#the condescending tone of it bothered me by the time i was fuckin... 10
amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 2
Hope you’ll like it! 
Some bigs news in this part.
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey Thursday March 14
Let's recall who was Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey : he was a gifted hunter, loved by many, venerated by all. He was also very proud of his cooking skills. Besides, he was smart and good-looking. There's no need to hide it : I'm the best. So he could handle everything. Or at least he thought until today. Because not only he had a date with the baboon, which already flustered him more than necessary, but he had to protect the baboon at the same time. As soon as they had come back from France, Summer had informed him about the situation. A mysterious hunter had put a price on Liam's head : 5000$. Whoever slept with Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's boyfriend and proved it to the hunter community would earn 5000$ ! Needless to say, Liam, who was already famous, became the target number one. The community went crazy. The junior went mad. He yelled at Summer more than he ever did. He called Nancy and ordered her to find the prick who started this mess. Nobody would touch his baboon.
"Hey Dami, are you alright ?"
The lad raised his head to meet Liam's eyes. I must've looked terrible if even him noticed something was going on. Fuck that. I'm the one supposed to be worried here.
"Everything's fine." he replied. "The street is too crowded that's all."
A fuckin' good way to get somewhere with less people... And less hunters who might see them.
"Okay." smiled the baboon. "Come with me."
For someone who spent most of his time the head in the clouds, he strangely knew his ways in the town. He led Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey to a little park. I will die before I admit this place is beautiful.
"Raphaël led me here when he came to visit." revealed the baboon. "I think it's quiet and heart-warming."
They found a spot to sat and the junior thoughtlessly took his place on his boyfriend's lap.
"The soccer guy." he recalled. "Are you close ?"
Since this Muller is a very gifted hunter himself... I hope he didn't hear about the reward.
"He's my oldest friend I guess." replied the baboon, far aw ay his thoughts. "I know him for a very long time and I know we're close but... He's a mutant so I never fully understood him you know ?"
A mutant sure. I'm getting used to the idiot's delirium now. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was about to say something when he heard a discreet but yet audible gurgling.
"You're a walking stomach, aren't you ?" he half-asked, half-teased.
"Not my fault if your bag smells so good !" complained the baboon. "I'm restraining myself for one hour now !"
The blond junior sighed. How come he found this each time cuter than the last ? Maybe I am cursed afterall ?
They ended their date around 10 pm. Apparently, the baboon needed to sleep early or he would be sluggish the next day. To my humble opinion, he's always sluggish... But Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey still had business to do. The campus was a warzone. Those filthy hunters were up to no good. Well, he didn't fear the idiots who already tried their luck. But there were some old and smart assholes who might cause a fucking problem. Until I found out who is the damned idiotic cocky bastard who started this barbaric mess, I'll need to remind them who is the fucking boss. The junior arrived to the football premises. He entered in the lockers hastily, without taking notice of the guys and girls who where having fun around him. Some invited him but hell, he hadn't the time. Sadly. He entered in Archie's office only to find him and the midget talking. This later had swollen eyes. He looks like crap.
"Midget you go out." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. "You can still come back to offload later."
Nate frowned but didn't protest. The quaterback told him to wait in the next room and to help himself if he wanted something. Then, he focused back on his guest.
"Yo Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey." he smiled. "Must be very important if you show up angry like this."
"I'm pretty sure you heard about Liam's head price. A foolhardy dopey son of a bitch dared to do that."
Archie nodded. A loud gurgle made clear he was starving, but the junior didn't care. Your damned stomach isn't the priority right now.
"I told my pack to not get involved." he assured. "Do you have any idea who may do something like this ?"
"A foolish cocksucker who has a death wish." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey replied. "I want you to keep me posted on everything you hear. I will find this motherfucker and I'll shove my dick so hard in his buttocks that he'll pray for forgiveness."
Of course, he wouldn't actually do that. A prick like that didn't deserve a taste of his wonderful cock.
"Okay." agreed Archie. "Anything else I can do for help ? You want me to ask some guys to protect Liam ?"
