#the black and white versus colour thing was already in star wars particularly Return of the Jedi
gwarden123 · 2 years
I like how there’s this consistent theme of cultural legacies and practices being eroded by the Empire. The way it’s visually conveyed too, with their black and white colour scheme not being this sharp, piano key cleanliness of the sequel trilogy, but actually monochrome, completely sapped of colour.
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dcficstoread · 6 years
Still Angels/Still Hunters/SPN AUs
Reaching for the Ground by carmexgirl
Summary: Life has become rather tedious for Castiel (Sheriff of Heaven, voice of reason, sometime gardener), so when he sees a mysterious figure lurking around Dean’s house in Cicero, he returns to earth to investigate. From there, he and Sam (Sheriff of Hell, commander of demons, specialist in contract negotiations) embark upon a series of convoluted plans involving a wendigo, a ghost, witches and a chupacabra with an identity crisis, to try and get Dean back into hunting. Succeeding is one thing; whether Castiel can finally admit the true nature of his feelings for Dean to the man himself is entirely another.
Polar Night by phate_phoenix http://phate-phoenix.livejournal.com/57448.html#cutid1
Twilight crossover
Summary: Months after the Yellow-Eyed Demon and Jake opened the Devil’s Gate in Wyoming, Sam and Dean are tracking a series of vampire-related abductions across the western coast of the United States. Their hunt brings them to Forks, Washington: site of the latest disappearances. While there, Sam sees the one that got away, Dean meets a man whose entire family is hiding something, and they learn that vampires are the least of their problems.
The Empire of the Lion & the Wolf by missjigsaw23 http://missjigsaw23.livejournal.com/28271.html
Summary: Angels and demons are slaves kept by the general population, all sold by the company H&H, run by Michael and Lucifer Morningstar. Sam and Dean work for the company, capturing escaped slaves and returning them to their owners, until they’re sent after the angel Castiel and Dean finds his worldview getting a major overhaul. On the run from Michael and Lucifer, the Winchesters discover family secrets and their own role in what might just be the end of the world.
Ice of Oblivion by zoomzoomzoomzoo http://zoomzoomzoomzoo.livejournal.com/1080.html
Angel!Cas, Prince!Dean
Summary: AU. In a time of great tragedy in the lands of Mamot, the human race and the angel race are forced to form an unbreakable union that will bind them together for twenty seven lifetimes in order to stop the uprising of the demon race. In bargain they offer Castiel, one of the most powerful angels in the entire world to marry Dean Winchester, the young crown prince of the human world. The typically detached Castiel winds up falling in love with the Prince. The only problem is his brothers don’t expect Dean to live through the war. Will Castiel stay and support the man he loves despite the heartbreak that might accompany his passing or will he fall back in line with his brothers, becoming numb to all human emotions once more?
Death Cannot Stop True Love (It Can Only Delay it for a While) by hils & tiptoe39 http://fandomcorner.livejournal.com/71993.html
Princess Bride fusion
Summary: Hunters, Angels, Archangels, Swordfights, Kidnappings, Death, Resurrection and True Love. An epic tale of love versus the apocalypse. Very loosely based on The Princess Bride. Alternate version of Season 5 of SPN.
Colours and Whites Can Mix -- As Long As You Like Pink Underwear by enokureno http://enokureno.livejournal.com/1356.html
Latter Days fusion, Missionary!Cas
Summary: Castiel is a Mormon missionary far from home. Dean is a waiter living paycheck to paycheck. They meet as their worlds begin to unravel.
Tangled by lymricks http://lymricks.livejournal.com/6801.html#cutid1
Tangled fusion
Summary: Once upon a time, a king made a deal with a demon and a prince with magic wings was stolen by an angel with no wings. Years later, Dean wants a castle, Crowley needs a new coat, Lucifer's a horrible big brother, and Ruby had a dream, but all of this happens because Castiel needs to see the stars. (Tangled AU, with less hair and more wings)
The Incredible Tale of Dean Winchester and the Angel who Fell from the Sky by ibroketuesday and xxamlaxx http://sea-and-stars.livejournal.com/1550.html
Summary: Loose retelling of Gabriel García Márquez’s A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, set in the Pacific Northwest of the late 1920s. Sam and Dean have retired young from hunting and moved to an island, and they're failing miserably in their attempt at being fishermen when a storm sends an angel crashing into their yard. Castiel is a feral creature with black wings and taloned feet, and though initially Dean regards him as a monster, the bond that develops between the two will set them against murderers, reveal a dark secret of angel society, and change both of them forever. Also, Castiel is naked the entire time.
