so many wips SO MANY WIPS
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tojisbbygworl · 11 months
The Worst Mistake - Hobie Brown x Black!Reader pt. 2
Summary: Hobie can’t tell if he’s tripping and that’s why he feels like shit, or if his decision is giving him a bad trip. Either way he’s coming down and he’s more regretful than ever.
Characters: Hobie, Miles
Tags: 18+, Substance Use/Abuse, ANGST, Hurt/No Comfort, Bad Break Up, AU - No Powers, Hobie lives in Brooklyn, Hobie is 21+, Miles is 18+ only cuz it makes sense for the story not weird I promise, Miles is kind of an ass, Hobie and you need a HUG, I forgot he was British, OOC but it’s because of the drugs
author’s note: Okay y’all I’m so sorry abt the wait I’ve been trying to catch up on my other stories! This part is a bit short and I’m sorry for that but I have a reason! I swear part 3 will be longer and it’ll kiss the boo boo🩵
Part 1 Part 3
AO3 Version
My AO3
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It was sweltering in Miles’s basement/man cave. Hobie was sitting on the other end of the couch from him with his arms stretched out and head leaning back on it staring at the ceiling. He heaved quietly as to not disturb Miles, but he quickly realized that he wasn’t even paying attention to him.
The ringing in his ears came in waves. As it got quieter again, he hears a muffled voice quickly realizing it was Miles as it became clearer. Apparently, he had been talking his ear off about the group he was playing with this whole time he’s been here. “…healer isn’t pushing with us.” He sucks his teeth. “ This team is ass, bro.”
The ringing gets louder. Hobie winces and hisses hoping this feeling would go away soon. He closes his eyes, but it doesn’t make anything better. His body is aching, he’s sweating everywhere, and his brain refuses to be quiet. It’s overwhelming.
He tries sitting up again, leaning over his lap and resting his elbows on his knees. He doesn’t notice Miles look over at him. “You good?” He asks.
Hobie peers up at him. To put it simply…no. He felt like complete and total shit. And if he was being honest, Miles wasn’t helping. All he said was “Damn,” when Hobie told him about the break up and he went right back to playing. Even though they’re right next to each other, Hobie felt alone.
She hasn’t left his mind once. The heartbroken look on her face, the anger in her voice as she shouted how much she hated him then stomping away with those tears in her eyes; it was too much to bare.
He needed a shoulder. That’s why he was here, but Miles wasn’t doing a very good job at it. “Yeah,” he answered. “I need to use your toilet.”
“Okay.” And his eyes were back on the screen.
Hobie stood up and took a step around the couch then caught himself before he fell over. He thought he was starting to feel a little better when he was sitting down, but now he feels ten times worse. He gulps and looks to his side. Miles had his headphones on fully, completely engrossed in his game. Hobie blinked and looked back down to the ground.
He found the strength to walk back up the stairs to the living room. He leaned on the wall the whole time and took a deep breath when he reached the top. He had been here enough to know that the basement was the warmest place in the house and the temperature dropped as soon as you exited. He was still burning up, giving him the inkling that there was something else wrong with him.
Hobie takes one step forward and waits. His muscles were so tired, and it felt like it took hours before they regained their strength. As he stalks to Miles’s bathroom, his brain plagues him with memories of just over an hour before. He sighs and closes his eyes, now holding himself up in the hallway with both arms on either sides of the walls.
“Sigh*…Shit.” His face scrunches up and he wipes his forehead. He was almost there, just another step. Mustering all the strength he could, he grabs the wall and forces himself forward…only to crash on the ground and roll on his back. Thank goodness Miles’s parents weren’t home.
As he writhes around on the bathroom floor, his bulging eyes flicker across the ceiling. He takes both of his hands and holds them to his forehead, wincing and moaning into them. Flashes of her face were never ending as his eyes closed, and her cries rung through his ears when they were open.
“What have I done?” He asks himself in his head. He repeats the sentence over and over and over again, the pain getting worse each time. The bottom of his lips quivers and he gets a nasty lump in his throat, but just before he starts to sob, a cup enters his vision.
Hobie lifts his head up and sees Miles handing it to him. He sits up and grabs it downing the water inside it in one gulp. It was cold and it felt really nice. “Man, I thought you said you was good,” he comments.
Hobie leans back on his arms and takes in a deep breath. The water helped tremendously. He didn’t feel like he was on the brink of death anymore. “I didn’t mean it, bro.” He answers looking around. He was sitting in the middle of the corridor. ‘I never even made it to the bathroom.’
“Oh,” is all Miles says before helping Hobie stand back up. He walks back down to the basement ready to get back to his game with Hobie following behind.
They went right back to how it was before Hobie got up. Miles engrossed in the TV, talking about nothing, while Hobie was sulking high as a kite in the corner. The past few minutes were the scariest few minutes he’s ever experienced. Why was he tripping so hard? Did he take too many?
Or…was it what he did that caused him to behave that way? His muscles had such a visceral reaction to the memories of the break up, and he hasn’t stopped thinking about it this whole time. Even now, as he feels himself coming down, every thought about her made him shiver and jump. His heart pounded out of his chest and his stomach dropped. He felt anxious and queasy, but couldn’t throw up.
To put it simply, he was overwhelmingly unhappy.
“Man,” he said aloud gaining Miles’s attention. Hobie lifts his head up to look at him. “What do you think?”