"There is no need for that, I'm dealing with the baboon's protection myself." explained Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. "And I don't trust your men even if I trust you. Packs ain't so reliable when that much money is at stake. Anyway, open your eyes and ears and tell me when you find something. I want the asshole."
The blond lad was already angry. But when he arrived at his appartment this evening, things got worse. His grandfather was here to welcome him. He never comes until he has something important to tell. This time wasn't an exception.
"Your mother and sister are coming next week." he announced. "They're eager to see you."
"That's not reciprocal." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey retorted.
"Young man, I count on you to be nicer than you tend to be around campus." warned the old man.
Fuck this shit. Now was not the time for useless distraction. He had a bigger matter to resolve than chatting with his idiotic family.
"Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, don't give me that look. You'll behave to not embarrass me in front of your own mother. It would have been nice if you could introduce her to your girlfriend or boyfriend, but I heard you don't have an official one yet..."
What with the condescending tone ? You really are an old geezer sometimes. And I have a boyfriend so there ! The junior didn't answer. He grunted his consent and went inside. Now he was more than angry. Since he had met the baboon, everything was turning crazy. First, he, the best hunter in the world, had fell in love. Talk about nonsense ! And now, his boyfriend was the target of the community. He hadn't the time to see his mother or his sister ! Fuck it. Fuck them all. He was so pissed, he couldn't call Zack right now. First, he needed to calm down. And he knew only one way to do that. Sex. A lot a sex.
Liam Saturday March 16
The loud laughters caught his attention. He had been thinking about living pancakes for a moment now so he didn't know what was happening. He quickly noticed it was Rebecca's doing. She and her friends were grouped around Nick, who seemed unhappy about the situation. They're still making fun of him ? The forces of evil were heartless. Liam got up to help him but Theo arrived. The captain quickly stopped the teasing and everyone went in the pool. They were doing a special training today and even if he didn't participate in tournament, the young lad took the occasion to swim. He was about to dive in the ocean (yes the pool but he liked to think it was the ocean) when someone grabbed his wrist.
"Wait please." begged a soft and whining voice.
Liam turned and ended face to face with a girl he didn't know. She hadn't released his wrist yet. However, when he looked at her, he instantly understood who she was. Her curly brown hair, her charming blue eyes... These graceful curves and almost shining body... The witch. She's here.
"Hi." she smiled. "My name is Lucy Lopez and I..."
He didn't let her finish. He freed himself and cannonball dived in the ocean (the pool yes !). I need to go away as fast as possible. I can't believe she's here. The witch. He swam straight to the other edge, got out of the water and ran. The witch ! I saw her ! He was so afraid and so excited. (Afterall, it was his first time meeting such a young and yet powerful witch.)
He arrived at his flat out of breath. He had never ran so fast in his life. But well, at least he had escaped from the witch. He entered inside and went for a little snack. Nate was in the living room, eyes focused on his cell phone. Liam sat next to him, mouth full of pancake. (He had dreamed of these delicious pancakes since Dami had offered them.) (And as he expected, they were god-sent !).
"I met the witch." he announced.
His bestfriend raised an eyebrow. He looked preoccupied.
"Now isn't a good time to talk about shit." he mumbled.
The chestnut lad wasn't a very bright person but he could tell Nate was feeling worse than usual. Maybe the witch was only a distraction ?
"Is there something I can do for you ?" he asked.
He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what happened that night and why it was haunting his bestfriend. Of course, he was well aware Nate had nightmares often. He perfectly knew there was something bad his friend kept for himself. But he didn't had any idea how to help.
"I wish I wouldn't be able to think anymore." complained the short lad. "I'm stuck in here, facing my demons alone and it's so frightening. But I don't want to go outside either. I feel like I haven't the right to go outside... And I know I can't bother Archie all the time."
Liam nodded silently. What can I do for him ? (The question was more for the unicorn than himself but they remained quiet. Those ungrateful horses !).
"Let's play videogames together." suggested eventually the chestnut boy. "It will distract you from bad thoughts."
This evening, Nate went to bed early. Dami arrived around half an hour later with diner. He had brought enough to feed the whole building but well... Liam didn't want to share with said building ! Nick looked at the feast and sighed.
