#the boogie man is admittedly a little corny with it's dialogue
ashtonisvibing · 7 months
7) Have you ever been to a corn maze?
10) Favorite horror movie?
24) What’s a perfect name for a black cat?
-pxppet <3
7) i have! i don't remember what year it was, but i'm pretty sure for an after school program i was a part of we got to go to a corn maze instead of doing school work. so y'know, t'was pretty fun :}
10) um... probably halloween? i dunno, i'm not big on horror movies admittedly, so there's not many i really like. much prefer watching someone talk about/play a horror game.
24) jiji, named after the black cat from kiki's delivery service. or maybe that's just cuz of my personal plan to one day own both a calico cat and a black cat, who shall be named juno and jiji :}}}
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