#the brainworms go brrrrrrr
spikedlynx · 2 months
You know… I wonder whose eyes were looking through in TPoH. Putting in a Keep Reading for spoilers stuff in both concept and moments.
So like it's established from the get-go that stuff that's not really tangible is so in the World of Imagination through the introduction of fears, lies, and doubts. Later on we see Hate literally cut panels in half to take away Julienne and Melody. I could go on to name other characters but you get the point.
So POV/point of view/perspective is how the audience sees things. The default for most visual media is third person either limited or omniscient. And that's how we're seeing the events of the comic. But we are seeing through someone's eyes. They are mostly silent but they do talk to us in a few pages (thinking of when we see a bit of Human!RGB's past in the train and when Hero tells RGB about Negative.) It can't be hate because she can't see in the train or when Negative's out but we do. And Mod implied in an ask that we're only seeing highlights of the journey when someone asked/commented about how fast they were moving through the world. (Please link if you know/find it.)
While the mystery person seems to be mostly interested in Hero and RGB, just by the fact that they show us different people like the events of the Black Market collapse and Dial in the Sands of Regret means that they aren't limited in where they can see. And the fact that we saw events that Hate couldn't see and the convo between Dial and Hate implies that the owner of our eyes is fairly powerful.
I might just be overthinking it and this is not an aspect of the comic. But given what we know of the world it is fun to think about. If this is a character I wonder what their motivations are and why they are interested in RGB's quest to save the world.
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