#the answer is almost definitely yes
holographicbutch · 2 years
Man. Am I gonna make a mt/z sideblog
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mallowstep · 3 years
irregular reminder that idgaf what you do with my work! plagarism aside (no direct quotations and cite your sources), you can all do basically whatever
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malewifepalamedes · 5 years
now here's the question of the day am i truly that much of a notorious homosexual to drop £50 on a yoga mat that is just a handsome chaps bare chest, nipple, and lips?
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godkingsanointed · 7 years
Gotta wait to see if I need more painkillers before we play, dnd always kills my back but rn it's hard to sit up anyway
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curls-cat · 7 years
Didn't you suggest Sisters Grimm/Fablehaven fusion au long time ago?
Probably? I have had a ton of thoughts about fusion aus because they’re like my favorite thing ever. I don’t have a clear memory of that one, though
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snowangelaziraphale · 9 years
if your fic summary is just a question (”cas and dean have always been like ships that pass in the night- but when they find themselves locked in a sinking submarine, will love be all the oxygen they need?”) i am 110% more likely to just answer “probably, yeah” in a bored monotone and keep scrolling
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semianonymity · 10 years
It's still not-quite-11 where I live, and I'm going to go to bed right now (in my new CHRISTMAS JAMMIES, which are teal-and-aqua-stripes) because that's the sort of individual I am--
But it's been a good year. A hard year. I graduated college, I went to the Bahamas, I've started antidepressants, I've taken the time to work on myself and learn a happier-healthier way to live. It's a work in progress.
And I'm really glad I know you. A lot of yous. Online and offline, there are so many wonderful people in my life, and I am so grateful for that.
Thank you.
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