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notepok · 2 years
Alabama Messenger Newspaper | Birmingham Alabama
Alabama Messenger Newspaper | Birmingham Alabama
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
How to Write Free Classified Ads That Sell
If you've ever visited classified ad sites, and read some of the ads, you really have to wonder if some of these people actually make any money from the ads they post. Certainly, not all of the ads are bad. You should study some of the ads on these sites.
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This should be your first step in writing a good ad: Study the ads that pique your interest. This can be ads in the newspaper, in magazines, on Google and Yahoo, and on the free classified ad sites.
You want to study the type of ads you want to write. Create a swipe file. This can be a simple text file of ads you liked, that made you want to click through, or write for more information, or whatever.
The purpose of a good ad is to get you to do something. To act.
If you've ever written an ad, then you've probably heard of the ad writing formula AIDA, but it's worth repeating here:
A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action
Attention applies to your headline. You want to generate attention and get readers to read the rest of your ad. You need to write a good headline. Your headline should be short, to the point, and demand attention.
Here are some examples:
The Secret of Making People Like You
A Little Mistake That Cost A Farmer $3,000 A Year
The shorter your ad, the shorter your headline needs to be. Make every word count.
One thing you should remember here is before writing your ad, choose your audience. Your ad can't be all things to all people. Your ad must appeal to those who are looking for what you have to offer.
If you have the attention of your reader, the next step is interest. Focus on the main benefit of your product or service.
If you are writing a short ad, then you can only focus on one benefit.
Remember, a benefit is different from a feature. A feature tells you what something will do. A benefit tells the person how it will help him/her.
For example:
If you are selling a product to end baldness, a feature might be that it's easy to use. A benefit would be that the person would have a full head of hair that makes him look 20 years younger.
Here's the beginning of an example ad:
Headline: End Male Pattern Baldness Forever?
Interest: Unique formula ends male pattern baldness forever.
Next, you want to create a desire for your product.
Example: In just 15 minutes a day, you can be on your way to a full head of hair.
Finally, you want the reader to take action. Send for free details, write for free details, click through, etc.
Example: Get your free subscription to the "Male Pattern Baldness Newsletter" now.
These are just examples, and I'm sure that they can definitely be refined.
Once you've written your ad, it's time to start posting. You will need some way to track your ad. You can use different email addresses, different links, or some type of tracking software.
It's important that you track your ads because you want to know which ones are getting results and which ones aren't.
You can change your ads one element at a time to increase effectiveness.
The point is:
1. Study good ads.
2. Create a swipe file.
3. Know Your Audience.
4. Apply the AIDA formula.
5. Test and Track Your Ads.
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fallenloverecords · 7 years
Interview:  Glass Arcades
Hi lovers! Here at Fallen Love headquarters we periodically interview people that we adore in order to shine a spotlight on our wonderful pop planet. We post all those interviews right here for your education and enjoyment.
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Glass Arcades is the sleep pop project of Anton Salmine from Cardiff, Wales. Fallen Love head Harley interviewed Anton through e-mail. Fallen Love Records: Who is Glass Arcades? Anton: Glass Arcades is me, alone, in a room, shyly mumbling into a mic, playing some guitar with the reverb turned up a bit too high, recording it in one take if I can, and regretting not re-recording it later. Everything's fairly quick, spontaneous and unplanned, and even though I might spend an entire day writing and recording one two-minute tune that nobody will ever hear, most of that time is just spent obsessing over what I've just come up with and listening to it over and over again until I get bored. I'm my own biggest fan but only in short doses. FLR: Is it a solo project born out of desire or necessity? What would your dream vision of Glass Arcades be? A: I first started writing music when I was around 13 but I never really got the response I wanted from my friends when I played them any of the songs I'd come up with. All my songs that I was going crazy about were the ones that no one seemed to really grasp at all. I had a few proper bands and side projects with other people but none of those ever seemed to really go anywhere, at least nowhere that I was particularly interested in personally. I do really love not having to consult anyone else when it comes to music and just having complete freedom to do ...whatever, basically. It does get a bit tiring, though, especially when it comes to dealing