#the au is........unsalvageable. at this point i think i might find its raw lack of coherency impressive.
brawltogethernow · 2 years
What's a ship or character you haven't drawn/written yet, but really want to?
This is a little complicated because if I'm vibing with something extremely hard and don't at least knock out some script-style shitposts for it it's because there's like, an obstacle. Like I'm hyperfocusing on something but specifically the version of it that exists in someone's incomplete AU fanfiction, or it's something that I haven't actually read in over ten years, didn't finish, have no desire to revisit, and remember only some details of, which my brain has still decided it's the season to be obsessed with. If this goes on long enough I will extract the chewiest bits from the thing for use as raw materials in origfic, making the answer "blorbo from my brain" and theoretically diverting the itch somewhere.
...........All that said.
There are... This is going to be a horrifying glimpse into my digital organization system. There are 2500 separate notes on my phone I've filed as Magi. Which is. A manga. About the Arabian Nights, if they were also DnD, with the power of friendship, and socioeconomic-driven political drama?
Most of them are at least vaguely alimor, which is one of the canon relationships. Over two thousand of them are for one AU. I have published *checks* seven. Seven Magi posts and no fic.
For comparison I have like, a thousand notes each under GG and misc. mxtx and about 3.5k each for Marvel and DC, and everything else sorted by fandom is like, significantly lower. There's ~750 ML and nothing else is breaking 500.
The discrepancy is because these Magi entries are, like...okay not BAD, but incoherent. I'm very no thoughts head full about the vibes of this property, and I never landed in a fandom hangout to encourage me to become civilized enough to communicate. I basically spent summer of 2016 to winter of 2018 running through the woods on all fours writing little journal entries to myself about how if Alibaba and Morgiana could fuse like Steven Universe gems their fusion would have the terrifying combination of the former's brainpower and the latter's complete lack of anxiety debuff+ability to kick through granite barefoot, and also a second set of teeth that's only visible when they grin really wide, for reasons.
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