#the blood drunk thing is mostly bc nic cage sited mrs robinson from The Graduate as an influence in his performance
pinkiepiebones · 1 year
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@zosalot @ashyslashywilliams Hope you don’t mind that I grouped your asks
Renfield headncaons: Only child. Born in February (woe, Aquarius be upon ye). Massive sweet tooth. Almost supernaturally good at cultivating plants. Paints his nails occasionally. Doesn’t “believe” in colour coordinating, he just rides the vibes. Afraid of the dark. Has died several times. Insides are a fucked up mess of scar tissue (I’d link to my fic about it here but I don’t have my phone bookmarks here). Flinches at loud noises. Makes money by selling off Dracula’s various antiquities to buyers who collect rare garbage. Not yet ready to date because he’s not sure what he needs/wants. Regards Rebecca like a big sister (”Dude, you’re old enough to be someone’s great-grandpa! How am I a ‘big sister’ to you?” “Ah, well, it’s more of a vibe, really...”). Has preferences for bugs- certain species of spider have a chocolatey silkiness, some venomous bugs are spicy, etc.
Dracula headcanons: Gets blood drunk (like regular drunk, but with blood). Can indeed control rats with his mind #KevinWasRight. Absofuckinglutely wooed Renfield to be his servant in the same manner he’d woo ladies and gents to bed. Bisexual disaster. Very critical of vampire portrayals in media- like some of them are funny but other times he’s like “that’s just insulting. I’m very nearly feeling bad for the people that perpetrated this nonsense.” Finicky eater obvs. For him, the ‘purity’ of a human’s blood has less to do with their moral standing and more with what they ingest- which is why he couldn’t make a meal out of that dirtbag ska cocaine guy #DOUGISTRASH
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