with marketing or promotion, which I really haven't done at all, nor do I have all that much interest in either. In a year or two I might eventually feel like playing some of this stuff live, even though I can't really envision playing everything all on my own in some lo-fi drum machine + guitar + vocals set up, no matter how enticing that sounds. I must say that I've recently been pretty obsessed with this live footage I found on YouTube of The Magnetic Fields playing in a pub in Philadelphia around 1996, which is pretty much how I'd want Glass Arcades to sound live — all I need is a cellist now I reckon! FLR: What inspires you to write a song? A: It's taken me an excruciatingly long time to try and learn how to write songs that sound personal but aren't. I tend to write a lot in the first person but there always seems to be a 'you' that it's directed at. Often it's the same 'you', sometimes it's a fictionalised version of an actual real-life 'you' or two or a million 'yous' but sometimes it's just me. FLR: What is the pop scene like in Wales? A: Most of the time I tend to just find myself taking the train to Bristol for gigs — it is the second indiepop capital of Britain (behind Glasgow) after all! I do still feel that the scene here across the Severn is pretty vibrant and (re-)growing. To me Cardiff is just the perfect place creatively, given how friendly and welcoming (not to mention cheap to live in!) the place is. I just couldn't imagine Glass Arcades happening in say London or Birmingham. Even though I'm not Welsh, nor is Glass Arcades really even a proper band, I feel like Glass Arcades is very much a Welsh band, if that makes any sense. My absolute favourite Cardiff band would be the brilliantly named and thoroughly underrated Joanna Gruesome — aptly described by someone as "HC twee." Besides that I'm always (perhaps way too) eager to recommend both Gorky's Zycotic Mynci (whose 1996 "Patio Song" was probably the closest that Welsh language indiepop ever got to the musical mainstream, charting at a whopping #41 on the singles list) and Ffa Coffi Pawb, the band that eventually evolved and got somewhat anglicised into the Super Furry Animals, before being sadly forgotten by most everyone. Obviously there's also a long and rich local pop history all the way from Tom Jones (whose childhood home in Treforest I used to live about ten houses away from for a while) to the [Manic Street Preachers] (I often catch the bus 26 from Cardiff to their hometown of Blackwood, though I've never taken it all the way up there — maybe I should).
FLR: What's your favorite arcade game? A: I think I must now sorely disappoint anyone who just googled "Glass Arcades" excepting to read an insightful interview from a bearded bespectacled builder of artisan arcade machines made of glass and shit by saying that I don't think I've ever even been more than three feet into a gaming arcade in my life. I'm not strictly morally opposed to the idea, though, so if anyone wants to, they can buy a life-long subscription to everything I ever release by taking me out to play some arcade games. FLR: Tell us about a memorable nightmare you've had. A: It's not really a nightmare but I keep having this recurring dream where all the water, landmarks, cars, and people around me just disappear all of sudden. After I'd spent a lot of time around Europe last summer, in one of these dreams I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be Hamburg, Helsinki, London, or Cardiff Bay but I was just mindlessly walking about in a desolate post-apocalyptic urban environment, everything covered in jungle and desert where rivers and seas used to be. The "scripts" to most of my dreams tend to be more concerned with establishing the setting and atmosphere rather than the (mostly non-existent) narrative aspects or the passage of time. Sometimes there's one or two people involved as well but I tend to lose track of where they were by the end of the dream... And well, at the risk of sounding too Morrissey, I had a dream where a friend of mine died and nobody told me until two weeks afterwards. That was pretty distressing. I feel like Glass Arcades is not so much dream-pop as falling-asleep-pop. I write most of my lyrics when I'm about to fall asleep. I hate editing. That seems to give everything the mildly dreamlike quality of lacking any sensible structure, sentiment, or grammar. I'm currently in the process of trying to learn how to write with both of my eyes open. FLR: If you could time travel to 1991 but only stay for one night, who would you see in concert? A: I was born four years after that and I've spent a disconcertingly huge part of my life pondering that exact question. It's basically a full-time job for me now. I reckon seeing [Jesus And Mary Chain], [Dinosaur Jr.], and [My Bloody Valentine] on the same bill would've been pretty intense but I'd probably realistically (well, as realistically as you can for a question that involves travelling 26 years in time) go for Suede, still with both Bernard and Justine on board, playing some sweaty club in North London before they released "The Drowners" and got huge. My absolute favourite musical experience ever was seeing them do Dog Man Star from beginning to end at the Royal Albert Hall in 2014. My feet and toes were aching