#the best the red team has in this situation is faye who was a professional snitch while in the mob
hearties-circus · 11 months
Actually you know what it's funny only like. 3 of my guys have experience with what they were hired for
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fayewonglibrary · 5 years
Faye Wong is Faye Wong (2014)
“Midnight lasts too long, the map is too small I suddenly realize, that I can’t kiss you Yet I can find you, it’s so cruel Even if the captain wishes the passengers well” - <Sleepless Flight>
I was in Paris just before the start of fashion week to determine the plans. I immediately sent an email to fashion director Daniela Paudice, Faye Wong’s stylist for this shoot and said: “The clothes I’ve prepared for Faye will be hand-delivered to Paris.”
“Well, you are welcome to come to the shoot and help.” When I received that reply, I felt nervous. Vogue has long worked with a variety of female stars. Immune to supermodel charm, I thought that I could be professional when facing any situation. But for the photoshoot of Faye Wong during Paris Fashion Week, I was a little worried. Faye Wong for many people is a goddess of goddesses and her legend is enduring. She was always at the top of her era. I am no stranger to Faye Wong, but then how many Chinese people born after the 80s are unfamiliar with Faye Wong? In the end, what kind of charm does Faye Wong have that made her become a fashion symbol across the ages?
At first glance In the movie “2046”, Faye Wong always repeated the Japanese lines:
“Let’s go take a look… let’s go… I’ll go with you… Sure, I’ll go with you… Sure… I see… Understand? I see! I get it! I understand… Can I really go? I can go… Sure… I see… I understand.”
Early on before going to Paris, I already knew about Faye Wong’s invitation to the fashion week show, I was well prepared ahead of time. Before I went to the Céline show, I had secretly told myself that “I will take photos of Faye Wong and had to find the best spot!”
The Céline show invited many stars, including famous American rapper Kanye West who was seated opposite of Faye. Before Faye arrived, Kanye West caused a large influx of reporters and onlookers. A burst of photography caused a commotion on the floor, but after this there was a quietness, as if waiting for something to happen. The scene gradually moved along. There were a lot of foreign fashion influencers and media looking around. What major person was causing the delay of the show for this long?
Finally, when the scene was about to be cleared, I heard a few French staff members whispering, “Elle est la”?   “Oui oui, elle arrive…”
I knew Faye Wong had arrived. She was surrounded by staff and the media at the venue, wearing a dark blue long coat, with an artistic print blouse and black pleated skirt, and she had a relaxed attitude.
After she sat down, I squeezed by a group of journalists from all over the world and by virtue of the advantages of speaking Chinese and getting the spot in advance, I spoke the first sentence in my life to Faye Wong herself: “Faye Wong, please look here to take a photo?” She then moved her gaze to my camera and I quickly pressed several times, to make sure there’s no problem with the first photos of Faye Wong at a Paris Fashion Week show. After the show ended, I watched Faye guarded by security, pushing through a crowd and out into a car on the road. I used to think this sight could only be seen after her concerts in the 90s, but it was unexpectedly seen in Paris, where I have lived for four years.
Photoshoot “One small wish always in my heart May the light rain wash away the dust” - <One Small Wish>
The next major event was shooting Faye Wong’s cover. This shoot was a big event for both the Vogue team and Faye Wong. For Faye, this was her first cover for a Vogue Fashion and Beauty issue. Everyone, including the editor in chief, was curious of what kind of sparks will fly.
On the day of shooting, I started preparing clothing, accessories and various things very early. The Vogue team was extremely organized that day. In addition to stylist Daniela Paudice, the editor Angelica Cheung and fashion director Candy Lee arrived on the scene. The shoot took place in a four-story studio in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. Under the spring rain, like in Faye Wong’s song <One Small Wish>, “Listen to the drizzling rain / Lightly beating on the roof / Drizzling rain, sneakily arrived to the mortal world”. She also quietly arrived under the light rain. Today her attire was more casual than at the catwalk. She wore gray trousers with flat shoes, a red, blue and white long-knit sweater lined her tall and thin body. Seeing her up close again, I could carefully observe that her eyes were still the same as those of the girl singing “Dream Person” on stage with the makeup of tears years ago. It did not seem that time had left any traces on her. After passing the events of yesterday, I could calmly play the role of host. “Faye Wong, do you want to sit? Drink something? What do you need? I can help you…” Ha ha ha ha, not nervous at all because of seeing the goddess. The reason why is also very important, Faye Wong looks very easygoing, she’s quiet and fully trusts the team. She did not make any demands, which made people very relaxed.
Our team here included stylist Daniela Paudice, photographer Emma Summerton and Faye Wong’s team of many years, makeup artist Zing and image consultant Titi Kwan, who had a brief conversation and then the shooting began. Whether waiting for make-up or taking breaks, Faye Wong sat together with her acquaintances - unconcerned with the camera lens and was relatively quiet. She only showed a little nervousness when needing to communicate with our staff on the photographer’s needs. Until the last shot was taken and while the production team discussed things, she spoke like a child in Cantonese and asked Titi Kwan: “Did you get it? Good? Did you not get it? (Okay? Is it good enough? Can I rest?”) The pure and happy look in her eyes was clear and could not hide her mood.
I do not know why, writing these few words, I feel emotional. First, because contact with Faye Wong soon came to an end and secondly, I really saw that Faye Wong has not changed after so many years. Rumors always say - her interaction with strangers is tense, her performances are cold, and she is only completely relaxed around familiar people. And in the eyes of innumerable fans is also the most true side of the pop star heavenly queen, behind the halo, the best Faye Wong.
After the shoot was over, everyone was busy. Faye went upstairs to organize her own things. I did the least professional thing - when she was in the lounge, ready to leave, I said to her: “Faye Wong, can you sign this for me?”
She was startled at first and then gladly took the card I handed her - a light blue Paris-themed folded postcard. She did not look at me, but still laughed embarrassed for a moment when she opened the card and saw the pop up blue three-dimensional Paris Eiffel Tower. She could not help but smile and say, “Paris?” to herself, and with a wave of the pen signed her name, and handed it back to me.
After I said “Thank you,” I turned around and left without thinking of anything more. This day is worth remembering.
“The bird on the roof, is it you? The white clouds flying in the sky, it must be you.” - <Fly>
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