#the cactus yells about appmon
citrus-cactus · 3 months
Well, I DID have stuff to do today, but then I accidentally reminded myself that Yadomon existed, and now I just wanna think about him. Incredible design, we were absolutely robbed of seeing one in the Appmon anime/manga.
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LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!
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citrus-cactus · 3 months
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Looking at this panel of Tripmon from the untranslated Appmon Academy manga (source of image), I was suddenly struck by how much Tripmon’s design looks like it could be a deliberate homage/reference to Snufkin from Moomin… which is not a series I really know anything about, other than it’s pretty popular in Japan. But now that I see the similarity between the two, I really can’t unsee it!
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The only thing I know for sure about Snufkin is he’s a wanderer, so I really don’t know if there’s anything more than a surface-level comparison to be made here. But it’s kind of neat from a design perspective, I think! Brothers separated at birth deliberate design choice, or just a coincidence? I don’t know, what do you think?
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
What if Haru and Yuujin… but with color palettes reversed?? 🤔
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Sometimes I remember that Haru and Yuujin's "dub" names for an English version would(/should) be Hal and Eugene, and it absolutely SENDS me
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
(Semi-regular reminder that Appmon is an AMAZING season of Digimon that is available (subbed) on Crunchyroll in MANY countries and languages, and is 100% worth watching if you’re like me and love series with great characters, human-digimon partnerships, narrative, humor, and heart! PLEASE WATCH APPMON AND THEN COME FIND ME SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT!!!!)
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Ohaughghgh OH GOD
Forgive the hastily assembled post I’m about to lose Internet and don’t have all my sources available BUT hear me out:
1. Occult Hunter J kind of looks like Denemon
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2. Because Haru and Denemon share last names, they are related by Haru’s (unseen, absent/deceased) father
3. On her parenting blog, Mama Shinkai makes reference to the “Painful Beard Incident” which may have been a reference to Haru’s dad
4. Occult Hunter J also has a beard.
I don’t like where this is going…
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Um… I might have started another sideblog. For daily screencaps of Knight Unryuuji.
This one is going to be lower effort/not take as long to complete as daily pics of Haru Shinkai, but gosh darn it, Knight deserves something.
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
It’s hard to believe it’s been that long! What a great show. I only fell in love with it after it finished airing, but I AM really looking forward to live-watching Ghost Game with the rest of the fandom (for once!). But I implore you, if you are excited for Ghost Game, do yourself a favor and also give Appmon a try. It’s quirky, it’s clever, it’s hilarious, the characters are AMAZING, and it really has Things To Say about humanity’s relationship with technology (plus, there’s a Halloween episode. WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE??).
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I’m sure my followers get tired of me going on and on about it, but Appmon is honestly one of my favorite Digimon seasons (it might actually be… my top favorite?? 🤭🤫). The ending was the most emotional I’ve ever been over a digimon finale, and if Ghost Game makes me feel half as many things as Appmon did, I will be thrilled to be so invested in the characters, the world, and the story.
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Watch Ghost Game, obviously, if you are able. But also, WATCH APPMON!!!!
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
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Been thinking about Appmon all day today
Man do I want to design a Messemon variant for the app Knight developed in college
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
Couple more Appmon Halloween headcanons:
Ai and Haru have made multiple attempts to try and convince their friend group to coordinate costumes around some literary theme (Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, etc.) and it has NEVER WORKED. The two of THEM follow the theme, but most people don’t understand what they’re supposed to be because a) they don’t always dress up as the most obvious characters, b) they go off book representations, not movie, and c) there’s only two of them (“you’re a girl in a dress with a cookie and a… sleepy mouse? I don’t get it.”). They still have fun though!
Eri’s favorite part is handing out candy to little kids at idol meet-up events. They’re so cute!! And when they come up to her and say “trick or treat,” she responds with, “If you try to play tricks on Karan Eri-sama, the only thing you’ll get is a Big Bang Punch!” and the kids LOVE it.
Astora starts making Halloween-themed videos starting on October 1, mostly consisting of him trying additional Western ‘ween customs (bobbing for apples, sticking your hands in bowls of peeled grapes and spaghetti, etc.). Halloween is groovy, obviously, and his followers are SUPER INTO IT.
Rei dressed up ONE TIME (meaning he put on a funny hat or something, that was it) and the other Appdrivers LOST THEIR MINDS. Years later, he’s still trying to live it down he secretly enjoyed it though, or he wouldn’t have done it ;D
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
One more Appmon plot bunny
I have a whole list of these, but one thing I don’t think I’ve seen anyone address in regards to the time between the end of the story proper and the epilogue is…
(Friendly neighborhood spoiler warning!)
At some point, someone (presumably Haru) had to tell Ai about Yuujin. The three of them were all really close, and given how much Ai already knew about Appmon, it makes no sense for anyone to keep that information from her. I wonder how she would react, how it would make her feel. She and Haru processing their feelings in the aftermath of the Human Application Project is excellent fanfic fodder regardless, and if I ever get the motivation to write again, I’ll add it to my list.
Don’t wait on me though, anyone who feels inspired should feel free to take the idea and run with it. Just let me know if/when you do so I can read it!!
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Hot take that’s been sitting in my drafts for too long: In a live action Muppet adaptation of Appmon, Haru is the only main character who is human.
His grandpa is a Muppet. Eri and Astra are Muppets. All of the Appmon are Muppets. Caught-Up Old Man is a Muppet. Knight’s a (very charismatic, very good-looking) Muppet. Rei is a Muppet.
Actually, scratch that. It’s almost certainly funnier if the only human characters in the show are Haru… and Yuujin.
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
Rei Katsura surrounding himself with eighties hacker/cassette futurism technology as a way of ensuring he stays off the grid is my new aesthetic ok thanks
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(Stray thought: Minerva/Leviathan possibly both went through a WOPR phase, and that is 100% awesome. Actually, recasting War Games (1983) with Appmon characters could work surprisingly well? With Rei and Haru sharing the Matthew Broderick role, probably).
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
I need that George Costanza meme edited to read, “I gotta focus. I’m shifting into Haru birthday mode”
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