from the new boots I'd bought the day before, I'd lost my ticket in the train, bought a new ticket from some lad dressed as Wally off of Where's Wally?, got sunburnt (in March!), and basically cried my eyes, my lungs, my heart, and whatever was left of my central nervous system out when they played "Stay Together" as the final encore. FLR: What's one question you've never been asked in an interview that you would love to be asked someday? A: This is technically only the second interview I've ever given, unless you count the time when they came to our school to ask 8 year-old me and my classmates questions on our circadian rhythms for an article on school start times on the newspaper. I suppose I still wouldn't mind if you asked me about that but I think I'd love just about any excuse to go on about Momus, green olives, or the Posadist International. (I'm not even being purposefully absurd — those are like my genuine main three interests in life). You could also ask me "Where can I download and stream all the latest Glass Arcades releases for free or even donate something if I want?" FLR: And finally, what does 2018 look like for Glass Arcades? A: 2018 isn't looking too bad at all for Glass Arcades. I'm really excited to hear what I come up with but I'm afraid I can't tell you what it sounds like yet as it's yet to happen. At the very least I'll try and get a compilation of all the previous singles and EP's out, accompanied by a physical release on cassette, I think. Glass Arcades on Facebook Glass Arcades on Twitter
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Goldfish and greens in the new world
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/goldfish-and-greens-in-the-new-world/
Goldfish and greens in the new world
When Diya Vincent applied for the Big Bang UK Young Scientist of the Year 2020 with her project on microgreens grown in an aquarium indoors and fertilised with goldfish poop, little did she expect to bag the prize money of £2,000.
“There were 1,000 applicants in the preliminary round and this was my first attempt. It made me nervous though I was excited to present my idea borrowed from what I have seen my grandfather do in Thiruvananthapuram,” says the 12-year-old in a phone interview from Birmingham, UK. “He has a small pond filled with colourful small fish in his garden outside and he grows spinach in it,” she says.
Diya, however, tweaked the idea and grew microgreens in her home aquarium with some help from her pet goldfish. “I wanted to make it bit more challenging and also apply the sciences learnt in school,” she says. Of course, the fun part was she got to buy four more goldfishes in the bargain for her project.
Diya tried three different methods to grow the microgreens indoors. In the first, she used unfertilised water with soluble micronutrients such as phosporous, nitrate and potassium. In the second , she used naturally fertilised water from an aquarium with tropical fish (guppies and mollies) in it. The plant roots absorbed the water with the help of wick cloths. In the third she used the water from her gold fish tank and let the water age for a week with the fish waste to make it rich with nitrates. The water was kept in continuous circulation with the help of a small water pump powered by a solar panel, and styrofoam pipes were used to grow the microgreens.
The third method was the fastest and delivered a harvest of microgreens within 10 days. “The cress and the wheatgrass went straight into our family bowl of salad and sandwiches,” she laughs.
From the preliminary round, Diya was shortlisted for the finals with 300 students from all over UK. But in the next five months, the world changed. The prelims were held in October and the finalists were supposed to meet and present their projects at the National Exhibition Centre in Solihull, England in March. With COVID-19, social distancing and lockdown , the students were instead asked to make a five-minute video about their individual projects showcasing their motivation, methods and real-world applications. The results were notified through email and declared in a YouTube video last month-end.
Diya is one of the youngest top prize winners ever in the Big Bang UK Young Scientists competition, that is held annually for school students between 12 and 18 years of age. The national contest is designed to recognise and reward young people’s achievements in all areas of STEM (Science, Technology, engineering and mathematics) and help them build skills.
Diya realises the importance of her project in these Corona-stricken days. “Microgreens are a simple way of including fresh ingredients into your daily cooking. And you can grow them in the comfort of your home too,” she says and hopes more people will take to it gradually as in the new-normal , it will perhaps besafest to grow your own greens and eat them too.
Now, Diya wants to grow lettuce and spinach in her goldfish aquarium. She plans to donate her prize money to charities that are growing and helping others to grow organic produce in UK. Says the seventh grader, “It is best to eat what you grow. This way you are ready to face any difficult situation.”
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reginaperes157 · 7 years
Gov-auctions.org - #1 Government & Seized Auto Auctions. Cars 95% Off!
