#the bigfoot thing is getting admittedly out of hand for people around me irl
john-bigfeet-bigfoot ยท 28 days
Just a passing thought about some shit.
The contents of your underwear is relevant in exactly two subjects: Consensual sex and highly specific medical stuff.
Everything thing else is varying degrees of needless needless fluff and low to high key pro-segregation propaganda to try and ease people into thinking "Racial bathroom segregation sucked, but this is fine." with hopes it'll come full circle back to "I'm not racist, but The Blacks(TM) need their own fucking drinking fountains." until hard Rs, faggots out of non-reclaimers, and whatever trans slurs become the norm again.
Sorry for the existentially terrifying tangent, have a Sasquatch meme because my choice in coping mechanisms got weird as fuck.
Tumblr media
Peace, love, assassinations, Bigfoot, death of capitalism, Bigfoot, harmony, worldly beauty, Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Naoto Shirogane (non-canon version by non-cowards, for non-cowards), Bigfoot, and most importantly...
Feet on, Bigsters!
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