#the amount of issuses Annabeth has as a character either multiplies or stays the same
cynthiav06 · 1 month
do you hate annabeth because she's black now??
Hate book Annabeth? Sometimes, but not entirely, though, I dislike her character portrayal later in the books.
Hate Show Annabeth? Not in this lifetime, she has managed to make Annabeth likable by toning down her sheer aggressiveness towards Percy that she has on the whole first two books and I think we can all agree that Leah has nailed the essence of Annabeth before the show ruined it that is.
(I won't even address your titular question because it's so absurd and of literally no significance to the whole thing.)
Have they butchered her character arc in the show? Absolutely. They made her borderline cold and detached from emotions and removed from things of normal world. Annabeth's problem has never been her lack of sentiment or normalcy or her cold demeanor. She is one of the most empathizing characters in the books because she is so flawed and so human, and the show has literally ripped that from her in an attempt of female empowerment and other bullshit as if Annabeth chase of all people needs female empowerment .
Do I hate Show? Absolutely.
I think it must be some sort of universal rule that you either get great books or great movies/shows, but you can't have both.
Cause the actors are spot on, but they have butchered the show utterly and completely like there's not enough words for the amount of things wrong with it.
And don't even get me started on visual effects for monsters and stuff cause even the movie had better visual effects .
The only redeemable part about the show is the Posally backstory and the take on Medusa.
And that's all I have to say over this whole mess .
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