On Sunday morning, Alabamians that still have subscriptions to the print editions of The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times or Mobile, AL’s Press-Register woke to see their morning newspaper telling them to “reject Roy Moore” in bold lettering above the each of those paper’s nameplates. An editorial that accompanied the headline criticized Moore, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in next month’s special election, and urged readers to vote for his opponent Democratic Party nominee Doug Jones. “By the various misdeeds, miscalculations and mistakes of its voters and leaders, Alabama has left itself with few options. Alabamians must show themselves to be people of principle, reject Roy Moore and all that he stands for,” it said. “There is only one candidate left in this race who has proven worthy of the task of representing Alabama. He is Doug Jones.” Moore has been under fire since reports first surfaced earlier this month that he engaged in inappropriate behavior and/or sexual misconduct decades ago while serving as a prosecutor and judge in Etowah County, AL. In a statement given to CNN’s Brian Stelter, AL.com vice president of content Michelle Holmes said the reason for the editorial’s prominent placement was that the editorial board of these three
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leominster1941 · 7 years
Leominster’s Victorian Police Force.
Source and a very interesting read with far more detail on Hereford’s Police Force:
Policing Hereford and Leominster : An Illustrated History of the City of Hereford Police, 1835-1947 and Leominster Borough Police, 1836-89 Forrest, Gordon; Hadley, Ted; Forest, Gordon
Prior to the formation of a proper Police Force, Leominster was protected against law-breakers, as were the majority of corporate towns, by the same system as Hereford — mainly Corporation officers and Parish Constables elected annually. During the day, there were two Sergeants at Mace and twelve Constables who could be called on if required, and at night three watchmen, paid for by private subscription, presumably by the tradespeople, to safeguard their interests.
In 1835 the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act was to ensure that the following year the newly elected Town Council would form a Watch Committee to set about organising a Police Force. They applied to the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police for a fit and proper person to take charge, and they were not disappointed. He was William Sidney Smith, who took up his post as Superintendent on the 1st April, 1836, combining his Police duty with that of Governor of the Borough Gaol. He was to reside in part of the gaol building, which was in New Street, and already over eighty years old. His wife to be the unpaid cleaner for the gaol and cells.
Superintendent Smith was a native of Somerset and had considerable Police experience, having served in the Bow Street Office in London under Magistrate Sir Richard Birnie, and later, following the formation of the Metropolitan Police, he was attached to the Division which had special responsibility for the Royal Palaces.
The original establishment was fixed at six, made up of one Superintendent, one Sergeant and four Constables. After a few teething problems the Force settled down well.
It is a matter of great regret that no official records of the Watch Committee have been retained, all the information in these early years has been gleaned from Government Returns, local newspapers of the time and examination of public records.
In 1839 the Force consisted of the undermentioned Police Officers, 50 per cent of them being named SMITH. Superintendent-in-Command — William Sidney Smith. Police Sergeant — Robert Smith. Police Constables — William Neale, James Handley, Samuel Davies and William Smith.
On the 24th June, 1841, Superintendent Smith had to resign his office due to ill-health, being unable to perform outside duties due to chronic rheumatism. He left Leominster with high tributes paid to his ability and integrity. It is sad to record that in 1862 he was living at Bath in complete destitution — a chronic invalid — receiving treatment from the mineral waters, but to no avail.
The new Superintendent was John McCrohon, who was appointed on the 7th August, 1841. A native of County Kerry, Ireland, he had served in the 85 British Auxiliary Legion as a Cadet, Colour Sergeant and Lieutenant in the Spanish Wars. He commenced his Police career with the Metropolitan Force in July, 1838, serving in T)' Division for fifteen months. He transferred to the newly formed Birmingham Force in September 1839, with the rank of Sergeant, and was the fifth person to be enrolled in that Force. He had attained the rank of Sub-Inspector by 1840 and resigned the following year to come to Leominster.
The Force under his leadership continued more or less in the same pattern, but reductions were to take place in the establishment. In 1848 the Sergeant was dismissed and not replaced, and one Constable post was given up. The Force was to remain at one Superintendent and three Constables until the passing of the 1856 County Borough Act, with its' provision for Inspectorate and Certificate of Efficiency, upon which the Government Grant depended. H.M. Inspector of Constabulary, Captain Willis, made his first inspection of the Force in August, 1857. He found the Superintendent and three Constables provided with proper uniform and appointments. The Superintendent resided in an old building in New Street, which was the Borough Gaol, it had three cells attached, space for an office plus 'books'. This was totally inadequate. H.M. Inspector considered the number of men insufficient to police the Town and out-parish efficiently and the Watch Committee agreed to augment the Force by one Sergeant and three Constables. The Superintendent and two Constables were to give day cover and the Sergeant and four Constables the night cover. The new establishment of eight, all ranks, was approved in December, 1857, and was to remain constant for the duration of the fife of the Force.