The Winchester Revision by proxydialogue http://proxydialogue.livejournal.com/9208.html#cutid1
Summary: A recently de-deified Chuck, dying in Italy, decides to revise the story of Sam and Dean and Cas to give it the fairytale ending it deserves as a last hurrah before he goes. In a world with no monsters Dean Winchester goes to the University of Delaware for physics and engineering where a terrible twist of fate lands him in a Feminism and Literature class for one of his general electives. It is taught by a dark haired, blue-eyed professor named Castiel. Sam, meanwhile, is a boy genius who gets into college at sixteen and really is going to be a lawyer this time as soon as he finishes his English degree at UDel and gets into Stanford. But the more Chuck writes, the more he discovers about himself, his characters and the friends he will never see again; because some stories must be told.
A Quarter to Sunrise by blurhawaii http://blurhawaii.livejournal.com/6329.html#cutid1
Summary: Western AU. Demons still exist. Sam and Dean grew up hearing tales of the yellow eyed man that killed their mother. Now that they are older, they spend their lives both chasing down the allusive man and being chased themselves. A preacher, Castiel, somehow gets involved and eventually reveals that he is more weaved into their tale than any of them ever realized. A, mystery filled, road trip story about revenge, set on horseback.
Triskele by goldenthyme http://jonques.livejournal.com/19052.html
Summary: Jerkins, and doublets, and hosen, oh my! After a run-in with some Celtic goddess' tarot deck, Dean, Sam, and Cas find themselves thrown into Elizabethan England. New responsibilities and expectations greet them, demanding more from them on top of what this foolish journey demands already. But if they want to get out alive and get back home, they have to play the game, and Dean has a few decisions to make regarding his life and happiness. Stakes are high, especially in a time when politics and religion are common, brutal, and often deadly enemies.
Welcome to Camp Wendigo by sockkiah http://sockkiah.livejournal.com/153673.html
Summary: A send up of cheesy summer camp movies, Dean and Sam have spent most of their childhood summers at Camp Wendigo, Bobby's summer camp for aspiring hunters and the children of hunters. Now nineteen, it's Dean's first year as a counselor, but he's not the only new staff member at the camp. Bobby's also hired on some fallen angels after the recently averted apocalypse. At first the angels seem to do nothing but get in the way of Dean's summer plans, and Dean doesn't get along. When kids from the camp across the lake start to go missing, can Camp Wendigo come together and save the day?
Spirit of Champions by gumbyfair http://gumbyfair.livejournal.com/4941.html#cutid1
Summary: Dean Winchester grew up always being told that angels were ruthless, vile and merciless creatures. Of course he believed all this, until he actually met one...
Living Right Is In the Trying by OneHundredSuns http://archiveofourown.org/works/546065/chapters/972012
Summary: Dean Winchester hadn’t lead an exciting life or a particularly good one but he’d always tried to do what was right, especially when it came to his little brother, even going so far as to take the blame for a crime he didn’t commit. Now with his brother a big shot at college and no prospects of his own, he takes a job from an eccentric man named Gabriel until he can get himself together. He meets and becomes fast friends with Castiel, a mysterious man with a dark troubling past. But Dean and Castiel’s budding relationship is soon threatened by Dean’s commitments in California, and the arrival of a known gangster named Crowley, who’s determined to have Castiel as his own...as well as his wings.
King of New York by JadedTangerine http://archiveofourown.org/works/534948/chapters/949602
Summary: ‘Newsies’ AU. At the turn of the century, Dean Winchester, seventeen, finds himself stranded with his little brother Sam in New York City. With their father missing in action, they hunt monsters by night and sell newspapers by day. It’s a hard business, with the streets rife with stories of missing children and Dean carrying the scars of a particularly vicious hunt. However, he thinks he may have found their ticket out of Skid Row in the form of Castiel, a rather peculiar newcomer to the newsie business who may be just want they need to get a selling edge.
Ad Astra - latin ; "to the stars" by nhixxie http://archiveofourown.org/works/1013491
Summary: One day Cas says, "Stars died for you, Dean Winchester", against ruffled hair perched atop sun kissed skin and sleepy eyes.
breathing through the radio by Maharetchan http://archiveofourown.org/works/1005316
Summary: Falling means loneliness, isolation and having a terrible and crippling emptiness inside. And when you feel like this, so hopeless and desperate, even a disemboweled and mildy creepy voice that narrates the life of an ever creepier desert town can be a comfort; aka, after he falls, Castiel starts hearing the Night Vale community radio program playing in his head, helping him, keeping him company and making him realize the depth of his feelings for Dean; and lets be real, this is not even the weirdest thing that ever happened to him.
Found In A Land Of Make Believe by spnblargh http://archiveofourown.org/works/1045720
Summary: In the weeks leading up to a confrontation with a vengeful spirit, Dean Smith meets a man who makes the corporate life a little more interesting.
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