#the colors might be a little different bc i adjusted the colors from the acrylic stand
moeatsushi · 1 year
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couldn't find the original image from his chillmatsu merch set so i digitalized it myself :-P
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incineraryperiphery · 3 years
here's some made up titles!! "Bass Clef Liar," "Still Life," aaand "Lace Curtains"
Bass Clef Liar
i had to google what a bass clef was meg, don’t do this to me
this one stumped me for a while but i think some dad!mic wouldn’t go amiss with it. And I would just really, really like izuku and kyouka to be nb partners in crime with Hizashi egging them on. he/they she/they they/them solidarity!
Jirou takes an internship with Present Mic after the Sports Festival. 
Her hero! The catalyst to her realization, coming out, and what made her go for the hero course at UA! This is going to be the best week and he’s invited her to stay with him for the duration, even though she already lives close enough to his studio. 
On the way over, he mentions that he’s got a kid about her age, which isn’t a big deal. There’s no way one person can match the intensity of a classroom full of loud teenager. They're interested in her quirk, so she might get a slightly more tailored experience than others in 1-A. Neat!
Izuku is fifteen, a year further into high school than she is, and has interesting opinions on just how her quirk works - and can prove them. Kyouka’s got a week to make an good impression, learn as much as she can from Present Mic, and maybe get roped into some shenanigans by his kid behind his back.
Still Life
ohhh, this one is definitely domestic erasermic fluff without plot. no canon here, not at all. something you can just let your brain sink into after a long day, i think, with mic taking up painting as a hobby to destress himself.
Hizashi isn’t a good painter. He doesn’t know what colors look alright next to each other - clothes are a different story, of course, but what he likes to wear and likes to see differ drastically - prefers the primary colors to anything more realistic. Oils take long enough to dry that he forgets about them, acrylic dries too quickly. He still paints, though, lets his emotions for the day out through a fifth-hand brush and a thrifted easel in the brightest colors he can find.
When he gets home that night, after far too much has happened to process, Shouta is standing on the couch. Standing on the couch, Pants draped over his shoulders like a fluffy shawl, and adjusting one of his paintings until it sits just right between the renaissance portrait of their cat and their wedding photo.
Lace Curtains
would you like some cute wlw gfs Inko and Nemuri? bc that’s what this is. it’s honestly one of my favorite ships, more middle aged ladies falling for each other, please and thank you.
Nemuri meets this cute little nurse while visiting her disaster friends in the hospital, gets her number and they end up hitting off after their coffee date gets interrupted by said disaster friends (she’s unsure just who’s fault it is, Shouta blames Hizashi, Hizashi blames Shouta). And, sure, Inko’s already got a kid, but he’s cute and the whole relationship is casual enough that she doesn’t feel like she’s suffocating under the weight of other people’s expectations. 
It’s good, it’s nice - it’s a breath of fresh air and, the next thing they know, the Midoriya’s apartment building is destroyed as collateral in a villain attack. They’re definitely not at the moving in stage of their relationship, but Nemuri’s place is enough as a temporary fix while they wait on the insurance money to come through. 
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