Blog 2
I tried skin care and makeup. It made me feel even more uglier. The longer I stare at the mirror the more I feel like my eyes are getting closer. I sometimes am thankful for my thick black hair. On my mustache however? Its so ugly. I tried waxing, shaving,makeup, nothing covers it up. My dad swears he doesn't see it, but I know he lies to keep me from feeling bad. Im going to go drown myself In more and more video games.
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blog 1
I swear I'm like some freak. You'd probably not be interested in what I have to say. But if you'd like to invest in a random 14 year old girls life. Please feel free. (Tw: mention of death)
I HATE STONE M---E I HOPE HE SUFFERS THE MOST INSUFRABLE LIFE AND SUFFOCATES FOREVER IN HIS SADDNESS. He isn't even that good at wrestling and he has the most obnoxious hair cut ever. He randomly told me to k-ll myself. Can you believe it? I wasn't even talking to the kid.and everybody laughed when I absolutely exploded at him. AEUGH. Everybody took advantage of me. Everybody did they would embarrass me. I'd laugh like I was alright,yeh? But they would all take advantage of me and laughed at me. Not with me. I feel utterly stupid. Stupid Stupid Sereen. This is why I stopped. Stopped talking, stopped socializing. I honestly quit on trying to make friends. I would really like to have some though. Good ones that don't make fun of me. IM praying high school has some more of them. Although I hate people,propably not good for my mental health. Not to mention the fact school is sufferable. I don't do anything unless I actually wanna do it. Im hoping people relate with me. So I don't stupid.
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This is my blogging. I like to blog. Im pretty boring so you can continue if you'd like of not. I like video games and nature. I also like my stuffed animal Charles. aaaaaaaa
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