#the amount of kagukik content im coming up w for inu pride....love to see it
inukouga · 4 years
ok LISTEN....kagukik vampire & vampire huntress au:
kagura’s the vampire. she was turned by naraku (he deceived her by glamorizing being a vampire and offering her powers + immortality and she accepted unaware that it would all come at a Great cost: her freedom) and is part of naraku’s small ragtag group of vampires who were also turned by him. there’s like, an order/council of vampires and all these vampire politics going on but long story short naraku did a very Bad thing and broke one of the Rules™️ that you’re not supposed to break under Any circumstances so he’s been ostracized from vampire society but the order still keeps a close eye on him.
kikyo’s the vampire huntress. she became a huntress after a certain vampire (naraku) killed her parents when she was little. she only has her little sister kaede left and often leaves her in the care of other ppl in their village when she goes vampire hunting. eventually she becomes one of the most skilled vampire hunters around and gains quite a bit of notoriety
naraku’s observed her since she’s started her quest for vegeance and is fascinated by the sheer amount of hatred she has for him/by the darkness in her. he develops an obsession. he’s tried to turn her a couple of times but each time he’s tried he barely manages to escape with his life. as years go by and time after time that naraku escapes her grasp kikyo only grows more and more determined, so he goes into hiding and plans her demise from the shadows while also planning to take down the order/experimenting with dangerous dark magic to have more vampires under his control
he assigns kagura to watch her so he can know of her whereabouts without taking the risk himself. asks her to watch for the right moment when kikyo is at her weakest and to bring her to him, but to not turn her. he wants to turn her himself (i could go more into the reasons why but i dont want this to become an essay sfhhds)
kagura obeys and the first few times she spies on kikyo she finds herself confused as to why naraku’s so obsessed with her (though she does acknowledge that kikyo is quite skilled and efficient at what she does) but this only serves to fuel her initial curiosity, and she knows that she’s supposed to be scared but...she’s fascinated and ok maybe she finds kikyo’s combat skills more than a little hot tbh
they eventually get involved in a game of cat and mouse (except the question of who’s who remains) and keep either running into/barely missing each other
even after that first encounter kagura finds herself seeking kikyo, and kikyo at first really does try to get rid of kagura but for some reason she eventually finds herself letting her go or ignoring her altogether (but she never lets her guard down. not for a second)
at one point when they’re fighting and kikyo has kagura pinned to a wall with a stake right above her heart (she’s not really going to kill her, at this point it’s part of their little dance/intricate ritual they do everytime they meet each other) kagura flirts with her to try to catch her off guard and gain the upper hand (tbh she’s wanted to flirt w kikyo for a while now) and kikyo is taken off guard at first but then she Flirts back, and kagura, after a brief moment of gay panic, quickly realizes that she does not have the upper hand At All (maybe kikyo is the cat and she’s the mouse bc jfc)
after this kikyo flirts with kagura every time they meet, and after a few more moments of Gay Panic where kagura just doesnt know what to do when kikyo’s looking at her with half lidded brown eyes with long af lashes and dangerously stroking the column of her throat with the tip of one of her wooden arrows?? kagura begins to flirt back and there’s always coy teasing and banter every time they run into each other from then on.
at one point they’re unexpectedly opening up to each other, when kikyo asks kagura why do you obey naraku? and kagura tells her the truth; that she’s been looking for a way to defeat him and free herself and the others in her group ever since he tricked her. that this is the first time that she’s ever voiced these thoughts aloud, because she’s scared that he’s somehow listening in. that her mission was supposed to bring kikyo to him since the very beginning.
kikyo considers this for a moment. then she asks kagura why she hasn’t brought her to him when, throughout the time this Thing between them has been going on, kikyo’s been vulnerable tons of times. kagura asks “why do you think i havent?” and stares right at her intently and kikyo sees everything kagura’s not saying aloud in her eyes
and of course kikyo’s been aware of kagura’s feelings for a while now, but it hasn’t actually hit her until then and it makes her realize that she feels the same (there’s a period of time where kikyo takes a while to come to terms with the fact that she’s actually fallen for a vampire, and she tries to avoid kagura but no matter how hard she tries she cant)
they both confess to each other (without really saying it outright) and they cant spend too much time with each other in fear of naraku finding out about what theyre doing (spoilers: he already knows but is willing to let it go on so he can use it to his advantage) which makes them cherish the few moments they do have a lot more
they work together and plan to defeat naraku together secretly, unaware that he’s one step ahead of them
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