#the amine binge watcher
animebw · 2 months
God this is going to be an incredible season for band girls
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mosshead-lover · 3 years
The Act of LordE: Part- 3
Marking The Territory
~ Izuku & Bakugou x Reader
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Izuku received a text message from [y/n] saying she had to work late. It was out of nowhere, but being a workaholic himself, he knew better than to try convincing her to postpone, though he was looking forward to spending the evening together.
Katsuki owned a chess set, which is why [y/n] and he decided to play at his place.
[y/n] was a/an [your expretise] at chess. Although she had lost touch, She had to do this; For her; For her boyfriend. Or at least that's what she thought.
It appeared like [y/n] had control over the game in the beginning. But somehow, Bakugou managed to turn the tables and call 'checkmate' on her. Only after losing, [y/n] wondered about her side of the deal.
'Claim something of mine as his?'
She was sure she didn't own anything interesting, And, even if she did, he'd only be taking it for ten minutes. She didn't think it was a big deal until he announced his prize.
"You look so calm, looks like you're used to losing," Bakugou smirked.
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"Now.. what should I claim?" He rose from his chair and circled her, slowly, as he rubbed his chin.
"Umm... Your neck!" He states and pulls his chair close to hers. He set the timer and wrapped his fingers around her neck and, gets close to her. He tightens his grip around the neck as if he was going to choke her. He let go when she began to gasp for air. [y/n] coughed up, trying to supply air to her oxygen-deprived lungs.
Bakugou winced a bit, seeing her struggle. But, didn't show it in his face. [y/n] looked at the timer that lay on the bed now.
'Eight minutes, forty-two seconds to go! Oh God! what did I get myself into!?'
As expected, she was horrified. Bakugou was keenly studying her reaction. He laughed and said,
"I am only getting started, Loser”
(Why that green piece of shit? Why him!?Why him of everyone!?)
Bakugou leaned to kiss her neck this time. He plants a few more kisses followed by nibbles, careful not to cross his boundaries or touch any other part of her. He then picked a spot and started sucking on it.
'He can't be! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'
Bakugou withdrew immediately. He took a final look at the hickey that he worked on, he was proud.
"I had fun, teddy bear
(It sucks you don't think the same)."
He wasn't lying.
”In fact, I had so much fun that I am gonna let you take as many chances as you want to win that apology."
He got closer and whispered in her ear,
"And, don't worry, I will take my sweet time to claim the whole of you."
[y/n] picked her bag and stormed out of his house without a word.
Bakugou punched the wall, finally letting go of the frustration that had bottled up throughout the day. He wanted to have a fresh start. No, he didn't want things to go down this way. He hated it. He hated it all.
[y/n] was at a local coffee shop, trying to apply concealer on the mark.
'That cunning bastard!'
She thought. The hickey was going to be in sight unless she wore a turtle neck or wrapped a scarf around. She was already so guilty about lying to Izuku and, what would happen if he saw the mark!? She had no choice but to hide. She prayed it healed soon and called up Izuku to check on him.
[y/n] wore turtle necks or paired her outfit with a scarf even on the hot days for the obvious reasons. Izuku had pointed it out, but he didn't push it further.
[y/n] spent a reasonable amount of time thinking if she should have a rematch. Being an Amine binge-watcher, she couldn't help but think,
'If I don't, then the humiliation I endured in the first one will go in vain.'
She waited a few days before approaching Bakugou for a second match. He wasn't surprised that she went to him, almost as if he knew that would happen.
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player-blandon · 5 years
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It’s confirmed, they watch amine in the velvet room.
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And then resident amine binge watcher Futaba comes in with another reference.
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Meanwhile Yusuke doesn’t know what Elizabeth and Futaba is talking about.
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Also Futaba says what’s on everyone’s mind (or mementos, if you would prefer.)
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And the prince detective doesn’t understand the reference as well.
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Oh right we were doing a screening.
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... Well that escalated quickly.
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animebw · 15 days
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Funniest aspect of Whisper Me a Love Song's struggling production is in trying to capture Yori's handsomeness, they accidentally give her a case of Terminal Yaoi Chin in like half the shots.
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animebw · 3 days
Okay, the first real episode of Dededede was MILES better than that sorry excuse for an episode 0. My recommendation is skip the prologue entirely and just jump right in to this week's episode, it's a far superior introduction.
That said, I would really like Asano to write a single adult woman who isn't an irrational bitch or dies for the sake of manpain one of these days.
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animebw · 3 years
I recall wincing when I read how much you liked Sanji during his debut arc, because I knew what was coming. Sanji is the character Oda has done the dirtiest, IMO - he was established as a ladies' man who, at worst, was a well-intentioned chauvinist. But somehow that characterization degraded into "crazy, harmfully sexist pervert", and it's been that way ever since.
Yeah, it really sucks how much he's devolved. I want to like you, dude, stop making it so hard!
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animebw · 6 years
Binge-Watching, Higurashi, Day 2, Episodes 2-7
My experiment continues as we get into the thick of Higurashi and our descent into madness truly begins! More and more questions are piled on, I come to love this show’s animation style, and a possible villain rears her ugly head. Spoilers after the cut.
Hoo boy, there’s a lot to talk about here, so let’s segment it up for clarity’s sake.
