#the RV and this house and all of this fell through crushed me
aurorxbanks · 4 years
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hello my friends !!! it is i, chelly, once again to throw my babie at you all :~) i hope y’all will love miss aurora just as much as i do, bc she holds a special place in my heart and i’m really excited to have her here! i think she’s gonna adore all of y’alls muses so :~) please don’t be shy, hit me up, i’ll be around in an inbox near you soon too to plot and chat! okay, before i ramble too too much, here is her way too long bio. love youuu
             * : ・゚・✧・ meet aurora marlowe banks ・✧・゚・ : *
tw: ptsd, trauma, construction accident, panic attacks, hospitals
TL:DR: oof, i struggle with coming up with a too long, don’t read for miss aurora BUT at her core, she’s just this sweet child who grew up in a really close family in maine. the banks got thrown for quite the loop after her father suffered from a massive accident, leading to many medical complications and hardship for her family. she suffers from pstd and panic attacks as a result, but she’s been blessed with a strong support system too and she manages well enough, all things considered. at the hotel, she’s a vet tech and is in her final year of becoming a veterinarian at the university of illinois - chicago. so naturally, a huge animal lover but food is also her love language and those of her two favorite ways to bond with new people. she’s timid and shy, a little naive and gullible, but a truly amazing friend and someone who loves and cares with her entire being. a good little egg and i hope y’all will love her as much as i do.
wanted connects: bc i don’t want them to get lost in the novel abys ... i’d love for her to have some vet pals, or rlly just pals who work in the pet daycare with her! if you’re a fellow cook, she’s going to ask you what your favorite recipes are with a pen and pad in hand so ... get ready for that one! she’d love a running buddy, or someone who’d spur of the moment sign up with her for marathons and such so like, bring them on, she’s an early riser so will motivate you to go train with her at 6 am - you have been warned! she’s only ever been with a few people in her life sexually and romantically, but she is very very bisexual so having an ex partner or a once upon a time crush/unrequited love could be hella !!! oof i cannot see aurora hating anyone, but something of a frenemies situation could be angsty and fun. they first met bc aurora almost ran them over while she was rollerblading and changing her song so the phrase ‘don’t text and skate’ came to exist askdf i’ve also got it in my head that her sister natalie’s fc is alycia debnam carey and her sister winifred’s fc is katherine/josephine langford so ... okay  i’m just going on and on here huh okay i’ll shut up
now, onto the WAY too long biography i wrote for her ... but here we go :~)
tw: ptsd, trauma, construction accident, panic attacks, hospitals
*:・゚・✧・ who am i?: the coastal town of kennebunkport maine, tucked into the southern half of the state, was what aurora called home for most of her life. it’s a tiny little town with a population just under four thousand people, but it was during the summers that the area would come to life. her father, artie, was an architect per his degree but was a contractor by trade so he was constantly finding work to further develop what was becoming more and more of a tourist attraction each summer. so he had gotten to know the people in the town well, was often working construction jobs as he had a relatively small crew, and that meant aurora and her mother emilia were always out and about. whether they were bringing artie a bagged lunch on his break, or going down by the shore to collect sea shells even if it was the winter season, they’d become quickly and easily acquainted with everyone. and aurora wasn’t their first daughter, either, she has two older sisters: natalie and winifred aka natty and winnie. both of whom are named after their grandmothers, but winifred will tell you she got the short stick but thank god for hocus pocus because winnie is far cuter. anyways. so for the three little ducklings to be following their mama emilia, the town knew the banks family well and they were very well liked. they spent a lot of time on the beach as soon as the weather was warm enough, but they also liked driving the rv out onto the sand when it was too cold, too. they’d wear gloves and bundle up and the big fluffy german shepherd named scout would frolic along with the girls chasing after him, too. aurora spent just as much time chasing after her two older sisters, too, just wanting to keep up with them whether it be in school, or at home, or wherever. artie and emilia were high school sweethearts, moving to kennebunkport after they got married, and they were just exceptionally close and in love, maintaining their family wasn’t difficult. aurora was always a little quieter than her sisters, shier and slower to jump into conversation about whatever book she was reading or joining in on the chalk drawing all over the sidewalks with the neighbors, but she was every bit as present as her sisters were, too. it was truly a community, and one that aurora didn’t ever realize that she was going to be needing as desperately as she did after the accident.
*:・゚・✧・ a new reality: when she was ten, her father was in a massive accident on one of his worksites as he was building a new beach house on a newly developed property. which was more of a mansion, truly, and the landscaping was still being mulled over. it left for some interesting scaffolding, even fault in some spots, and it was one wrong step that left her father falling a few floors down onto a bed of hard gravel below. as a result, he was in the hospital for the better part of a year as he suffered from a severe head injury as well as a broken back that took too long to heal as he was especially susceptible to complications given his type one diabetes rendering him immunocompromised. needless to say, aurora and her family spent a lot of time in the hospital during that beyond difficult year. emilia, the champion mama that she is, kept it together as best she could but the banks were truly a broken family. what they were going through, the way in which three young girls were being tested, and the medical bills that stacked up quickly … it was honestly a miracle that they had any sort of sanity at all. as a sort of escape, aurora spent a lot of time in the children’s unit of the hospital, because she tried making friends with some of the other kids her age ( since being around her sisters all of the time was also difficult for her ). she was there often enough, and they’d play tag when the nurses weren’t looking, and would eat in the caf together on the good days, and there were a lot of wholesome memories that aurora got to make when she wasn’t by her dad’s side. there was, however, the heartbreaking nights where a nurse would stop by and take aurora aside, tell her that one of her friends at the hospital had passed, and it was never news that she stomached well. of course, how could any kid? but aurora feels everything, all of her emotions, with her entire being. a lot of it just became too much all at once, and that’s when her panic attacks began. when it all became too heavy, in the stark white halls of the hospital wings, aurora would find herself curled up in herself barely able to breathe let alone think … the nurses, the doctors, they were incredible of course, but truly it was being surrounded by her family once more that allowed for little aurora to center herself again.
it was a little over a month before artie came out of his coma, and it was an even longer and slower recovery than was expected. seeing her father in the hospital bed, unresponsive, unsure if she would ever get to talk to him or sit in his lap as he read her a story, wondering if he was going to get to see her play soccer in the fall on the a team … for a young kid, it was a lot. it was a lot of trauma for a long time. but artie did wake up, which was a miracle in his own right truthfully, but so was his recovery. it was a long ten months of intensive rehabilitation, repeated fMRIs, and pitfalls but god was it a well-needed moral boost for the banks family. and even though there was still so much work to be done toward artie’s full recovery, if there was to be one, at least he was alive. at least aurora still had her daddy, and that made all the difference. as head injuries can be difficult, and unpredictable, it was uncertain what brain functioning and part of his brain would be affected fully. and as aurora had come to find, her father’s personality, the frontal lobe? he was still that very same person she had known her entire life, and emilia wholeheartedly agreed. the main differences came from his body, as he couldn’t move in the same ways anymore, he had to essentially re-learn how to sit up, stand, walk, but he did. in conversation, the recall on certain words, phrases, experiences .. it comes and goes, some things are there and others need a hefty amount of prompting, but the banks will live with that over the alternative every day of the week. it’s been nearly ten years since, and artie has come such a long way. no longer working on-sight anymore, he still works alongside his partner in their architecture consulting business. so to put it lightly, the recovery was better than even the doctors had come to expect. but the trauma, well that has always lingered with aurora. all that she had seen, had heard, the beeping of the monitors that her father was hooked up to, the sterile scent of the sheets that would replace the bed her friends in the pediatric ward occupied … it still haunts her. every night before bed, and every morning when she’d wake, she’d have to make sure her parents were still there, alive, breathing, able to respond to her when she’d reach for their hand. if mama was napping and aurora couldn’t hear that faint snore, she’d have to check on her. if dad fell asleep at his desk from exhaustion, she’d poke him awake with a few tears in her eyes. and even if it’s been ten years, it’s still something she’s likely to do with whoever she’s living with. luckily, when the time came, her college roommate understood.
*:・゚・✧・ years to come: just to make it through the recovery year, and the rehabilitation years that followed, aurora leaned heavily on her sisters. they were three little peas in a pod and aurora’s never been closer with anyone else in her life and she never will be. they were, and for the most part still are, iseparable. they’ve got a groupchat that’s active at any hour of the day, has been for the past decade, hell even before unlimited texting they were on aim - and aurora wouldn’t have it any other way honestly. the only reason she did decently in school is because of her sisters’ influence, as they’re a few years her senior. they always kept aurora in the right spirits, along the right path, and a lot of that probably came from emilia’s request but aurora didn’t mind. she wasn’t ever looked at as the annoying little sister, but as an equal, and she truly appreciated that and them more than she could ever express. their bond is unbreakable, and it’s been tested time and time again, but it’s where aurora’s strong sense of loyalty comes from. it’s also a huge contributor to her endless ability to care for others. which, that particular trait has been responsible in getting her heart broken on more than one occasion, as aurora was the type to fall hard and fast especially when it came to any beautiful person glancing her way in the halls. but again, she had her sisters to protect her, to nurture any broken hearts or help mend any rocky friendships that teenage girls can have. if she ever accidentally hurt someone else, or if she was the one who got crushed, that ability to feel every little thing with her entire being would do a number on her, but natty and winnie were always right by her side. artie and emilia give the world’s best hugs, and always know when something’s up with their daughter. it allowed for aurora to grow, to express herself fully, to feel accepted despite her niuances. she’s found it difficult at times to connect with people her own age considering her mature experiences, but she’s done her best and the people who truly care for her have remained, and others have faded into the background, and that’s okay. aurora knows that not everyone is meant  to be in your life forever, but those who are, are held closely to her heart.
