#the constant disregard of the close-foster-swift family by the others is a recurring theme and I love/hate it??
etre-grantaire · 1 year
I relistened to the episode again today to try and wrap my feelings around it but I really just can’t? In a very positive way though
The tragedies that are unfolding are really getting me, and the fact that they’re barreling down like a freight train and we can’t avoid them
Link was completely right that if Scary left I think she would have been too far to reach, but that came at the expense of Taylor who had just seen his dad killed in front of him
Normal’s home life is literally in flames and the one stable thing he’s had to hold on to and a major source of his identity has just been stolen from him by someone he thought cared about him (and isn’t that a just a kick-in-the-pants recurring theme for him)
Link can’t process everything that’s happening to him so he’s just shutting down entirely and modelling himself after Scary because, as he sees it, she’s the only one who is confident in what she’s doing so she must be doing something right even if she’s following the wrong people
Taylor finally got physical proof that his absent father loved him and thought about him while he was gone, but this only came after his friend killed him. And then his other friends side with and protect the person who killed his father, and expect Taylor to put aside his emotions in favour of hers (and maybe he’s “not really dead,” thanks Normal, but that doesn’t really change the fact that he is now just a torso floating in space and also that Taylor thought he was and thought that he watched him die)
And Scary… Scary seems to be torn between two sides where she feels unwanted and unwelcome now (putting aside the other teen’s actual feelings it’s clear she doesn’t believe they care about her, even at the end of the episode) but it’s maybe easier for her for right now to be with the teens. She might feel safer with them than with Willy right now but I don’t think she feels back in the fold and I think we’ll start to see some repercussions from that. I’m also absolutely terrified for her for when she next goes to sleep if Willy realizes she’s on the teens’ side
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