#the cat was pretty spooked tho (i was holding him when i fell) (sorry jack)
savethepinecones · 8 months
Frost fireside spice!
frost: if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
i would probably say that its never wrong to stand up for yourself. i probably couldve used a lot of advice at different points lol but i think this would have been relevant at most times.
fireside: if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
oh man this is kinda tricky tbh. a lot of black for sure lol. probably more chunky sweaters for the winter. a couple pairs of platform shoes. maybe some shorts that arent just jeans i chopped up when they got too short lol. a real leather jacket or two would be awesome.
spice: have you ever encountered a house that you believe to be haunted?
ooh this is a good question. the short answer is kind of? the longer answer is that i definitely had a couple experiences at my moms house when i was younger but i dont think anything was necessarily attached to the house. there was a faint handprint on my bedroom wall that wouldnt go away and was way to big to have been made by anyone who was living there but thats the most house specific thing. the other experiences i had i think were more just things passing through. i got the impression it was a high traffic area. i dont think ive shared these stories on here before so i might expand on this stuff a bit at some point if anyone wants to hear about it
also at the place im living rn every once in a while my stepdad will comment that he heard someone making a lot of noise upstairs when i was the only one home all day and was in my room the whole time and ive noticed that its always in october when this happens but idk if thats anything. the thing that makes me think its potentially spooky is that hes hard of hearing so like it would have to be pretty loud for him to notice but i never hear it and its certainly not me making the noise.
also also when i was a kid the local theater that was made when the town was first built got reopened and that place was hella haunted. my mom was in a lot of plays there and the owner of the place had some kids my age that i was pretty close to for a while so i heard a lot of stories although i never experienced much myself. i did play murder in the dark in the costume room in the attic once after a play but thats unrelated lol
thanks for the ask! i really enjoyed answering these 🧡
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