#the birb peeps / ooc
amischiefofmuses · 4 months
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I love that the hazbin fandom still does dash comms, it's been a while since I've been in a fandom that embraces it so fully and just- god it brings me back to my Undertale days in all the best ways. If ever people wanna dash comm on shit my nerds are doing, it's always welcome and ily.
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errantinfinity · 3 years
so what if i maybe came back to tumblr
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errantcanis · 4 years
Twainkle twainkle little toes
Please don't put them up my nose
They've been on the floor all day
This is all I have to say
Twainkle twainkle little toes
Please don't put them up my nose
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
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Out of curiosity, have you ever thought about making a nsfw blog?
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(Actually, when I discovered the Glory that is Dicktales, making a NSFW blog was brought up. But I was already putting suggestive content on here WAY BEFORE and I didn’t want to deal with a separate blog, so I just booped a new Tag for the smut being added. That way if you see the tag, you can know what’s up. Or it could be blocked. Now, I know that custom tags like It's A Duck-Blur! || {NSFW} and Dicktales-Wco-oo || {NSFW-Lemon} are hard to block— but I don’t want to use normal #nsfw because the Tunglr Gods scare me.)
(Besides, and I’m not trying to be insensitive or anything, but I figure that people could just... Ignore It. XD I mean- I’m engaging in smut with of-age partners whom I trust and are comfortable with it, I’m tagging the suggestive or openly-sexual threads/images/posts, and if someone happens to catch a glimpse of a naughty word or something scandalous... It’s very easy to either keep scrolling or if it really IS a problem for them, they can Unfollow with no hard feelings. :3 Hell, I’ve already lost followers here and there whenever a Sinday rolls around the corner... and honestly, it’s All Good. *thumbs up*)
(But, to be honest... I AM kinda curious about how many followers a NSFW blog would get. XD Just so I could see who is sticking around for the Duck Dicks. lol)
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createinfinity · 5 years
is rokku a boy or a girl
random asks
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aplushemporium · 3 years
Purble birb -- definitely nOT Molly
go on anon (or not) and tell me your favorite detail about my muse!
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"Well I must be doin' somethin' right if I got the first compliment, AND I only been here for less than a week!"
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//Ah, thanks anon, and Didge. ...Don't get a swelled head Didgy. It's just a comment on your feathers.
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moetsukita-blog1 · 6 years
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“Bloodshed gives way to more bloodshed. Hatred breeds more hatred. Until all of the violence soaks into the land, carving rivers of blood; & no matter how many times it happens, they never learn. Humans are made up of violent, miserable fools.“
                                                                                                                                                x. / x.
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amischiefofmuses · 4 months
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Gotta say, the Hazbin fandom has been the first in a while I've felt welcomed into instantly. Often it takes a while to kinda integrate into different fandoms in rp but y'all have been so nice. Thank y'all for that, I'm hyped to throw my two cretchurs at all of you ehehe.
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amischiefofmuses · 4 months
Eventually going to be setting up a new muse for this already-busy blog, I couldn't help myself. I am accepting asks for him for the timebeing while I set up his information and get a feel of his character. Lets welcome Alastor to my little nest.
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Don't touch that dial now, you won't want to miss the show!
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errantinfinity · 3 years
okay real talk, i’ve been in a really low mood for the past couple of weeks or so that i am just finally coming out of. to anyone that i haven’t messaged back or haven’t really been talking to, i do absolutely still want to talk to you and write with you, my brain has just had limited capacity to talk to many people at all for a while now. i will reach out to people as i start to feel better, and i am hoping that with a couple of early nights i might even feel more like myself again enough to tackle some of my drafts.
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errantinfinity · 3 years
i feel like this has been a while coming, honestly. i’ve had a weird combination of low moods, lack of muse, and lack of motivation in various levels for a while and i think i just need to take a break and not think about it for a while. putting myself on hiatus takes off the pressure that i know i shouldn’t put on myself but i do. i can just relax for a bit and come back at my own pace when i am ready.
if anyone wants me, you will still find me on discord! i may appear and post the occasional thing, but for the most part i won’t be here. feel free to ask for my discord if you want it as well! :)
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errantinfinity · 3 years
everyone: playing genshin me: also playing genshin but in the european servers rip
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errantinfinity · 4 years
how the fuck do you just forget stuff like that
as charming as this ask was to receive, i don’t really have to explain anything to be honest. i’m human, i make mistake, these things happen. i was also recently diagnosed with adult adhd, one of my biggest symptoms because that i will regularly forget pretty much anything, including important things in real life, so frankly i think i can be excused for forgetting to check something that i set up mostly for convenience and that doesn’t really affect anyone in a negative way if i forget to check it because my brain doesn’t quite work as it should.
also, this was just kind of rude.
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errantinfinity · 3 years
me: reading jjk
me: having a good time
panda character: exists
me: waIT WHAT
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errantinfinity · 3 years
surprise update no one asked for
hyperfocus says genshin and genshin only. xiao has eaten probably almost 8000 primo at this point and refuses to appear. did get qiqi on a random standard banner roll from world rank ascension tho. i would die for her and will strive to provide her with all the cocogoat milk she could ever want.
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errantinfinity · 4 years
okay so! i have now made a mobile rules and muse page (aka a google doc) with a simple list of all my muses. this is up to date (my blog bios are not oops), so you can check there at a glance to see what muses i have!
you can find my mobile doc here!
i also have an interest tracker! i really appreciate everyone that has filled it out, and it has been great to know who wants to interact with which of my muses! if you’re interested in interacting, then if you fill it out i will come and chat to you about ideas and such!
you can find my interest checker here!
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