"How the hell am I supposed to watch my figure when you're bringing that much delicious food here ?" he asked.
"Shut up." grumbled Dami. "I'm gaining weight too and I'm not complaining."
Liam's roommate didn't reply. He took a bit of everything and left the room to go play. The chesnut lad didn't think about it anyway : he was already eating. He gobbled two dish in a mere five minutes. Then, he went for a third helping.
"You sure look happy when you're stuffing your face." commented his boyfriend.
Himself was eating at a slower pace. He moved his plate next to Liam, and sat close to him. Almost without thinking, he put his head on Liam's shoulder.
"You're gonna be sick." he whispered. "At least go for it slower."
"You won't believe me, but I was kind of a slow eater back in highschool." laughed the freshman. "I think I just missed food so much during the past ten months... I'm making up for the time."
"It doesn't mean you have to choke yourself." sighed Dami.
They continued to discuss lightly while eating. Since he took the time to talk with his boyfriend, Liam slowed his pace but it didn't prevent him to devour as much food as he could. And when he went to bed this evening, he was full and very contented with himself.
Nicolas Sunday March 17
< TheSavior : Dont feel very good. Won't play be4 one hour at least >
< Abeautifulwomen : okay. I ve work to do >
< Imagenius : Guys big news !! The hunt at my college I got sme more news ! I think i can manage to participate ! >
< TheSavior : dont wanna know and dont care. >
< Abeautifulwomen : I'm listening >
< Imagenius : So i dont hav any specifics but one of my roommate told me i can be a hunter and try my luck if i want. It's about catch a dude and hav sex with him >
< Abeautifulwoman : So you really re gay ? >
< Imagenius : Joker. Anw maybe there is a reward or smthg ? I am interested >
< Abeautifulwomen : On a unrelated topic what do you think abut a couple who hid to evryone they're a couple becuz one of them is scared for his reputation but revealing the truth could save their couple ? Askin for a friend lol >
< Imagenius : Why are you ignoring me ? :( And above all it remind me i'm single >
< Abeautifulwomen : Your fantasy hunt is booooring ! You re single becuz you suck sry to be honest. It's just i think my friend smhow ended in a relationship with someone but doesnt want to admit it cuz he isnt the kind of guy who hasn't special relationship in the first place. >
< Imagenius : i think your friend is as fake as your pseudo-feminity dude >
< Abeautifulwomen : fuck u gay man ! >
< TheSavior : You are so annoying both of you smtmes >
* TheSavior is offline * * the chat is now closed *
A knock at the door resonated in the flat. Nick removed his headset and sighed. He wasn't in the mood for social activities. But whoever waited behind that damn door was being very impatient. The young lad heavily stood up and went to the entrance. He opened with reluctance and glared at the stranger who was bothering him on a sunday afternoon. It was a tall and elegant girl. She smiled cheerfully at him. I'll end up blind if she continues to smile like this.
"Hi." she said. "I'm looking for Liam Strucker ?"
Nick didn't answer straight away. He looked closer at her first. She was truly beautiful, with soft features. Her clothes showed nicely her curvy body. She is hot but also a little suspicious if you ask me. Now, Nicolas Lawson wasn't someone who meddle in his friends business but Liam didn't need any extra problems right now. The dude was a lunatic who believed in unicorns and aliens ! I don't even know how he managed to get a boyfriend.
"He's not here." he eventually replied. "He's at the gym."
It was a lie, since Liam was with Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey for the afternoon. But Nick had quickly understood this relationship was supposed to be kept secret. Not that he knew why but he liked Liam enough to respect that wish. The girl pouted in a cute way.
"Damn that's my bad luck. I really needed to talk to him."
I'm one hundred percent sure he doesn't know you. His roommate didn't know many people. And anyway, he probably didn't remember many either.
"I'm Lucy Lopez by the way." she chuckled. "Nice to meet you."