Two of the older Constables now left not wishing to work under the new arrangements. One was Police Constable Samuel Davies, an original member of the Force, and before that, a paid watchman under the old regime. The other, Police Constable William Smith, was appointed Town Beadle and Mace Bearer, a post he was to hold for 26 years until his sudden death in May, 1884.
The turnover in personnel was rapid in the next four years, there were five resignations and four dismissals, only the Superintendent surviving. By 1862, the Force was getting out of hand, with public unease, concerning allegations of general inefficiency and drinking. The Watch Committee were under pressure to act to remedy the situation. In May of that year, Superintendent McCrohon resigned and in less than a month, on the 6th June, he collapsed in Broad Street and died.
The third Superintendent was again provided from the Birmingham Force. He was Stanford Alexander, aged 33 years, married, and with eleven years police service. He had been chosen from sixty applicants and was indeed a new broom determined to sort out all and sundry. The Town Council had taken the opportunity to pay less wages to their senior Police officer and he only stayed five years. He was paid £100 per annum, plus £10 as Deputy Governor of the Gaol. The Sergeant received 21/8d per week.
In October of that year, Police Constable Thomas Watts was superannuated from the Force after 18 years service. Six months later, a colleague, Police Constable William Blunsdon, moved on to the Cambridge Borough Force as a Sergeant Clerk.
Superintendent George Johnson retired on pension on the 31st March, 1889, and the remainder of the Force, a Sergeant and six Constables, were transferred into the Herefordshire County Constabulary, under Superintendent Richard Strangward. He was in charge of the Leominster and Wigmore Division, which operated from the County Police house in Burgess Street. The County Authority did not take over the old Gaol or the Superintendent's house in New Street.
Thus ended fifty-three years in the life of a very small Police Force, but nevertheless one of which the citizens of the Borough of Leominster were extremely proud.
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Birmingham city council on Wednesday withdrew its permission for a planned rally to mark "Burhan Wani Day" on Saturday after India lodged a protest with the UK government against the "glorification of terrorists". For full newspaper kindly visit our : #website www.newsmeasurements.com Facebook id https://www.facebook.com/newsmeasurementslive Facebook page @newsmeasurements #followme on #flickr News Measurements Network Live #followme on #Instagram #instadaily #news newsmeasurementslive #followme on #Linkedin News Measurements Network #followme on #Tumblr News Measurements #followme on Google Plus News Measurements Send in your news to us on whatsapp for details contact facebook id https://www.facebook.com/newsmeasurementslive and do get your subscription today traditional / epaper #love #instagood #photooftheday #tbt #likeforliketeam (at London, United Kingdom)
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graciedroweuk · 7 years
Manchester City vs Southampton team news: Bacary Sagna and Pablo Zabaleta out injured, with fellow defender Vincent Kompany also doubtful
GUARDIOLA is to remember hit ace Aguero on Sunday.
The Manchester Town chef again remarkably just called the Argentinian expert as an alternative for Wednesday’s 4-0 Champions Category drubbing at the fingers of Spanish leaders Barcelona.
News-Group Newspapers Ltd
Sergio Aguero was just called like a subscription against Barcelona on Thursday evening
City’s 11-objective scorer did seriously going back 11 moments side although in the Camp were currently sunk at that time. Saturday 28, Aguero , an alternative for that 1-1 draw athome to Everton.
His exclusion has started rumours of the fall out between the chef and also him. The striker performed throughout the worldwide split for his nation despite having a minor abdominal damage.
Pep Guardiola appears anguished as his part accident in Barcelona
For managing away from container early within the second-half City were not assisted from the sending-off of keeper Bravo from the Spanish leaders.
The Chilean who returned to his former club, isn’t stopped on Saturday lunch for that visit of Southampton.
Claudio Bravo is delivered down in the Nou Camp
While Delph can also be struggling but Zabaleta is just a main problem after arriving off hurt from the Spanish leaders. Kompany is still battling back from his crotch damage and Town have nevertheless not set a romantic date for his return.