*:・゚・✧・ onward: it was a difficult enough decision for aurora to venture out beyond her small town in maine for the big city .. truth be told, she likely wouldn’t have if it weren’t for winnie having made the move first. natty, the eldest, attended colby college in order to stay close to the family and for awhile there, aurora likely dreamt of doing the very same. but winnie was offered decent aid northwestern university, and she really wanted the opportunity to branch out and get out of the small corner of the work that the banks had been occupying for so many years. and while aurora and natty were a little heartbroken, that only lasted for a few weeks, before they got on the same page as their very supportive parents and knew that it was going to be one of he best things for winnie. and for the last two years of her high school experience, without her sisters being in the same building or the same house, aurora started to grow more on her own. she liked being able to make the roadtrip with natty to visit winnie on the weekends, to see what life was like outside of their hometown. illinois was exciting, and chicago was rich in diversity, and it greatly attracted all three of them. aurora especially, and she was constantly in her guidance office discussing the different colleges in the area and degrees she could be going after. she was a particularly good student, got a lot of tutelage from her support system, and the sciences were her favorite. she even made her parents buy her a special set of goggles for her chem lab and yes, she got made fun of for it, but aurora didn’t care. the concept of medicine was attractive to her, considering all she had been through and where her interests led her, but she couldn’t bring herself to envisioning MD at the end of her title … working alongside a human population, it just felt a little too overwhelming for her, perhaps even triggering, but she still felt that pull. and her guidance counselor knew that, also knew how often aurora volunteered at the local animal shelters and fostered as many as she could ( or rather, as many as her parents would allow ) so the topic of veterinary school came up, as did the university of chicago and their program offerings … and honestly, it was like overnight, aurora had made her decision.
*:・゚・✧・ decision day: just shy of her eighteenth birthday and aurora was already enrolled and committed to attend the college of veterinary medicine and the school of public health at the university of illinois-chicago. it’s a five year program that she’s just about ready to finish, with only her clinical hours to go, before she can officially call herself a vet. and it was just last summer that she finished her vet technician credentials to be able to practice as a vet tech legally and outside of the scope of the college’s intern hour requirements, which is how she got herself a free place to live at the malnati. because while aurora loves her school, she’s always had a tough enough time fitting in with classmates who are her age, with kids who just wanted to goof off and fuck around. because aurora’s never been that girl. she’s quiet, timid even, and it takes her awhile to warm up to people - especially new people. she got to live in her little slice of the world in maine where her family were her biggest supporters and the rest of the two just knew her. aurora rarely had to introduce herself to anyone, ever. so it was a whirlwind of a new experience, and she was lucky to have winnie in reasonable driving distance, but it still made it difficult for aurora. the party scene was never hers, in fact being in large groups of people can occasionally overwhelm her, so she tested it out a few times before deciding that it wasn’t gonna be for her. she didn't like how her panic attacks seemed to get worse if she was around far too many intoxicated people, so she decided against them for herself personally. aurora much prefers the, let’s go get sushi and then roam around the art gallery, type of weekends. so needless to say,  she stuck to the few good friends in her program, some outside of it too, and just lived. she would run 5ks to support local causes, attend street markets and festivals on the weekends, run around hopping from one train to the next to get to work and then back onto campus so she could afford everything. but in her last year, it’ll be more than nice to have the malnati as it’s one less bill and one stable job to maintain on her resume while she completes her degree.
*:・゚・✧・ love languages: which - that honorable sushi mention up there? well, food is one of aurora’s love languages. once her dad was able to come home, the girls became avid chefs. emilia was always a good cook, but more than that she taught the girls all kinds of recipes and techniques and it just created this type of burning, lasting memory in aurora’s mind and honestly being in the kitchen is just her second happy place. the first? well anywhere she can be surrounded by animals - that’s her first happy place. because she’s the biggest animal lover, but she’s also a huge foodie. she doesn’t cook as much as she used to being in chicago, as she did back home in maine, but with the suites having pretty incredible appliances considering the size, she’s excited to get back into it. handwritten recipe cards fill a few binders that she’s put together, and nothing makes aurora feel more at home than her dad’s handwriting, cause he’d scrawl down whatever emilia would tell him to as she was cooking, and it’s just a little shaky from the brain injury but it’s perfect. it’s him. it’s her dad’s. and she really loves the little hearts that’re on every card that her mom would add at the end, so she’s excited to start using them again. which means that she will feed you, she will share tupperware and accept new recipe cards with a lot of excitement. but also now, getting to live in a place where she is able to take care of all these beautiful pets in such a glamorous daycare? well, aurora’s somewhere between heaven and heaven - cause she’s got this big heart that’s filled with floof balls, and gorgeous birds, and reptiles with textured skin - and don’t get her started on the cutest ferret that one of the guests has lodged at the daycare for weeks and she cannot get enough of. so she’s fully ready to make just about any excuse to show up and hang out with you and your pets, because she vehemently loves quality time and as this also being one of her love languages, she can never get enough.
*:・゚・✧・ four wheels, two legs, a paintbrush: but amongst other things that aurora enjoys? she’s a big rollerblader, like actually owns inline skates and will use them to get around chicago if she pleases and 100% takes those very aesthetic tiktoks wearing her bellbottom jeans and hair all blown out … it’s one of the very few instances of aurora being vain, but she just enjoys it too much. very much into running, it’s the only other form of exercise she willingly participates in ( unless it’s swimming because of course she loves to do that ) and she swears one of these days her knees are gonna be the end of her but she keeps up with it anyways. she signs up for 5k’s without question and half marathons take a few extra moments of consideration but she’ll do those too - she’s determined to do her first marathon soon and she’s really looking forward to it. she’s also not very good at it, but she loves to paint. she’s gotten a lot of those ‘paint by number’ watercolors that she saw ads for on instagram for way too long before finally placing an order but she really loves those. she’s got a vintage polaroid camera from her grandmother’s closet that she is very protective over but she’s highkey in love with it. that one stays in its case in the trunk at the end of her bed, but she’s gotten a less sentimental polaroid to use as more of a decor piece on her dresser. and literally no one is surprised at this point, but she’s got a record player and a bunch of vinyls from her dad’s collection and her sisters make fun of her for being 'that bitch’ but she doesn’t care - it’s just all a part of what makes aurora authentically herself.
*:・゚・✧・ empath: of which, she’s exceptionally kind. to a fault, mostly. she’s gullible and naive, which caused her to be manipulated growing up but she had support to get her out of those situations when she needed it. because aurora is trusting, and trustworthy, but she mostly wants to see the good in other people. but she’s also learned from the moments in her life that burned her, and she tends to keep to herself a bit, and is very slow on the open up, but she liked to have friends. very much a social person, actually, she’s just gotta get used to the new and exciting and feel people out before she’s her most honest self. which is a bit of a goofy, smiley, supportive gal who very clearly grew up in a tight knit family because she’s quick to pull people into her circle who want to be there, and who care enough about her to be there in the first place. her favorite people are good people, and all she ever tries to do is her best. once she’s open to someone, she’s with them 100% of the way and holds the people in her life very close to her heart. she feels with her entire heart and soul, whole body, and sometimes that can be emotionally exhausting and even physically draining so she may need to step back from time to time, but she’s still always gonna be there. aurora will talk through emotions and isn’t afraid of having the deep talks either, which is probably one of the things that makes her such a good friend. being in chicago, she’s a wide eyed gal with a big heart, whose experiences have shaped her, and she is unapologetically herself.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
Victoria Grimes I: Found
Summary: Victoria was alone. Her dad was dead and she had been separated from her mum, brother and dad’s best friend for awhile now. She was left to fend for herself, trying to survive.But when she hears the blaring alarm of a car coming down the high way, she’ll ever believe what’s install for her. And she never expected to get close to the red-neck hunter.
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Chapter Seven: Old Habits
Warnings: Death
A/N: @mariekoukie6661 noticed that the masterlist was wonky and that ch.7 actually linked to 8, so I’m reposting ch.7 and fixing things up. Don’t mind me.
"Vicky?" I opened my eyes to see Shane kneeling in front of me.
I rolled my eyes and stood up, moving away. "What did I say about calling me that?"
"Wait." he grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I just. I need you to help talk some sense into Rick. That's all." he let go of my arm, and for some reason I didn't walk away. He took this as a good sign and continued. "Look, this CDC thing... it's a mistake." when I said nothing he sighed. "You agree with him?"
"What else would I do? He's my dad."
"Sure he may be your dad, but you can't do this. It isn't worth risking everybodies lives." he sighed and rubbed his chin before adding. "It's time you started thinking for yourself and not going along with whatever your father says."
I looked at him with shock and an anger building up. "You need to stop turning to me when he does something you don't agree with. You've done it for years, and you need to break that habit."
He nodded though I could tell he didn't agree. "I guess I'll just add it to the list of habits I'm breaking, whether I like it or not."
"What habits?" dad asked, stepping out of the RV.
I froze. There was no way I wanted my father to know I had something going on with his best friend. I don't know what he's do.
"Just talking about my need for a plan, man." Shane rubbed his nose. I gotta admit, I was glad he came up with something before I spilled the truth. "So what is is? Are we leaving or not? Maybe ya'll just want to stay here. We could hang some more tin cans."
"We can't say here. We both know that." dad told him.
"I was just telling Shane that I think we should trust your gut." I told dad, turning away from Shane.
Shane's head fell, before he spoke up. "Let's go do our sweep."
Dad nodded but his eyes were still on me. "We'll be back, tell your mum." he said before leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead. "Stay in camp." he told me before walking off with Shane.
I couldn't hide the guilty look on my face. I hated that I couldn't tell my mum or dad about what had happened with Shane and myself. That day, on the high way. That hadn't been the first day we'd been together...
"Knock, knock." Shane called as he walked through the house. "Anyone home?"
I ha been sitting in my room reading when I heard him walk into the house. I was dressed in red pajama shorts and a tight tank top. Everyone else had gone to the park, but I had hurt my ankle the day before and didn't feel like going out.
"Hey, Shane." I called. "Be right there." I book marked my book and put it on my bed side table before going out to find him.
He stood in the hall way waiting for me, when I walked out I noticed the way he looked me up and down. His eyes stopped at the bandage around my ankle. "What happened?" he asked, gesturing towards my foot.
I shrugged, hobbling along the floor. "Rolled my ankle yesterday. No big deal."