Nick rolled his eyes. He didn't actually hate girls. He was a proud bisexual who could appreciate a beauty when he saw one. But he was so fed-up with girls. Rebecca and Barbara made sure of it. He had been very interested in the first one. He had tried to be cool, to be fun and everything but it hadn't worked at all. As for the second... I'm ashamed to admit it but yeah, I thought she would be a nice girlfriend since she was second in the promotion and all... Thus, Nick had understood not a long time ago that he just had terrible taste in girls. And Liam and Nate ain't very helpful in that department... So he decided he didn't like this Lucy Lopez. To make his point, he closed slowly the door right in front of her. She looked surprised, but let him do. And in a instant, he was happy to be alone again.
< TheSavior : taking a break to grab smthg to eat >
< Abeautifulwomen : you said that one hour ago >
< Imagenius : I'll do the same. Playin' while eating is the best >
< Abeautifulwomen : can't deny that. Now I'm hungry too. >
< TheSavior : take your snack fast and we back to game. My roommate fell asleep in the living room lol >
< Imagenius : pic ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : Gay ? >
< Imagenius : Fke girl ? >
< TheSavior : not the roommate you want to see guys. The other, and he woke up already. He's going to his room now. Evryone is rdy to play ? >
< Imagenius : Wait a sec, I spilt my beer. Fuck there are crips everywhr ! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Im rdy. Ima i'm sure you're a fatty xoxo >
< TheSavior : i am a fatty and fuck you thank you very much >
< Imagenius : You would be surprised im actually very fit... or not... but fuck me pls ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : dem gays >
To be continued
Dami has so much work to do. While his boyfriend is completely in his delirium, he has to protect the boy from a whole community!
Nate is not doing fine either, so there’s that...
And yes! Nick was interested in Rebecca, and even Barbara. But he didn’t know how to approach them, so he tried here and there. Didn’t work well. Also, his online friends are crazy, don’t mind them.
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on my 15th birthday, my little brother kept trying to say he was ten years old. and i was like ‘no, you’re 9, it’s february, your birthday is in december, that’s literally not how it works. but he kept insisting. my stepdad got mad at me because i wouldn’t just let him think he was 10. things that are WRONG just grate on me, i cannot let people go around uninformed, that’s just the way i am.
so when i tell you this next story, you should be impressed.
customer: oh good, you got rid of the thing that asks me if i want a reciept
me: no, it’s just automatic after $20
him: oh, well you should get rid of it
me: no, see, it’s good for the environment. before it would just print automatically and it was a waste of paper.
him: i don’t care about the environment, i care about not getting a disease from the touch screen
me: right, but you paid in cash and i had to give you change. that’s the same risk as touching a screen except more of your skin touches the cash (as opposed to one finger tapping for one question) and spends actually more time in your hand
him: but i shouldn’t be forced to touch a screen especially when i don’t know who’s been touching it
me: sir, you don’t know who’s been touching the money. this is just a method to eliminate waste
him: i don’t care about waste, i care about not being forced to touch the screen. 
me: but it’s not actually different?
(several minutes of circular conversation later, i figure out he takes more issue with having to bother with the screen than with the actual germs)
him: but i shouldn’t be forced to do this
me: *staring blankly and giving him the definite impression that i’m stupid at this point because i’m not allowed to actually call him stupid and pull out evidence that he’s wrong* i don’t...actually see any difference though, have a nice day.
like here’s the deal, i’m convinced this old dude must be alt-right because not only is he uninformed, he refuses to respond to facts. i’m also completely certain he walked away either thinking i’m stupid or thinking that he taught me something. like dude. okay. one of the things i had to work on in therapy YEARS ago was how terrified i am about every surface having germs on it, i had a serious paranoia about anything because i’m so likely to get sick. i’ve looked into the facts and figures. you can take a second to look and answer if you want a receipt and then put hand sanitizer on the fucking finger you used because NEWSFLASH the coronavirus does NOT TRANSMIT through the skin. you’d have to touch your face. so keep your fuckin hands clean. also i literally just sanitized my entire workstation because even though i already did that anyway before this all started, it is now company policy. so literally your issue isn’t the germs. your issue is that you think your personal freedom is infringed by being asked questions. at one point you were even like “you shouldn’t ask in the first place” like fuck you.
but i walked away and didn’t “ruin dinner” like i did on my own goddamn birthday when i was a kid, so that’s growth
oh also, dude had a condescending tone through the whole encounter. like dude, just because i’m a cashier doesn’t mean i don’t know things
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edwad · 8 years
"Abuse of power" - okay, you have a MASSIVE FOLLOWING AND people consider your word law - you have girls sending you nudes, you have many spinoff blogs by people that consider your word the absolute truth, and you... haven't done very much to deal with it. You're one of the most popular blogs on tumblr. Don't pretend YOU don't do the very same thing- you snarkily condescend to people ALL THE TIME, too!!! Wtf, edwad. This shit got to your head.