Saints are playing absent to Inter Milan tonight within the Europa Category today.
Sunday premierleague match survey offering Bournemouth v Spurs
GUY LOCATION: Bravo, Maffeo, Otamendi, Rocks, Kolarov, Fernandinho, Gundogan, Rational, De Bruyne, Aguero, Sterling.
SOUTHAMPTON: Forster, Martina, Fonte, Van Dijk, McQueen, Cisse, Romeu, Davis, Tadic, Austin, Redmond.
Birmingham City definitely out:
Bacary Sagna (hamstring).
The post Manchester City vs Southampton team news: Bacary Sagna and Pablo Zabaleta out injured, with fellow defender Vincent Kompany also doubtful appeared first on dylans down town.
from network 4 http://dylansdowntown.com/manchester-city-vs-southampton-team-news-bacary-sagna-and-pablo-zabaleta-out-injured-with-fellow-defender-vincent-kompany-also-doubtful/
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Ageless Sharath looks beyond Tokyo
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ageless-sharath-looks-beyond-tokyo/
Ageless Sharath looks beyond Tokyo
Even as the sports fraternity is still coming to terms with the deferment of the Tokyo Olympics by a year owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sharath Kamal, the torch-bearer of India’s table tennis movement, has taken it in his stride and planning ahead. Sharath is now exuding confidence that he will be able to stretch his career till the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
“After Rio 2016, I had decided to take a call in two years. After the Commonwealth Games (in 2018), I thought I was in good shape to keep going till the 2020 Olympics. Now that Tokyo has been postponed at least till July-August 2021 and there’s just nine months’ gap between Tokyo and Birmingham, I am looking forward to Birmingham,” said Sharath during a live chat with Sportstar on Instagram.
Fruitful two years
Less than three months shy of turning 38, Sharath is in no mood to hang up his boots. In fact, he has been at his best in the last two years, having recorded various firsts. After registering his first career victory over a top-10 ranked player (Japan’s Koki Niwa) in 2018, Sharath reached his career-best World ranking of 30 in January 2019.
He then broke Kamlesh Mehta’s long-standing record of eight National Championship titles in Cuttack. He followed it up with his first ITTF tour title in over a decade by winning the Oman Open last month. With that, he overtook fellow paddler from Chennai G. Sathiyan to retain the honour of being India’s highest-ranked player in the World, at No. 31.
Sharath explained the secret of his longevity and peaking with age. “With sports science having evolved and experts like Ramji Srinivasan (strength and conditioning coach) being around, I am in a much better shape to look after my body, he said.
Pick and play
“Besides, I have been careful in picking and choosing my tournaments ever since I returned to India from Germany (where he was based for almost a decade) in 2016. All of this has helped me spend much more time at home, have a calmer mind and actually live up to the adage of age being nothing but a number.”
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Edgbaston stadium to become COVID-19 testing centre
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/edgbaston-stadium-to-become-covid-19-testing-centre/
Edgbaston stadium to become COVID-19 testing centre
The Warwickshire County Cricket Club (WCCC) on Friday announced that it is handing over the Edgbaston stadium to the government to create a drive-through COVID-19 testing station for the National Health Services (NHS) staff battling the pandemic.
The stadium’s main on-site car park will be used to regularly test the medical staff who are working in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands region, the club’s website said.
The NHS staff will drive in through the Edgbaston road entrance, be tested while remaining in their vehicle and exit the grounds onto Pershore Road, it added.
“With our county cricket programme and conference & events business closed until 29 May, our staff have been exploring various options which enable the club to keep supporting our local community during these difficult times,” WCCC Chief Executive, Neil Snowball said.
“Whether that be through making calls to our elderly members and ex players, volunteering and by offering Edgbaston Stadium for use in the wider civil contingency effort,” he added.
The coronavirus outbreak has infected over a million people and caused more than 53,000 deaths worldwide.
In the UK, close to 33,000 people, including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince Charles, have been infected and close to 3,000 deaths have been reported so far.
Earlier this week, the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) has announced that they would be providing the parking and storage spaces available at the iconic Lord’s cricket ground to the NHS staff.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Sindhu, Saina chase glory as All England Championships get underway amid coronavirus outbreak
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Sindhu, Saina chase glory as All England Championships get underway amid coronavirus outbreak
Undeterred by the coronavirus outbreak, Indian shuttlers will continue to chase glory at the All England Championships beginning here on Wednesday, with reigning world champion P.V. Sindhu spearheading the campaign.