He scoffed. "It's he size of a small melon." he took a few steps forward before he stood by me. "Put you arm around me." he said, and I did as I was told. "Good, now hold on." he said before he lifted me up and helped me to the kitchen.
My heart pounded in my chest, the feeling of him holding me so close was a dream come true. Shane had been around for as long as I could remember and my crush had been around for almost as long.
He put me on the counter before moving towards the fridge. "What are you doing?" I laughed. Trying to distract myself from the butterflies in my stomach. I had hoped he would react the same way I did and kiss me, but of course he didn't. I was just his friend's daughter.
"I came over to have lunch, so I'm making lunch." he shrugged, grinning towards me before turning back to the fridge. "Where is everyone anyway?"
"They all went to the park. I didn't go 'cause of my ankle." I shrugged. "Thought I'd stay here instead."
"Lucky me." he smiled, pulling out some bread, lettuce and cheese. Leaning back towards the fridge he asked. "Roast beef or chicken?"
"Beef." I replied. "And don't forget the mustard."
"Beef and Mustard. Check." he pulled the ingredients out, placing them on the bench besides me. He got to work making the sandwiches, talking to me at the same time. "So how's school?"
"Good. Besides these group of girls. They think it's funny to make fun of me." I shrugged.
"What do they make fun of you about?"
"They think I'm ugly."
He scoffed. "You're far from ugly." he said before we both froze. Clearing his throat he broke the awkward silence. "What grade are you in anyway?"
I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Senior year."
"So how old does that make you?"
I laughed, nudging him. "Shane you know how old I am." when he didn't reply I added. "I turn eighteen next month."
Leaving the sandwich stuff he turned to me. "Those girls are crazy to think you're ugly." he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're amazing. Far from ugly."
I leaned against his hand as he leaned in closer. "Shane?"
"And when you turn eighteen, then you'll believe me" his other hand rested on my arm. "Because then I won't have to hide how I feel about you." he said before pressing his lips against mine.
That had been the first time he kissed me, though it wasn't the last. After I graduated I went to college, and stayed on campus, which meant I hardly saw Shane any more. Though when I went home, he would be around.
We never did tell anyone about us- if you could call it that. Even though I was eighteen, and an adult, we both agreed that telling my dad would be crazy. Dad had made it clear that he didn't want me dating until I had graduated college- to keep any distractions away. Mum had agreed with him. So Shane and I kept it hidden.
I wonder what would have happened if they found out. I thought to myself. Would it really be that bad?
"Hey Vickie." I turned to see Sophia waiting for me. "Wanna play?"
I smiled. "Sure. What do you wanna do?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. I was playing with Carl, but he went off to see your mum. So I was hoping you'd have an idea."
"Hmm." I looked around trying to see if there was anything we could use to entertain ourselves. We'd played basically every game I could think of, so now I wanted to make something. "How about we make flower crowns?" I asked her, seeing a bunch of flowers growing by the edge of camp.
"How?" she asked.
"You've never made flower crowns?" I gasped. "Well we're just going to have to change that now aren't we?" she smiled and nodded eagerly before following me.
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mtngirlforever · 6 years
Baby Love
This ended up taking a different course than I originally had in mind, but I’m still happy with it.  I also changed the order of a few events for this story from the actual show. Hope y’all don’t mind. Enjoy! @underatedcharactersunite
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Addison Skye Greene stares out over the wide expanse of fields of her father’s farm with her hand resting on her still flat stomach from the front porch. She does this almost daily wondering where her beloved fiancé might be and if he was alive and well. Hershel watches from the door, and he lets out a quiet sigh seeing his eldest daughter pining for a man that’s not good for her.
When Addi went away to college, she met a guy her dad did not approve of, but she fell in love with him. Daryl could be rough around the edges, but he was kind and loving deep down. Addi saw that, and the way he treated her was beyond anything she could’ve imaged. Hershel did not approve because when he came to visit her as a surprise, he caught them in bed together, and that was only time he’d met Daryl. Addi however didn’t care, and when Daryl proposed to her she gladly said yes.
She twisted the ring on her finger hoping and praying he was still out there somewhere and would eventually find her. Daryl had been to Atlanta to get his brother from jail and had not made it back when the world ended. Addi tried waiting on him and Merle to return, but when she started running out of supplies and hope, she made her way back to the farm. The farm was essentially untouched two months into the apocalypse, and while she definitely did not agree with her father keeping the things in the barn, she also knew she couldn’t change his mind.
“Addison, why don’t you come in,” Hershel called from the doorway tired of watching her pining.
“I will later,” she said not even glancing back at him. Hershel gave a frustrated sigh, but knew Addison did her own thing despite what he thought. She settled in the rocking chair enjoying the peace of the day until it was broken by yells of a man carrying a child running through their field.
She immediately got her daddy, and they set to work fixing the boy. When Otis didn’t return from the medical supply run with Shane, she was crushed but had learned to accept that it was just the way of the world now. She kept watch over the boy so her daddy could rest, and she couldn’t keep her mind from wandering to Daryl and where he was at.
The next day, the rest of Rick’s group arrived, and while Addi wasn’t exactly thrilled, she also knew there could be safety in numbers. She was standing on the porch with her sister Maggie, watching the newcomers make their way up the driveway. The roar of a motorcycle was unmistakable, making Addi long for her fiancé. She turned to go back inside but Maggie’s grip on her arm stopped her. “Don’t be rude,” Maggie hissed causing Addi to roll her eyes but stay put.
She was staring at the ground waiting for the group to assemble when she heard a voice she’d almost given up hope of hearing ever again. “Skye?” he said his voice gruff as usual.
Her head jerked up as she searched, and when her eyes landed on him, a cry of joy escaped as she rushed down the steps throwing herself into his arms. Daryl locked his arms around her catching her and keeping them upright as she cried into his shoulder holding on for dear life.
“I thought I’d lost you,” she cried not letting him go.
“I know,” he whispered pulling her back just a little to stare into her beautiful brown eyes. “I’m here. I found ya,” he said with a small smile before wiping the tears from her face. Her lips crashed onto his roughly as both of their hands tangled in the others hair.
Daryl’s group was watching on with confused expressions having never known the man to be anything but rough and gruff. Maggie was totally confused having never met her sister’s fiancé. Hershel let out a gruff sigh before turning and stomping into the house. Beth looked at Maggie and shrugged before following after her daddy.
When Maggie cleared her throat and gave her sister an expectant stare, Skye pulled her lips away from Daryl’s but refused to let go. “Maggie,” she smiled. “Meet Daryl. Daryl my sister Maggie,” she smiled.
“I’ve heard all bout ya,” Maggie said with a slight grin. “Glad ya found her. I’s tired of her moping,” she laughed before turning to introduce the rest of the group. Once introductions were out of the way, Maggie showed them where they could set up camp before going to try and talk some sense into her daddy.
Daryl carried Skye over to his bike and set her down. She watched his every move, afraid she was dreaming. “D,” she whispered reaching out and running her hand over his arm.
“Yea,” he smiled leaning down and giving her another kiss.
“Jus’ makin’ sure you’re real,” she smiled back at him.
“I am princess. I’m really real,” he said with a laugh.
Skye let out her own giggle glad to be back in his arms. “Wanna stay in my room in the house?”
“Na. Don’t wanna upset ya pa anymore than I already have,” he said climbing on the bike in front of her to roll it over to where he was going to pitch his tent.
“I don’t care if we do,” she said into his ear as she held on tight. Wrapping around Daryl on his bike was something she’d immensely missed when they’d been separated.
“Well I do. Rather not die,” he said once he parked the bike and helped her off.
“I won’t let him hurt ya,” she said with a fiery look. Daryl just laughed and gave her another tight hug.
“I know ya wouldn’t, but still,” he said with a shrug. “Don’t move be right back.”
Skye just nodded as she watched him walk over to the RV and grab his bag and tent. He brought it back to where she was and she took the tent starting to help him pitch it. “Fine. I'll just sleep with you,” she said once they had it all set up. Daryl had set the tent away from the group and she was a.o.k with that. She wouldn’t mind getting alone time with her man after being apart for so long.
Daryl wrapped his arms around her stopping her from unpacking more of his stuff. He softly kissed the back of her neck before whispering. “You have a perfectly good bed, in a perfectly good house. Why you wanna sleep out here for?”
She spun in his arms to face him. “Because this is where you are and I wanna be with you. I haven’t been with you in three months and I don’t want to be apart again. Besides I slept with you plenty before and I don’t like sleeping on my own again,” she said with a wink.
“I know,” he said nuzzling his nose against her. “I missed ya, but your pa…”
“Will just have to get over it,” she interrupted. “Besides we were gonna get married. So we might as well be,” she smiled big. “Not like we can now, but we can still say we are,” she said with a sheepish shrug.
“Still wanna marry me?” he whispered nuzzling her neck as he held her close.
“Always D. I love you… more than anything. And that didn’t stop just because we were separated.”
“I know. Me too girl,” he smiled before giving her another searing kiss. Skye moaned into his kiss holding onto him tight. He gently pushed her into the tent as she clung to him. He laid her down on his sleeping bag following her down keeping their lips attached.
Skye tried to keep quiet as she moaned and arched into him making him smile against her skin. He carefully pulled away from her making her whimper and him  laugh. “Jus’ a min’an girl,” he grinned digging around in his bag.
Skye stopped him and tugged on his arm until he came back to her. “Don’t need it,” she whispered running her fingers through his hair. It was getting longer and she really liked it.
“Skye,” he sighed before she shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I’ve been waiting to find ya before I told anyone,” she grinned.
“Tol’ ‘em what?” he asked watching her.
“I’m pregnant Daryl. We’re having a baby,” she whispered guiding his hand to her stomach. She knew she would start showing anytime now, and it felt good to release her secret.
“A baby?” he whispered gazing at her in awe.
“Yea. Found out right after you left for Atlanta. I didn’t… I didn’t wanna give up hope you’d find me. I didn’t wanna do this alone… so I’m… I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered tears gathering in her eyes.