...are you serious
first of all, i do not have a massive following. i have 4395 followers and if you know literally anything about how tumblr has grown then you'd know this wouldve been a lot of followers back in like 2011 but these days its nothing. its literally nothing. just because you have less doesnt mean im “one of the most popular blogs on tumblr”. there are people with 5 and even 6 digit follower counts and im not even to 5000 because its not like all that many people are really going to want to follow a communist. a ton of my followers are inactive or bots anyway. 
the spinoff blogs are run by a handful of people (many of whom have given up on them if they didnt give up immediately) that think the ___wad meme is funny. its not like i have an army of people willing to fucking die for me. my word isnt and has never been Absolute Truth and i CONSTANTLY have to point this out. have any of you seriously read my posts in the last couple of years because i keep getting these complaints about how everyone worships me and i dont do anything about it, when ive said COUNTLESS TIMES that i dont want people even looking up to me. that i should be criticized and thats why i tend to not openly take such firm stances on a lot of things, not because people worship my every word but because a lot of people who are just starting out aren't necessarily able to know what to look out for or be able to look into things at a super deep level because they dont really know what resources they have at their disposal besides just asking and having no real reason to believe the answer might be wrong or just one answer among trillions in inter-tendency dispute, and so my constant game is to try to ride the fence in educational settings because i dont know everything and i dont want to pretend to know everything or impose any of that on people that need the space to figure things out on their own. this has literally been My Brand for a good year and a half now. 
saying i havent done very much to deal with it when i fuckin post about criticism and self criticism all the god damn time and have like bi-monthly adderal ramblings where i literally cover all of this and more, saying that you should criticize everything (and always explicitly saying that ruthless criticism should be directed at me too) and express my distrust of meritocratic hierarchies on the tumblr left specifically because this abuse of power takes place all the time, which ive talkeed about multiple times wrt to what i was calling “pop communism”. none of this is new. its stuff ive been covering for years and apparently no one ever thinks i address it because no one bothers to read it or just pretends it never happened because its convenient for making points like you are. 
and??? girls??? sending me ??? nudes??? what the fuck? what the hell are you talking about. do you think i just get random nudes from strangers all the time  or something. literally where did this even come from. this is disgusting and i dont even know how to respond to this. if anyone has sent me nudes in several years its because i knew them and because we already had some level of closeness, not because i was a popular blogger on a Web Site. i dont even really have friends on here. i literally lost all my friends back in like 2014 and im really not close with anyone on here EXCEPT some people that i also happen to know personally, and many of which i actually originally met OFFLINE. anyway this is really weird and the implications of this is fucked up like what are you getting at 
snarky condescending is what i do when im arguing with actual assholes. the rest of the time im usually just using an ironic tone, another thing ive talked about repeatedly, but honestly has a lot to do with my annoyance at people being nice to me lmao. so youre now trying to bring up one of the things that is an outgrowth of something you deny i do. i hate compliments and so i dont take them seriously when i get them. im also not going to answer everything fully and seriously and i shouldnt be expected to if im not up to it or if its something ive already answered countless times. 
its like you people literally know nothing about me and just make shit up when this is the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything ive tried to do for the last few years. if none of you understand me then thats a different issue but to flat out deny the truth when ive stated it so obviously a thousand and a half times is pointless. i feel like ive answered this same message like 10 times in the last month but you people just keep saying i never address tumblr power dynamics and my own follow base, which is a lie and its super fucking stressful having people say you dont do this when you do it all the time. like shit i might as well just not bother if its going to be ignored anyway and people are going to demand to know why i havent done it. 
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