The season’s first Super 1000 event witnessed a dramatic build-up in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, which has claimed over 4000 lives and infected more than 100,000 people globally.
In the United Kingdom itself, the number of infected people has gone past 300 with five deaths so far.
A number of tournaments, including the German Open, was postponed since the deadly disease first broke out in Wuhan, China, affecting the preparation of the shuttlers for the Tokyo Olympics.
Concerned about their health, seven Indian shuttlers, including former top 10 player H.S. Prannoy and world No. 10 men’s doubles pair of Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy have withdrawn from the All England.
The $1,100,000 BWF world tour event offers 12,000 ranking points to the winner and with the Olympic qualification on the line, most of the top players will be seen in action at the Arena Birmingham.
While Sindhu, who is almost assured of an Olympic berth, will look to end a nearly two-decade-old title jinx at the All England Championship by adding the coveted title to her 2019 world championships gold, former silver medallist Saina Nehwal and Kidambi Srikanth will eye valuable points to squeeze inside the top 16 before the deadline for Olympic qualification ends on April 28.
Chief national coach P Gopichand was the last Indian to win the championship, in 2001. Sindhu will look to overturn a run of recent poor finishes and emulate her mentor with the top medal.
World No. 6 Sindhu, who had reached the semifinal in 2018, will need to cut down on unforced errors and strengthen her defence as she opens against USA’s Beiwen Zhang. The 24-year-old is expected to take on Korea’s Sung Ji Hyun if she crosses the opening hurdle.
Saina, who had made it to the finals in 2015, is in dire need of some ranking points to qualify for the Olympics and she will face a stern test against third seeded Japanese Akane Yamaguchi in the opening round.
Former world No. 1 Srikanth, who had reached the quarters in 2019, will have to get across Olympic champion and third seed Chen Long to have any chance of going deep in the draw and retain his ranking points.
World championships bronze medallist B. Sai Praneeth, who is also almost assured of a berth at Tokyo, will open against China’s Zhao Jun Peng.
Former Commonwealth Games champion Parupalli Kashyap, who is coming back after recovering from a back injury at Spain Masters last month, will be up against Indonesia’s Shesar Hiren Rhustavito in the opener.
Young Lakshya Sen, who had claimed five titles last year, will be making his debut in the prestigious tournament and he will begin against Hong Kong’s Lee Cheuk Yiu.
Among other Indians, Ashwini Ponnappa and N. Siki Reddy will face Australian pair of Setyana Mapasa and Gronya Somerville in women’s doubles, while Sikki will pair up with Pranaav Jerry Chopra to take on top seeded Chinese Zheng Si Wei and Huang Ya Qiong.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
India to host C’Wealth shooting, archery
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India to host C’Wealth shooting, archery
India will host the Commonwealth shooting and archery championships in January 2022 and the medals from the two events will be counted in the final tally of the Birmingham Games, an unprecedented move approved by the CGF.
However, the medals will be added one week after the conclusion of the multi-disciplinary sporting event in Birmingham, the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) announced on Monday.
The decision was made at the CGF’s Executive Board meeting here from February 21 to 23.
It can be considered a big win for India since it had threatened to boycott the Birmingham edition of the Games for dropping shooting, an optional sport, from the roster. Archery is also another optional sport.
“A Commonwealth Archery and Shooting Championships is set to take place in India in 2022 after a proposal to stage the event was approved by the CGF Executive Board,” the CGF said in a release.
Events in Chandigarh
The two events will be held in Chandigarh in January 2022 while the Birmingham Commonwealth Games are scheduled from July 27 to August 7, 2022.
“The decision confirmed that Chandigarh 2022 and Birmingham 2022 will be two separately organised and funded Commonwealth Sport events. “One week following the Closing Ceremony of Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, the CGF shall issue a medal table that includes results from the Chandigarh 2022 Commonwealth Archery and Shooting Championships, as a further and final legitimate ranking of competing nations and territories from the respective competitions,” the CGF added.
Rare arrangement
Rarely the sporting world has seen such an arrangement that the medals of championships held outside major Games are counted in the final tally (of the main event).
National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) president Raninder Singh, who mooted the idea of the Commonwealth Shooting Championships, admitted that CGF’s decision was a “unique and unprecedented development” as well as “truly a game changing methodology”.
