#the bloody color of the pomegranate and its juice links it to the eating of flesh too which was obvious what tanamai sensei was going for
Takahashi and the symbolism of pomegranates
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In chapter 103 Akira is strongly linked to pomegranates so I wanted to talk about the symbolism of them.
Pomegranates are very paradoxical and dualistic fruits in terms of their meaning and symbolism.
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism all turned the pomegranate into a symbol of mediation between life and death.
They have also been renowned throughout history for representing the medical field, fertility, and success. It makes perfect sense that Akira's character is depicted with pomegranates.
Now this is the most interesting part for me.
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In chapter 103 we see him cutting and eating a pomegranate in a very creepy way, clearly the pomegranates are not what he really wants to cut and examine but are a replacement.
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Even Kurai is afraid of what his brother might do (rightly so).
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Which brings us to the story of why Takahashi became a doctor.
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He himself admits that if he had not become a doctor on someone's advice he would probably be a serial killer by now.
So just like the legend between Hariti and Budha where he teaches her to sublimate her forbidden desires with pomegranate s, thus turning her from a devourer of children to a protector of children, the person who told Takahashi to become a doctor (Haru probably lmao) to satisfy his need to know (because what Takahashi wants is to know, to know what they all are made of, how they work, what they are like inside, whether that ends up hurting them is a side effect not the goal) by becoming a doctor and helping people/youkais instead of hurting them has turned him from a potential killer to someone who saves lives.
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