#the boring answer is that i picked my avatar because he has my goal physique
fredwkong · 6 months
I don’t think anyone has ever asked you this but into what would you like to change if given the chance? Daddy? Bear? Jock? Himbo? Twink? Ottet? Cub?
Anonymous asked:
Would change into a dominant or a submissive body type?
It changes from day to day. I think it would be hot to be any number of the guys I've written stories about. What I will say is that I'm a switch, and I'm happy with that. I can go very dom or very sub depending on my partner, which is fun.
Whenever I have the chance to design an avatar I usually create a very pretty twunk. Usually he has even, tan skin and masculine, but not harsh, features. He's always handsome, even if his expression is a little bit vacant. I'm not making a genius, after all. I try not to make him too big, just muscular enough to show off while still being able to be dominated if he wants.
An ass in non-negotiable. I'm not losing what I already have :P His style can range from jock-type gear to more on the punk end, but in general I want it to be more revealing than what I wear in real life. In general, I want him to be more outgoing and energetic than me. Maybe a bit of a slutty party boy, you know?
Yeah, you get me. After all, you match that description perfectly, right?
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