#the colors are a bit weird because i drew it with no bg at first but then changed my mind and had to adjust the colors with filters
wasyago · 1 year
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cleaning the wound
the scene from @silverskye13 's fanfic. well, there was no scene actually except for one line about it, but it doesn't matterrrrr--
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pulim-v · 3 months
okay I really like the card type things you have for your ocs how’d you make those :3
I’m inspired by your response to show more info ab my two (3 eventually but you didn’t hear it from me they need to be developed more first) ocs
I searched up "oc character sheet" on google;
I got this pic:
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And then I??? Just drew on it????
Like this is what I did for Magoo lmao
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I then changed it a bit for FGCC because making a second character was really hard and I wanted more space for text, and this is the template that came from that
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For the background, I just use three colors associated with the character: one is for the rectangle parts and the other two form a gradient on the bg (I split the image in two, color the upper half one way and the bottom half in another way, and then use Gaussian Blur a few times to get them to form a gradient)
So yeah I do it in an insane way LMAO I think some people like @aceofstars0 and @larz-barz have a simpler palette that you could pull from my method is not good at all xP
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valley-of-the-lost · 3 years
I don't know if you watched BPA, but.. I have a question, that I don't know if you can answer this, but it's been nagging at me (this is a multi-part ask, this will be a quick rundown): A blog that used to be interested in Barbie claimed that BPA has some racist undertones; this is because, as they claimed, due to the antagonist (who has, as they put it, brown skin) tries to take over the kingdom of a white princess/queen. 1/?- Barbie Multiverse Anon
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Okay, so, a quick explanation. This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a few days, and I sincerely apologize to Multiverse Anon for making them wait this long for me to weigh in on this. When I received this ask I was neck-deep in part of an art challenge that wore me out and I had not watched BPA (which I assumed was Barbie Princess Adventure) at the time, and I felt that this was the type of ask that I needed to chew on for a couple days and talk to some people before I was certain of my thoughts on it.
Now, I have done some cursory research, watched Barbie Princess Adventure myself, and bounced it off some of my friends for their take as well. Thus I will attempt to answer this to the best of my ability.
I do agree with the unknown blogger in question that Prince Johan is a brown-skinned character, and that the plot has racist implications due to the combination of this, him being the antagonist, and the fact that his kingdom lost a war to Amelia's prior to the plot to drive his motivation hence why Amelia is taking over the rule of both her own and his kingdom. However, I disagree with them that this is an ongoing theme or that there's a pattern of racist undertones in previous Barbie movies. At least from my own knowledge. 
(under a read more because I don’t want to clog people’s dashes, this is not a simple topic to unpack + the movie did some weird things I wanted to explain too)
Before I really delve into the meat of why I take this stance, I want to quickly discuss why I had to even assert that I agreed that Johan is a brown-skinned character as its own point on the off-chance someone else encounters the same initial weird impression I did. You can skip this part if you want, I'll put a triple asterisk where this ends (***).
Prior to watching BPA myself, I did some cursory research on the Barbie Movies wiki, prompted by this ask. I put together that Johan was probably the antagonist that was being referred to, but when I was on his page, his wiki picture was just this.
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This was all I had to go off of at this point, because he didn't have a screenshot gallery for me to cross-reference him throughout different points in the movie. So the conclusion I drew at the time was "he just looks like a tan white guy". This impression was reinforced by his light eyes and recycled Ken face model. I cross-referenced this with some friends, and we came to the conclusion that at best he looks racially ambiguous, with no reason to think he was a character of color unless there was other indication about his race in the movie itself.
And then I watched the movie. And changed my mind when I saw what he looked like in these scenes.
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Johan looks noticeably darker than he did in his single wiki picture, especially when next to other more obviously white characters like Barbie and Amelia. His skin tone is closer to Alphonso whom I would call a brown character pretty confidently in the same movie (I wanted to minimize comparisons across movies to eliminate the possible different variables that would come with it).