Time Loop Freakiness
As I previously mentioned, I know going in there was going to be some kind of time loop mechanic, and I was curious how it’d be implemented. How much would Keiichi remember each time? Would he remember everything? What purpose would he be trying to fulfill?
Well, the show pulled a fast one on me and went for the most disturbing option possible: treating it like a nonexistence. When episode 5 started and we were right back to goofy fun club times without any explanation, as if the whole show had started over, I almost didn’t believe it at first. It felt so jarring and shocking that it didn’t seem real.
But it was real, and I now have a sense of the show’s pattern: cold-open on whatever blood-spattered horror lies in wait at this loop’s end, begin with wacky game shenanigans, gradually re-introduce lore and puzzle pieces, then cameraman dies and the tone shifts, people start acting crazy, Keiichi tries to figure out what’s going on, resulting in him confronting a foe and climaxing in the death suggested by the cold open. I’m still not done the second loop, so I don’t know if it’ll match this pattern perfectly, but it seems likely.
What intrigues me now is: what is the purpose of these loops? Not just in terms of how they function in universe, but for us, the audience? What new information should we take away from each new iteration? What are we learning? What is changing? Which leads me to my next big question:
Who Knows What?
At first glance, it seems that Keiichi has no memories from the previous loop. But there are odd tidbits here, like him instantly knowing the second time around that one of the previous festival murder victims was family to his blond classmate, that suggest some of his consciousness has carried over, even if he isn’t aware of it. Will his awareness grow as the loops progress? We’ll see.
For now, though, the most interesting question is how much do his classmates know? We spend the entire show (so far, at least) in Keiichi’s head, so we have no idea what the four girls are thinking most of the time. This helps keep up the mystery as to how aware they are as to what’s going on, but there are definite hints that Mion is, if not the ringleader, at least actively involved in some way. As for the two little girls, they haven’t had enough screen time yet to really have a guess either way. I will say, however, that Rika seems to be the wisest of the four, and might know a lot more than she’s letting on. Her talk with Keiichi about the “cat” who got into the shrine is evidence of that, as well as being just a really nice character building moment.
But the character who intrigues me the most right now is Rena, which brings me to:
Demonic Possesion
Okay, this is still a half-baked theory at this point, but what’s the likelihood that Rena et al are under the influence of this demon guy everyone keeps going on about? I say this because Rena’s split personality, between her normal airheaded self and her sinister whisper-voice psychotic self, feels like two entirely different people. Whisper-voice talks tends to talk in a very distinct, halting voice, which wouldn’t be too odd by itself, were it not for the fact that Mion’s crazy whisper-voice is the exact same. This makes me think that there are moments where some other entity is forcing words out through their mouths. Not sure, but definitely something I’ll be keeping an eye on.
An offshoot of this is that since we don’t know how involved they are, it’s really tricky getting a handle on how sympathetic we should feel towards these characters. But I mean that as a compliment: I completely understand why, for example, Keiichi gets pissed off at possible psycho Rena following him, but when she broke down in tears and talked about how he was reminding her of the previous student who “transferred”, it was genuinely upsetting. It’s a big bundle of complicated emotions, which always makes for good drama.
Effective Animation
On my last post, I said that Higurashi was a good example of how to do effective animation on a budget. Today, I amend that statement to say that low budget and all, Higurashi’s animation is genuinely excellent. There’s a lot of reasons why, so I’ll list them off real quick.
-It’s incredibly varied. The wacky wobbliness of the club scenes and the stark lines of terror-stricken faces really help sell how drastically the mood shifts over the course of a loop.
-It’s surprisingly fliud when it needs to be.
-The editing is straight-up fantastic. Which is good, because editing is what horror lives and dies on. If your editing sucks, you can’t set up scares or spooky atmosphere. Here, the use of quick, sharp cuts and abrupt changes in camera speed really sell the intensity not just of the big moments, but of the buildup to those moments. Combined with the sparse, empty music, and this show is really good at sending chills down my spine.
Odds and Ends
-Rena’s yandere voice is the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard, which makes the contrast with her emotional breakdowns so much more unnerving. The scene where she’s standing in the rain, repeating “I’m sorry” over and over, is tragic AND horrifying at the same time.
-I quite enjoy how each girl as a distinct speaking style. I’m not an expert on Japanese sentence structure and syntax, but I can tell there was a lot of thought put into how they all talk.
-Police Guy seems weirdly quick to bring a random boy in on such brutal cases. Does he know something about what’s really going on?
-I wonder what Rika supposedly messed up during her ritual dance the second time around, and I highly suspect it’s going to come into play soon enough.
-Blond girl’s (I’ll get her name eventually, I swear) ojou-sama laugh is a delight.
-Noooot a fan of how Shion was introduced (pervert scenes are the worst), but the reveal that she really was a twin sister had me chortling for quite some time.
-Death by slitting throat with own nails, huh? I wonder what that might mean.
Aaaaaaand that’s it for tonight! Thank you for joining me once again! Tomorrow’s post will probably be a lot shorter (lotta stuff going on), but I’ll still try to make it interesting. For now, we are left with the realization that Shion didn’t actually tell the village head what happened because she had vanished by then, that Mion is probably responsible for everyone’s disappearance so far, and at some point Rika’s going to stab her own guts own while Mion laughs maniacally. Good times!
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