Miles doesn’t answer immediately and blinks at him. Just when Hobie thought he would give a thoughtful answer, he says, “You’ll find another girl bro.”
He doesn’t know how long he stayed on Miles’s couch, his phone was still dead, but he knew he didn’t want to stay any longer. He looks back down, shakes his head and says to himself, “No.”
With that, he gets back up, his keys and phone still in his pocket, and walks back up the stairs into the living room leaving the house. Miles doesn’t even look back.
Hobie still didn’t feel any better when he got home and laid down in his bed. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t pay attention to the show that hadn’t stopped playing since he left. He had no idea what time it was, and most importantly, he had no idea if she was okay.
He put his phone on the charger immediately and couldn’t stop twisting his head around to check it. He needed to know how she was. But he was also afraid. Why would she tell him if she was okay? Why would she text him at all? She didn’t want to see his sorry ass.
“Fuck,” he cursed. The sound was muffled by his hands rubbing his face. He was so disappointed in himself. So angry. What the hell was he thinking? He was out of his fucking mind. The shrooms were finally starting to wear off and he can’t fucking believe what had happened. Everything was going so nice. It really was a beautiful day. The picnic by the river was even better. It was relaxing. Most men would kill for a moment like that, for a girl like Y/N, and he had it. Why did he fuck all of that up? Why would he ruin their day like that?
It’s so frustrating seeing how unreasonable he was being now that he was becoming sober. He can’t reason with that part of himself and he let it run rampant. All he can ask himself is why? And how could he let this happen?
He hated not being in control of himself, but that’s what happens every single time he takes shrooms. Like a fool, he didn’t realize it sooner. Hobie is not a man with regrets. That’s just not how he lives his life. He wants to die knowing that he lived his life the best way he could. But…
“I made a terrible mistake and I don’t know if I can fix it.” He tells himself quietly. “And if I can’t fix it…no…I know I can’t fix it.” His voice cracks and he begins to sob while speaking. His mouth opens and closes, wanting to speak but not having the words to convey what he wanted to say. What could he say? He shouldn’t have taken those shrooms. But he did. And he destroyed the best relationship he’s ever had. He’ll never take shrooms again. But, what good will that do?
Next to him, his phone screen lights up. His heart beat gets faster and he waits impatiently for it to turn on. When it does, he unlocks it and heads straight to his messages, praying that he would have something…anything from her.
There’s a few messages.
Are we really done?
I love you so much. Don’t do this to me.
I don’t want us to be over.
Look, if you still want to talk, my door is always open. If you knock, I’ll answer.
Good night.
Okay. I’m coming.
ending a/n: I feel like even though it’s short, I think I did a good job at portraying how he feels here. And yeah, Mikes sucks here kinda. I promise you the next part will wipe all ur tears🩵🩵😘😘.
Keep forgetting to ask lmk if u want to join the taglist!
Part 1 Part 3
AO3 Version
My AO3
Taglist: @sh-tposter2021 @freeingrebels
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laceadornedvampire · 16 days
i lost the post but your tags on that one norton and orpheus art about connecting literally everything to the pokémon au are so fucking real. i have my own idv au (two, actually) based on the red queen series and it's to the point any art of any of the characters from it turns into "god that reminds me of the au". i have a folder on my phone of just. fanart that made me think of it / inspired scenes from it. sometimes you get really really really autistic about an au that combines two of your interests and that's okay <3 it's fun to see you so passionate abt this au, i love hearing my friends talk abt stuff they enjoy
but yeah that art is why i made that whole post about norton and orpheus and norton taking a job that orpheus posted. everything will spark somethinf and it is a PLAGUE (/pos)
anyways i am so glad youre enjoying the autism smushing of my 2 biggest hyperfixations right now and there will definitely be more to come
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iridescentxstars · 3 years
Hello fir the drabble game can I ask for 10 and 41 for chanyeol
Wait im the anon who asked fir chanyeol drabble i forgot abt tye au lmao can he be a demon plz? Ty! 💛💛
Demon!Chanyeol x Reader || 10. in denial + 41. "I shouldn't be in love with you."
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He watches you as you sleep, watches you toss and turn before placing his hand on top of your head and taking away the dreams that begin to plague you. Nightmares, memories, whatever they were, Chanyeol would take them away and make sure that you had a peaceful night of sleep.
There are talks about how Chanyeol, the demon of sleep, is in love with a human but he refuses to listen. He isn't, not in his eyes. You are nothing more than a lowly human who he became interested by - but not in that way, not at all.
He once took a glimpse of your dreams when you had fallen asleep in the same house as someone who he was in charge of back then and it confused him; never had he seen such dark and tormented dreams from someone who walked around with the brightest smile. This made him wonder how, why? So, he followed you, he learnt about who you were and slowly, his charge was switched to you by his own choice rather than by the chain of command.
And ever since then, he's been making sure you've never seen another nightmare.
"I shouldn't be in love with you," Chanyeol says as he brushes your hair off your forehead, your furrowed brow relaxing at his touch. "I refuse to believe that I am in love with a human because that means I have grown weak." He watches as you slowly calm down as the remnants of the nightmare leave your body. "But, I cannot bear the thought that you would suffer another night with those dark thoughts in your head."
Even if he won't ever acknowledge it, even if you'll never know the guardian demon keeping you from dreaming about what goes bump in the night - he'll always protect you.
Until your final breath, Chanyeol'll always protect you from the darkest of nights.
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