“Not leavin’ ya again. Ever,” he whispered kissing her deeply as he wiped her tears. They made slow sweet love the rest of the afternoon. That night they laid their talking. Skye told him about the walkers in the barn and while Daryl was less than pleased with the situation, he knew he wouldn’t be the one to change Hershel’s mind. They started making plans for their baby and the farm. Daryl knew it would be a safe place for them with a little work.
Skye went with him every day looking for Sophia, and she saw how devastated Daryl was when Sophia emerged from the barn. When he stormed off to the woods, she let him go knowing he needed time to process. She tried putting her family back together, but it seemed almost impossible. When she heard a single gunshot, she raced out onto the porch to see the men carrying someone across the field and Andrea panicking. When she saw it was Daryl they were carrying, she felt her heart sink to her stomach.
Maggie helped her into the room afraid she was going to pass out seeing him like that. Maggie settled her in a chair and luckily was able to convince her daddy to fix him up. Luckily the gunshot wound was just a graze, and he only needed stitches in his side. He was able to convince her to not kill Andrea, and stay with him. She laid down beside him on the bed and he laid his head on her chest.
She ran her fingers through his hair as his hand rested on her belly. “You can’t do that again,” she whispered feeling the tears spilling down her cheeks. “I can’t lose you D,’ she whispered.
“I know. ‘M sorry. Jus’ needed a break for a min’an.”
“I know… Jus’... Jus’ be careful next time,” she whispered kissing his head. He eventually drifted off to sleep from the meds her dad had given him, and she laid there just holding him. Maggie brought them food and told her not to worry about anything for a while. Skye thanked her sister and gave her a hug promising they would eat. After making sure Daryl ate, they both drifted off to sleep after the long exhausting day.
The next morning when she awoke, Daryl was gone and she panicked. She jumped racing through the house only to find him having breakfast and talking to her dad. They both watched her as she put her hand to her chest and proceeded to catch her breath.
“Join us Addison Skye,” Hershel said nodding to the chair beside Daryl. Skye nodded and took the seat finding Daryl’s hand. He gave her a reassuring squeeze before he started eating again. Skye looked between the two men before starting to eat.
“Daryl was just telling me about his plans,” Hershel said making Skye look at Daryl questioningly. Daryl shrugged and gave her a small smile reassuring her everything was ok.
“So you’re letting them stay,” Skye asked her dad as she ate.
“I don’t know yet,” Hershel said the memories of yesterday still very fresh. “But I like Daryl’s plans for the both of you so I’m considering it.”
Skye offered him a nod and the rest of breakfast was mostly silent. Before Hershel left them, he told Skye he was happy for them and wanted to make sure his grandchild would be safe. Skye almost choked on her food totally surprised Daryl would tell him on his own.
Skye was able to convince Daryl to rest that day, but he insisted it would be in their own space and she relented. He told her about his conversation with Hershel and how he explained in their minds they were now married and a family. To say Skye was proud of him was an understatement because she knew that was something definitely out of his comfort zone, but he’d done it for her.
The next day Daryl talked to Rick about his ideas for making the farm safe and what the group would need to do to stay if they wanted to. From there Daryl’s plan was set in motion. They made a few trips into town to collect lumbar, and with the help of the group, they started on a house for Daryl and Skye.
The more she showed, the less Daryl wanted her doing around the farm. They were both excited for the baby’s arrival, but they were both scared in their own ways. The house was completed when Skye was seven months pregnant. They were able to hook to one of the wells on the farm. The group moved onto building fences and fortifying the fences already in place. From there, they were going to build their own houses scattered around the farm. Walkers bothering them were few and far between, but they did see some.
Skye settled into their new house rather nicely, and was rather happy to have their own space with the baby coming. Daryl continuously hunted for them and for the group while Skye worked on making their house a home. Some nights Daryl stayed up working late on a surprise for her once he made sure she was asleep. He wanted to do better than his dad ever had and he was working hard to prove to himself that he could be better. Skye told him almost daily how much better he was than his family, but same days Daryl found it hard to believe her.
One night when the baby woke her up from kicking, she went looking for him. She found him in the room they designated as the baby’s and she couldn’t stop the gasp of surprise from escaping.  “Skye,” he said spinning around to find her standing there in the doorway with silent tears rolling down her cheeks.  “What’s wrong?” he asked rushing to her thinking something was wrong with her or the baby.
“N.. Nothing. We’re ok,” she reassured cupping his face as his hands went around her. “I just...I woke up and came looking for you, and D… have you made all this?” she whispered in awe finally stepping around him to see everything.
“I.. uh.. Yea.. at night. Been workin’ on it. Wanted it to be a surprise for ya,” he said sheepishly as he watched her looking around. There was a rocking chair in the corner, a crib along one wall and he was in the middle of finishing what she assumed would be a changing table.
“D… this is… this is all so amazing,” she whispered running her hands along the crib. The mobile hanging over the crib caught her eye and she smiled giving it a spin. “You made this too?” she whispered taking in the different wooden animals hanging from it.
“Yea,” he nodded wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “Your pa said you loved yours when you were a baby. Figured our li’l one might like one,” he whispered. Skye sank back into his hold and tried to stop more tears. She was so surprised and impressed with his skills.
“I love it,” she whispered, “and you. I love you so much Daryl and you’re gonna be an amazin’ father. I’m so lucky,” she whispered.
“Na. I’m the lucky one,” he whispered spinning her around to face him. His lips softly met hers before the baby offered a resounding kick between them. “Hey li’l one,” he whispered rubbing over her protruding stomach. The baby gave another kick and Skye smiled. Daryl was going to be an amazing dad, no matter what he thought.
Maggie had made a run into a nearby town for supplies and came back with baby clothes and bedding surprising her sister. They’d been stocking up on the essentials for the last eight months, but she didn’t have many clothes and no bedding until now. Skye spent the next day organizing the baby’s room and putting the sheets on the crib. She felt ready to meet their baby and knew it could be any day now.
It was two weeks later and Daryl was out hunting when Skye’s water broke. Hershel and Maggie managed to get Skye comfortable and ready while Rick went out to retrieve Daryl. Skye was in immense pain and wanted Daryl by her side. Hershel kept assuring her she still had time for Daryl to make it back, but she wasn't so sure. Her contractions were close together and intense. Luckily Daryl made it just before she started pushing. He hated seeing her in so much pain, but he was also excited to meet his baby. After several pushes, the baby slowly emerged and Skye felt immense relief. “It’s a girl,” Hershel announced before passing the baby off to Maggie to clean up.
“A girl,” Daryl whispered kissing Skye soundly.
“A girl,” Skye cried.
They named their precious bundle Gracelynn Hope. Daryl was taken with his little girl and vowed nothing bad would ever happen to her or her mama on his watch. He would die protecting his family if it came to that. They settled in nicely on the farm and Gracelynn was a loved little girl in their crazy world.  
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jinjikook · 7 years
Roadside Dreams (M)
word count: 4.8k
genre: the fluffiest fluff i could manage + smut ; tv host! hoseok + hoseok can build stuff idk what the title it would be
pairing: reader/wonho
summary: hoseok is a host for a show that renovates old school buses into dream vans/rvs. you’ve brought him a project and over time, you’ve developed a crush for the charismatic man, wanting to take him along for the long ride you’ve dreamt up; as does he, you come to learn.
dedicated to: my wife @honeyheonie bc she deserves some tooth-rotting wonho fluff. also one word to you mi amor: diddle
a/n: this is based off an actual tv show that i literally saw half of an episode of with my mom and i instantly thought of this prompt and just had to write it
music: all of seventeen’s love & letter album 
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“So, what do you think?” You stepped up the pastel stairs, painted to tailor your style perfectly, and your jaw dropped in awe at what you were faced with.
The interior was amazing, gorgeous even. You had only disclosed a minimal amount of details and even more less when it came to specifics. You weren’t sure what you wanted when you came to Shin Hoseok with an old school bus and a good half-hundred grand of money to throw towards it. But this? This exceeded all of your expectations; dreams of living out on the open road with nothing to tie you down or hold you back finally come to life in a divine mix of lavender and grays.
“How did you—? I mean, you just— This is amazing!” You were partially speechless by just how mesmerizingly you the entire bus was, now a ghost of its former shell. The outside was a cream based white, the only thing pointing to its old form being the shape itself. But everything else screamed home, in the way the pull out couch was neatly decorated up front and the windows were now garnished with flowers and the dash was devoid of all clunky buttons and switches, now a smooth birch counter with a glossy finish.
It was something straight out of television; from the boards of Pinterest and famous Instagram user feeds. Something that couldn’t be bought or ordered from a hippie-esque catalogue, divine in every way, shape and form and yet it was completely tailored to you and everything you needed in a house on wheels.
Hoseok took you by the hand and led you further in, ignoring the camera crew behind him that was documenting the details of the bus and the shocked expressions you kept replaying on your face.
“Now, I know you said comfort is your biggest caveat, so I went ahead and gave you this gorgeous couch that doubles as an extra bed,” Hoseok reached under the cushions to release the switch that allowed the seat to slide out and flatten into a queen sized mattress, right there in the very front of your home. You clapped and praised his choice, loving the idea of having an extra bed should you have guests or if you just wanted to sleep up front for a change.
Hoseok beamed at your reaction, elated that his personal choices reflected well. He liked to think you and he were very similar, in both tastes and ideas. It made for a relatively easy job, as sometimes he has trouble getting into the mindset of a customer to truly give them what they want but also able to branch out and test his own creativity in the process. With you, he just thought about what he’d like if he were to live in one of these, travelling the country with someone wonderful by his side to share the sights with him.
Someone like you.
Call it unprofessional, but he had a slight crush on you.
(read: a big fat “I-can-see-myself-growing-old-happily-with-you” crush)
When you came to him with this clunker of a bus and told him you weren’t sure what you wanted but you loved the simple and cozy life he fell head over heels for you, the way you cutely stood with your hands fisted in your patterned dress and how your eyes gleamed with brimming potential.
“This here, is for the ultimate cooking experience.” You watched as Hoseok pointed out the finer details, from the real marble countertop to the station above the mini-fridge that was made specifically for a coffeemaker.