While this might not be as noticeable to other people casually watching the movie, I found this a bit jarring myself because I was focusing on his skin tone in particular due to the subject of the ask and my initial impression from the wiki picture when he was arguably at his lightest in the whole movie, as well as when he was introduced he was at his darkest because it was set at night. Also the way the animation team decided to shade him to convey that its nighttime confused me because he looked a lot darker than I thought someone of what I assumed his skin tone would look. And then the next scene with him and Barbie further confused me, because he suddenly got this reddish undertone that really highlighted their difference in skin color.
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(Barbie’s hands are on the left and Johan’s are on the right for sake of direct comparison)
Finally, in his last scenes in the movie, Johan's skin tone is most like that of his wiki picture's. Darker than Barbie's when they stand in the same shot but light enough that he could've passed as a tan white guy. What cemented my confusion is that he still looks like this in the throne room, where he was before when dancing with Barbie so it should reasonably have the same lighting and bring out that reddish undertone, but no he still looks like that. So my final conclusion on him was that since he looks like a brown-skinned character in around 2/3s of his scenes and there's a 2D painting of him in the bg when Barbie and Amelia are kidnapped, that he is indeed a brown-skinned character and the animation department probably fucked up their lighting which messed with how uniform his skin tone looked across scenes. ***
Now that I've explained my process of confusion and then final agreement that Johan is indeed brown-skinned, let's discuss how this compounds with other elements to create a rather unfortunate picture. I'm afraid its a bit worse than Anon described.
First off, the added context of the history between Amelia's kingdom of Floravia and his kingdom of Johanistan. Prior to the movie proper, these two countries fought in a war and Johanistan eventually surrendered to Floravia. The two countries signed a treaty that said that after her coronation, Amelia would rule both Floravia and Johanistan.
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There is a severe lack of critical details about the war itself, such as what caused it in the first place, which really works to the film’s disadvantage, since the absence of clarity does little to clear up the questionable implications of what is known about the relationship between Floravia and Johanistan.
Amelia’s kingdom is the one that took over Johan’s initially, since they won the war and Johanistan would be ruled by Floravia’s queen, with the implication being that she’d depose Johan’s family, the original ruling family. While the lack of details makes it so it can’t quite be said that Floravia is colonizing Johanistan, it also means that it can’t be said that Floravia is not colonizing Johanistan. What is known about the war is very broadly reminiscent of tactics white people have used to colonize other countries, such as using a war to depose the original royal family for the colonizer’s own gain (the US colonizing Hawaii by staging a coup against their ruling family because the white plantation owners got mad) and putting the other country in a disadvantageous position with a treaty (Opium Wars). This would probably just be viewed as normal Kingdom vs. Kingdom politics if... well Johan wasn’t a character of color.
Combined with viewing this movie through the lens of real-life racial biases (which people are predisposed to do because we're inherently based in reality), the likely conclusion drawn is that this white ruler (Amelia) is effectively ousting a character of color (Johan) and his family out of power and force-assimilating his country, and there's simply not enough clarity about previous events before the movie takes place to dispel it sufficiently.
This also poisons the plot proper because Johan's motivation is to take advantage of the law that the rule of both kingdoms falls to him if Amelia doesn't show up to coronation and regain rule of his own kingdom and Floravia as a nice plus. The intention was probably to show him as greedy for wanting lone rule of Floravia and Johanistan, taken together, it honestly comes across as the movie villianizing a character of color because he wants to regain sovereignty of his own kingdom from a white ruler. Its completely understandable that Amelia wouldn't want to lose her own kingdom especially coming off of war, but also her kingdom is also the one ousting out the previous royal family of Johanistan without giving any good reason why they can't compromise.
The effect would be somewhat mitigated if another character of color had a similarly prominent role as Johan on the side of Barbie, but there's really not. The closest I'd argue would be Alphonso, but he doesn't have equal plot relevance. This does, in my opinion, make Barbie Princess Adventure's plot give off racist vibes like that unknown blogger said. But I do not agree with them that there's a "pattern" of racist undertones in other Barbie movies.
