#the aivalii
voidh0und · 2 years
Just some general info about Khalios, Psyche, Arcadia, and general world things
Cw for cults and animal death.
-Khalios was raised by a cult, as a god, and therefore can be...more than a bit of an asshole all of the time.
- The cult was consisted primarily of Ai'valii which are an elf like race, adjacent to humans but with increased innate magic, cat-like pupils and, of course, pointed ears.
- Arcadia is an Ai'valii
-Arcadia, Psyche, and Khalios all have excess amounts of magic within them, moreso than what is the norm for this world but each centered around a specific element. Arcadia is life. Psyche is love. Khalios is death.
-To go along with each element, their is a god personifying it. Both the death and love gods are deer-like.
- The mortal name of the love goddess is I'ona, but she is also referred to as: the stag Queen and the matron of the heart. He personifes all love, not just romantic.
-Gods are made of pure magic and often, in cases when they are wounded, those remnants of them will form into "God Beasts". God Beasts can also be formed purely accidentally, like in cases when a gods presence lingers too long in one place.
- Another similar situation is The God Children, where a divine being will willingly remove a piece of their magic from themselves and form it into a sentient being, often sharing traits with both them and their divine animals.
- the act of killing a god beast, regardless of which god it belongs to, is seen as one of the most damning acts possible.
- That being said, Khalios has killed a god beast before. An emperor's Hound, the beast of death. The act was one commanded to him by the people who raised him, a sorts of ritual sacrifice to the true death god at the hands of his soon to be vessel.
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