“Hoseok, this is incredible! I didn’t even tell you I liked a big kitchen, I just figured it was impossible in a space like this…”
“Honey, nothing is impossible if you think big enough! I figured you were one of those women that loves to cook with someone and that requires room to not only dance around each other but also to get close and snuggly as one of you works on the eggs or something.” He got a little lost in his fantasy, imagining it was him who was in front of the stove top, working on getting the bacon just right or the eggs less runny when you come up behind him to wrap your arms around his middle and kiss the top of his bare shoulder, possibly after lazily making love in the early morning sunlight that beamed past your silken curtains.
“Well I love it, this entire place feels like a dream come true,” You trailed off, gazing lovingly all over the remainder of the bus as Hoseok guided you through all the nooks and crannies he thought up.
“And now, for the coup de gras, what I think you’ll love the most,” His hand was still cradling your own, not even caring about how he doesn’t do that with any other customer and how viewers of the show would most likely notice it later on. He walks you up the small step/storage space and you’re faced with what you wished upon every shooting star you’ve ever seen—a solid 2.5; one was an airplane and another had been only slightly falling.
“The bedroom. Fit for a queen, perfect for you.” He warmly smiled as you stood at the entrance, frozen in a stupor of amazement. The shelves were lining the walls so prettily, some even had vases or statues already on them, as if Hoseok had jumped into your mind himself and snatched all of your greatest desires and threw them all into one room.
You hoped he hadn’t seen the section in your brain that you have locked away, with a sign that states for my eyes only. In there are all the details you’ve catalogued about the handsome man beside you; the times he’d brushed his hand against you or taken yours into his own, all the flirty advances you’re sure couldn’t be true but the way he’d wink or smile right after would beg to differ.
“Go on, get a feel for the room.” Hoseok’s warm palm touched the small of your back and gave you a little nudge, urging you to step further inside and do a little exploring, find the small intricacies that Hoseok painstakingly took months to put in, one by one.
With caution, you tread over to the wardrobe he’d built into the wall, a sliding mirror door away from a surprisingly deep closet. He explained how it’d been made a little taller just to make sure your dresses wouldn’t touch the floor when they dangled from the hanger and how there was a nice little set of hooks against the wall for belts, hats and anything else your heart desired.
At this point, your heart was already Grinch-style “three-sizes-too-big” and you were swollen with admiration for Hoseok and his ability to nail everything about his job.
(You also hoped he’d nail something else but that was neither here nor there.)
As he described the painstaking process he’d gone through to custom make your curtain rods and went shopping at several locations to find the perfect knick-knacks to decorate your home, you couldn’t help the heart eyes that you’re sure the camera crew was eating up at this point. This man knew you more than anyone else you’d ever met and he’d only been commissioned a short while ago, having only been told of the basics of your life.
With only the knowledge of your job, the little things you enjoyed in life and your budget, this man was able to leap into your heart and build you a dream home only to leave with a piece of it in his pocket, forever his as long as you stayed in the abode he built for you with his bare hands.
“Now, how about giving that bed a try?” He gave you his signature eyebrow wiggle and that sinful tongue of his darted out to lick his lips and you had half a mind to drag him on the bed with you and give him a taste of his own medicine—or your tongue, same difference.
You nodded and meekly placed your knee on the bed, using your palm to feel the firmness of the mattress and the stability of the wood it was mounted onto. As you awkwardly tried to “test” the bed, Hoseok huffed behind you and chuckled before placing his hands on your hips from behind.
“You really have to give this thing a test ride, love.”
“I’ve been trying to,” You muttered under your breath, hoping he wouldn’t hear the little slip of your tongue.
Another chuckle and Hoseok is leading you onto the bed, taking the time to settle next to you almost domestically.
“Nice huh? I made sure to pick out a bed that’d suit you perfectly! And look,” He reached over your laying frame to tug at the curtains that were right by your bed side. “A beautiful view of outside; ideal if you’re staying by the beach or on the mountainside. Imagine waking up to such a sight…”
You weren’t looking out the window when he said that, only able to focus on his chiseled body still hovering over yours as he gazed dreamily out the window into the open field he’d parked the bus in to do the big reveal. The view, as far as you were concerned, was him.
“Tell me, are you satisfied with everything?” His pearl white teeth basically reflected the sunlight into your eyes and you swore you were squinting at him as you spoke.
“And so much more…” You couldn’t help but look down at his peachy lips; you blame his damned bright smile, making you deflect your eyes elsewhere and giving him ideas.
Hoseok shifted on the bed, his eyes no longer as clear as the skies outside as an inky darkness swirled inside them—at first you figured it was just a trick of the light, a trick your mind was playing on you.
“Okay guys, did you get enough footage?” Hoseok questioned the camera crew, getting a resounding thumbs up and they all shared their farewells as the director clapped Hoseok on the shoulder, saying it was another heartfelt episode that he’s sure viewers will love.
“And your chemistry! Definitely something spicy to have brought to the show, you two. It’ll surely get good ratings from the female audience, especially the ones who’ve shared their thoughts on our mastermind here.” The director chuckled as he pointed at Hoseok, giving him a hearty handshake and a thoughtful one to you before saying his own goodbye, leaving the two of you in the bedroom of the bus-turned-home. Neither of you moved an inch as the sounds of rumbling engines droned off in the distance, confirming that the others had left; that you two were utterly alone in the immediate vicinity.
“So, now that the cameras are off,” Hoseok turned to face you where you lied still on the bed, the light from the window essentially casting a spotlight on you. “What do you really think of the bus?”
A playful grin toyed on your lips and you couldn’t help but tease, as a form of punishment for the tailored torture Hoseok had been performing on you all this time.
“It’s terrible, I hate it.” Even with the words rolling off your tongue, the smile you refused to hide was a dead giveaway and Hoseok returned his own 1000-watt grin. The two of you felt some bubbling spark and suddenly you’re laughing, holding your stomach as the giggles overtook you. Hoseok seemed to have the same witchy effect on him as he doubled over in a fit of laughter, the two of you under some spell that had you on your backs on the bed. As he clutched his own stomach, you wiped at a tear that squeezed its way out as your laughter came harder.
Once the two of you had sufficiently calmed down, Hoseok looked up at you from where he lied, upside down and still as stunning as ever.
“What?” You touched your face, trying to see if maybe there had been something there that had Hoseok’s complete attention. As his wispy eyelashes fanned down with every slow blink, Hoseok drank in the vision of you; bathing in the warm sunlight and surrounded in the soft shades of gray that he painted every inch of your new bedroom in.
“Nothing, you’re just really beautiful.”
“Oh shut up, the cameras are gone Hoseok, no need to pretend anymore.” You brushed his compliment off as you finally took the time to look off into the distance, really appreciating the window that Hoseok put here.
Mind wandering, you hadn’t registered the sounds of the mattress creaking or the feeling of a warm body edging closer to yours until his breath fanned over your ear, making you whip your head around to meet Hoseok’s face directly in front of you own. Instinct told you to jump back and scream at the surprise of his proximity but his hand on your thigh and his lips on yours stopped your mind completely, shutting down all motor functions and rendering you both helpless and useless.
His lips were plump, soft and warm like a muffin fresh from the oven. You swore you tasted coconut on him, something tropical enough to make you feel like kissing him was a vacation; long awaited paradise with warm sand in between your toes and the breeze licking at your cheekbones. His breath mingled with your as his lips melded in further with your own, his craftsmanship extending past renovating things as his mouth worked some sort of mastered sorcery on yours.
You couldn’t even begin to describe how his kiss matched his hands, something along the soft lines of silk but still as firm as fresh fruit, the similarities making you dizzy but there was Hoseok; always ready to catch you. His strong arms framed your face and deepened the kiss, as he hovered over you. His tongue swept over your own and you couldn’t help but succumb to Hoseok’s charms, not knowing what spurred this on but also not caring enough to put a stop to it. Not when his hands felt so right on you and his body heat radiated and made your body feel warm to the touch despite having to constantly battle chills.
It took no time for his deft fingers to unbutton the shirt he had on, whipping off the plaid to reveal a toned body glistening with the slightest sheen of sweat from the combined heat of both your interaction and the lack of air conditioning since the bus hadn’t been turned on yet. Your eyes had a mind of their own as they greedily took heady gulps of Hoseok’s body, every dip and curve now forever etched in your memories.
Hoseok grinned and let you ogle him, taking the time to covertly make work of your buttons on your bottoms. It was when the final button snapped open that you realized his sneaky hands and you scoffed, playfully batting at him to scold his naughty fingers. He only laughed at your reaction, his hands sliding past your pants to slip under your top, the heat of his palms against your hip bones. Hoseok was silently asking permission, his thumbs gripping the fabric of your shirt until you responded. Anticipation brimmed at his fingertips and he was itching to rip the shirt off; to finally reveal the skin underneath.
When you nodded, it was like Christmas morning to the man.
He scanned your body, making sure to never forget just how gorgeous you were even in the barest of materials. The wine red of your bra accentuated your skin so well, Hoseok had half a mind to keep it on as he made love to you but he needed to see all of you, he felt like he’d just die if he couldn’t have all of you tonight.
Lips were back together, now with the sharp tang of ferocity biting between the two of you; static sparks tingling the nerves in your tongues as Hoseok took the time to unhook your bra amidst the blur of it all.
Once you were bared for him, he wasted no time in laving your breasts with his tongue. His peach plump pout peppered pecks over your pectorals, right above where your heart was thudding loudly against your ribcage. He worshipped your body with his lips, making sure not to miss a single inch of what he’d been longing for.
When you whimpered his name, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer to have you.
With his deft digits, he made work of removing the remainder of your clothes, leaving you bare for him on the mattress whilst his lower body still remained clothed. You wanted to remedy that as soon as possible and as you distracted him by sitting up and latching your mouth onto his thick neck, suckling small bruises there that stained his porcelain skin so well you couldn’t wait to see them bloom in various colors as they healed, you reached to palm him though his bottoms. He groaned at the feeling, head lolling back and revealing even more milky skin to attack.
You felt him trembling beneath your ministrations, clearly craving more but holding back.
“Hoseok,” He brought his head back up to look deeply into your eyes, gaze flickering down for a second as you darted your tongue out to wet your lips before continuing. “It’s okay, please don’t be afraid with me.”
