#the bare-faced unprincipled opportunism of it all
hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The way Marine Le Pen cynically and relentlessly exploits every issue makes me want to throw up. She's all over this one, happy for the opportunity to side with her fellow far-right piece of shit politicians in Israel under the guise of caring about Jewish people, and denouncing the left for 'supporting Hamas'—which, yes, 1 far-left party made an inexcusable statement in that regard and it's not like there isn't antisemitism on the left, but still it boggles the mind to have Marine Le Pen smugly posturing as a moral authority on the matter, "these leftist hypocrites don't care if Jews die, unlike me and my fascist party funded by my Holocaust denialist father who speaks fondly of the Gestapo" CLOWN WORLD
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