He was also candid in calling NRAI and IOA’s proposal as “admittedly against the grain”.
In July 2019, the IOA had proposed to boycott the 2022 Birmingham CWG for dropping shooting from the roster.
Warning withdrawn
But, following a visit by CGF president Louise Martin and CEO David Grevemberg in November last, the IOA withdrew its warning during the Annual General Body Meeting in December.
The IOA, while withdrawing the boycott call, proposed to host Commonwealth shooting and archery Championships in 2022 with the condition that the medals awarded in these two events should be counted in the final tally of the participating countries.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Hope to do well in All England Open: Sindhu
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Hope to do well in All England Open: Sindhu
Since the epic World badminton championship victory last August, P.V. Sindhu hasn’t done anything of note to be optimistic of a gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
But the 24-year-old isn’t worried one bit about the perceptible downslide.
“I have had some ups and downs [since the Worlds]. It’s fine. I am working on my mistakes and preparing for the All England Open [to be held in Birmingham from March 11 to 15] and hope to do well there,” said Sindhu, after laying the foundation stone for the P.V. Sindhu Badminton Academy and a training centre, to be set up by Heartfulness at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School at Kolapakkam here on Wednesday.
The 2016 Rio Olympics silver medalist said there was no major flaw in her game except that she is committing unforced errors at crucial junctures of a contest.
Focus on defence
She also highlighted that she was focussing on her defence.
“The day matters. I might have made a few mistakes I should not have done. Those made the difference in close matches. I am working on my defence. I have learnt to be a bit more patient during rallies. I am working on all that,” she said.
On the mental aspect, Sindhu said practicing meditation technique [Heartfulness] for the last 11 months has made her calm and took away the pressure of expectations during matches and helped her concentrate on the game.
“Not that it will get you success. Generally, when you play, you face pressure. Sometimes the pressure gets to you. In matches it is important to be calm. For me, in matches you get impatient and tend to get angry and lose points. That’s when Heartfulness comes into play.”
No clear favourite
There is no clear favourite in the women’s section at Olympics, according to Sindhu. “I think every player is doing well. Players in the top-15 are of same standars. You have to wait and see. Everybody is working hard for Tokyo.”
When asked whether numerous off-court commitments has been a distraction, Sindhu replied that if one is clear about his/her priorities, it is not a problem.
“It is not like that. It needs to be equally done. I never felt that I have given too much time to off-court activities.”
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vsplusonline · 4 years
India’s proposal to host Common Wealth Games shooting, archery events backed by UK House of Lords
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India’s proposal to host Common Wealth Games shooting, archery events backed by UK House of Lords
India’s proposal to host the additional shooting and archery events for the 2022 Commonwealth Games has been endorsed by the British House of Lords after an extensive debate.
Last month, the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) had withdrawn its threat to boycott the Birmingham Commonwealth Games over shooting’s omission and instead decided to submit a formal proposal to host a shooting championship, where the medals won will be counted in the tally of the Games.
The proposal was backed by the UK’s House of Lords.
“The government welcomes the Indian Olympic Associations statement on confirming that India will take part in the games,” Baroness Diana Barran, the parliamentary under Secretary of State for digital, culture, media and sport, said in her summation address.
“The government also welcomes the proposal from India to the CGF for additional events in the sports of shooting and Archery and the CGF is currently discussing this proposal with its membership and following this will inform India of its decision,” she added.
When asked if she could confirm that the government would ensure that in future versions shooting would be made a compulsory sport at the CWG instead of an optional one, she said she will pass on the matter to the minister of sports in the House of Commons.
She also said that the minister of sports in the House of Commons is simultaneously “meeting with the CGF discussing that very point and all of the costs for that event shall be met by the Indian Olympic association.”
House member Lord Karan Bilimoria described the proposal “as a manifestation of a member of the commonwealth family coming forward as a member of the family to assist in providing a solution to the issue of shooting and archery being proposed to be held in Delhi or Chandigarh.”
He also congratulated sports minister Kiren Rijiju, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) President Narinder Batra and National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) chief Raninder Singh for offering an “innovative solution“.
In a letter to the CGF President Dame Louis Martin, Batra said the cost of the shooting’s conduct will be met largely by the NRAI while the archery programme will likely be funded solely by the Government of India.
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