His eyes softened, the pitch black pools fizzing into soft cocoa puddles, slightly more shimmered with a dewy wetness that you found endearing. With a small smile, his hands found yours and brought them to his mouth, each knuckle being carefully kissed before he finally rested them back into his lap, permission to continue.
His pants were off as well as his briefs and whilst you appreciated how gorgeous he looked completely nude—something akin to a Greek god, no doubt the perfect rendition of the priceless marble statues save for the more… intimate regions that he certainly did not lack in—you had some more urgent matters to attend to. As did Hoseok, if the flush on his length the steady dripping from the leaking head of it was anything to go by.
One could describe the setting to be poetic; a housewarming of sorts.
No better way to break in a house like breaking in the headboard first.
Hoseok’s calloused yet tender hands gingerly touched you all over, making you itch with arousal and need for him to touch you where you needed him most. He smiled, grin as bright as ever, as he continued to tease.
You took matters into your own hands as you deftly flipped the two of you over, nearly bouncing off completely from the freshness of the mattress springs. Erupting into yet another fit of giggles, you manage to stifle yours in the crook of his neck and despite the obvious distraction, Hoseok’s hands still managed to glide over your skin almost in a calculated manner; like he knew every place to graze to have you trembling.
“Now, now, that’s enough of that,” You chastised, stealing a kiss as you tried to pretend to take the reins. You maneuvered yourself to lay on you back once more, dragging Hoseok to follow you and cage you in. He took no time to accept his role, already kissing all over your face as one of his hands slid down to your core—a stark contrast to the gentle pecks he had trailed all across your cheeks. You weren’t expecting his finger to already make way inside you, gasping at the intrusion.
He continued to press his lips against yours as he worked you open, drinking in all your needy mewls and sultry moans as he pressed further, inching in another digit and stroking your walls in ways you’re sure you’d never be able to mimic when you’re by yourself.
“Baby, tell me when,” Hoseok whispered, breathless pants puffing against your collarbones, clearly trying to make sure you’re comfortable and feeling good but at the detriment of his own pleasure. You raised your leg and it brushed against his member, making him audibly whine against you.
“Now Hoseok, please. I want you.” He looked into your eyes again, the stare almost piercing but in a way you could only describe as tender.
His lips made their way from yours all the way to your ear, leaving a searing trail of kisses in their wake before he softly spoke into the shell of your ear, his breath audible with every labored syllable.
“Protection?” You turned your head to face him head on, mouthing I trust you and Hoseok couldn’t have looked more relieved if he tried, wanting to feel every bit of you but not knowing how to ask without seeming selfish.
His hand reached down and he guided himself inside you, using the other to spread your legs and allow him to ease his way in with minimal discomfort for you. Considerate as ever, he bottomed out slowly and kissed your nose as you closed your eyes and focused on not splitting in half.
His thick girth left you with a satisfactory fullness, having never felt such a feeling with a partner before. Despite every reason Hoseok had to be cocky with his body and sex appeal, he gave you every single minute you needed to adjust, down to the millisecond. He whispered sweet praises to you until you finally gave him the signal to move, even then still treating you like fine china as he pulled out and slowly thrusted back in.
The slow burn of his length inside you coaxed an open flame inside your belly, making your kisses turn hungry once more. Gone was the gentle, playful air that had radiated off the two of you as the atmosphere shifted to something darker, spicier.
Hoseok noted the change and began to grind into you harder, his kisses now laced with his devilish tongue and the barest hint of teeth. As his cock fucked into you with more passion, your body took on a mind of its own as your back arched and toes curled from the spine-tingling sensation of Hoseok fucking you just right. Pleased with himself, Hoseok hummed with his own pleasure, never having felt such a tight, hot heat around him like this. No one compared, the tension that coiled so tightly between the two of you throughout the span of the show having been so intense that now, in the culmination of it all,  it felt like the two of you were about to burst.
You teetered on the edge of coming for too long, not wanting to end this too soon but also feeling yourself fray at the corners from the relentless pleasure that Hoseok was managing to tear from you with ease. As you came apart underneath him, Hoseok wasted no time in clutching underneath your thighs, delving deeper inside than before. The feeling had you breathless, the wind knocked out of you long ago with just the mere sight of Hoseok; clothed or not.
“Angel, baby, I need you to come for me,” Hoseok whimpered, feeling his sanity slip from him as you continued to clench around him agonizingly.
And with that command, you were wrapped around his finger—or cock, same deal—and his word was law, having your orgasm hit you by surprise. Never had you come on command like that, but it was intense and breathtaking and everything that dirty novels wax poetry about.
Hoseok bared down and bit on the junction of your neck as he rode out his own high, taking a few more harsh thrusts inside you before his rhythm began to escape him and he sloppily came inside you, the warmth both startling and oddly satisfying. You let him catch his breath whilst still inside you, needing to catch your own as well if you had to be completely honest.
As he stayed inside, you slowly regained focus of the world; realizing where you were and just how heavy Hoseok actually was.
“Um… could you like, get off me?” You strained to speak, the weight on your lungs crushing the oxygen out of your words. Hoseok shook with laughter, that and the breathless chuckles against your neck indicating that he was laughing once more, and he dragged you into joining him as he gently pulled out; as gingerly as he’d done most everything else so far.
He plopped down on his back next to you, eyes gazing lovingly at the ceiling. He slowly let gravity do its work and his head came to rest on his arm, gaze refocusing on you as you become the main attraction; the target in his sights. You return the look with as much warmth as you could muster, hoping that even post-sex, you could still try to look good enough for him.
The way Hoseok was looking at you, it sort of terrified you. How one could look at someone so… sweetly, purely, even after such a lewd act? Yet here Hoseok was, managing it all while still looking like something straight out of a magazine—his after-sex glow had you beyond jealous, why couldn’t sweat work that way for you?
“You know, you look at me as if I hung the moon for you.” You couldn’t help your smart mouth from commenting, fighting the stash of giggles you felt bubbling from the base of your tummy and settling just behind your palate.
“Maybe you did? Have you ever considered that?”
“Ugh, so cheesy. Shut up, I thought those were just tropes for the show, to get women to like you.”
“Nope, all me.” Hoseok beamed and you resisted the urge to smother him with one of the decorative pillows he’d carefully picked out, yet another fine choice by the man.
“So, I guess we should say our goodbyes, right?” You digressed, longingly removing your eyes from him to focus on something past his lying figure, not wanting to truly come to terms with the idea of having to abandon the dreamlike lifestyle you’d envisioned with Hoseok, knowing this was probably a one-time thing and—
“What are you talking about? I really like you Y/N, was that not obvious enough?” His eyebrows furrowed in concern while yours shot up towards your hairline, not believing that his advances were actually legitimate. “Guess I should’ve used more pickup lines…”
“Hoseok, are you for real right now? Because if this is some elaborate business scheme or prank for TV, I’ll never forgive you. And I’ll probably sue for emotional distress.” You couldn’t hide the hope that glimmered in your eyes like shining pebbles in a babbling brook, the waters crashing against the creek and making your eyes get a little dewy at the thought of Hoseok being yours.
“Of course Y/N, I would never even dream of such a cruel prank! You’re really beautiful and sweet and lovely and… you’re like me. You’re a dreamer with a blank canvas and you’re dying to fill it with the colors of your mind but, sometimes it’s easier to paint with someone to help. And Y/N, I really want to color my world with you, you’re the only one I want.” Despite the slight lack of eloquence in Hoseok’s words, you still found every single bit endearing, feeling the emotion behind him as he spoke. It only served to make your eyes water more.
“Please Y/N, may I be your plus one on these travels?”
“But… the show, what will happen if you’re constantly traveling with me?” You tried to fight the pout on your lips, you really did, but it still puckered out and Hoseok chuckled at just how cute it made you look.
“The show is in its final episodes for the season, we’ve already filmed the big finale and I only need to reveal one more customers bus and that’s it!”
“Hopefully you don’t… celebrate like this with everyone after the big reveal, right?”
Hoseok laughed and this time you didn’t suppress your urge to hit him with a pillow, kissing him right after as he whined about getting hurt.
“No, just you baby. Now, shall we take this baby out for a test ride?”
“Are we talking about the bus or you?”
“Either works for me.”
“Me too.”
In a dust cloud of laughter and warmth, the two of you set off to complete your new home with a few finishing touches to truly make it yours and in the meantime, you get to test out the stability and sturdiness of the furniture Hoseok built. It was very educational, for sure.
From here on out, it was a journey with your new companion, and you had hopes that one day, you could repay Hoseok for giving you what you’ve always dreamed of:
A home.
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morsenerboy · 7 years
An original story that has no title
Im sorry if y'all read this and catch a bunch of mistakes,, ive read over it a bunch of times for consistency errors and stuff of that sorts.
I also want to put out a trigger warning on this for ((SH, SH mention, ED mention)). Please let me know if theres more.