Due to the lack of details of what exactly they meant by a "pattern" of racist undertones, I am assuming they mean a consistent pattern of racism across the movies, for example the movies consistently dipping into anti-Asian sentiments with their villains, or their plots inherently having racist vibes woven into them like I just talked about in BPA.
Despite the Barbie movies occasionally dipping into offensive territory, in my personal experience I have not observed a pattern of racist undertones or consistent racism targeting a specific group. I acknowledge that I could fully be wrong and a lot of things could have slipped past my notice, especially since I have not seen all the movies, but from the ones I have seen I have not observed a pattern with regards to this. However, I will point out the offensive/iffy things in the movies that I know of, with varying degrees of detail depending on how much I can remember. This is by no means a full compendium of all the problematic stuff Barbie films have touched on but these are the ones I am aware of at present.
Barbie of Swan Lake - Antisemitism. There was a TikTok on this somewhere that discussed this more in detail that I can't find but will link if I do, but what I do remember was Rothbart was given an extremely large nose which is reminiscent of the "Jewish nose" ethnic stereotype. Also there was something about his name and Tchaikovsky himself being antisemitic and those views being reflected in his ballet. I don't remember all the details I'm sorry and google wasn't giving me much.
Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper - Antisemitism. Preminger hits a couple of antisemitic stereotypes in the movie, such as having a noticeably larger, hooked nose compared to the other male characters which is reminiscent of the ethnic stereotype of the "Jewish nose" and being greedy and corrupt (literally mining every singe piece of gold out of the mines) which is a stereotype of Jewish people. His name is also of Jewish origin which by itself wouldn’t be a necessarily suspicious thing but combined with those other tropes it does add up.
Barbie Diaries - Tia, a black woman and also the only one with curly hair in the cast, making an iffy comment about "getting the tangles out of her hair". POC with different hair textures have gotten a lot of racist shit for their hair so even though this is a small oneoff comment seeing Tia talk about her hair like this in a negative manner rubbed some of my friends with curly hair wrong.
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 - Polynesian racism. Another friend of mine who is Hawaiian brought this up in Mermaid Tale 2, when Merliah and co decided to have a luau (which is a traditional Hawaiian party or feast usually accompanied by entertainment) in Australia. My friend found it a bit iffy they were doing this when most everyone is white, but what they found worse was when poi was being served in the luau. Poi is a traditional Polynesian dish, but in the movie they claimed it was an Australian and Hawaiian dish, which its not, there’s no Australia in its origin. And then there was a "gag" where the people eating the poi were gagging on it, so essentially this movie was making a joke out of another culture's aesthetics and food.
Barbie Princess Adventure - Reread the above text.
Maybe my sample size isn’t big enough but I’m not seeing a pattern or a trend here, which in my opinion would be a larger cause for concern because for these movies their issues are largely contained to their specific movie, and a pattern would be indication of a wider problem. Maybe you see a pattern I don’t, that would be completely valid.
Now, do I think this means you can’t enjoy Barbie Princess Adventure? No, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I said that because I still enjoy some of the Barbie movies I listed above that I just said also have problematic elements (Swan Lake and Princess and the Pauper specifically). But I do think it is good to at the very least be aware of it, hear it out, keep it in mind. At the same time I understand why people would be turned off by this topic because they’re here to have fun riding the serotonin of childhood nostalgia and not delve into discourse.
But I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction Multiverse Anon! I’m going to go take a nap now I’m tired 😭.
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prismaticpotentia · 2 years
So, all the context for these is that sometimes while drawing I said funny things while talking to @bumblingbunny or other friends, and so this is those under a cut. Hope they make you laugh!
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"...I was like 'Oh god how do ladies age I've only drawn old men'"
"I might give her shoujo bubbles and stuff in the bg."
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(I didn't even remember her name right, shame on me.)
"Next is Dame Johanna because if I draw everyone before my own boy I won't forget to draw them!"
