#the body is cinematic brilliance all anchored by the performance of all time by SMG
juanabaloo · 1 year
Why BTVS 5x16 The Body needs to win in that poll over the MASH series finale...
You can argue that the series finale of a very popular show was always gonna have huge viewership because it's the SERIES FINALE. (Point for MASH)
You can argue that MASH was a 2.5 hour movie length episode and comparing it to a 44 minute regular length episode of TV - in the middle of the season no less - isn't fair. (to me it's a point for BTVS, but some may see this as a point for MASH)
But here's what it boils down to...
MASH's series finale touched on each main character and wrapped up the loose ends. Their main point was war sucks and it fucks people up. One character realizes that their memory is incorrect and something truly terrible happened, and while he didn't do it he witnessed it. (This is the part that stays with me after watching this episode, years ago.) A ceasefire is announced but people still die after that. War sucks, but we love these characters and we hope they do OK post war. War sucks, love each other.
You can get something out of the MASH series finale if you randomly watched it, but it's broad. And really, even if you watched every episode, it's pain but it's broad.
The Body? The motherfucking episode The Body??
(Obviously huge SPOILERS ahead)
You could not know ANYTHING about any of these characters and still cry your eyes out at it. That first take? That long take with no cuts where Buffy finds her mom lying on the couch? The way SMG is acting? Like two levels better than her always amazing acting level? The way every little detail of that take is perfection? The crew really needs to take a bow for this one. The fake out of Buffy's fantasy that the paramedics revive her?
The way Buffy tells Giles "We're not supposed to move the body!" What she says. The way she says it. The way she reacts to it, realizing what she said.
It's not broad. It's specific, so specific. The way the different people react. The way everyone feels helpless. The way Buffy is on auto-pilot at some points. The sound, OMG the fucking sound!!
(pauses to sip some water)
The fake out of Dawn hearing the news. Buffy going to tell Dawn. The way EVERYBODY fucking knows it's BAD news. The way Dawn reacts. (OMG the sound again!!) The way the rest of the school witnesses it.
Tara and Willow comforting each other. (OMG I forgot about all of this. Jesus. And OMG it's their first on-screen kiss.) "Strong like an Amazon."
(flips table)
Willow talking about what to wear. Anya's questions. And then. Anya's fucking monologue, with her voice twisting. JFC that fucking monologue.
"... and no one will explain to me why."
(yes of course i'm crying)
The quiet moment where Tara comforts Buffy.
"I know it's different for you … because it's always different, but … if you ever need…"
And then. "... it's always sudden."
The way at the end there is still normal everyday stuff to do, and it sucks but you have to do it, because that's what life is.
Grief will fuck you up. You will feel helpless. Love each other. Just being there is something. Objectively this feels like just as strong a message as the MASH message. But really, I feel like a lot of people know the message from MASH, even without experiencing war. But experiencing loss at the level of The Body? It's so motherfucking personal.
You wanna vote for MASH because it had higher numbers, go ahead.
You wanna vote for MASH because you like the characters more, fine.
But don't tell me that the MASH finale is better than The Body. Don't waste my fucking time.
Vote here
TLDR: The Body went deep and focused and FUCK does it hit.
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