I slammed my foot into the brake pedal. My car skidded. It flippes a u turn and nearly flipped me into a ditch. Tears clouded my sight as i punched the steering wheel. The smell of burning rubber surrounded my car. I sat in the dust enveloped car until it settled down. I opened the door and stepped out into the dry desert air. I walked over to the boot. I popped the trunk and pulled out a blanket. I wrapped it around myself before leaning on my car. I looked up at the night sky. Thousands of little stars decorated the sky like holes in an inky black backdrop. I took a deep breath and got into the back of my car. I pulled out the simple airpump and air matress for a car seat and hooked them up. The air pump made a horrible ruckus whenever it ran. I just went back to stargazing. The back car door was still open as i reclined closer to the boot. I raked my fingers through my hair. I absently rubbed my fingertips over my scars. The many pink and white lines that decorated my forearm told stories. I liked to reread them over and over again until i felt hollow. But this time.. this time i just ghosted over the words, not reading the paragraphs but merely skimming over the pages. Words echoed around my head as pieces of the story splayed out in front of me. Chapters or sentances on repeat for hours. I checked on the filling mattress. It was near done. I closed my eyes, sleep deprivation finally setting in. I turned the pump off and closed the valve on the big sack of air in my back seat. I got in on top of it and closed the door. I locked all my windows and doors then layed down. I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the colors of the sunrise. I sighed and threw opened the door. I opened the valve on the bed and emptied it of its air. I shoved the pump and the mattress into the foot space of the back seat. I opened the trunk and rifled through my bag for new clothes. I found a t-shirt a few sizes too large and decided to keep my pants on. I pulled off my shirt and tugged on the new one. I slammed the boot closed and got back into the drivers seat. I turned my key in the ignition and pressed the gas. I needed to stop for gas, and soon. I began driving and found the main road again in a few mere moments. I obeyed the traffic laws as i rode up to a gas station. I got out and paid in cash to fill my tank. I grabbed breakfast. An energy drink and a half dozen of donuts. The worker manning the register looked at me odd. Maybe because I look pathetic. My dark brown curls trapped in a bun, inevitable dark circles around my eyes, trashy clothes and a silence that gave people chills. I looked at the guy with quiet grey eyes as i bought my stuff. My body felt sluggish as i walked back to my car. I put the donuts in the passenger seat and grabbed one. I cracked open the drink and downed half of it in one go. I carelessly shoved a donut down my throat. I went for another but stopped when i saw my scarred wrist. I snorted and got back into the seat. I pulled out of the station lot and drove off. Id likely never see this place again. I sighed. I reached over to the dial on my radio and turned it onto a classic rock station. Music filled the car and I relaxed into my seat. I sang along to the lyrics that i knew and played the beat on my steering wheel if i didnt know the song. This is how i was supposed to live. Free. Wings outstretched against the blinding sun. Everything i needed stuffed into my car. No one place for too long. Perfection. I drove into a new city. I opened my wallet and what i saw made me grimmace. Id have to stay in this place for a while to get some money back before taking to the road again. I found my way to a rv home rental place and parked in the lot. I opened my door and took a step out. I locked my doors with the keyfob. I walked into the run down rental office. I pulled my hair out of the bun and let it frame my face gently. I tucked a strand behind my ear before ringing a bell on the counter. A stocky woman walked up and eyed me.      “Whats the price?” I asked quietly. My voice sonded strange to myself. Like a mix of rough gravel road with a crushed velvet throw. The stocky woman looked me over.      “How old are you, kid?” She asked, leaning on the counter top and getting too close for comfort.      “Eighteen, ma'am. How much?” I said, standing my ground.      “For a kid like you itll be two hundred a month.” She said, standing back up. I pulled out my wallet. I fished out two hundred dollars and set it on the counter.      “Thank you, ma'am. Id like to rent.” I said, running my fingers over a cross-esque shaped scar spanning my left palm. The woman watched me as my fingers glided over the taut  skin and scar tissue. She watched me as i exposed my scarred forearm and rubbed the scars there as well. She did something on the computer that i had no interest in then grabbed a set of keys.      “Youre going to be renting number 113.” She handed me the keys. “Theres a map thatll tell you where to go. Ill stop by later tonight to see how youre working out here.” I wanted to tell her that wasnt necessary but bit my tongue. I thanked her and walked out. I got in my car and drove to the map. I studied it then drove away slowly. I found number 113 pretty easily. I pulled into the carport and got out. The majority of the people who lived here looked to be elderly. There were numerous younger kids though. The kids all looked to be around 13 to 19 years old. I sighed then made my way up to the door. I shoved the key in the door then turned it. I opened the screen then the main door. The interior of the place was surprisingly clean and comfortable despite the grungy outside appearance. I looked at the couch in the corner and gelt myself grow tired.  I laid down on the cushions and fell asleep all too fast. I heard a knock on the door and woke up groggily. I recounted what had happened and why on earth i had rented a place. I opened the door and the stocky office lady stood there with a few bags.      “May I come in?” She asked and i nodded silently. I held the doors open for her. The woman only came to stand as high as my collar bones, if that. She stepped in the little house.      “RVs 100 through 200 are for kids, like you. Either runaways or something else. I care for half of them. Ill take care of you too if you want me too.” I stared at the woman.      “Ma'am thats unneeded. I just need a place to get more money before I get back on the road.” I said quietly and took to examining my hands.      “What do you do? What are you planning to do to make money?”      “Ill think of something.” I muttered. My mind went to selling art. I had a little bit of art supplies shoved in my trunk. I could paint and sell the products. I could do commissions or–      “Whats your name?”      “I dont have one. Im restarting my life. I didnt want something tethering me to my old life.” I said, walking through a doorway to the kitchen. I looked it over then sat on the countertop. The woman walked in and set the bags on the counter beside me.      “Im Veronica.” She said. “I was a runaway when i was thirteen. I lived on the streets until  i was seventeen. Then i got a job and worked to afford a little rental like this.” She gestured to the little house. “I made it my goal to help others that are going through what i did. By the time i was twenty i co-owned this RV park. I was unofficially adopted and my adoptive mother helped me with buying this place. Now im close to fifty years old and i own this by myself.” I looked at her and she nodded to the bags. “I brought you food. You look pretty skinny under those baggy clothes.” Color flushed my cheeks. I nodded. I swalled hard and stared at the woman.      “Thank you, ma'am.”      “Ill let you get settled in. Dont be afraid to call for me.” She said before turning and walking away. I heard the door close and i closed my eyes. I got off the counterand looked in the bags. I saw sweets and smiled. I opened the container and pulled out a fat chocolate chip cookie. I bit into it and nearly melted. I finished the cookie and put everything in the fridge. I hardly ever ate. I wandered out of the kitchen and down the hallway. I found the bedroom and sat on the matress. It was more comfortable than the air mattress that was for sure. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke up as the sun shown in through the open blinds. I sat up and pulled the sides of my hair back into a ponytail. I walked trough the house and outside. I didn’t bother with putting shoes on. I walked over to my car and popped open the trunk. I grabbed the few canvases and my box of paint and brushes before closing the boot and shuffling groggily back inside. I set the canvases on the counter and grabbed a cookie. I set to work on getting a painting done. I was done before I even realized it. The yellow orange light of the setting sun shone in and painted the canvas with an aura of serenity. A smile turned up the corner of my lips up as i stared at a portrait of a woman. She had big, dark doe like eyes and pale skin, light blonde curls that reached to her sternum, and pale pink lips. It was the one woman i could paint with my eyes closed. I studied a photograph of her to the point of memorizing each detail of her pale, delicate face. My mother. Before I was surrendered to my uncle due to her incapability to raise me. My smile dissipated. I looked at the painting with its uncany resemblance to the woman in the photo. ‘Not my mother.’ I reminded myself. I scowled at the canvas and picked it up, taking it to the living room. I saw a few kids running around outside the trailer. Their laughs were muffled through the door but i could tell they were having fun. I peeked through the blinds and saw a few younger children and a few older ones playing basketball in the road. I smiled, remembering my days off where i would havg out with the neighbor kids. I stood and opened the front door. I let my hair down and shook my head. My hair fluffed then rested at my shoulders.      “I need a name.” I muttered as i pulled out a box of smokes. I put a cigarette between my lips and lit it with my zippo. I took a long drag as Veronica walked by. I blew the smoke out of the screen door. Veronica looked in my direction. She shook her head slightly as i brought the cigarette back up to my mouth.      “Excuse me, Veronica.” I called throuhh the door. She nodded in my direction and started making her way over.      “Smoking isnt good for your lungs, kiddo.” She said and i nodded.      “Yeah, im trying to shake the habit.” I put the lit butt out on the outer portion of my forearm.      “Oh my god, whyd you do that?” She asked, panic rising in her voice.      ‘Dont worry, Miss, it doesnt hurt too much.“ I paused. “I have a favor to ask of you.” She looked at me.      “Yeah?”      “I need a name. You got a name i could use?”      “Do you like Timothy? Or Jackson?” She suggested.
This story is unfinished and i might post an update if its wanted. In the mean time,, check out my instagram for art and more original characters. IG: @/ west_draws
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strugglingfairy · 8 years
My Lovely Monster// Carl Grimes
Requested by: @spiderkittene  hope you like it, it’s kinda fluffy but I made it depressing because I’m like that and I hate myself for it yay :)
-Mads <3
C A R L  X  E N I D // A L E X A N D R I A // 2 0 3 6
I could barely recognise myself. The face staring back at me in the mirror was not Carl Grimes. The Carl Grimes in the mirror was dirty and tired and above all, had an ugly hole right where his eye was supposed to be. I still found it hard to look at. I held the clean bandage in my hand, I usually raced to change my bandage, not being able to look at the horrid hole, but today, something made me stop and look, look at the monster I had become.
"Carl babe, you coming? We were meant to meet Glen 5 minutes ago!" Enid shouted from downstairs, her voice only just breaking my trance.
I sighed, securing the new bandage on my face and grabbing my hat, heading downstairs.
Enid smiled at me as she saw me coming towards her but I just couldn't muster up the energy to smile back at her, I pretended I didn't see her face fall as I walked past her to the front door.
We met with Glenn, Maggie, dad and Rosita at the gate and I zoned out when Glenn briefed us about where we were going for our run.
Blah blah blah... Pair up...Grab supplies...Save bullets... The usual shit.
"Alright everyone get in the RV!" Glenn called and we made our way out of the gates.
Enid reached for my hand as we sat together, but I could hardly acknowledge it because my head felt so full I thought it would explode. I ignored her attempts at small talk throughout most of the journey, it was only when she'd given up did I turn to face her, finally pulling myself from my thoughts.
I'd always known that Enid was indeed, beautiful. Her soft hair always seemed to cascade down her back or fall on her shoulder perfectly. Her smile could light up all of Alexandria and she had a heart of gold. It was a heart I didn't deserve to hold in my bloody and careless hands. I didn't deserve a heaven like her.
We had been walking around this warehouse for about an hour, Enid had given up trying to make conversation after we searched the 5th room. We hadn't gathered much, and I was beginning to tire of walking around all these storage units.
"Carl? I'm gonna go check that door over there, maybe it leads to a cleaning cupboard or something, cover for me?" She bit her lip, looking up at me pleadingly. I grunted.
