#the arguments become far more interesting anyway when you dismantle their system with their own in-universe laws morals and logic
olivegardenhunter · 19 days
for the love of god as someone who has studied international humanitarian law for the last 5 years. I BEG of you, naruto fandom, to stop throwing around words like war crimes and genocide like it means nothing. and PLEASE stop directly applying real world standards onto the systems created in the Naruto universe. I'm not saying don't compare them at all, but please recognise that the Naruto universe very much have their own established systems with their own laws and standards that are not a perfect parallel to our world. and it's for this reason that you cannot hold the Naruto universe to the same standards you hold in the real world.
criticism and comparisons are good, absolutely, but recognise that there are different standards, particularly when it comes to morality, that are established in-universe. and finally, PLEASE understand that some of the things you argue in absolutes are things that continue to be debated even in the real world in the first place! some of the standards and morals that you hold the Naruto universe to aren't even fully agreed on in real life. please just recognise all these nuances and differences when you want to make a meta about the Shinobi system by applying real world standards.
keep writing up metas about the Shinobi world and keep comparing it to the real world and critiquing and analysing and dismantling what it is. but please just be a bit more careful and nuanced when you directly critique and interpret naruto using real world standards and logic. it is important to acknowledge that there are different lenses you can view media through, and that our morals and standards just happen to be one lens. it is far more interesting anyway to critique and find fault with the shinobi system through its own logic and by following its own universe's rule.
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evanhunerberg · 4 years
10 deep-seated beliefs, and how to work with them
Preamble ramble: what are deep-seated beliefs?
Deep-seated beliefs are constantly guiding us. We make most decisions and judgements automatically, instinctively, without “thinking.” (Daniel Kahneman calls it System 1 Thinking). Obviously, this impacts our interest in brand and product communications. We reject without thinking. Or we jump on board impulsively. These are, in some ways, “subconscious” events.
Our life experiences etch deep, unspoken beliefs into our minds, and many of these experiences depend on the wider culture we grow up in. A person raised in Minnesota suburbs will have different experiences and beliefs about the world than someone who grew up in Karachi. Focusing on an individual’s experience is important for providing therapy, but in communications we’re trying to reach many people. We need to zoom out and widen our net … but not too far. The more we zoom out, the the more bland, uninteresting, and useless the beliefs become for building communications.
Ideally, you should be thinking about a defined audience as distinct culture. Understand them as a Nation of people, with their own shared customs, beliefs and rituals (which they might not even be aware of). This requires specific, dedicated research. For this article, we’ll be zooming all the way out to the “Western” beliefs that form the foundations for a lot of perception and decisions among people who grew up in North America, Europe, and Australia. You can see them at work in everything from court decisions to Disney movies to hiring decisions, and of course, how people choose to spend their money.
What you’ll find in here
10 cultural beliefs drawn from The Masks of God, Europe: A Cultural History, From Olympus to Camelot, and a bit from my own reading of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. I’ll quickly describe the roots of each belief, with a thought for addressing it.
Putting deep-seated beliefs to use
You can lean into them, or you can challenge them. You just can’t ignore them. You can adapt your story to the contours of these beliefs and use them to frame your brand and product. Or, you can attack them head-on with simple, brutal, and concrete logic. Stupidly simple attacks can make for really arresting advertising. Some of them conflict, so you can even wield them against each other. Just don’t resist or ignore these beliefs silently. If you don’t adapt to them or actively dismantle them, your communications will lack intuitive credibility. You’ll be pushing meaningless non-starters.
Most beliefs are invisible tools of Power. Many of these beliefs evolved as mechanisms for elite control, and they have oppressed many people. I’m definitely not supporting any of them. I am bringing their existence into the open, and I hope I can help you reconfigure them for better uses.)
10 deep-seated Western beliefs
Good deeds will always come back to you Roots Ever since our reliance on the cycles of the sun for agriculture, we’ve believed in a cosmic order and balance. Around 3000 years ago, we also started working morality into the picture. Recommendation If you’re pushing for behavioral change (especially an uncomfortable one), remind people that their actions are part of a bigger interconnected web.
