of different things ranging from basic technology (both normal and MaTech--technology that’s hybridized with magic) to furniture to some home repairs, etc.
Can cook pretty well but only cooks for himself, mostly because he has specific taste and texture requirements and it’s a pain trying to meet those for others as well
Pretty good with hand-to-hand combat, can use a bow for hunting (not great in combat) and can use a sword or a knife to fight if he needs to without being a big liability (better with the knife than the sword, tbh)
As far as he lets on he’s passable at low-level healing magic, healing up minor scrapes, cuts, bruises, burns, bumps, etc.  Can help stabilize somebody who needs more advanced treatment.
Same with combat magic for both offense and defense.  Can do very low-level stuff as far as anybody knows, but not somebody you want to rely on for magical support
(He’s actually phenomenal since he’s beastkin but since that being known would get him killed at best and at worst abducted by the military to be forced into being a living weapon of war nobody is allowed to know that)
Is weirdly skilled at keeping his hat on in combat, like, amazingly nobody knows how he does it.  (Magic, but he won’t tell anybody that, for the above reason)
Can’t sing to save his life, sounds like a cat being strangled lol
Decent at drawing, a fair mapmaker and has a good sense of direction
Writes a decent hand, mostly used to keep notes for himself.
Very smart when it comes to things like codes, uses several ciphers of his own invention in his notes for more sensitive things
Decent strategist, not so much in a setting like a large-scale battle but is pretty solid at using the environment to his advantage and scoping things out for plans of attack before he strikes.  Can adapt this to small-scale combat involving a handful of units, but very much tries to downplay that because he wants absolutely minimal risk of anybody trying to get him involved in military stuff
Very much loves reading, both fiction and nonfiction.  Can spout a ton of useless facts about a huge variety of topics back without warning because he just likes to learn.
Very skilled medically in terms of more mundane treatment such as caring for wounds, creating medicines and medicinal wound dressings, has a lot of lore about plant, mineral, and animal parts that can be used medicinally and the best ways to obtain, prepare, and store them to maximize their use.  Can do stitches, set broken bones, and knows enough to assist in minor to moderate surgery and could manage a very minor surgical procedure on his own which is useful in combat for removing things like broken off arrow shafts and closing up the wounds and such
Knows a decent bit about gardening as well since it’s useful for growing medicinal plants and such, as well as some husbandry for various domestic animals
Knows a bit of veterinary care for a small variety of domestic and wild animals, won’t be doing any surgery on an animal but can do a little bit to help with a lot of situations
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