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Captain Dreadful:
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Referencing this vine constantly:
Princess Rosalie:
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Just full on forget her eyebrows and queue that why don't I
"I'm glad you like the fruits of my insomnia except I keep forGETTING EYEBROWS"
"Now what the fuck will I have Samuel say. I may have to sleep on it."
"Bc Sammy boy wears a lot of black, nothing on him is really grayscale, his hair's midnight blue and his shirt's a black-purple so he does not turn into a blobule man."
"I just noticed that other than Harmony, he’s the only one with an unnatural hair color in game."
"I know if I was reading the an actual [Manwha] with them, it’d be a tossup between Sam and Marcus for who I’d want to win. But that is because I’m a simple gay"(Auryn did not exist yet)
"I cannot wait for Imortals Bitching At Each Other."
"Me, making Marcus: I love this hair! It's so pretty! Me, drawing Marcus: This hair makes no goddamn sense."
Princess Maisie:
Sadly I drew her when all my friends were asleep and said no funny things.
Prince Auryn:
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"He's so pretty I'm getting mad about it, lol"
"Hey what if I drew ship bait"
Prince Dorian:
"That first picture was a different Prince OC with a D name, lol"
"I tried to make him look tired bc his curse causes him to cast from lifeforce."
(Talking about Auryn)
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"Now black clothes forever lol"
"They won't be exactly black, in order to keep it from blobuling and losing all detail."
"Wait, shit, I forgot his beard Glad I fixed that before queuing it"
The Merchant:
"I love that someone made an in-game merchant"
"Unexpected problems when I committed to drawing all the entrants for this just because:
Everyone looks good in black so everyone puts their sims in black.
There's only so many variations of black and brown hair you can do before people look related when they shouldn't.
NPC Dialogue Hard
Feeling vaguely racist when both black lady characters have their tiddies on display but it's definitely not my fault.
Even though you know they didn't part of you wonders if design choices were made just to spite You, Specifically." (To clarify I love everyone's characters a whole lot even if choices frustrated me to figure out.)
"Lol I’ll take a break when I stop having fun. It’s mostly just I’ve been drawing entrants long enough to reach Weird Thought Zone."
"Idk why I decided to give her the kitty ear part, but she looks cute with it!"
"Making her expressive without a mouth was an interesting challenge!"
"Is it weird to say I like how her tits came out?"
"I feel like I also nailed the big titty lean we all do at high tables and bars where we just let that take the weight."
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"Fiadh is fighting me and I am about to lose it"
"Green is fine and good, red is HATE"
"I need to widen her chin a bit more. Honestly I love how square her features is, it's so unique and pretty."
"Also I can't wait for Dianthe to join the circle of people who Marcus can't hardly stand."
"I think I figured out how to fix what I hate of her upper hair."
"Fits more the "Messy curls hurriedly tied back" look I was going for."
"Ye, I started running out of good solid color ideas that wouldn't look too samey, so I started doing gradients."
"I'm excited to make a flowy goddess dress."
"More nature-evoking than actual flowers bc [as] someone who has drawn many flowers before, Flowers Very Hard."
"Flowers Hard"
"This is the only video of just it I could find but I just picture this for Dianthe:"
"Me: Why is her forehead so huge and weird? Drawing: Doesn't fucking have eyebrows"
"She is in many pinks because spring goddess"
"Like, I get why everyone's in dark colors. Everyone looks good in black."
"But if I didn't change colors it would look like a Goth Rave."