"Don't be such a baby Enid, why the fuck would a walker lock themselves in a cupboard, we've been walking for an hour, my face hurts and I'm tired, if you want a mop desperately go get it your fucking self." enid looked hurt, she flinched at my sudden change in tone, sadness gathering in her eyes, her face hardened into a scowl and she glared at me, which i was surprised at. She was always such a gentle creature, but as she turned around to walk towards the door, I swear I saw her quickly wipe away a tear.
I turned away and slid down a wall to my knees, holding my head in my hands. Why do I keep doing this? Enid cares about me so, so much, everyone did, but since the accident, I simply can't believe all these people are still here for me, especially Enid. I didn't think she'd want to be with a monster like me, yet she remained by my side. I was so confused and terrified that she loved my that much that I began to push her away, too scared that I would fall for her even more, only for her to open her eyes fully and see the psycho killer I really was.
Only now did I realize that it was too late. I was head over heels for Enid, and screaming at her and making her even more scared me and making her think I didn't love her wasn't going to ch-
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I heard an ear piercing scream muffled slightly by a door in front of me...
I scrambled up from my crumpled position on the floor and raced in Enid's direction. Enid was still screaming when I opened the door, and I almost had a heart attack when I couldn't immediately see her, but as my eyes adjusted I saw her, pushed against the back corner with a walker pressed against her and chomping to get to her neck.
Suddenly her eyes locked with mine and she stopped screaming.
"Please help me Carl, d-don't leave me here!" I was so shocked at her words that I was frozen for a second.
She thought I would leave her here to die?
I blinked at her before springing into action, stabbing the walker in the head with my knife, watching it drop to the ground. We stood in silence or a minute, both of us panting and staring at the rotting walker.
"C-Carl, thank you s-" Enid began to speak but I cut her off, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. Oh how I missed  holding her in my arms. Enid was frozen for a second and didn't hug back, but eventually her shoulders began to shake and she wrapped her arms around my neck, digging her head into my chest as she burst into tears. We stood like that for a while, holding onto each other for dear life as I whispered sweet nothings in her ear, slowly calming her own. We pulled away only slightly after a while, just enough to be able to look into each other's eyes, before leaning in for a long, sweet kiss. The world slowed down around my as our lips moved together, her lips were so soft and warm and it filled me with joy. I caught myself wondering why I ever stopped kissing her in the first place.
"Every one ok her-ohh sorry, Never mind Rick, I See Carl's got it covered." Glenn smirked at me after barging in on us. I rolled my eyes at him and we pulled apart.
"Yeah man, Enid had a close call with a walker but were fine now." I said awkwardly, Enid looked embarrassed that we'd been caught too, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink as she looked down sheepishly.
'Cmon love birds, we're leaving." Glenn smirked at us one more time before walking back in the direction he came, excepting us to follow. I sighed, leaning my head against Enid's for a second.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything Enid, I-I don't know what got into me I feel so stu-"
"Hey, hey babe, look at me." Enid cut off my rambling, pulling away and placing a hand on each side of my head, forcing me to look at her.
"I love you, ok? Yeah you've been treating me like shit, but you've just been shot for god's sake, of course that's going to take a while to get used to. I just wish you'd let me in so I can help you get past your demons, not turn on me and lock me out." I stared at her, shocked. I couldn't believe that she wasn't going to leave me, after all that I put her through. as I stared back into her blue eyes, eyes so full of love they looked like big joyous oceans, I felt myself falling harder and faster than I already was, if that was eve possible.
The warm blankets were wrapped around us, creating a cocoon of warmth that we were both encased in. Enid lay on my bare chest and I buried my face in her hair, sighing contently. we had been laying like that for a while, just listening to each other's heartbeats, and we weren't planning on getting up anytime soon
Well, that's what I thought.
we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I didn't want to get it and buried my head into Enid's neck, not wanting our bliss to end. Enid chuckled at me, but kissed my head and practically pushed me out of the bed.
I jogged down the stairs, pulling a t-shirt on in the process, while also attempting to fix my hair, which didn't work out very well.
I opened the door to see Glenn, who stood there like a pissed off mum, tapping his foot with his arms crossed.
"Well you took your fucking time." he grumbled, I muttered an apology and leant against the door tiredly, longing to be back holding my girlfriend who I already missed so very, very much.
Just saying that Michonne told me to remind you to change your bandage, and that we're all eating at our house tonight." He said and I instinctively placed my hand over my injury at the mention of it, I was surprised when I realised that I hadn't thought about it for most of the day.
That's because you've been busy trying to prove that you don't hate your girlfriend.
Oh shit, my girlfriend.
After acknowledging Glenn's message I quickly said my goodbyes, shutting the door in his face just as he was about to launch into one of his 'funny' stories.
I rushed back up the stairs, but slowed down as I realised I was going to have to change my bandage in front of Enid.
Nope, no way, not after I just got her back.
I turned the door nob slowly, seeing enid was sitting on the edge of my bed pulling on one of my old flannels. Bboy did she look adorable.
"Hey I think you should go, that was Glenn, uh, asking for you to go home and get some, um some rest." The statement came out more like a question.
"I heard your conversation Carl, I'm helping you and I sure as hell am not leaving." Enid rolled her eyes, already moving toward the bathroom's first aid box.
My eye widened. no, I couldn't let her he my deepest shame, could I?
"No Enid, please just let me do it, it's bad i-it's really bad and I don't want to lose you after I just got you back," I begged her.
"You didn't just get me back silly, I never left. It was all in your head remember? Now come on, this is the first step, I want to help you Carl, please, please let me hep you?" I sighed at her desperate expression, she clung to the fresh bandage and was searching my eyes for an answer. my heart wrenched and I gave in.
"Fine. But it's worse than you think, you-you're not going to want to help me after you see it." I sighed, beginning to untie the dirty bandage.
"I'll be the judge of that Carl." She smiled softly at me, but it fell as she caught a glimpse of it. I could just see the mirror behind her, and I grimaced. I always forgot how bad it was every time I saw it.
"You hate me now, I get it, you should probably just go." I sighed, after a while longer of silence.
"Carl, babe. Of course I'm shocked, there's a huge gaping hole in my boyfriend's face which I'm just seeing for the first time, I mean its horrible Carl, but it doesn't mean I don't love you any less. Mostly I'm just pissed at Ron, he got what was coming for putting that bullet in your eye. I love you Carl, I don't care how many eyes you have, hell, you could have three eyes for all I care. I fell in love with all of you Carl Grimes and you're not getting rid of me that easily."
I was stunned yet again by my girlfriend's words, I just stood there as she oh-so-carefully replaced my bandage, too shocked to say anything.
Eventually, when she had finished, I just looked at her, wondering how I'd ever be able to thank her.
"You never cease to amaze me, you know that?" I managed to stutter out, leaning my forehead against hers and closing my eye.
Enid; My own little slice of heaven.
TAGS: @rainbow-unicorn-pony @squirels-angels-and-moose  
message me if you want to be included in my tag list!
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jessabeth05 · 5 years
it's been so long since ive written, i don't even know what my last post was about. i used to journal every day or close to it. there's a good decade of my life on livejournal that i can look back on and have very little mystery about what i was going through. i think it's time i started writing again, because i find myself on the verge. I'm so angry and scared and sad and even often happy... but I'm so... off. idk what to do anymore. so here it goes.
a little over 2 years ago i got an RV to live in because i couldn't afford anything else. i got so fucked up in my head and hid it or maybe didn't recognize it... idk. i got trapped again by what people around tumblr call Ana. i don't like using that term, but I'm going to anyway. ive had all these surgeries. i look like a fucked up ragdoll naked. i wanted to be desired. i wanted to be desirable. i started faking confidence, and that was good, but i got sick if i tried to eat without being high. i loved living in my RV. i started to find clarity about all the fucked up shit ive verb through. i reconnected with an old friend, and she became my best friend. still is. we played xbox together and talked damn near nonstop every day. i had a little crush on her but quickly realized she was a friend that I needed to keep and not fuck it up over anything stupid. i knew she was in love with a girl across the world and i let that shit go fast. so we started talking about how i needed to find someone, or lots of someone's. i made jokes about traveling the country and fucking a different girl in every state. then, out of nowhere, there was Jessi. she was friends with an old camp friend and added me on Facebook in November of 2016. she liked some if my stuff occasionally, but didn't communicate. until February. and we fell in love almost immediately. she was supposed to come visit me in Michigan but got hurt at work and couldn't fly. so we were making plans for me to drive down. one day she texted me to tell me she was making sure it was cool with her landlord that i park at her apartment complex. and then i didn't hear from her. i was beside myself worried within a day and a half. so i drove down. turns out she was missing. i got to ft. Myers Florida where she lived. her best friend at the time wouldn't meet me and wouldn't give me her address. just a vague area where she lived. so vague, in fact, that the area i looked wasn't even close to it. i got lost wandering around on a fairly bad area. i was lost all night until morning when i was able to get a ride to my RV from a grocery store worker. my cousin paulie had rode down with me. her went to go look for weed while i tried to rest. later, after no useful communication with jessi's friend, we went up to Bradenton to meet up with paulie's friend. we went to the beach, and then we couldn't get the RV started. paulie and Brandon went back to his place and left me at the beach waiting for aaa the next morning. i went back to ft. Myers then for a week, staying at a Walmart. i remember very little of that time. i abused pills and alcohol and was basically in a stupor of worry the whole time. one day, my mom paid to find jessi's address. then i took a Lyft to her house and knocked for hours. finally i knew it was time to get back to my RV, so i left my college ID on her doorstep and took another Lyft back to Walmart. she was found later that night in a hospital, recovering from being abducted and raped. her friend wouldn't allow me to speak to her and didn't tell her i was there. so i went up to Sopchoppy, where an old college friend of my mom's had a ranch with horses. it wasn't much, it really was pretty damn run down, to put it lightly, but it brought me peace for a time. the last 206 miles of my trek, the RV was towed. the motor blew. and the journey at this point was just beginning...
to be continued.
(i have not yet proofread this and apologize for any errors)
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