#the chief engineer and phasma practice mlm and wlw solidarity
Hux x reader headcanon, where she has the biggest crush on him, but he didn't seem to notice till someone else poited it out for him :)
He never dated anyone, he's a workaholic and thinks dating is a waste of time (or that's what he likes to tell himself)
Also because of his childhood and general insecurity he cannot even begin to fathom how someone could ever be interested in being romantically involved with him
He's probably the most oblivious person in the galaxy, especially when it comes to what other feel towards him
You started working for the First Order when they did a recruitment campaign on your planet
In the beginning you and your team only worked on that same planet, mainly designing public buildings and infrastructures which would solidify the legitimacy of the Order's rule on the planet
After some time you found an unexpected message on your datapad, the Finalizer required new engineers and you were selected for the job, you immediately packed your bags
The Finalizer was nothing like your previous job, it was enormous and full of people, probably as many as your hometown population
Even among all those people, you couldn’t help but immediately notice General Hux
You tried to forget about it, there was no way General Hux was going to notice you, his cold demeanor made it clear in more than one way
Despite your best efforts, he couldn't seem to leave your mind
Things only got worse when you started participating in meetings on a project for new stormtrooper training facilities and of course Hux had to be there
You did your best to ignore your feelings, you felt like a teenager with an unrequited little crush
Once again, despite your best efforts, the butterflies in your stomach and the red flush creeping up your neck when the General looked in your direction seemed to have no intention of stopping
He didn't seem to notice though, so you supposed it was harmless, if you had to be honest, he didn't seem to notice you at all
It was fine, everything was fine as long as your flush could be hidden under your uniform's collar and your only job during the meetings was to take notes on the project to review them when your job would actually start
It was fine until during one of the meetings he asked for your opinion on things
Kriffing hell, you though
You gave yourself an internal pep talk, if they chose you for this job it was because you deserved it, you weren't going to screw everything because of a crush
You started talking, everything was going fine
Until you looked up to see the General's eyes staring straight into yours, they were impossibly green and deep and cold
You stumbled on your words a little before looking back down to the notes on your datapad
You hurriedly finished talking, part of you wanted to look up to see if the General's cold gaze changed into something warmer, proud maybe, but you didn't
The meeting ended after several more minutes, your opinion was generally well recieved
By the time it ended it was dinner time, you joined your usual table with some other officers in the cafeteria
As the other officers talked, the chief engineer leaned closer to you to whisper something in your ear
"You know he probably doesn't know how to flirt, right? You'd have to make the first move"
You almost chocked on your food, "He... What? No, wait... Who? I-I'm a little lost here"
You were as subtle as possible but of course someone had to notice it sooner or later
"The General" he whispered again and then your face went as red as Hux's hair
"I have no idea what you're talking about" you knew it was probably foolish to try and hide it now
"He's quite charming, not really my type but it's not the most absurd crush I've heard of on this ship"
"Too bad he probably doesn't even know my name"
"I was there when we chose the new engineer, you know, he insisted you were the right person for the job, thought you were brilliant"
Your flush only got deeper
"That doesn't even mean anything, he knows my name, sure, but that wasn't the point... You know what? Forget it, give it time and it'll go away"
"Get it together! He probably doesn't even know how to spell the word relationship, he's never going to reciprocate your feelings if he has no idea they're there"
"Well, why don't you go tell him then? I bet he's going to be thrilled" you snapped
As the chief engineer got up from his chair next to you your heart dropped
"Deal!" he said before walking away
Your career was over, you knew it, at least throwing you out of the ship to use you as a target for the Finalizer's new cannons would amuse the General
You turned to look at where the other man went and much to your horror you saw him talking amiably to Phasma, probably the only person in the whole galaxy who was actually close with Hux, kriffing great
You decided if you were to be fired and possibly expelled into space you wanted to spend your last hours in your quarters
Meanwhile, the chief engineer kept talking to Captain Phasma like they were old friend (which to be fair they kinda were)
"Miss y/l/n? Of course I know her, General Hux wouldn't shut up about whatever she designed on that planet"
The chief engineer snorted, "They're such nerds, a match made in heaven really"
"Are you suggesting something, Kijln?"
"I think it would be beneficial to make the General aware of Miss y/n's feelings, in the worst case scenario it would be a stroke to his ego which he kind of needs after... you know" Starkiller base, he didn't dare to say it out loud
Phasma nodded, "If you're wrong and the General blames me you owe me drinks for one standard month"
As always, Hux was in his office dealing with his usual load of paperwork
"Phasma?" he asked, raising his head from his datapad
"May I, sir?"
He nodded and she took a seat in front of him
"Has something happened, Captain?"
"It's about Miss y/l/n, sir" she noticed his expression became more worried when he mentioned you "nothing to worry about though" Phasma added
"Well, tell me"
"She might, ah... how could I say this? Have feelings for you, sir"
Feelings? For him? Those concepts were absolutely new to Hux
"Feelings? Like, bad ones? Traitorous?" he asked
"No, sir, she's loyal to the First Order, don't worry"
"So what kind of feelings, Captain? I believe you should be a little more precise here"
Phasma had to keep herself from laughing in her superior's face, "She's interested in being involved with you, sir... Romantically"
And then Hux's face went red, he couldn't say he expected that
Since the first time he saw you his heart fluttered in ways he couldn’t explain, during meetings he found his eyes lingering on your lips and your hands more often than he cared to admit to himself
"Oh... Oh, I see... Well, tell her I might... No, wait, tell her we should meet privately to discuss the matter but don't be too menacing... Let her know that..."
Phasma interrupted his confused rambling, "Why don't you tell her youself, sir? I'm positive she's going to appreciate it"
"I... Yes, perhaps you're right"
Hux smoothed out his uniform and stood up straightening his back
"Very well, Captain, thanks for the valuable information" he said, face still red as he left his office
Part two maybe??
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