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randomstarmuffin · 4 years
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My @runefactorysecretsanta​ gift for ya_boi_nye is finally done!! Hope I did your favorite characters justice!! :)
Happy holidays!!!! I don’t want to take up too much room so I’m going to throw some rambling and extras under the cut lol
So I don’t think nye has a tumblr, but on their twitter i saw that they were into VTube and youtaite and i wanted to incorporate that in their gift somehow. Unfortunately.... the characters are kind of all already anime??? So drawing-wise, i figured it would be more fun to go with a more general YouTuber AU so I could put in some variety rather than just stills of singing or badly rendered 3D models (by which i am throwing shade on myself alone, VTube rigs are sick but i regrettably have no 3D skills lol)
I’ve actually,,, never played Frontier at all, so I apologize if anyone is wildly out of character!! The wiki is extremely sparse and I didn’t have time to watch too too much of the let’s play i found, so if they’re not right just chalk it up to the YouTuber ~performance~ aspect of this AU lmao.
Even though I’ve never played before and don’t know the characters Super well though, I still had a lot of fun thinking about this AU! If you want to know the specifics of everyone’s content:
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Anette does parkour (fun facts, this particular move i drew is called a speed vault!) and a little bit of vlogging, and she’s friends with Erik (as in canon, if I did my research correctly lmao). She sometimes appears on his channel and vice versa, and he helps her film and edit and stuff sometimes. She lives and works with Mist and Rosetta and helps out with their online boutique. Mist is the idea woman who comes up with crazy stuff, Rosetta is the realist and bookkeeper who pulls those ideas together into something feasible and profitable, and Anette handles all the packaging and shipments and stuff! There’s always something weird going on in their apartment and everyone ends up there a lot, so some of Anette’s vlogs get really popular just because of how out there they are lmao. Oh, almost forgot, but her channel is “DeliveryIsFreestyle” bc... get it... free delivery... freestyle parkour / freerunning... Lol actually it was almost going to be “RunTheMail” because i couldn’t think of anything at first so i think this was the right move in the end :P
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Erik has a gaming channel where he mostly plays farming and dating sims / otome, and we don’t read too far into whether or not RF exists in this universe for him to play even though I put the posters for frontier on his wall xD. The reason I picked Stardew for this thumbnail specifically is because A) I have it and could easily take screenshots and B) i read that he has a crush on Lara? And she’s like, kind of a nurse? And Maru is kind of a nurse? It’s a silly joke but I thought it would be funny to cockblock him from dating a nurse he has his eyes on even in video gaming with his friends lol. His channel is pretty self-explanatory (I was really hoping his farm would have a fun name when i was looking it up but it’s really just “Erik’s Farm” huh? ...but I probably shouldn’t judge, my dnd character’s wolf is named Wolf xD)
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Lute paints!! I think he does a lot of speedpaints and mostly does traditional art, but I think he would have some digital skills hidden up his sleeve as well. And also I don’t know why at all bc I know the least about him out of all 4 of them, but I feel like he has done / does some of those like “how to draw anime” videos because I just think that’s funny. He has a bunch of really popular ones about overly complicated fantasy outfits. No this is not a callout for any series in particular why do you ask? Anyway, I’m not sure exactly how the line goes because I couldn’t find it, but the wiki mentions that he’ll say he’s not doing anything suspicious when he’s painting at the lake, so i thought it would be funny if there’s some kind of running gag with his subscribers where they point out suspicious things he does and he responds in the next video or whatever. The thumbnail I made definitely does just have a screenshot of rff that’s color-corrected and blurred, because I ran out of time but also wanted to differentiate the bg from the canvas ^^;  His channel was originally just “lute” in all lowercase but then i got to the part of the let’s play where he was introduced and he calls himself a “fledgling painter” so i thought this was more fun.
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And Eunice has a cooking channel!! She specializes in baking, but she also has a whole playlist along the lines of “Nutritious Food Can Still Taste Good!” where she talks about healthy eating habits but doesn’t buy into diet culture bc I personally HATE diet culture lmao. I think when that gets popular, she also maybe does a side thing about easily accessible workouts for all sorts of people who want to get into shape? But with a focus on getting stronger / being active and Not a focus on Losing Weight necessarily. Promoter of healthy and happy living! I know how her events / dialogue can go in the game, i just happen to have Opinions About Things, so, that’s how she is in my version. Also, unrelated, but she’s very cute. Even though her braids were a bitch to draw hahaha. And i did end up drawing her just in her actual outfit even though i gave everyone else different clothes bc idk it just felt like it fit the aesthetic of a cooking vlog well?? And it’s not a super complicated one unlike others i could mention. Her channel is “Charming Sweets” and her cooking series is “My Cooking” because those are the titles of the books she has on her bookshelf at the start of the game :)
But that’s just all of *my* headcanons for the AU! If anyone else who knows them all better has their own ideas, please be my guest and imagine it however you like!!