There is a clear line dividing Good from Bad Roots The metaphysical division started in Persia and became a key component of Christianity. It’s been fading since the Scientific Revolution, but it’s hard to shake. It still shows up through our villains and heroes, and it’s exacerbating 2020s political disagreements. Recommendation In 2020, this trope is a little too prominent. You’ll probably have more success attacking this idea, reminding people about the gray areas, and snapping people out of tribal allegiances.
We all get to choose between doing the right thing and the wrong thing Roots According to ancient religions and a lot of Christianity, the cosmic war of Good vs Evil plays out in our daily lives. We participate everyday, and we all choose how to participate. This is the angel and the devil on your shoulders. Recommendation Provoke action in your audience by challenging them to take a clear position. A meaningful decision urges us to do something about it.
If you listen to your heart, you’ll make the right choice Roots As Roman and Catholic bureaucracy lost it’s grip over Europe, ethics and salvation became a more private activity—to understand what was right, you only had to look within. Half a millennium later, Anne Frank would write “I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” Recommendation If you’re asking for altruism, dissociate from any of the surface-level politics that might be in play, and urge your audience to follow their deepest values. They’ll probably have trouble recognizing anything but love and selflessness.
You have to forge your own path Roots As the scientific method started showing us how the world works, it became harder and harder to find our purpose written in the stars. As early as the Enlightenment, we started looking inside ourselves for meaning. We started living our own original adventures. Recommendation Sometimes we need to break our audience away from the herd. Consider if your cause can impel and help someone to live their own truth.
Wherever someone is, they deserve to be there Roots Ruling classes have always maintained that the socioeconomic order reflects a cosmic order. Everyone is where they “should” be, so don’t try to change things. Even now, too many people cling to the idea that someone’s status is an appropriate reflection of their own actions and innate abilities. Recommendation If life is good for you, it’s easy to justify that you deserve it that way. But (in America) our faith in “opportunity” makes it difficult to believe that someone (especially a child) deserves hardship. In your communications, it will probably be easier to argue certain people haven’t had a “fair” shot—especially if you represent that community with an individual person.
To the victor go the spoils Roots A cornerstone of Western fiction, The Iliad, starts with an argument between two “heroes” who are angry about giving up women they took as civilian POW sex slaves(!) And even today, when we walk past mansion estates and luxury cars, we carry a sense that the winners of society are entitled to whatever they can legally capture. Recommendation World-renowned luxury brands make their patrons feel like queens and kings, and it works. To challenge this belief effectively, frame the “victor” as someone much different than the audience.
Power corrupts Roots The late Roman emperors are good symbols for this idea (think Caligula and Nero). The New Testament infuses King Herod with this notion, and we imagine it happening during the height of the French aristocracy too. Recommendation We often envision corruption, decadence, and depravity together alongside tyranny. They’re indicators of leadership that’s fallen out of balance and decayed into something sinister. If you’re battling an entrenched status quo, consider linking some of their personal behaviors to their policies.
Nature needs to be chained down Roots Early farmers had a harmonious relationship with nature, but waves of horse-riding invaders had a different view. They saw nature as an unruly beast to wrestle under control. They put women in the same category, and we’re still dealing with the many effects of this worldview. Recommendation Government regulations can seem unnecessary and meddling. But, the same thing might feel more comforting as a leash on unchecked, untamed behaviors. Instead of framing it as a safety device or a punishment, you could discuss regulation as a harness for a dangerous wild force.
Nature is pure Roots Bronze Age (~3000 BC) and Abrahamic religions characterized the natural world as corrupt and unclean in contrast to God’s abstract perfection. But, nature worship persisted anyway for figures like the goat-legged Pan and the god Dionysus. And then, with the scientific method excusing all kinds of heresy, and industrialization pulling people away from their fields, Westerners developed a special appreciation for the purity and balance of nature. Recommendation This idea contributes a lot of the undertones in environmentalism, but there are many people who don’t identify with that whole package. It might be easier to drum up interest in preservation. America has a long and distinct tradition of preserving pure, wild, pristine land. While some people might not care about saving a far-off exotic animal, we might solicit a lot more care for the spaces in the National Parks that feel sacred.
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