#the characters- a pair of brothers from the middle nowhere sent to the capital ostensibly to finish their educations
kariachi · 1 year
A quick original piece inspired by a dream I had last night.
The capital was even more annoying than they had expected. Oh they had known about the differences in fashion, the lack of green space, the different food, they had even been warned and prepared for the rampant dueling. Yet somehow, the people managed to be obnoxious enough to make up for it.
“Is this a trend,” he asked as he dodged a blow. “Are we expected to duel people for no actual reason? Should we be making shit up ourselves?” His current was the second duel in his family since he and his elder brother had been sent to the Capital. Just a week or so prior his brother been challenged by another young man who’d claimed he’d been spying on him, with no evidence nor warning. The other man had never given his true motive, but the consensus seemed to be that it was tied to his courting a young lady his brother had made friends with. Without his having made any declaration to court himself, he couldn’t duel him over her directly, but apparently found him enough of a threat to try to send a message anyway.
Joke on him, he’d been squarely beaten and if anything the whole drama had only brought the pair closer together.
“You’re courting my sister,” came the answer like it was obvious. It was very much not.
“First off-” Another dodge. This guy had learned from the other one and kept moving out of distance between each attempt, lest he pull the same ‘wait and strike’ maneuver as his brother. Which had been his plan, so good on him. “-I’m not courting anybody. Secondly, she isn’t my type. Thirdly, I thought you were supposed to duel over women you were courting, not any woman you know.”
“A young lady’s first suitor duels a male relative, to ensure his heart’s in it.” Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he dove in for an attack that was deftly parried.
“Of fucking course.” Thank the gods he had no sisters, this whole mess was already aggravating enough. “Again, not courting anybody.”
“That’s not what she says.”
“Then she can eat it for all I care, I’m not interested!” Breathing heavily, the older man stood down, eyeing him for any sign of trick. He stared him down, sheathing his sword like a challenge.
“What,” the man said, “the fuck am I dueling you for then?” Like he was supposed to know. Really- ‘Go to the Capital, make connections, get married.’ Fuck his mother and fuck the bloodline, he wanted to go home.
“Ask your fucking sister.”
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