Oh, also, fun facts, this is partially a screenshot of my actual web browser, lol, so if y’all want to know what all I have saved on my bookmarks bar and what my google profile pic is, now you know. However, i would like to not downplay how long i spent editing this in what was possibly the least efficient way to put it together how i wanted, rip, which is entirely the reason i am posting this so late LOL. Apologies for the delay, but technically it’s still the 27th here, so! Victory!
(speaking of the layout, did anyone catch the url? I’m disproportionately proud of the url. though i won’t lie part of me really wanted to put the rick roll url there just for my own amusement hahaha)
And, yeah! That’s the end of my spiel. Happy end-of-2020 to all, and an extra helping of that sentiment to nye!!!
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frolick-crow · 8 years
Diana and Alistair in 1,2,3,6,8,18,20,21,23,25,30,33,38,37,40,41(pretty please)
Sorry for taking so long. This was a big list and I wanted to make sure I answered everything correctly. (Link to the prompt)
1. Fav color?
Diana -  periwinkle, it’s the perfect combination between her other two favorite colors, blue and pink. Alistair - orange, it reminds him of the sun setting and rising; he finds that really relaxing to watch..
2. Does your OC collect anything?
Diana - she sometimes collects crystals. They grow all around the kingdom she lives in. Some act as elements for spells and supernatural powers. Alistair - around the winter time, he’ll collect whatever he can that can provide him warmth, otherwise he’d be stuck with nothing but the clothes on his back.
3. Allergies? Honestly, neither are allergic to anything. Being a magical being, Diana doesn’t get sick too often, and Alistair has a pretty good immune system himself.
6. Favorite animal? least favorite animal? In the monster world, there are some monsters that act like pets and wild animals, so I’ll use those instead, as there aren’t any animals you’d find on Earth in that world.
Neither Diana or Alistair have a favorite “animal”, but they do have a least favorite.
Diana - there’s a creature called a Narx that’s like a large rat about the size of a small dog (this was also an earlier character, but now they’ll be a minor character later in the story). They rummage through garbage and live mostly in urban areas. Like most monsters, she sees them as pests, but would never try to hurt them, especially if they haven’t done anything to her.
Alistair - I won’t say this is his least favorite, but he has had bad experiences with them, Ogrehunds (i.e. Victoria’s pet, Princess). It’s the really big ones he dislikes because they can be the most aggressive and territorial.
8. OC’s theme song? I’d like to use video game BG music to answer this (I have other ideas, but this helped narrowed my choices down).
Diana - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtYwq4aBr0E
Alistair - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIt4u-VdAP4
18. Greatest fears? Strengths? Weaknesses?
Diana - greatest fear, being trapped in an endless black void; extreme darkness really unsettles her. Greatest strength, communication skills. She’s a very social creature with a lot of other monsters on her side, and not just because she’s a well know queen. She’s also given the community copious amounts of sincerity and solicitude. Her greatest weakness would be her emotions. She’s got a lot of passion in her, and that can lead to her making some impulsive decisions and reactions.
Alistair - greatest fear, needles or getting a shot; never liked them as a kid and doesn’t like them now. Greatest strength, his agility; he can think quick on his feet if he’s focused and can escape dangerous situations easily. Greatest weakness, sometimes his sympathy towards others; he’s prone to being fooled by people who pretend to be more pitiful than him.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? Diana - she’d try her best to blend in with the human’s customs; she takes respecting other’s cultures very seriously. Then she’d politely ask the natives what they do normally in their free time, or what kind of social activities humans do. Alistair - he’d find humans really weird looking. He’s be baffled by the lack of claws, fur, scales, wings, etc. The first thing he’d do is look for food, might even go up to a human directly and ask them where he could get something to eat. Then he’d find a nice alley to rest at.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Diana - personal issues, she longs for a soulmate; her father wants her to be with someone that’s the same species of her, but same species relationships don’t matter to her. Pet peeves, when people call her a princess instead of a queen. It’s one thing when it’s an accident, but when people call her that in a condescending way, that’s when it gets her annoyed.
Alistair - personal issues, a lot of people judge him for his reckless behavior, and he uses that as an excuse for expressing himself. He hates admitting it, but sometimes that behavior of his does more harm than good. Pet peeves, when people call him reckless solely because he’s a Ghoul.
23. Random fact about OC?
Diana - she doesn’t eat meat of any kind, excluding insects and spiders, which she rarely eats anyway. A Beelzebats diet consists of mostly of fruits and vegetables.
Alistair - sometimes tiny creatures will crawl in his hair and make themselves at home — and he won’t even notice! He’ll even eat them if he gets hungry.
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fan character? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Diana - well she’s based off some fan art of a character that belonged to someone else, then I wanted to make a character a bit similar to that character I drew. After that, she kind of spun into something a little more original. I wanted her to be a pop star queen who had a very seductive personality. She was a little bit skinnier too, but now I like drawing her a little plump and voluptuous.
Alistair - he was inspired by an old OC of mine that was created about a year before I came up with Never Normal. When I decided to put him in the story, he had Henrik’s role, a waiter at a monster themed restaurant/bar (Henrik was not imagined at that time, btw). After some development, I gave him a bigger role, and he became Pip’s “guardian angel”. His appearance was more human like and he was barely a monster. Originally he was an undead person, a human that was killed in the monster world and brought back to life. I made him a monster afterwards. As for his personality, he was more gentleman like, and much wiser in the past.
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
Diana - she’d most definitely want to get married and start a family of her own. She loves kids and hopes be a mother one day.
Alistair - he wouldn’t mind getting married, but he’s not too sure about having kids. It’s not that he hates kids, he just doesn’t like all that responsibility put on him.
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
Diana would try her best to avoid killing any living creature, but if they were to post any threat to the monsters in her kingdom, she would do whatever it takes to protect them.
Alistair, on the other hand, wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone that threatened to hurt the ones he cared about. When he fights back, he fights back hard, and Ghouls can be deadly if they fight too viciously.
37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? Being nocturnal, Diana sleeps during the day and wakes up when dusk arrives. Alistair loves high places and will sometimes climb up buildings in the city just for fun or to relieve stress.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars? Diana would most likely donate it to someone who needs it; she’s already pretty wealthy herself. Alistair would use it to find himself a home, then save most of it for later.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Diana - if she were going somewhere fancy and on a date, she’s wear something classy and formal. If she went to a nightclub, she’d most likely go in her usual purple dress with a few accessories. Her clothes have to be custom made because she’s one of the more larger monsters, and not a lot of stores have her size. She doesn’t have many “close” friends, but there’s almost always a small group of monsters hanging out with her when she’s out and about.
Alistair - he’ll never dress fancy for anything, and will most likely be late for the occasion. He goes to a lot of places alone and not too many monsters would volunteer to go out with him. He’d prefer a night out somewhere outside; interiors have strange smells that he has a hard time getting used to and it only makes him anxious and distracted.
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? 
When Diana gets really angry, her emotions can make her telekinetic powers go haywire. Stuff will fly around, break, and even explode.
Alistair doesn’t get all that angry unless he’s defensive about something. he can go from totally calm to rage within seconds. His appearance changes as well; his eyes will change colors, his teeth will get longer, and will behave much more savage like. This is a natural trait for Ghouls though, but he’s capable of maintaining self control since he was raised outside his natural habitat.
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